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Business innovation and technology

management (lb )

Business proposal - 28 May 202

Sivananth Ravi
Jcu id: 1416553

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I came here to make a suggestion to the CEO of the safety culture about expanding
the safety culture's product line in a way consistent with its objective. Let us look at what
safety culture is, as well as its aim and products.In this proposal, I will outline how I see
this safety line working and where we might nd a market for success. And how we plan
to put our strategies into Success. I'm going to show you how to understand the product
and why it's crucial for you to contribute. I'm going to show you how I came up with new
ideas for developing our items after they were developed. To help you understand the
principles of developing, I used two innovative thought processes and a research thesis
example for developing capabilities. I was picked to build a laughing approach. Let's
move into the proposal, I hope you would like my ideas and approaches lets get into it


RTLS- Real time locating syste

IoT- Internet of thing
Wi - wireless delity

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Safety cultur
Safety culture mission and products
Value propositio
How it works
Sustainable competitive advantage
Developing capabilitie
Product launch strategy
Demonstration of the innovative thinking proces
Innovation geneom 1
Choose and implementation of the quadrant 1
Conclusio 1
Refrence 12

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Safety cultur

Luke Anear created SafetyCulture in 2004 and began providing safe work technique
statements to the construction sector in Australia. In 2012, SafetyCulture introduced its
main software, iAuditor. SafetyCulture is a cloud-based software rm established in
Australia that creates mobile and online applications for regular monitoring and incident
reporting.  Our founder Luke Anear saw the suffering of workplace incidents, As a private
investigator and formed a team to help him build a mobile solution for workplace safety

Safety culture mission and products

The objective of safety culture is to make the workplace highly safe and comfortable
for employees, as well as convenient for them to work there. As a result, they're coming
up with new concepts and sensors to protect workers from dangers

iAuditor is an inspection and issues tracking tool that allows users to take corrective
action when problems are discovered.iAuditor is completely free; all you have to do is
download the app and sign in with your iAuditor account from the mobile or web app. It
has been using by all around the world and it has been knowable by more people

The safety culture has used a variety of sensors. And those sensors can simply and
quickly link to the auditor app. With these sensors and the iauditor app, you can keep an
eye on your staff and whole sector

Ed Ap
By providing micro-lessons straight to users' smartphones, EdApp is overturning
the conventional approach to workplace learning. Businesses can quickly create
interesting content using simple, straightforward templates, and learners can stay
interested by consuming shorter, focused. Here safety culture try to make their users more

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excited in their learning and like to be learn from them. Ed app has been improving one
by one year now we app consisting more customers than it has before

Value propositio

Everywhere in the world, construction eldwork is always risky, with accidents

occurring on a daily basis. The accident list has been growing as a result of how the
country has grown in terms of preventing accidents in construction. Even now,
much of the nation lacks the necessary building equipment and safety precautions.
I've been working on that problem to avoid and reduce the number of accidents,
and I've keep coming up with one model concept and product that helps us avoid
accidents. the environment is closely observed and regulated, and smart wearables
can be bene cial for construction site personnel performing dangerous activities.
Function of produc
These wearables can detect danger indications including lack of movement, gas,
and heat. If an issue is found, coworkers and contractors can be automatically
noti ed.
Product outlin
These wearables are often constructed in the form of a safety vest and a hard hat
that incorporate GPS, sensors, real-time locating systems, and wearable computers.
To power them, the vest may have a kinetic charger and the hard helmet could
have a solar charger. Vital indications such as skin temperature, heart rate, and
respiration rate may also be monitored by smart clothes

