NOTLD Project Venus v102

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01 PROJECT VENUS............................... 2

02 EXPANSION CONTENT....................... 3 Project Venus is a fan-made Campaign Expansion for

Night of the Living Dead: A Zombicide Game (NotLD).

USEFUL DEFINITIONS ................................. 3 It follows up on the events of the Scenes presented by

REVISED RULES ........................................ 3 the game’s core rulebook, introducing a new what-if
story leading to a climatic conclusion.
NEW ACTIONS............................................ 4
4 We’ve seen the dead rise up to seek the living.
NEW EQUIPMENT.......................................
We’ve seen them gorge themselves on human
REVISED EQUIPMENT................................. 6 flesh. We’ve been besieged, and we’ve broken
6 through; we’ve lost friends and family, but
we’ve come together to do the only thing we
PLAYING THE CAMPAIGN............................. 6 can do right now: survive.

03 PROJECT VENUS CAMPAIGN.............. 7 Against all odds, Ben, Barbra, Harry, Helen, Judy and
Tom have survived the Night of the Living Dead. In the
PV1. THE MISANTHROPE............................ 7 days after reaching Willard and finding it overrun with
PV2. OPERATION CORNFIELD..................... 10 Ghouls, they have managed to link up with a few more
survivors, and together they are trying to make sense
PV3. KNOCK, KNOCK!................................. 15 of the madness that has befallen the world. What dark
secrets will they find? Will they be able to get to the
PV4. COUSIN JOE’S LONG WALK................ 18 bottom of the events that led to this terrible disaster?
Even if they do, will they make it out alive?
04 EXPANDING OTHER SCENES............... 21 The Project Venus Campaign is aimed at advanced
SPECIAL GHOUL TYPES.............................. 21 players who have played NotLD before, and are used to
the tactical ramifications of Survivor skills and Ghoul
REVISED SCENES....................................... 22 behavior. The Campaign offers a continuing narrative
with new challenges and increased complexity in the
05 COMMENTARY TRACK....................... 23 Survivors’ interaction with the world, including non-
player characters (whom we will call Supporting Actors)
that follow special game rules (their Scripts).
06 APPENDIX......................................... 25
This rulebook also features new and updated equipment
EQUIPMENT DECKS.................................... 25 and rules, which will spice up gameplay, add variety
SPECIAL CARDS......................................... 27 and open up new tactical possibilities for the Survivors.
Beyond being tailored to the new Scenes, the new rules,
REVISED EQUIPMENT................................. 29 adversaries and equipment included in this rulebook
can be used in standard NotLD gameplay.
TOKENS................................................. 31
It is suggested players use some of the miniatures
present in the “Dead of Night” Kickstarter exclusive box
CREDITS file v1.01
to represent new characters in the Campaign. If you do
Night of the Living Dead: A Zombicide Game is now own these, however, it is possible to use another
published by CMON Ltd. CMON and its publishing miniature or token to represent these characters, or
partners own the rights to the game and related art. print out their respective tokens presented in this file’s
All the art used in this file is either found on openly Appendix section.
distributed NotLD game promotional materials, free The first section in this rulebook presents the new and
for non-commercial use, or produced by the author revised rules and equipment, which will be used in all
of this Scene (Hélio Farias). The Kitchen Knife
Scenes (you may play the Scenes without either, but
and Scissors art was produced by Paul Liolio (user
their inclusion is recommended for the full experience).
Polioliolio at
The section that follows consists of the campaign’s four
This Campaign Expansion was designed and Scenes, presented in order. The third section contains
playtested by Hélio Farias, and should be distributed,
instructions on how to use this Expansion’s content
modified and otherwise enjoyed freely. If you want
in other NotLD Scenes. Finally, the last part of this file
to contact me for feedback, send me some Geekmail
at consists of an Appendix containing the Expansion’s
custom cards and tokens, ready for printing.
Special Thanks: to all those involved in the
production of the Night of the Living Dead film and This Campaign was developed and playtested by
the CMON Zombicide crew, and to the NotLD BGG Hélio Farias. You can find and contact the author (via
forums. Geekmail) at

• Relatives: Emotional Distress. It is not an easy

02 EXPANSION task to react to a loved one returned from death

and attempting to strip you of your flesh and guts.
CONTENT Only a hardened Survivor, or one with adequate
emotional support from other living humans, can face
the situation with greater ease. Relatives gain the
Emotional Distress special ability.
That satellite, you recall, started back to Earth, Whenever they appear, Relatives are now much harder
but never got here. That’s the space vehicle which to attack: it costs three Actions to perform a Melee or

orbited Venus and then was purposefully destroyed Ranged Action against a Relative, minus one Action for
by NASA, when scientists discovered it was carrying each Ally standing in the same Zone as the attacker (to
a mysterious high-level radiation with it. Could a minimum of one Action). Furthermore, all Ranged
that radiation be somehow responsible for the Actions against the Relative’s Zone receive -1 to their
wholesale murders we’re now suffering? roll’s result.

