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of substances, like planes, rasps and sandpaper; tools for

mapped the entire coastdine of Victoria Nyanza. Government

Glaisher, were published by the Cambridge University Press.

special laurels at the Theatre Francaise. were Par droit

the governments of Russia and Great Britain; and the eastern

Abbey now became closely identified with the art life of

ft.; and in 1905 the product of sawed lumber was valued at

See Commdt. J. Pichon, Abd el Kader, 1807--1883

the state in which the port named in the bill of lading is

by Sir Horatio Vere, the English governor of Brill, who

on Criticism (Spectator, No. 253); but who, though still

L. 15 on a principle of instalments. His object was not to

of this class of his works in the Musurgia. But the most

Spartans to take part in the Olympic games and sacrifices.

least hold for vegetation is covered with snow, few flowering

(2 Sam. iii. 31-39; cp. 1 Kings ii. 31 seq.). (See DAVID.)

AIREY, RICHARD AIREY, BARON (1803-1881), British general,

Island in 1900 was 575 Aleuts and 66 whites. The Commander

died, after having deposed Anthimus, the monophysite

is rendered probable by the phrase o katothen nomos in

and died at his residence at Enfield on the 20th of April 1831.

plough at all, if so be that we could certainly have corn at

the possibilities of mistake intervening between the facts

Mediterranean fleet, 1886-1889; and was commander-in-chief at

Yakov Ignatiev, whom he promised to obey as ``an angel and

abbot. This apartment is chiefly used as a hall of meeting, the

farthest settlement of the Portuguese on the river. South of

1879 17049 2535 14.8

decline in the morale of the army--we find the explanation

Generally distributed. } A long-continued

section of the Anabaptists known as Pneumatici, may be

``caustic'' alkalis by treatment with lime was practised in

blowing-engine. This is done in a tall iron cylinder, say

the greater part comes from France. The British imports

is there any reason to attribute any extensive destruction

a great migration of Albanians from the mountainous districts

town of Albuquerque (pop. in 1900 about 1200) lies about 1

knowledge enshrined in the works written in Arabic which he

of Henry Norman Hudson (1814-1886) and Richard Grant White

with the variations of physical type. At the same time it

1836, its president in 1871, and received both the Cooley

See D. Bassi, La Leggenda di Aiace Telamonio (1890); P.

line following line, and each carrying forward the wrecks

the lines from Germany to the south. The harbour is good

of the Karawankas Alps) stands more to the east. Finally

one and a half million sterling was spent the scheme was

antiquity, and little decided advance was made till after the

torrents to lose themselves in the sandy soil of the coast

harvested, but during the chief period, of growth of the root

is really pronounced as naou. It is clear, therefore, that

when the duke died in 1150. Taking the title margrave of

The expression maranatha (``the Lord cometh''), which

N. and E. by the North Sea, S. by Kincardine, Forfar and

of any kind, or on or over any street or public way.

is carried out at the Ash ranges, 2 m. east of the barracks,

conception united with the animal world, which has been named

states, but not in Ohio. Nor was it ever murder at common

renders a 2nd-century date yet more incredible; and that

Gestarum Alexandri magni, an abridgment made in the 4th or

natures except shrapnel) is contained in a flannel or canvas

Lee joined him (August 17) with the corps of Longstreet.

conference of the Hague. The outcome of the war, Alexander

some disparaging words about the queen-mother; but he was

to save his own life. He died in prison in Africa in 1095.

admiral of France. In 1515, at the request of the Scottish

till Dr W. Dorpfeld resumed the work at Hissarlik in 1892

can give more time to the careful investigation of points of

in the Acta sanctorum ordinis sancti Benedicti (Paris,

Quincy. Jefferson died on the same day. In 1764 Adams had married

delighted in showing that words, fables, customs, &c., which

Total 10,381,765

thus discovered are the more remarkable when it is considered

indeed to improvements of the land, but to what were still


which contains a certain proportion of imperfectly converted

its entirety till 1901, when a new act came into operation.

records, but at the Domesday survey most of the land was held

law. The engineer corps was abolished in 1899, the then

Serge Tatischeff, Alexandre I. et Napoleon d'apres leur

Canada. As early as 1883-1885 there was a considerable mining

Maryland, "America" (1832) by Samuel Francis Smith (1808-1895)

five are combined to form a set, but it has the drawback that

boiling betbeen 175 deg. and 185 deg. C. is redistilled. The

his reign, when M. Katkov had acquired a certain influence

cattell, nor by his cattell without corne. And bycause that

expedition made its way, encountering immense difficulties,

About 1772 the lord of the manor of some commonable lands

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