What makes me different in this product from others

The cost of producing this product appears to be higher, but I intend to produce it at the
lowest possible cost. How? We can create wearables for less SGD50, so now we focus on
detectors, which will be dif cult, but I have a solution: if we can arrange for employees
and engineers to make the smaller parts instead of buying them, we can cut the product
manufacturing charge.
Plan and implementation
We need to hire engineers from current students(studying in collage) since they can
provide us with new ideas and abilities. So instead of going for college placements , we
may obtain employees we already have . So we don't need to give workpace or schedule
working hours; it's all up to them, so we just pay them based on their work at the end. We
may create workers and employees in this process so they can understand the practice of
that task and what we require in our organization. We can hire professionals that are well-
versed in their elds through this process that we have done in their interactions We may
also get employees all around the world

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When employees are constructing a wide piece of a structure and the contractors or
engineers are unable to identify the speci c workers, these wearables can alert the worker
before he or she falls or encounters a hazard. Real-time locating sensors can assist in
determining the worker's present location. When we utilize this product in the
construction area, we may nd out how many employees have been working on this
piece. Wearable persons can monitor the employee's activity, posture, and identify if the
worker is fatigued. Workers may be certain that any accidents will be swiftly reported to
coworkers or superiors.The worker will know his height from the ground and the distance
between the buildings, and they will have an alarm to warn the management if they need
to be rescued

How it works

As these tagged things move, the tag sends signals to receivers placed
throughout the surroundings. The receivers may then determine where these things are
now located and communicate that information to the system's platform

WiFI RTLS enables tags attached to objects to connect with numerous access
points using Wi-Fi signals. The readers can nd the tag based on the time it takes for the
signal to be received

The asset tag interacts in an Infrared RTLS system by emitting infrared ID

signals. This signal is subsequently picked up by a receiver,
which is supports on the ceiling. This approach provides a
highly precise position as long as there is a visible route
between the two

The approach will rely heavily on WiFi RTLS and infrared

sensors. Worker wearing wearables and in level 68, with
these two and more detectors, and we can then detect the worker's position using a real-
time location sensor. So that we can simply determine where it occurred. Then, wearables
can identify the edges of the workplace, potentially reducing accidents

Sustainable competitive advantage

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Here, I'll show you what our consumers appreciated, as well as the advantages and
bene ts of our products in this speci c construction eld. It will indicate why buyers
might be attracted to our product

Advantages of using wearable sensors

*Processes should be accelerated up and made more accurate.

*Real-time data collection for processes and assets.
*Processes and assets must be correctly, consistently, and continually monitored
*Real-time data acces
*wide-area coverag
*long-term monitorin
* system scalabilit

Benefits of wearables in the construction field

Worker safety

Construction workers have one of the highest rates of injury and accident. Work-related
injury or sickness costs the construction sector 2.2 million working days. Wearables with
embedded IoT sensors can monitor a worker's health, detect risks, and notify
management if an emergency occurs on the job site. In the event of an emergency
evacuation, IoT devices may also be used to nd and track on-site staff

Labour productivity

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Every working week, the average construction worker loses 2.8 hours. With the use of
real-time data, IoT sensors and devices can remotely track and monitor worker
productivity on building sites. According to recent research, the productivity of workers
who use wearable technology improved by 8.5 percent, while their job satisfaction
increased by 3.5 percent

Working in full-hearted

They will also be able to detect those scenarios before or as they occur. Using real-time IoT
data, workers may be more active about job-site issues and avoid circumstances that could
result in a safety incident and lost time. Workers may feel fatigued as a result of long -
term handling of equipment and machinery, which disturbs their attention and
productivity. The Internet of Things enables the tracking of distress signals such as
abnormal pulse rates, elevations, and user position

Workers feel comfortable of working

Most construction sites feature uneven terrain, tripping risks, and work on ladders,
scaffolds, and rooftops. These dangers, along with hazardous working circumstances, can
lead to deadly trips. So, if we apply real-time sensors and workers can identify the edges
with our device, we can avoid workers from being injured

Developing capabilitie
In this emerging eld, I will demonstrate why our products are unique and different from
others. Our wearables approach combines all of these elements into a single package. This
means that we will include all of the major sensors into the workers' wearables so that we
can simply market our products