When playing the Project Venus scenes, the following • Tight Car. Survivors cannot swap seats if the Car
new rules should be observed, in some cases adding to has been driven during the current Players’ Phase. A
the original rulebooks rules, in other cases overriding Passenger can still do Melee or Ranged Actions as usual.
them either partially or completely (whenever a rule in
Once per Ghouls’ Phase, if a Car’s Zone is targeted by
this rulebook conflicts with the core rulebook, consider Ghoul attacks, first apply wounds normally to any
the rules in this chapter supersede the original rules). target in that Zone who is not a Driver or Passenger,
The intent behind these rules is to add versatility to then roll one die. Subtract as many wounds as indicated
the gameplay, which does come at the cost of some by that die roll from the total number of wounds that
added complexity, so read the new and updated rules are dealt to the car’s occupants.
thoroughly before starting the game (you may always Remember the Car cannot be driven over Corn Fields
pick and choose which of these rules to implement, of or Woods Zones; some Scenes may also restrict driving
course, although it is recommended that all of them are over certain exterior Zones that feature particularly
included for a complete Project Venus experience). large obstacles.

• Limited Shove. Instead of always being a Free Action,

USEFUL DEFINITIONS using the Shove skill now costs 1 Action for every 4
Ghouls being shoved (rounded down, to a minimum
• Actor: A Survivor, Ghoul or Supporting Actor. of zero). Fatties count double for this purpose. The
• Supporting Actor: A non-player character whose Survivor may always choose which Ghouls in a Zone
abilities, behavior and attitudes towards the Survivors they will shove. The Survivor may still only Shove once
are described in unique Scripts. Supporting Actors per activation.
have special activations that take place during the
Supporting Actors’ Phase. Some special Ghouls may • Dual Weapon Compatibility. A Survivor may
also be Supporting Actors, as described in each Scene. perform a Dual Attack (spending a single Action) with
• Ally: Other Survivors, or a Supporting Actor that is a mixed pair of weapons that share basic components
directly controlled by the Players. (ie. a weapon and its upgraded version). Both weapons
• Neutral: A Supporting Actor that is not actively trying must be aimed at the same Zone.
to harm the Survivors. Neutral Actors do not impede When performing Dual Attacks with compatible mixed
Survivor movement. pairs, roll the dice equivalent to each weapon and
• Hostile: A Ghoul or a Supporting Actor that is actively account for hits, damage and any other weapon traits
trying to harm the Survivors. Hostiles impede Survivor separately, as if these were separate melee/ranged
movement (a Survivor must spend 1 additional Actions (but still counting as a single Action). If you are
Action for each Hostile standing in the Zone they’re allowed to reroll the dice for a dual attack, you must
attempting to leave, and entering a Zone with a Hostile reroll all dice from both weapons used in the dual
ends the Survivor’s move Action). attack, as usual.
• Special Ability: Supporting Actors have unique The mixed sets are as follows:
features that distinguish them from normal Actors: - Torch and Table Leg
they may be harder to attack, able to attack Survivors - Baseball Bat and Spiked Bat
from a distance, or withstand a large amount of - Winchester 94 and Scoped
damage. These abilities are described in their Scripts. Winchester
- Winchester 94 and Bayonet
- Scoped Winchester and Bayonet
- Machete and Ma’s Shotgun
• Supporting Actors’ Phase. A new phase is added to the - Sawed-off and Ma’s Shotgun
game round’s structure, the Supporting Actors’ Phase.
This phase takes place on each round immediately
after the Ghouls’ Phase, and before the End Phase.
Each Supporting Actor’s behavior during this phase
is described in their respective Script, included in the
Scenes they play parts on.

• Ambidextrous. Do not use this Skill’s properties as • New Action: Set a Trap. A Survivor who is in
listed in the core rulebook. This Skill’s text is changed possession of a “Bear Trap”, “Nails and Wire” or
to: A Survivor with the Ambidextrous Skill can perform “Claymore Mine” equipment card (the cards may be
Dual Attacks using two identical weapons which do used from the backpack), and who is standing in a Zone
not have the Dual Symbol. Furthermore, the Survivor clear of Ghouls and Supporting Actors, may take a “Set
treats any weapon that has the Dual symbol as if it had a Trap” Action, laying the card down in their current
Dual Weapon Compatibility with any other weapon. Zone. Each trap’s effects is described in their respective
paragraph below. Optional trap tokens are included in
• Dropped Equipment. At any point during a Survivor’s
the Appendix.
activation, that Survivor may choose to drop an

Equipment card in their current Zone. This does not If standing on a Zone that is clear of Hostiles, a Survivor
count as an Action. Set a dropped equipment card in may use a Set a Trap Action to pick the trap’s equipment
the Zone where it fell. Other effects may cause Actors to card back up. Eliminating Actors due to a trap’s effect
drop equipment. Up to two dropped equipment can be does not grant XP (unless that actor has a specific XP
picked up from a Zone by using a single Search Action. value given to all players upon elimination).

