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Fundamentals of HVAC &
Refrigeration System
The Most Used Refrigerants in Industry
What is the Refrigerant:
A refrigerant is a substance that picks up latent heat when the
substance evaporates from a liquid to a gas. This is done at a low
temperature and pressure. A refrigerant expels latent heat when it
condenses from a gas to a liquid at a high pressure and
temperature. The refrigerant cools by absorbing heat in one place
and discharging it in another area.
The desirable properties of a good refrigerant for commercial use are:
1. It should be non-poisonous
2. It should be non-corrosive
3. It should be non explosive
4. It should be non inflammable
5. It should operate under low pressure (low boiling point)
6. It should be a stable gas.
7. It should be non toxic.
8. It should have good thermodynamic properties
The Refrigerant Classification Chart
The Most Used Refrigerants in Industry
Refrigerant Numbering System
The basic structure of the numbering system is the “chemical
group” of refrigerant, followed by a dash (-) and a series of
numbers and letters. For example, HFC-134a is represented by
“HFC” as its chemical group and “134a,” which identifies the
chemical composition of the refrigerant.
The Most Used Refrigerants in Industry
Refrigerant Numbering System
The Most Used Refrigerants in Industry
 A suffix with a upper case B and a number
Chemical Formula:
indicates the number of Bromine atoms
when used. CH2FCF3
 A suffix with a lower case letter such as a, b,
or c indicate an isomer. Isomers are two or Isomer
more compounds with the same formula but
have a different arrangement of atoms in
the molecule thus giving them different
properties. That is how we can have R-134
and R-134a. Exact same refrigerant but
arranged differently creating a different effect.
 A suffix with an uppercase letter such as A,
B, or C indicate the different percentages of
refrigerants that are blended together. This Same Chemical Formula
is why you could see refrigerants that have a and Atomic Weight.
very similar name such as R-401A and R-
401B. These refrigerants are made of the Normal Boiling Point:
same blended refrigerants but at different R134 is -19oC.
percentages. R134a is -9oC.
The Most Used Refrigerants in Industry

Various refrigerant groups:

-000 series: Methane-based compounds.
-100 series: Ethane-based compounds.
-200 series: Propane-based compounds.
-300 series: Cyclic organic compounds.
-400 series: Zeotropes.
-500 series: Azeotropes.
-600 series: Organic compounds.
-700 series: Inorganic compounds.
-1000 series: Unsaturated organic compounds.

For example, HCFC-22 is in the “000 series” of refrigerants, meaning it is a

methane-based compound. R-134a is in the “100 series” of refrigerants, meaning
it is an ethane-based compound.
Azeotropic versus Zeotropic :
Azeotropic Refrigerant is a Zeotropic Refrigerant is a
mixture of two or more refrigerant mixture of liquid components
in which there are liquids having having different boiling
a constant boiling point. This is points. Due to the differences
because the vapour of the liquid in their boiling points,
mixture has the same individual components do not
composition as the liquid undergo evaporation or
mixture. The components in condensation at the same
this type of refrigerant will temperature. Therefore, the
evaporate and condense mixture is in a temperature
together as one. glide.
 Glide is the difference between the boiling point of the most volatile
component compared to the least volatile component within the
refrigerant blend.
 Example, if one component were to boil at 100 degrees Fahrenheit and
the other at 110 degrees Fahrenheit, that would be 10 degrees of
glide. When looking at a PT-chart you will see bubble point (point of
evaporation) and dew point (point of condensation). The space in
between these two points is considered to be the refrigerant's glide.
Azeotropic versus Zeotropic :
The refrigerant's glide:
The Most Used Refrigerants in Industry

Summary – Azeotropic vs Zeotropic Refrigerant

The terms azeotropic and zeotropic are opposite to each other. The key difference
between azeotropic and zeotropic Refrigerant is that the dew point and bubble
point of an azeotropic mixture intersect, whereas the dew point and bubble point of
a zeotropic mixture are distinguishable.
The Most Used Refrigerants in Industry
1. Suffix for saturated hydrocarbons:
Example 1: R 134a (CH2FCF3)
Titles Designation numbers Explanation
Prefix R Refrigerant