Product launch strategy

"The go-to-market” strategy is more challenging when customers have limited expertise
or knowledge with a new product idea than when the new product concept is an
incremental change or expansion of an existing product (Olson et al., 1995). According to
Calantone and Montoya-Weiss (1993), product launch is frequently the most costly,
dangerous, and poorly managed stage of the product development and marketing
process. The following steps are included in their launch process:

(1) de ne target markets

(2) develop a marketing mi

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(3) predict nancial outcomes, and

(4) develop a control and adjustment system

Launch strategy should also allow for variations in product innovativeness or intended
time-to-market (Hultink et al., 1997).

From the preceding piece, I can comprehend what would happen if our consumers did
not appreciate the signi cance of our product, as we do. So all we have to do is convince
our customers of the importance and use of our product. Attempt to forecast our nancial
results. After we have a certain quantity of clients on our list. We must be clear about the
market we are targeting, such as construction safety, but the product may also be used in
other areas such as manufacturing. Make your consumer comprehend and strive for
superior product innovation

As I previously stated, we will adopt a new strategy that no one has used before: we will
recruit current students from colleges and schools for innovative ideas and thinking, and
we will also shorten their contracts based on their work and make them permanent after
their studies. The product's launch must be awless, and it must meet all of the
requirements that I have previously described

Demonstration of the innovative thinking proces

Flow theory

What is the De nition and Meaning of Flow? Psychological Flow is the good mental state
of being entirely focused, concentrated, and interested in your actions at a given point in
time, as well as gaining enjoyment from doing so. So ow theory says that when we do
anything like introducing new products, individual tasks, improving our businesses etc
we need to focus fully and concentrated on the endpoint of our success. Never deviated
from the path that you need to go front

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Applying flow theor

So, after introducing our product (wearables) to construction owners, they will initially
buy and utilize our products, but what we need from them is continuing usage of our
products and customer satisfaction. If we encounter any problems while marketing our
goods, we must consider what the buyer wants in our product. Instead of worrying about
marketing methods, we should concentrate on the consumer side and build plans for it.
We need a ow in our work here, and if we encounter challenges, we should be
comfortable and make judgments with a calm attitude. We should never be left out of the
process's ow.We must constantly upgrade our products in order to stay ahead of the

Innovation geneom

The Innovation Genome is a method of thinking about and strategizing personal and
organizational progress. It outlines four basic techniques of innovation: Create, Control,
Collaborate, and Compete, each having advantages and disadvantages. Our task here is to
select the appropriate quadrant for developing our products among customers. We must
rst comprehend the four quadrants, then determine which one is relevant to our problem
and process, and then work on it. It should provide a brighter future for your process or

Choose and implementation of the quadrant

We would be successful, if we used the CREATE and CONTROL quadrants in our

processes or current dif culties, because the CREATE quadrant allows us to create new
things, which would make our workers and ideas new. It will assist us in ef ciently
upgrading our goods in the future. Control quadrants will assist us in controlling the
process and problems that may arise in the future. We will achieve a good regulating
working environment and foresee future challenges if we follow the speci cations in the

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control quadrant. Create quatrant can help us become creative thinkers with the courage
to try new things. If you have a brilliant concept and want to execute the plan, just follow
these two quadrants and you will be successful


I was here to nish my presentation to the CEO of the safety culture in this proposal.In
this safety environment , I have highlighted where the safety culture has been and what
they are focusing on to make it happen. I developed one product proposal to increase
consumer and staff recognition of the safety culture. I provided a value proposition for
that product, which included the pricing, manufacturing cost, product description, and
strategy and implementation. I have clearly detailed how the product will function and
what kind of sensors will be signi cant sensors. I've listed the positives and disadvantages
of this product concept. I've explained our product's development capabilities and future
prospects. I used ow theory and the innovation genome to show my creative thought

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