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How to Calculate Kinetic Energy

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1Understanding Kinetic Energy

2Calculating Kinetic Energy

3Using Kinetic Energy to Find Velocity or Mass


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Co-authored by wikiHow Staff
Last Updated: August 29, 2022 References

There are two basic forms of energy: potential and kinetic energy. Potential energy is the energy
an object has relative to the position of another object.[1] For example, if you are at the top of a
hill, you have more potential energy than if you are at the bottom of the hill. Kinetic energy is
the energy an object has when it is in motion.[2] Kinetic energy can be due to vibration, rotation,
or translation (movement from one place to another).[3] The kinetic energy of an object can easily
be determined by an equation using the mass and velocity of that object.[4]
Part 1
Understanding Kinetic Energy

Know the formula for calculating kinetic energy. The formula for calculating kinetic energy
(KE) is KE = 0.5 x mv2. Here m stands for mass, the measure of how much matter is in an object,
and v stands for the velocity of the object, or the rate at which the object changes its position.[5]
 Your answer should always be stated in joules (J), which is the standard unit of
measurement for kinetic energy. It is equivalent to 1 kg * m2/s2.

Determine the mass of an object. If you are solving a problem where the mass isn’t given, you
will have to determine the mass yourself. This can be done by weighing the object on a balance
and obtaining the mass in kilograms (kg).
 Tare the balance. Before you weigh your object, you must set it to zero. Zeroing out
the scale is called taring.[6]
 Place your object in the balance. Gently, place the object on the balance and record its
mass in kilograms.
 If necessary, convert grams to kilograms. For the final calculation, the mass must be in

Calculate the velocity of the object. Oftentimes, the problem will give you the velocity of the
object. If this is not the case, you can determine the velocity by using the distance an object
travels and how long it takes to cover that distance.[7] The units for velocity are meters per
second (m/s).
 Velocity is defined by the equation, displacement divided by time: V = d/t. Velocity is
a vector quantity, meaning it has both a magnitude and a direction. Magnitude is the
number value that quantifies the speed, while the direction is the direction in which the
speed takes place during motion.
 For example, an object’s velocity can be 80 m/s or -80 m/s depending on the direction
of travel.
 To calculate velocity, simply divide the distance the object traveled by the time it took
to travel that distance.
Part 2
Calculating Kinetic Energy

Write the equation. The formula for calculating kinetic energy (KE) is KE = 0.5 x mv2.
Here m stands for mass, the measure of how much matter is in an object, and v stands for
velocity of the object, or the rate at which the object changes its position.[8]
 Your answer should always be stated in joules (J), which is the standard unit of
measurement for kinetic energy. It is equivalent to 1 kg * m2/s2.
Plug the mass and velocity into the equation. If you don't know the mass or velocity of the
object, then you'll have to calculate it. But let's say that you do know both quantities and are
working to solve the following problem: Determine the kinetic energy of a 55 kg woman running
with a velocity of 3.87m/s. Since you know the mass and velocity of the woman, you can plug it
into the equation:[9]
 KE = 0.5 x mv2
 KE = 0.5 x 55 x (3.87)2

Solve the equation. Once you've plugged in the mass and velocity, you can solve for kinetic
energy (KE). Square the velocity and then multiply all of the variables together. Remember to
state your answer in joules (J). [10]
 KE = 0.5 x 55 x (3.87)2
 KE = 0.5 x 55 x 14.97
 KE = 411.675 J
Part 3
Using Kinetic Energy to Find Velocity or Mass

Write the equation. The formula for calculating kinetic energy (KE) is KE = 0.5 x mv2.
Here m stands for mass, the measure of how much matter is in an object, and v stands for
velocity of the object, or the rate at which the object changes its position.[11]
 Your answer should always be stated in joules (J), which is the standard unit of
measurement for kinetic energy. It is equivalent to 1 kg * m2/s2.
Plug in the known variables. In some problems, you may know the kinetic energy and the mass
or kinetic energy and velocity. The first step to solving this problem is to plug in all of the
variables that are known.
 Example 1: What is the velocity of an object with a mass of 30 kg and a kinetic energy
of 500 J?
 KE = 0.5 x mv2
 500 J = 0.5 x 30 x v2
 Example 2: What is the mass of an object with a kinetic energy of 100 J and a velocity
of 5 m/s?
 KE = 0.5 x mv2
 100 J = 0.5 x m x 52

Rearrange the equation to solve for the unknown variable. Using algebra, you can solve for
the unknown variable by rearranging all of the known variables to one side of the equation.
 Example 1: What is the velocity of an object with a mass of 30 kg and a kinetic energy
of 500 J?
 KE = 0.5 x mv2
 500 J = 0.5 x 30 x v2
 Multiply mass by 0.5: 0.5 x 30 = 15
 Divide kinetic energy by the product: 500/15 = 33.33
 Square root to find velocity: 5.77 m/s
 Example 2: What is the mass of an object with a kinetic energy of 100 J and a velocity
of 5 m/s?
 KE = 0.5 x mv2
 100 J = 0.5 x m x 52
 Square the velocity: 52 = 25
 Multiply by 0.5: 0.5 x 25 = 12.5
 Divide kinetic energy by product: 100/12.5 = 8 kg
Community Q&A
 Question

What is the kinetic energy possessed by a car having a mass of 1500 kg and travelling at a
velocity of 50 km/h?

Community Answer

Recalulate 50 km/h into m/s which is 13.889 m/s; then apply the formula: KE = 0.5 * 1500kg *
(13.889 m/s)^2 = 144678 J => appr. 145 kJ
Not Helpful 59Helpful 122

 Question

If mass and velocity of body is doubled how can I figure out the change in kinetic energy?

Community Answer

The formula given for K.E. is K.E. = 0.5m(v^2). Doubling mass gives m = 2m. Doubling
velocity gives v^2 = (2v)^2 =4v^2. Which makes K.E. 4 x 2 = 8 times bigger in total.
Not Helpful 43Helpful 87

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