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Royal University of Law and Economic

Subject: International Politic

Name: Sean Sreyroth
Lecture: Dr. Raymond Leos
Class: IR2
Final Assignment

Cambodia is located in Southeast Asia's southern Indochinese Peninsula, spanning an area of

181,035 square kilometers (69,898 square miles), and is bordered by Thailand to the northwest,
Laos to the north, Vietnam to the east, and the Gulf of Thailand to the southwest. Phnom Penh
is the capital and largest city and Cambodia is democracy country that dominate by Prime
Minister Hun Sens. The current policy I think Cambodia is to follow realist and literalist in
foreign relations.
Cambodia use the realist because realist is based on the power politics of the nation’s desire to
increase Cambodia's power when compared to other states, balancing by forming alliances with
other states is the quickest way to check the power of a potentially aggressive state. So
sometimes Cambodia needs to pursue its interests which are self-preservation, security, and
the gain of resources regardless of other concerns of self-preservation and resources. because,
the realist helps a state to perform the most important actors in the country because, the state
use power to control anarchic, conflict-prone, balances against threats to maintain stability in
the country, because the realist believes that the essential nations are simply looking out for
themselves and to survive, a nation must be strong including to survive, states must try to
increase their power by Internal development, Conquest, Alliances (balancing), and Realists
believe that power imbalances lead to war since powerful states, unchecked, will try to acquire
more power. That’s right it makes Cambodia use the realist in foreign relations or foreign
policy. For example, we can imagine that if Cambodia is weakened, there will be other states
put influence and invade because Cambodia cannot stand strong. that right Cambodia see
about the good point about realist and it will not take Cambodia into war again like in the past
war so that's right to use realist to maintain power, but we can imagine that if Cambodia is
weakened, there will be other states put influence and invade because Cambodia cannot stand
strong. So we can see Napoleonic Wars are a good example because the balance of power
seems bound to fail in the long run and could be said to only delay war.

Cambodia use Liberalism because liberalist is a political and economic doctrine that emphasizes
individual autonomy, equality of opportunity, and the protection of individual rights (primarily
to life, liberty, and property). Cambodia use liberals because in democratization can bring peace
as democratic countries do not fight one another, using negotiation instead of fighting and
Liberalism’s core ideals stress individualism, human rights, universality, freedom from
authority, right to be treated equally under the protection of law and duty to respect and treat
others as “ethical subjects” as well as freedom for social action. For example, while the meeting
conference between Cambodia vs another country, the state interacts with one another
through negotiations to find a solution. On the other hand, Cambodia experienced negotiations
with the French colonies during the colonial era to get independent from the French, which
does not choose to have conflicts because think about the right of humanitarian. Moreover, the
pol pot regime killed thousands of people, and destroy everything in Cambodia like it make
Cambodia walkthrough back. But during this era, Cambodia is having good leaders that
requested negotiation with the Vietnam government to help Cambodia to end up the bad
regime by giving the military force and, materials supports like clothes, that is how the liberalist
show the to solve the problem by negotiation and make friendships with other state without
war or conflicts.

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