Chapter Fungus Worksheet Solution

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pg no.

The mode of nutrition in which organisms feed on dead and decaying organic matter is known as

saprotrophic nutrition. For example, Fungi carries out saprotrophic nutrition. They release extracellular

enzymes which digests the organic material externally into simpler and soluble substances.
pg no 2 May 2013


carbon dioxide + water + energy from light glucose + oxygen

pg no 3 May 2019
pg no 4

May 2017

Fungi are saprophytic, they get their nutrition by decomposing the tree logs. Fungi spread their hypha over the tree log . From the tip of
the hypha, enzyme is released which break down the tree logs into simpler substances and as a result, release carbon dioxide and water.
Thus, fungi decompose the tree logs.
pg no 5 May 2017

Fungicides are chemicals which are used to kill fungus. Different fungicides of same size and weight are
used on two different logs of the same species of plant having the same mass. These logs are kept in the
same conditions of oxygen, temperature, moisture etc. for a definite period of time. Then we use the
fungicides on the two different logs. We measure the mass of the logs before and after using the
fungicides and then calculate change in mass of the logs. We repeat the process several times. The log
that shows the least change in mass indicates that it had the best fungicide. From this, we can conclude
which fungicide is best at preventing the decomposition of wooden logs.
pg no 6 January 2017 paper 1



A low level of fat has less risk of artery blockage, less heart disease, less chances of obesity and becoming overweight.

Proteins are used in the synthesis of enzymes,hormones etc. So a high level of protein is important as it enhances

The enzymes used in genetic engineering are restriction enzyme and ligase enzyme.

Restriction enzyme is used to cut and remove the plasmid or circular DNA.

Ligase enzyme is used to join.

pg no 7 January 2018 paper 1
The diagram below shows a yeast cell.

glucose ethanol + carbon dioxide

+ energy
pg no 8 January 2018
pg no 9 January 2018

1 cm = 1 unit on x axis
2 cm = 1 unit on y axis


Rate of anaerobic
respiration in 15
bubbles per


0 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55
Temperature of water bath in °C

The layer of paraffin prevents oxygen entry and so, does not allow aerobic respiration and maintains

anaerobic condition.
pg no 10 January 2018 paper 1

The student can repeat the experiment several times to get a more accurate

average result. The student can use a thermometer when monitoring the

temperature. He or she can also use a syringe to collect the gas produced and

measure the volume of gas. To find the accurate optimum temperature, the student

can take more readings between the temperature 40 to 52 °C.

20 °C is below the optimum temperature. Low energy is provided and so enzyme activity is less.

Thus, only 3 bubbles are produced.

52 °C is above the optimum temperature. Enzyme becomes denatured at such high temperature

and so enzyme activity is less. Hence, only 3 bubbles are produced.

pg no 11 January 16 2016


respiration that is breakdown of food without oxygen is called anaerobic respiration

glucose ethanol + carbon dioxide + energy

Sterilisation means freeing from pathogens.

We can sterilise the bottles by using a disinfectant like ethanol or wash the bottles with hot water.

Using sterile bottles is important because it helps to remove the microorganisms or pathogens.

amylase or maltase enzyme

glucose or maltose
January 16 2016

One reason might be that the glucose, which is a source of energy, is already used up towards the end
of the process. Another reason is that the alcohol (ethanol) produced lowers the pH and poisons the
January 2019 paper 1 pg no.13

cell wall

January 2019

For hot water, by using water bath and bunsen burner,

For cold water, by using ice cubes.

Boil the solution so that any oxygen present dissolved in the solution will boil away.

Then use a layer of oil or wax over the solution so that no oxygen can enter. Hence, we know
yeast cells respire anaerobically.

temperature of the water

Repeat the experiment several times to get a more accurate average result.

Collect the gas produced in a measuring cylinder to measure the volume of gas collected.

Use the control tube with no yeast or no glucose .

May 2018 paper 1

Take two test tubes, A and B. Both contain germinating seeds and two different varieties of yeast. Both of the test
tubes should contain same number of germinating seeds and same number of yeast cells. Then we keep both of
the test tubes in an identical condition for a definite period of time. We have to control the pH, anaerobic condition
and temperature in both of the test tubes. We measure the percentage of beer produced in alcohol in both of the
test tubes. Repeat the process several times to find the average result. Thus, we can easily determine which
variety of yeast is best for producing low alcohol beer.

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