One less than the carbon atom: C – 1

First digit 1
CH2FCF3 : First digit = 2 – 1 = 1

One more than the hydrogen atom: H + 1

Second digit 3
CH2FCF3: Second digit =2 + 1 = 3

Number of fluorine atoms

Third digit 4
CH2FCF3 = 4

Alphabet a Lowercase letter represent Isomers

The Most Used Refrigerants in Industry
Example 2: R 12B1 (CBrClF2)
Titles Designation numbers Explanation
Prefix R Refrigerant
One less than the carbon atom: C – 1
First digit 0
CBrClF2 : First digit = 1 – 1 = 0
One more than the hydrogen atom: H +
Second digit 1 1
CBrClF2: Second digit = 0 + 1 = 1
Number of fluorine atoms
Third digit 2
CBrClF2 = 2
If bromine (Br) is present in place of
part or all of the chlorine, the same
rules as above apply, except that the
uppercase letter “B” after the
designation for the parent chlorofluoro
compound shows the presence of
- B1
bromine. The number following the “B”
shows the number of bromine atoms
Number of bromine atoms:
CBrClF2 = B1
* same case if iodine (I) is present.
The Most Used Refrigerants in Industry
2. Suffix for unsaturated hydrocarbons
Example: R 1150 (CH2=CH2)
Titles Designation numbers Explanation
Prefix R Refrigerant

Number of double or triple

First digit 1 bonds
CH2= CH2: Double bond = 1

One less than the carbon

atom: C – 1
Second digit 1
CH2=CH2 : Second digit = 2 –
One more than the hydrogen
atom: H + 1
Third digit 5
CH2=CH2: Third digit = 4 + 1 =

Number of fluorine atoms:

Fourth digit 0
The Most Used Refrigerants in Industry
3. Suffix for zeotropic blends (400 series)
Example: R410A (R32/R125)
Titles Designation numbers Explanation
Prefix R Refrigerant

Zeotropic blends shall be assigned an

identifying number in the 400 series. It is
based on the sequence of new applied
First digit 410
refrigerant. First refrigerant that applied in
ASHRAE 34 named as R401 and
therefore continue with 402, 403, and etc.

Uppercase letter: To differentiate among

blends having the same components with
Alphabet A different proportions (% m/m), an
uppercase shall be added as a suffix in
serial order of assignment.
The Most Used Refrigerants in Industry
4. Suffix for azeotropes blends (500 series):
Example: R505 (R12/R31)

Titles Designation numbers Explanation

Prefix R Refrigerant

Azeotropic blends shall be

assigned an identifying
number in the 500 series.
First refrigerant that applied
Digits 505
in ASHRAE 34 named as
R501 and therefore
continue with 502, 503, and
The Most Used Refrigerants in Industry
5. Suffix for miscellaneous organic compounds (600 series)
Example 1: CH3CH2CH2CH2CH3 R601 (hydrocarbon only)

Titles Designation numbers Explanation

Prefix R Refrigerant

Miscellaneous organic
compounds shall be
assigned in the 600
Digits 601
CH3CH2CH2CH2CH3 (sat
urated hydrocarbon):
600 + (Carbon – 4) =
600 + (5-4) = 601
The Most Used Refrigerants in Industry
Example 2: R610 (oxygen compound)

Titles Designation numbers Explanation

Prefix R Refrigerant

Miscellaneous organic
compounds shall be
assigned in the 600 series in
decadal groups.
Hence, oxygen compounds
Digits 610
can start from 610 series.
Sulfur compounds start from
620 series.
Nitrogen compounds start
from 630 series.
The Most Used Refrigerants in Industry
6. Suffix for inorganic compounds (700 and 7000 series)
Example: R717 (ammonia)

Titles Designation numbers Explanation

Prefix R Refrigerant

Inorganic compounds shall be

assigned numbers in the 700.
Ammonia relative molecular mass =
Digits 717
700 + 17 = 717
Note: For 7000 series, in case the
relative molecular mass more than
The Most Used Refrigerants in Industry
R22 R407C R134a R410A

Refrigerant Type Single-Component Zeotropic Mixture Single-Component Zeotropic Mixture

Lubricant Type Mineral Oil (MO) Polyol ester (POE) Polyol ester (POE) Polyol ester (POE)
Appearance Clear-Colorless Clear-Colorless Clear-Colorless Clear-Colorless
Odor Sweetish Faint ethereal Strong sweet odor Faint ethereal