• Solo Play Activation Order. For solo play, instead of • Set a Trap: Barbed Wire Trap. A Survivor who
freely choosing the order of Survivor activation on each possesses a “Nails and Wire” Equipment card may
Players’ Phase, draw the Survivors’ ID cards randomly take a “Set a Trap” Action and lay down the card in the
during Scene setup to set the order of activation during current Zone to set to set a Barbed Wire Trap. Ghouls
gameplay (you may position the player boards in a way cannot move away from the Zone where the Barbed
that makes this order clear to you). Survivors will always Wire Trap is set, and all the Survivors’ Melee and
activate in this order, starting with the one holding the Ranged Actions as well as Car Attacks targeting this
First Player Token. During the End Phase, pass the First Zone have +1 to their roll result. Survivors must spend
Player Token to the next Survivor in order. one extra Action to move out of this Zone.
During the End Phase, roll one die for each Ghoul
•Zombicide mode, experience and equipment. Under
standing in the Barbed Wire Trap Zone. On a result of 1,
these rules, Zombicide mode is considered to represent
the trap is removed and the card is discarded.
a Survivor’s insight and concentration on the task at
hand, and is first awarded in each Scene after once • Set a Trap: Bear Trap. A Survivor who possesses a
the Survivor meaningfully contributes to the scene’s “Bear Trap” Equipment card may take a “Set a Trap”
completion. Experience represents a mix of actual Action and lay down the card in the current Zone to set
combat experience and short-term adrenaline. Rules a Bear Trap. The next time a Neutral or Hostile moves
for working with Zombicide mode, starting equipment into that Zone, the trap causes 2 wounds to a single
and experience are laid out on each individual scene’s target in the Zone (targeting priority applies), then the
description. card is flipped.
A Survivor standing in a Zone with a flipped Bear Trap
NEW ACTIONS may prepare the trap again, unflipping the card, by
taking a “Set a Trap” Action.
• New Action: Encouragement. A Survivor may spend • Set a Trap: Claymore Trap. A Survivor who possesses
three Actions to allow another Survivor to immediately a “Claymore Mine” Equipment card may take a “Set
perform a single Action or a Free Action (if they haven’t a Trap” Action and lay down the card in the current
used the same Free Action on this round). If that Action Zone to set a Claymore Trap. The next time a Neutral
causes the other Survivor to gain any amount of XP, the or Hostile moves into that Zone, discard the card and
Survivor who encouraged gains 1XP. Encouragement is perform a Ranged Attack against the Zone, rolling six
not restricted by Line of Sight, distance, or obstacles. dice, with Accuracy 3+ and causing 2 damage on a hit.
Keep in mind that friendly fire and targeting priority
• New Action: Craft. In order to combine two items rules apply to this attack (all Survivors standing in the
to create a Special Equipment, the Survivor must Zone may be hit by Friendly Fire when this goes off).
spend one Action to Craft. When this is done, instead
of discarding the components, leave them in reserve
(you may set them underneath the resulting Special NEW EQUIPMENT
Equipment card).
A Survivor may use a Craft Action to disassemble The following equipment will be added to the game as
Special Equipment back into its original components; replacements for some of the duplicate cards in the
other circumstances ( described core game. When replacing cards, it’s recommended
in specific equipment cards) to print out the cards from the Appendix and slot
may also cause the Special them into card sleeves on top of the original card, thus
Equipment to revert back keeping the card intact and maintaining the original
to its original form. If the printing for the card back.
Special Equipment Alternatively, you may either paste the new card fronts
is discarded (eg.
onto the original card using light adhesive glue so as not
when throwing a
to damage the original card (this may make shuffling
Molotov), discard its
more difficult), or otherwise print both the front and
components along
the back of the new cards – although the newly printed
with it.
cards are likely to stand out from the original cards
when placed facedown in a deck.

• Kitchen Knife. Replace one of the starting Table legs • Bow & Arrow. Replaces one of the Sawed-Offs. A
with the Kitchen Knife. During Setup, the Survivor who weapon that can be useful at longer ranges and may be
gets the Winchester 94 gets one of the remaining Table able to inflict extra damage on a good roll. When paired
Legs (not the Kitchen Knife). The Kitchen Knife is a with Flammable Fluid, its effectiveness can be further
starting weapon that can remain useful in combat until increased.
later in the scene, as it allows the Survivor to perform a
• Browning Automatic Rifle Replaces one of the
bonus Melee Action after attacking with a Weapon with
Sawed-Offs. A relic from the World War Two, it can

