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Model Test 2

Listen to a conversation between Alice and her friend Hisham.

1. Why did Hisham and his father go to the Lifestyle House Déco Fair?
a. His uncle persuaded his father to visit the fair
b. His father wanted to buy a robotic floor cleaner
c. His father wanted him to buy a present for his grandfather

2. How did Hisham and his father go to the Lifestyle House Déco Fair?
a. By car b. By taxi c. By LRT

3. The Lifestyle House Déco Fair was better than last year because
a. There were more booths b. the convention hall was more spacious
b. They organized some interesting activities

4. Which activity did Hisham find most interesting at the fair?

a. The lucky draws b. Free consultations c. Talks on home decoration tips

5. What did Hisham’s father and his ex-classmate’s father do when they met each other?
a. They had a long chat b. They exchanged business card
c. They discussed and bought the same robotic floor cleaner

6. What surprised Hisham’s father about the robotic floor cleaner?

a. It was an expensive model b. The promotor gave him a good discount
b. It was much cheaper than the ones sold online

7. Which map shows the correct position of the booth selling paintings?

a. Stage


Robotic Air
Floor Purifier



Purifier Paintings



Air Robotic
Purifier Floor
Part 2
Listen to a talk by a principal about a successful YouTuber called Stella Paul.

8. How many times has Stella visited her teachers?

a. Once b. Twice c. Thrice

9. It took Stella a few months to

a. learn how to cook b. start blogging for a living c. gain followers for her blog

10. Why did Stella find it difficult to become a YouTuber?

a. She did not have enough recipes b. She did not know how to upload videos
c. She did not have Malay and Chinese friends

11. The increase in the number of YouTube subscribers was driven by

a. the media b. her cousin c. her simple recipes

12. Why were Stella’s friends willing to share their family’s special recipes?
a. Stella’s subscribers wanted more variety b. Stella mentioned their names in her videos
c. Stella visited them and asked for the recipes personally

13. Stella’s cakes are different because

a. they are made with local flavours b. the ingredients are modified to suit local taste
c. they taste better than the cheesecakes and chocolates cakes in bakeries

14. Stella’s story makes us realise that it is important to

a. be a hardworking student in school b. be kind, helpful and caring at all times
c. ask for help whenever we face challenges

Part 3
Listen to three people: Ashley, Kevin and Lisa talking about the problems they face with their friends.
For questions 15 to 17, choose the main problem each speaker has from the list A to E. use the letters only once.
There are two extra options, which you do NOT need to use.
Problems faced by friends Main Problem:
A. Betrayal 15. Speaker 1: ____
B. Dishonesty 16. Speaker 2: ____
C. Jealousy 17. Speaker 3: ____
D. Bullying
E. Belittling

Part 4
Listen to a radio interview about tips on answering interview questions.

18. What advice does Mr Alan give to first time jobseekers?

a. Predict unexpected questions before the interview. b. Give only expected answers during the interview
c. Prepare and practice before the interview

19. When answering a question on weaknesses, it is recommended that jobseekers

a. describe efforts taken to overcome the weaknesses b. ignore the question and talk about strengths
c. list and describe the weaknesses

20. Jobseekers can improve their communication skills by

a. taking public speaking courses b. practicing with interviewers
c. sharing their difficulties

21. When the interviewer asks about goals, interviewees should

a. describe one clear goal b. explain short-term & long-term goals
c. mention immediate, short-term & long-term goals
22. What is the most important message that jobseekers need to convey to their interviewer?
a. to tell the interviewer that they want to work long hours
b. to hint to the interviewer that they hope to be promoted in the future
c. to assure the interviewer that they intend to grow along with the company

23. Which of the following is true about jobseekers who fail to get the job?
a. They misinterpret questions b. They waste time repeating their answers
c. They process the same qualities as others

24. The interview question is tough unless the interviewee

a. gives an example b. is ready with an answer c. understands people’s behavior

Part 5
Dialogue 1
Listen to the promoter talking to a customer about a five-day paragliding course.

25. Those who sign up for the five-day paragliding course should
a. have experience in paragliding b. submit their medical report
c. be able to tolerate the heat

26. During the paragliding course,

a. the trainee will fly alone on the fifth day b. the instructor will teach and guide the trainee for four days
c. the instructor and trainee will fly together for four days

Dialogue 2
Listen to the conversation between Farid, a representative from Breezy Fit Studio and Samantha, a caller.

27. The yoga class which is suitable for Samantha is

a. the free ‘Perfect Start’ yoga class b. the RM250 ‘Aerial Yoga’ class
c. the RM228 ‘Mat Yoga’ class

28. Samantha will most probably sign up for the course in

a. Puchong b. Bukit Jalil c. Bandar Kinrara

Dialogue 3
Listen to a conversation between two friends, Farah and Joshua, discussing their art project.

29. Both Farah and Joshua would do traditional Java batik painting for their art project because
a. they have joined a batik painting class
b. none of their classmates would be doing it
c. they like challenges and they already have the tool needed

30. In which part of the project would Farah and Joshua work separately?
a. Sourcing for and buying the wax and dye for the workshop.
b. Conducting a workshop on batik painting for their classmates.
c. Watching the step-by-step guide on how to do batik painting on YouTube.

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