Molecular Mass Kg Kmol-1 86.48 86.20 102.03 72.58

Density1( Kg m-3) Liq./Vap. 1171/44.23 1,135/43.77 1,207/32.34 1,063.38/66.88

Viscosity (cP) Liq./Vap. 0.2/0.0013 0.1528/0.01253 0.197/0.0118 0.1212/0.0139

Thermal Conductivity (W/m⋅K)
0.0866/0.0109 0.09/0.01268 0.081/0.0138 0.0794/0.0154
Heat Capacity (kJ/kg K) Liq./Vap. 1.24/0.628 1.529/0.8366 1.425/0.851 1.67/0.84

Critical Pressure (MPa) 4.936 4.6 4.06 4.95

Critical Density ( Kg m-3) 524.78 484.23 511.9 500
Critical Temperature (oC) 96.2 85.8 101.1 71
Boiling Point2 (oC) −40.7 −43.6 −26.1 −52.7
Freezing Temperature (oC) −160 NA −96.6 −155
Dew-Point Temperature (oC) 0 −36.63 NA −51.36
Latent Heat of Vaporization (kJ Kg-1) 233.95 256.29 217.0 268.0
ODP (R11=1) 0.055 0 0 0
GWP100 (CO2=1) 1,810 1,800 1,300 2,100
Safety Group Classification3
A1 A1 A1 A1

Zero Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP)
Ozone friendly
No chlorine
No phase out
No replacement cost


Lift 8%



HVAC contributes to 67% of a typical

building energy consumption. Thus if we
Efficiency = $ Lower Energy

want to reduce or save energy, HVAC is

one of the system that we should
Desirable Thermodynamic Properties of the Refrigerants

High latent heat of vaporization

High latent heat of vaporization is desirable in a refrigerant. It results in a high
refrigerating effect and a low rate of refrigerant in circulation.

High suction gas density and a Low Compression ratio

High suction gas density at the compressor suction means small sized
compressor and lower power consumption. After the refrigerant passes
through the evaporator, the refrigerant gas expansion is not very high, i.e. Fluid
to Gas expansion is low.

High critical temperature

It is the temperature above which the vapour refrigerant remains in the vapour
state and cannot be liquefied back into its liquid state even after passing through
the condenser or any cooling medium at any given pressure.
This happens only when the refrigerant temperature reaches beyond its critical
temperature, i.e. when a refrigerant has a low critical temperature.
It’s better to select a refrigerant having a high critical temperature, else the
vapour refrigerant after getting compressed inside the compressor into a
hot vapour will not be condensed into a liquid after passing inside
condenser coil.
Desirable Thermodynamic Properties of the Refrigerants
Low boiling point
The low boiling point allows the refrigerant to boil off into vapor at a lower temperature.
The refrigerant enters the evaporator coils in liquid state and leaves as vapour.
As the refrigerant leaves the evaporator, the refrigerant has to be in 100 % vapour form,
to avoid ingress of liquid refrigerant inside compressor as the liquid is incompressible.
Low condensing pressure
Lower condenser pressure reduces the power drawn by the compressor during
compression thereby giving a smaller sized compressor.
High Evaporating pressure
The Evaporating pressure should be higher than atmospheric. Then non-condensable
gas will not leak into the system.
Lower condensing pressure for lighter construction of compressor, condenser,
piping, etc.
A high thermal conductivity and therefore a high heat transfer coefficient in the
evaporator and condenser.
The Most Used Refrigerants in Industry
 R22 and R134a are single component refrigerant while R407C

(23% R32, 25% R125, 52% R134a) and R410A (50% R32,50%
R125) are zeotropic mixtures.

