Statassignment 1

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1. What are functions of statistics ?

2. Prepare a blank table showing the distribution of population of city

according to : (i) Sex : Male and Female
(ii) Age Group :
(a) Below 20
(b) 20 - 60 years
(c) Above 60 years
(iii) Years : 2011 and
(iv) Employment : Employed and Unemployed

3. From the following data construct a histogram and locate the value of mode graphically.

Classes 0 - 10 10 - 20 20 - 30 30 - 40 40 - 50 50 - 60 60 - 70
Frequency 10 15 10 16 12 5 2

4. Calculate 3 yearly moving average of the data :

Year 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
Demand 14 18 16 23 24 19 29 33 37 26

5. From the following data prepare frequency distribution table with class
intervals of width 5,
52, 46, 49, 53, 61, 51, 41, 48, 51, 48, 43, 49, 52, 57, 46, 49, 50, 52, 47, 49, 54, 51, 54, 57,
62, 53, 51, 48, 49, 57.

6. Find the mean, median and mode from the following data.
Classes 2-4 4-6 6-8 8 -10 10 - 12 12 - 14 14 - 16 16 - 18 18 - 20
Frequency 10 12 18 20 25 15 8 7 5

Frequency f⋅x
Class Mid value (x) cf
(f) (4)=(2)×(3
(1) (3) (6)
(2) )
2-4 10 3 30 10
4-6 12 5 60 22
6-8 18 7 126 40
8-10 20 9 180 60
25 11 275 85
15 13 195 100
8 15 120 108
7 17 119 115
5 19 95 120
--- --- --- --- ---
-- n=120 -- ∑f⋅x=1200 --
Mean ˉx=∑fxn



To find Median Class

( )
= value of n2 th observation
= value of 120/2 th observation
= value of 60th observation
From the column of cumulative frequency cf, we find that the 60th observation lies in the class
∴ The median class is 10-12.
∴L=lower boundary point of median class =10

n=Total frequency =120

∴cf=Cumulative frequency of the class preceding the median class =60

∴f=Frequency of the median class =25

∴c=class length of median class =2

Median M=L+n2-cff⋅c





To find Mode Class

Here, maximum frequency is 25.
∴ The mode class is 10-12.
L=lower boundary point of mode class =10

∴f1= frequency of the mode class =25

∴f0= frequency of the preceding class =20

∴f2= frequency of the succedding class =15

Z=L+ (
∴c= class length of mode class =2

( )
f1-f0) / (2⋅f1-f0-f2) ) ⋅c

( )
=10+ 25-20 / 2⋅25-20-15 ⋅2

=10+ 5 / 15 ⋅2



7. From the following data calculate Karl Pearson’s Co-efficient for skewness.
Classes 0-5 5 - 10 10 - 15 15 - 20 20 - 25
Frequency 5 10 15 12 8

Data table
x f cf Boundarie m fm m - Mean |m - Mean| |m - Mean|² f|m - Mean|²
0-5 5 5 0-5 2.5 12.5 -10.8 10.8 116.640 583.2
5-10 10 15 5 - 10 7.5 75 -5.800 5.800 33.640 336.400
10-15 15 30 10 - 15 12.5 187.5 -0.800 0.8000 0.64 9.600
15-20 12 42 15 - 20 17.5 210 4.199 4.1999 17.6399 211.6799
20-25 8 50 20 - 25 22.5 180 9.2 9.2 84.63 677.1199
From the Data Analysis we have:

Modal class Boundaries = 10 - 15


L1 = 10

f1 = 15

f0 = 10

f2 = 12

Mode = L1 + (i(f1 - f0) / (2f1 - f0 - f2))

Mode = 10 + (5(15 - 10) / (2(15) - 10 - 12))

Mode = 10 + (5(5) / (30 - 10 - 12))

Mode = 10 + (25 / 8)

Mode = 10 + 3.125

Mode = 13.125

Mean = ∑fm / N

∑fm = 12.5 + 75 + 187.5 + 210 + 180

∑fm = 665

Mean = 665 / 50

Mean = 13.3

Standard Deviation = √(∑f|m - Mean|² / N)

∑f|m - Mean|² = 583.2 + 336.4000000000001 + 9.600000000000017 + 211.67999999999992 +


∑f|m - Mean|² = 1818

Standard Deviation = √(1818 / 50)

Standard Deviation = √(36.36)

Standard Deviation = 6.029925372672534

Karl Pearson's Coefficient of Skewness = (Mean - Mode) / Standard Deviation

Karl Pearson's Coefficient of Skewness = (13.3 - 13.125) / 6.029925372672534

Karl Pearson's Coefficient of Skewness = (0.1750000000000007) / 6.029925372672534

Karl Pearson's Coefficient of Skewness = 0.02902191804779147

10. Fit a straight line trend to the following data and estimate the likely profit for the year
Year 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001
Profit (in lac) 60 72 75 65 80 85 95
Straight line equation is y=a+bx.

The normal equations are



The values are calculated using the following table

X y x=X-1998 x2 x⋅y
1995 60 -3 9 -180 61.4287
1996 72 -2 4 -144 66.2858
1997 75 -1 1 -75 71.1429
1998 65 0 0 0 76
1999 80 1 1 80 80.8571
2000 85 2 4 170 85.7142
2001 95 3 9 285 90.7153
∑X=13986 ∑y=532 ∑x=0 ∑x2=28 ∑x⋅y=136

Substituting these values in the normal ⇒a=5327

Taking equation (2), we have
Solving these two equations using
Elimination method, ⇒b=136/28
7a=532 ⇒b=34/7→(4)

a=76 a=76 and b=34/7

and 28b=136 Now substituting this values in the equation is

y=a+bx, we get
7b=34 y=76+4.8571x

7a=532→(1) Y1995= 76 + 4.8571 x -3 = 76 – 14.5713 = 61.4287

Y1996= 76 + 4.8571 x -2 = 76 – 9.7142 = 66.2858
Y1995= 76 + 4.8571 x -1 = 76 – 4.8571 = 71.1429
Taking equation (1), we have
Y1995= 76 + 4.8571 x -0 = 76 – 0 = 76

⇒7a=532 Y1995= 76 + 4.8571 x 1 = 76 + 4.8571 = 80.8571

Y1995= 76 + 4.8571 x 2 = 76 + 9.7142 = 85.7142

Y1995= 76 + 4.8571 x 3 = 76 + 14.5713 =90.5713

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