the Dual symbol in Melee Range.
deal good damage, but is not especially accurate and
is prone to jamming (represented by the Reload trait).
HOUSE DECK EQUIPMENT Due to the large caliber rounds being used, this weapon
• Radio Broadcast and TV Broadcast. These cards does not benefit from the Plenty of Bullets equipment.
replace one of the Flashlight and one of the Scope cards. When paired with Boards, it can be set up as a BAR
Once the card is resolved, it is removed from the game, emplacement.
instead of being discarded. These cards’ inclusion will SPECIAL EQUIPMENT
increase the challenge of the game and speed up the
early game rounds during which Survivors are tipically • Spiked Bat. Replaces one of the Torches. A straight
searching for equipment and very few Ghouls are on upgrade from the Baseball Bat, Crafted using Nails and
the board. Wire, can deliver one near-guaranteed heavy hit per
• No, Johnny, No!. Print out two of these cards and
replace two of the Karen, Poor Baby cards. These add • Bayonet Winchester. Replaces one of the Scoped
alternate Relative spawn conditions to the game, Winchesters. Can be Crafted early on in the Scene, and
increasing the variety in Relative behavior. allows its wielder to hit both at close and long range,
as well as charge into battle. It is a hastily improvised
• Nails and Wire, Bear Trap. These will replace one weapon, however, and may break apart with use.
Plenty of Bullets and one Plenty of Shells items. Both
cards can be used with the new Set a Trap Action; Nails • Flaming Arrows. Replaces one of Ma’s Shotguns.
and Wire can also be used to Craft the new Spiked Bat This is an upgrade to the Bow & Arrow, which can be
Special Equipment. Crafted if the Survivor has Flammable Fluid. It is
the only weapon in the game which has a chance of
• Scissors. Replaces one the Boards cards. Scissors dealing 3 damage on an attack. The Survivor must keep
make it easier to use the new Craft and Set a Trap Flammable Fluid in their inventory at all times, tho, or
Actions, while functioning as a last-resort weapon this reverts back to the Bow & Arrow.
against Ghouls.
• BAR Emplacement. Replaces one of Ma’s Shotguns.
• Garbage Can Lid, First Aid Kit. These cards replace When combined with two Boards, the
two of the Boards cards. Survivors will need all the Browning Assault Rifle can become
protection and recovery they can get to face the new a stationary emplacement
challenges, and these two Equipment will help them, (if which may be used by any
only slightly). Survivor standing
• Bourbon. Replaces one the Boards cards. Survivors on its Zone. If the
who take a swig of Bourbon can more easily deal with Survivor is on
Special Ghouls (namely, Relatives/Horrid Cupid, Pale Zombicide mode,
Venus/Flesh Eater and The Man in the Suit), whose they also ignore the
abilities can paralyze or wound from a distance, or weapon’s Reload trait.
otherwise make them harder to attack. Bourbon is also
a Flammable Fluid, and can thus be used to Craft and
maintain flaming equipment (Torch, Flaming Arrows,


• Claymore Mine. Replaces one of the Machetes. This
Equipment can be used to set a very effective trap that
can eliminate Hostile (or Neutral) Actors.
• Pickaxe. Replaces one of the Machetes. A weapon
that has a chance to deal extra damage and creates the
opportunity for additional attacks.
• Sledgehammer. Replaces one of the Chainsaws.
The Sledgehammer’s combat attributes are similar to
a Torch’s, but it does not need fuel to be used. On the
other hand, there’s a significant risk that the Survivor
will lose all remaining Actions after attacking with it,
so it may be best used last during an activation.

Some of the Euipment presented in the core NoTLD This Expansion introduces one new, optional Survivor
game has received revisions to their functionality. This skill: Sneaky. A Survivor who has this Skill may activate
is aimed at making them more versatile and generally Sneaky… mode, spending an Action to flip their skill
more balanced in their power level. card from Loud! to Sneaky…
In order to update your equipment cards, it is Ghouls (and Supporting Actors) ignore a Survivor in
recommended to cut off the top of the card and paste Sneaky… mode when moving, unless they have Line of
Sight at Range 0-1. If the Sneaky… Survivor is inside a

