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Organizational Theory

Group Presentation Guidelines (20 points)

The purpose of this group presentation is to show that you understand and can apply
organizational theory concepts.

In our class on Tuesday, January 18, I will pick at random (using the old-school method
of names in a hat) group/topic order.

a. Presentation dates are as follows:

i. Thursday, January 27 (Topic: Ch 3 Organizational Environment) –
Group 1 and 2
ii. Thursday, February 10 (Topic: Ch 4 Organizational Design) –
Group 3 and 4
iii. Thursday, February 17 (Topic: Ch 7 Organizational Culture) –
Group 5 and 6
iv. Tuesday, March 8 (Topic: Ch 10 Organizational Change) – Group 7
and 8
v. Tuesday, March 22 (Topic: Ch 12 Decision-making) – Group 9

Presentation Instructions:

1. Each group will choose an organization to study (you cannot choose the same
organization as a group that has already presented):

o You CANNOT use the following organizations: Apple, Google,

Walmart, Amazon, Tesla, Toyota, Volkswagen, McDonalds, Starbucks,
Coca-Cola, Lululemon, WestJet, Air Canada, Netflix
o Choose carefully as you must be able to analyze the organization using
the organizational theory chapter you are presenting on
o Choose an organization that has a large amount of readily available
o Remember that many things qualify as organizations (not just large, for-
profit businesses) – I love when students step outside their comfort zone
and choose an alternative type of organization (e.g., Just us!)

2. Critically analyze your organization using your selected chapter.

o You must select 2-3 concepts from your chapter to analyze. DO NOT
analyze the entire chapter.
o Include 1-2 constructive recommendations for the future of your selected

3. Presentation will be between 10 – 12 minutes (+ 5 minutes for Q&A at the end)

and can be as formal or informal as you like (traditional PowerPoint format,
Prezi, video format, case format, discussion format etc.) – please be creative! It
must include the following components:
o Intro to your topic/organization
o Overview of organization
o Demonstration of a thorough understanding of chapter concepts
o Critical analysis between organization and chapter concepts
o Recommendation (s)
o Conclusion
o APA Reference list at the end of the presentation

Presentation Grading Rubric:

Requirement Fail, Poor (0, 1) Satisfactory, Good (2, 3) Excellent (4, 5) grade
Presentation Style Presentation/Q&A is Presentation/Q&A is Presentation/Q&A is
(and Question & unprofessional and somewhat professional and professional and creative,
Answer period) uncreative; difficult to engaging, voice projection is high voice quality, consistent
interpret; No eye contact, satisfactory; Some eye eye contact, speaking
monotone/low voice contact, voice projection conversationally to class,
projection, no nonverbal satisfactory, some use of high voice quality, and
communication, avoids nonverbal communication overall quality presentation
answering question (e.g., gestures) demeanor
Timing Under 9 or over 13 minutes Between 9-10 minutes or Between 10-12 minutes
between 12- 13 minutes
Logic & Presentation not developed Presentation organized but not Presentation developed in
organization in organized manner, necessarily connected to the organized, logical manner
overall organization is selected organization/chapter. that clearly and concisely
confusing and difficult to And/or there is some overall demonstrates the selected
follow. organization, but also some organization in connection to
confusion throughout. Some chapter concepts/theories.
chapter concepts briefly
Use of Course The presentation The presentation The presentation
Concept(s), demonstrates little demonstrates satisfactory demonstrates a clear
Simulation understanding of the understanding of the chosen understanding of the chosen
Exercise and selected organization/OT chapter concepts/theories in chapter concepts/theories.
Case concepts. No reflection connection to the selected Reflection and analysis is of
included. Analysis is of organization. Analysis is of high quality and
poor quality and does not medium quality and demonstrates critical
demonstrate critical demonstrates some critical thinking in connection with
thinking. thinking. Recommendations the selected organization.
are included. Recommendations are

Total /

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