 The lubricant oil compatibility with the refrigerant is one of the

most significant and important parameters in a refrigeration
system. HCs, CFCs and HCFCs (R22) are compatible with
mineral oils (MO), whereas HFCs (R407C, R134a and R410A)
are compatible with polyolester (POE) and polyalkyleneglycol
 The lubricant oil is hygroscopic so it cannot be exposed to the
environment during the maintenance of refrigeration system,
otherwise moisture is introduced into the system.
The Most Used Refrigerants in Industry
 Moisture can form acid in the refrigeration system and in order to
avoid this phenomenon, a filter drier is added in the liquid line of
refrigeration system.
 The lubricant oil shall have freezing point below the refrigeration
system’s lowest possible temperature.
 All investigated refrigerants are colorless and have a clear appearance.
The odor of these refrigerants varies, R22 has sweetish odor,
R407C/R410A has faint ethereal odor, while R134a has strong sweet
 The selection of candidate refrigerant in the refrigeration system depends
on many criteria such as health safety of the refrigerant,
environment impact, initial and operation cost, and the
thermodynamic and physical properties of the refrigerants.
The Most Used Refrigerants in Industry
 R410A has the lowest boiling point temperature among investigated
refrigerants, and it can maintain positive pressure in evaporator.
 R134a has higher boiling point than other proposed refrigerants with low
suction pressure and large suction vapor volume. In general, the boiling point
of the refrigerant is preferably lower than refrigeration system temperature.
 Refrigerants with higher molecular weight have higher boiling point
temperature. The refrigerant with higher molecular weight such as R134a has
more energy losses across compressors, which leads to reduce the
performance of refrigeration system.
 The freezing point temperature of the refrigerant should be lower than
evaporation temperature to avoid freezing the refrigerant.
 R22/R410A has a relatively low freezing point temperature compared to
other investigated refrigerants.
 The critical temperature should be as high as possible above the condensation
temperature to condensate the vapor appropriately.
The Most Used Refrigerants in Industry
 R134a has the highest critical temperature with low pressure and low capacity,
and hence needs larger compressor, evaporator, condenser and refrigeration
components. A refrigeration system with R134a refrigerant is used in high
condensing temperature application.
 The temperature variation in zeotropic blends between dew points (saturated
vapor) and bubble points (saturated liquid) at constant pressure called a glide. The
temperature glide depends on the refrigerant blend’s composition and refrigeration
system design.
 R22 and R134a refrigerants have zero temperature glide because they are
single-component refrigerants.
 R410A has negligible temperature glide (about 0.5 °C), the change of R410A
composition in case of refrigerant leakage from refrigeration system is near-zero
due to its lower temperature glide. R407C has 5 to 7 °C temperature glide which
is responsible for the deterioration of refrigeration system performance.
Safety Classification of Refrigerants
Higher R290 Propane, R600a B3
Flammability Isobutane R1140
A2 B2
R152a,R142b R30,R40, R611
Flammability B2L
R717 Ammonia
HFO-1234yf, HFO-1234ze
No Flame R11,R22, R134a, R410A,
Propagation R407C,R1233zd, R404A,
R507A, R744 Carbon Dioxide
Lower Toxicity Higher Toxicity
Introduction to HVAC System
R22 PHASE OUT BY 2020 (can
be use until 2030 for servicing
existing equipment’s).

R 407C HFC’S R 134a HFC’S

(ozone friendly)
(ozone friendly)
R 410A HFC’S (ozone friendly)
HFC BLEND HFC Blend Refrigerant
Introduction to HVAC System
Type of Compressor Oil:
Mineral Oil POE – Polyester Oil

Refrigeration System Oil:

 Screw Compressor uses BSE170.
 Scroll Compressor uses Synthetic Polyolester Oil.
 Reciprocating Compressors use BSE or SUNISO 3GS Oil.
Direct Expansion-DX System
Direct Expansion-DX System
 Some HVAC systems have chilled water
flowing through the tubes of the cooling
coil. These systems are referred to as
chilled water systems. Other systems have
cold, liquid refrigerant flowing directly
through the tubes of the cooling coil.
These are referred to as direct-expansion,
or DX, systems.
 The term “direct” refers to the position of the evaporator with respect
to the airside loop. In a direct-expansion system, the finned-tube
cooling coil of the airside loop is also the evaporator of the
refrigeration loop. The evaporator is in direct contact with the
 The term “expansion” refers to the method used to introduce the
refrigerant into the cooling coil. The liquid refrigerant passes through
an expansion device just before entering the cooling coil (evaporator).
This device, shown as an expansion valve in Figure 41 on page 30,
reduces the pressure and temperature of the refrigerant to the point
where it is colder than the air passing through the coil.
Chilled Water System

In a chilled-water system, the chilled-water loop transports heat

energy between the airside loop and the refrigeration loop. As
described in Period One,
it is comprised primarily of a cooling coil, a circulating pump, an
evaporator, a control valve, and interconnecting piping.

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