the bottom (text and stats) onto your original card

using light adhesive glue in order to keep the card’s Corn Field or Woods Zone, however, they will not be
art visible (this may make shuffling more difficult if noticed, even at Range 0, and even if the Supporting
the card is not sleeved). You may instead print out the Actor has the Hawk-eye skill!
entire card face presented in the Appendix and slot
At the start of every Players’ Phase, the Sneaky…
them over a sleeved card, or print the front and back of
card is automatically set to the “Loud!” side. If the
the card to replace the original card entirely (the newly
Survivor has rolled more than two dice (counted
printed cards are likely to stand out from the original
cumulatively) during their current activation, the card
cards when placed facedown in a deck). is immediatelly set to “Loud!”, and they may not flip to
Sneaky... during the current Players’ Phase.
• Boards (x2). Boards gain a new function as a way to A double-sided card-sized overlay is provided in the
prevent a Barricade or Door from being opened during Appendix (page 27), which can be printed and set
the Ghouls’ Phase. over any Survivor`s ID Card, replacing that Survivor’s
• Flashlight. The Flashlight does not allow Survivors to original skill progression with the “Sneaky” skill
go through the Decks as quickly as in the core game, progression. You may want to use the Karen Survivor
but they do allow some choice on whether to accept miniature and ID Card in combination with the Sneaky
found Equipment or tuck it back under the deck. skill, if you own it, or you can choose another Survivor
to assign it to.
• Axe. The Axe can be thrown up to Range 1 to perform
a Ranged Action, with Accuracy 2+ and dealing 2
Damage. It must be picked back up once thrown. PLAYING THE CAMPAIGN
• Chainsaw. A Survivor must now have a free hand in
order to perform Melee Actions with the Chainsaw. The Project Venus campaign consists of four Scenes
• Katana (x2). The Katana now has a chance of dealing connected by an ongoing narrative, as Survivors first
2 damage (the chance increases in Zombicide mode). find out about manipulation of the undead, then try
to learn more about the experiments, are hunted by
• Ma’s Shotgun (x2). The weapon may be used in a shady Organization, and finally take the fight to the
Romero Mode, albeit with reduced efficiency. enemy and attempt to end the Ghoul threat.
• Scoped Winchester. By spending three Actions, the Equipment and experience acquired by Survivors in
Survivor may attempt a shot that deals 2 damage. each Scene will not directly carry over to the next one,
but the group should take note of how they handled
• Smith & Wesson Model 10 (x2). Once per Ghouls’ Supporting Actors, as that may have repercussions
Phase, allows the Survivor to perform a Ranged Action down the line.
with -1 to the roll against a Ghoul entering Line
All the Scenes were balanced with all the custom
of Sight (this Action cannot be rerolled).
rules and equipment included in this file,
• Torch (x2). At the start of the Players’ and with a full group of six Survivors, so
Phase, the Torch reverts back to a as to offer an increasingly challenging
Table Leg if the Survivor does not experience when played. The last Scene
have Flammable Fluid in their (Cousin Joe’s Long Walk) is especially
inventory. difficult, but with enough planning,
good use of Survivor Skills and the
• Karen’s Trowel. This deals less terrain, and maybe a little luck, it is
damage and is more difficult to possible to succeed.
If playing with less than six
Survivors, keep in mind that
skills that control Actor
movement, such as Taunt
and Shove, are an important
part of the skillset needed
to succeed. The Sneaky
skill is especially
useful if going for
the covert approach
in Operation Cornfield.
Difficulty may be adjusted as
instructed in the game’s core rulebook.
Good luck, and have fun trying to survive!

03 project venus


- Tiles needed: 1R, 3R, 4V, 5R, 6V, & 2V.
Medium / 120 Minutes - Survivors start in Romero Mode, with their Romero
ID faceup.
It’s been two days since we left Willard. We’ve been - Setclosed Barricade, Door and Staircase tokens in
searching for supplies and a safe place to rest. We the designated places.
came near this farmhouse, announced ourselves as - TheTruck token is placed in the designated Zone.
friends. Some maladjusted type just started firing The truck cannot be driven, and neither Survivors
at us from a second-floor window! Kenny was shot nor Ghouls can move into this Zone.
dead, and a moment later, so was Claire. We took - The House Equipment deck must have exactly five
cover. There’s plenty of Ghouls around, too, which Boards cards (for this Scene only, do not include the
weirdly don’t seem to mind the psycho up in the Bourbon, Garbage Can Lid and First Aid Kit custom
house. We’re going to have to break and enter if we cards as Boards replacements).
are to have any hope of survival...
OBJECTIVES • Creepy Basement. The Melee and Ranged Equipment
decks are only accessible from the Staircase in the large
• Eliminate the psycho. The game is won soon as both shed on tile 5R. The Staircase token itself is treated as a
conditions are met simultaneously: separate Zone and must first be opened in order to be
- The Misanthrope has been killed. accessed by Survivors. A Survivor must be in Zombicide
- All Survivors are inside the house. mode in order to go into the Staircase token Zone.
The game is lost whenever there is at least 1 Ghoul in •Go for Cover!. Immediately after placing a Barricade
the house at the end of a Players’ Phase. token or after being fired upon by the Misanthrope
(regardless of being hit or not), the Survivor may switch
to Zombicide mode.


Spawn Zones
Starting Area

Closed Closed Locked

Door Barricade Truck

Closed Staircase/ Stairway Hallway

Creepy Basement

• Manhunter. During the Supporting Actors’ Phase,
The Misanthrope will either shoot the Survivors (or • Players’ Phase: If the Misanthrope is on the board (he
Ghouls if no Survivors are in sight) from the house’s has moved downstairs), he will immediately shoot any
second floor, or move down and confront them directly. Survivor that enters his Line of Sight, rolling a die and
(check the Misanthrope’s Script on Page 9).
causing a wound on a result of 5 or higher.
• Ghouls’ Phase: Proceed as normal.
• Partial and Full Cover. While he is upstairs, The
• Supporting Actors’ Phase:
Misanthrope will fire onto two exposed targets (targets

