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Uma ostra no fundo do mar abriu bem sua concha.

Enquanto suas guelras filtravam a gua, ia absorvendo partculas minsculas de alimento.

An oyster on the ocean floor opened wide its shell. As its valves flushed seawater through, the oyster picked out minute particles of food. Suddenly a large fish nearby stirred up a cloud of sand and silt with a flip of its tail. Sand! Oh, how the oyster disliked sand! It was so rough that it made life very unpleasant for the oyster whenever any got inside its shell.

De repente, um grande peixe que estava por perto sacudiu sua cauda e levantou uma nuvem de areia e lodo. Areia?! Oh, como a ostra detestava areia! Era spera e fazia sua vida muito desagradvel sempre que entrava na concha.

A ostra se fechou rapidamente, mas era tarde demais. Um grozinho duro e saibroso entrara e ficara preso entre sua carne e concha. Como aquele grozinho de areia incomodava! Mas quase que imediatamente as glndulas especiais providenciadas por Deus que revestem o interior da concha comearam a trabalhar, cobrindo o irritante gro de areia com uma camada de uma substncia lisa e brilhante.

Quickly the oyster slammed its shell shut, but it was too late. One hard, gritty grain of sand had gotten in and become lodged between the oysters flesh and shell. How that piece of sand bothered the oyster! But almost immediately, special glands God had given the oyster for coating the inside of its shell went to work, coating the irritating grain of sand with a shiny, smooth covering.

Os anos foram passando e a as camadas se acumulando, at que finalmente havia produzido uma linda e lustrosa prola de grande valor.

Year after year the oyster added more layers, until at last it had produced a beautiful, lustrous pearl of great value.

Nossos problemas so como aquele gro de areia. Eles nos incomodam e nos perguntamos por que temos que passar por eles. Mas Deus far maravilhas com nossos problemas, se Lhe permitirmos. Como bnos disfaradas, Deus logo pega esses speros grozinhos de areia em nossa vida e os transforma em prolas preciosas.

Our problems are like that grain of sand. They bother us, and sometimes we wonder why we have to go through them in the first place. But God will work wonders with our problems if we will let Him. Like blessings in disguise, God soon takes the rough pieces of sand in our life and turns them into precious pearls.

Oyster ostra Sand areia Ocean mar Shell concha Rough spera

Grain - grozinho Bothered incomodava Glands glndulas Coating cobrindo Pearl - prola

Visita para ver mais histrias bilnge para crianas

Aurora Productions. Used with permission.

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