Cpe 101 Assignement

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CPE 101

Conduct an interview of the most loved teacher qualities from among your classmates.
Get the 5 Highest responses and place them in the table below.
Most Loved Teacher Qualities Reason
1. Passionate Being passionate we can dertermined that a
teacher love what his doing as teacher by
sharing of their knowledge to a student.
2. Caring A caring teacher is they want them to help
their student t become succesful someday.
3. Patient As a teacher you have the patient to you
student. we can’t deny the fact that most of
the student are always raise many questions,
therefore a teacher you have the ability to
answer wholeheartedly. A patient teacher
never gives up to the student would try out
new ways to help them succeed in school.
4. Enthusiastic An enthusiastic teacher is those who always
give an entertainment to their student,
exitement, enjoyment, and anticipation the get
the attention of their leaner.
5. Comuunication Skill It the root for a relationshp not just only to a
student but aslo the people around them.

If you were to be asked, what teacher qualities are strong and weak in our presen-day teachers?
Get the highes 3. What can be done to improve them? Cite at least 3 and jusitfy.

Pationate, Caring and Patients, the three qualities of a teacher based from observation these three
are highly present right now, I always encounter a teacher who always pationate in what they do
or their objective as a teacher. In addition, teacher wants you to become successful someday, that
is why they are helping in our needs as a student to become a successful someday. Lastly a
Patient teacher, this characteristic of a teacher is very important. As what I obseerved teachers
faced difeerent attitude and personality everyday in school, that’s why teacher should always
attain this character.
1. A 8. C
2. D 9. D
3. B 10. C
4. A
5. D
6. A
7. A

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