with no cover), causing one wound to a Survivor or - If The Misanthrope is upstairs, he will attack up to two
eliminating a Ghoul on each shot. He cannot fire into targets who are not in Full Cover.
buildings, Corn Fields, Woods, nor into the Zones - If The Misanthrope is downstairs, he will attack up
behind buildings (marked full cover on the map). to two Survivors he has Line of Sight to, prioritizing
targets at Range 0.
If a target is in one of the tombstone Zones or is
immediately south of the Truck or Woods, they gain • End Phase: If The Misanthrope upstairs and there
partial cover from the Misanthrope’s shots. In that are Survivors inside the house in tile 3R, he moves
case, The Misanthrope will fire at the target following downstairs. If he is downstairs and there are no
his standard target preference, but will roll a die for Survivors inside the house in tile 3R, he moves upstairs.
each shot, which only hits on a result of 5 or higher.
If he is in the Hallway and Survivors are still inside the
house, he retreats to the Stairway Zone.
When standing on an exterior Zone, a Survivor may
discard one Boards equipment card and take a Barricade THE FINAL CONFRONTATION
Action to place one Closed Barricade token on their
current Zone. If the Zone had no cover, it becomes a • Breaking and Entering. The Survivors must enter the
Partial Cover Zone. If it was already a partial cover House, forcing the Misanthrope to move down from his
Zone, it becomes Full Cover. These Barricade tokens do shooting position, and meet him in combat.
not impede movement. They are affected by “Barricade • Some respite, at last; The Misanthrope is killed after
& Door Opening” and Breakers as usual. suffering 12 wounds (you may use two spare dice to
mark his current wound status or mark the progress
on a piece of paper). Once he is dead, if all Survivors are
safe inside the house, the Ghouls lose all interest and
start to wander away… Read the following:

This cat was fully loaded! Guns, tomahawks, bullet

vest, the works. Likely high on something, too. Before
the dead man has any funny ideas about rising back
up to inconvenience the group again, Ben sinks a
bullet into his skull, right between the eyes.
As the Survivors search the house for anything
of use for the night, they find the floors and
walls covered in strange scribblings, full of
incoherent words and symbols, macabre drawings,
grisly pictures, death threats aimed at anyone and
everyone. Tucked in every corner they find old
World-War-Two-era equipment and memorabilia, boxes
filled with human teeth and fingerbones, torn pages
with marks counting... something?
The most striking item, however, is and an old safe
box, fully encased in lead, its door cracked open
just enough to let through the faint blue glow
coming off of a mysterious metallic-looking rod...

As they continue their search in the Misanthrope’s
den, the Survivors find disturbing signs of malicious
manipulation of the dead. After leaving the haunted
place, they take back to the road. Upon reaching
the town of Derry, they come upon a small group of
Survivors, who are doing their best to retake the area
from Ghouls. The Survivors also notice a group of stern-
looking men in black suits who seem unconcerned
with their plight. The local Sheriff says these men have
government permission to conduct “operations” in
Full Partial the area, no questions asked... Do they know anything
Cover Cover about the undead that they’re not telling the public?

- SCRIPT: THE MISANTHROPE - During the Supporting Actor’s Phase, if any Survivors
are within line of sight, the Misanthrope will perform
two attacks against two Survivors (or both at the same
The Misanthrope has been driven mad by his target, if only one is available), prioritizing targets at
experiences with war and by a constant search for Range 0. These attacks hit automatically and cause
hidden knowledge. He is simultaneously paranoid one wound. If, during the End Phase, no Survivors are
and unempathetic towards other people. The event inside the house on tile 3R, he moves back upstairs.
that turned the dead into ravenous monsters, causing
The Misanthrope will not move away from the Staircase
a collapse in society’s foundations, finally made him

Zone unless Taunted or Shoved by a Survivor (he will go
snap into a homicidal maniac. He distrusts all beings,
as far as the Hallway, but will automatically avoid any
living or undead, and will shoot on sight. His contact
attempts of further manipulation). A Survivor trying
with radioactive materials has also made him strangely
to move into or away from the Misanthrope’s Zone
undetectable by Ghouls.
counts him as if he were a Ghoul for the purposes of
movement rules.
• Staircase Shootout. After The Misanthrope comes
• Get Off my Lawn. The Misanthrope begins the
down to the Stairway, anytime a Survivor moves into
Scene off the board (he is in the second floor of the
his Line of Sight, he immediately shoots (rolling a
farmhouse). While he is upstairs, on every Supporting
die and causing a wound on a result of 5 or higher).
Actors’ Phase, he will shoot at exposed or partially
When a Survivor attempts a Melee Action against The
covered targets below. If during the End Phase one or
more Survivors are inside the house on tile 3R, The Misanthrope’s Zone, each of the two combatants rolls
Misanthrope will come downstairs to confront them a die. If the Survivor’s result is higher, they may roll
(see section TM2). their attack as normal, dealing the usual damage per
hit. If not, the attack has been blocked (the Action is
• Shooting Range.From a window on the second floor spent, and no Melee Action roll is made).
of the house, The Misanthrope has a commanding view
Any Ranged Actions against The Misanthrope’s Zone
of the farmland below. On each Supporting Actor’s
suffer a -1 to their die results, and he only sustains one
Phase, he will fire at two different targets (or the
wound from each success in any Ranged Action. If a
same target twice if no other valid target is available).
Molotov is thrown against the Misanthrope, he suffers
A target hit by one of The Misanthrope’s attacks will
2 wounds and will immediately retreat upstairs.
receive one wound (if the target is a Survivor) or be
immediately eliminated (if it is a Ghoul). The attacks The Misanthrope is eliminated after suffering a total of
hit automatically if the target is fully exposed. If the 12 wounds.
target is in Partial Cover, roll a die: The
Misanthrope hits on a result of 5 or higher.
If Survivors can be fired at (they are
either exposed on have partial cover only)
the Misanthrope will target them (exposed
Survivors are targeted first). If more than
two Survivors are valid targets, he will
prioritize the holder of the First Player token
first, the next player (clockwise) next, and
so on (if the affected player controls more
than one Survivor, they may choose which
one is targeted). If only one Survivor is a valid
target, that Survivor will receive both attacks.
If no Survivors are valid targets for a shot
(because they are all in full cover), the Psycho
will fire upon Ghouls, aiming at the one
closest to the white spawn, and then the one
closest to the violet spawn. If multiple valid
Ghoul targets are in the same Zone or are at
equal distances from the targeted spawn,
the Survivors may pick which Ghoul The
Misanthrope will shoot. Ghouls ignore The
Misanthrope completely. Partial Cover rules
also applies to Ghouls.


• Inside the Den. At the start of the Supporting
Actors’ Phase, if a Survivor is inside the house
on tile 3R, instead of shooting targets in the
field, The Misanthrope will appear on the
Stairway Zone (you may use Deputy Vince’s
miniature to represent him, if you have it, or
the token found in the Appendix section).

Hard / 90 Minutes
• Silent or Deadly. The game is won when, at the end of
a Players’ Phase:
- All three pieces of Evidence have been collected, and:
Just a couple days ago, we were taking shelter in - Sheriff is not Hostile, all Survivors are in tile 3V and
the house of a misanthrope that tried to kill us no Ghouls are in the tile, or Sheriff and Agent are both
(we got rid of him), and we found chilling tapes and dead and all Survivors are in an Escape Zone.
pictures of someone meddling with radiation and Unless Sheriff and Agent are both dead, the game is

dead bodies. Really dark stuff. lost when a Molotov is thrown into a Corn Field Zone.
We kept moving and reached Derry. Found a handful
survivors here trying to reclaim the place from the SCENE SETUP
dead, but there`s something fishy, too: some shady - Tiles needed: 1V, 2R, 4V, 3V, 5R, 6R.
organization has set up a base in one of the town
houses. They’re not telling anyone anything, but - Survivors start in Romero Mode, with their Romero
they’re clearly connected to current events. ID faceup. All Survivors start with their XP marker
set to 4.
We’ve convinced the local Sheriff to let us join him
in a Ghoul hunt right by the organization’s place. - Setclosed Barricade, Door and Staircase tokens, as
All the messing around with the undead should well as the Sheriff and Agent miniatures or tokens,
prove a good enough distraction to allow someone in the designated places.
to sneak inside and find the information we need. - TheCar token is placed in the designated Zone.
Survivors cannot enter or drive the Car.
SCRIPTED PERFORMANCES - Randomly draw two sets of two facedown Ranged
Equipment and two Melee Equipment and shuffle
Operation Cornfield is an advanced Scene, which
each of them. These will form the Weapon Stash
includes rules to control the behavior of two “Supporting
Actors” (Sheriff and Agent). These Actors have their
own skills, movement patterns and reactions to - Randomly draw two sets of two facedown House, one
Survivors and Ghouls under different circumstances, Ranged and one Melee Equipment cards and shuffle
which allow for multiple paths to success in the Scene. each of them. These will form the Actors’ Inventories.
One or more experienced players should familiarize - Set aside the Weapon Stash and Inventory Decks.
themselves with the Scripts for each of the Supporting - Randomly draw one facedown Ghoul Spawn card and
Actors before the game. set it in the Basement Zone.

2x Weapon
Stash Decks:

2x Inventory

Starting Area Spawn Zones Evidence Basement

Closed Door/Barricade/Stairs Police Car

Weapon Sheriff’s Agent’s

Stash Starting Zone Starting Zone

Off-limits Escape
Zones Zones

SCENE RULES OVERVIEW or two cards from this pile. Survivors may Search from
these decks even if they are in Romero mode.
• Fighting the Plague. Immediately after eliminating
a Ghoul that is in a Corn Field or Woods Zone, the • Off-limits Zones. The Survivors are not allowed in
Survivor may switch to Zombicide mode. If both tiles 1V or 2R. The Supporting Actors are constantly
Supporting Actors are killed, all Survivors may switch watching for intruders, even during the Players’ Phase:
to Zombicide Mode. Sheriff will alert Agent if he sees movement, and Agent
will kill any intruder he sees. Both will notice intruders
• Weapon Stashes. There are two weapon stashes in the if they have Line of Sight at Range 0-2, even if the
board in which Melee and Ranged equipment cards are Survivor only passes through. Both can see one Zone

available (one for the shed in tile 5R, the other for the into corn fields or woods – unless the target is Sneaky…)
Car in tile 1V). Each of these has four equipment cards
which are shuffled together during setup. A Survivor • Hostile. If Supporting Actors become Hostile, their
performing a Search Action in this Zone may take the behavior changes (check each Actor’s Script). You may
top card in the Deck. Survivors may Search from these want to switch their miniatures from the Romero to
decks even if they are in Romero mode. Zombicide equivalents, or flip their tokens to the red
arrow side, in order to keep track of hostility.
• Collecting Evidence. There are three locations in tile
2R (the Basement, the Main Room, and the Side Room) • Scripts. Each Supporting Actor has a Script which
in which Evidence can be collected. A Survivor may explains their behavior, detailed on pages 13 and 14.
perform a Search Action to collect Evidence once on Each time the Script instructs Supporting Actors to
each of these Zones (the Survivor may take a token to eliminate a Ghouls, the Survivors decide which Ghoul
represent the evidence, such as an unused barricade to eliminate amongst eligible targets.
token, or a printed Evidence token). Collecting Evidence
immediately grants that Survivor 3XP. • GAME ROUND SUMMARY
• Ghoulish Basement. The Organization is using the • Players’ Phase: Proceed as normal, but remember that
Basement to experiment on Ghouls. Immediately after
any time a Survivor is sighted while in an off-limits
the Stairs door is opened, draw the Ghoul Spawn card
Zone, there will be immediate consequences.
that was set in the basement, perform the card’s Orange
Danger Level spawn in this Zone, then discard it. • Ghouls’ Phase: Sheriff and Agent only attract Ghouls
that have Line of Sight to them at Range 0-1. Ghoul
• Infested Plantation. When Ghouls spawn on the
activation may cause the Supporting Actors to be killed
White Spawn Zone, use the spawn corresponding to a
if they are swarmed (check Scripts).
Danger level one higher than current (up to Red level).
The White Spawn cannot be removed from its Zone. • Supporting Actors’ Phase:
• Playing with Fire. Molotovs are messy and loud. If - Sheriff will first deal with nearby Ghouls; if he’s Hostile
a Molotov ever goes off in an off-limits Zone, Sheriff he will then deal with players; finally, he will move.
immediately goes Hostile. If a Molotov goes off in a Corn - Agent will deal with nearby Ghouls, and then move.
Fields Zone while either Sheriff or Agent are alive, the • End Phase: Proceed as normal.
Scene is lost: the Survivors’ cover is blown, and backup
from the Organization will be here in no time.
• Interacting with the Car. The Car in this Scene
• Expanded Cast. Two Supporting Actors have parts cannot be driven or entered, but it can be interacted
in this Scene (Sheriff and Agent). You may use the with in three different ways by a Survivor in its Zone:
Chief McClelland and Johnny miniatures to represent - Weapon Stash: The Survivor may Search from the
them, or print the tokens presented in the Appendix Car’s Weapon Stash Deck.
section. These Actors are initially Neutral towards the
Survivors, but may become Hostile due to Scene events. - Honk: By spending one Action, the Survivor will
Honk. Agent will immediately move up to two Zones
• Supporting Actors’ Phase. This Scene introduces towards the car, disregarding any Ghouls. The second
one additional Phase to the game, to be executed time the car is honked, Agent turns Hostile.
immediately after the Ghouls’ Phase during each game - Explode: If a Molotov is thrown into the Car’s Zone,
round. The Supporting Actors are activated in this the Car is set aflame. At the end of the Player’s Phase,
Phase according to their Scripts (check pages 4 and 5). the Car is destroyed along with its Weapons Stash ,
• Patrol Routes. Supporting Actors will attempt to move and all Actors in tile 1V are eliminated. Agent then
in a set patrol pattern, one Zone at a time. Once they moves up to four Zones towards the car; Sheriff will
reach the end of their route, they will turn around and also move to his initial board position (both move
move back the way they came from. It is recommended immediately after the explosion if they are alive,
to keep their miniatures or tokens facing the way they disregarding any Ghouls in the way).
are currently moving towards. • Car Search Route. If the Car is honked or exploded,
• Supporting Actor Inventories. The Supporting Agent will immediately head towards the car by the
Actors (Sheriff and Agent) have Inventory decks of shortest possible route. Once he reaches the Car’s
their own. If they are eliminated, their Inventory deck Zone, he will do one full sweep of the surrounding
is set in the Zone in which they were killed (a Molotov area, moving one Zone at a time, and then return to his
will destroy the Inventory, however). By performing a original Patrol Route (check Agent’s Script).
Search Action in this Zone, the Survivor may draw one

MISSION ACCOMPLISHED • Blown Cover. If all the Evidence has been collected,
both Sheriff and Agent are dead and the Survivors
• Covert Operation. If the Survivors have managed
are in an Escape Zone, the Survivors no longer have
to collect all evidence, have cleared the Corn Fields
to deal with the Ghouls in the Corn Field. The Scene is
and reassembled together (Sheriff is not Hostile, all
successfully completed. Read the following:
Survivors are on tile 3V and there are no Ghouls in that
tile), then the mission has been successfully completed, We torched the place. The house, the corn fields,
and their cover is kept. Read the following: the bodies. The Sheriff may have not been in on all
this, but that Agent was rotten to the core, and we
Alright, we’ve done it, and they don’t suspect a

now know it for sure.

thing. We now know whoever is working on the living
dead works through in a large organization with We’ve burned everything, but we kept the folders
ties to the Government. Who knows, maybe their full of documents detailing disgusting experiments
experiments have been the cause for all this? We with the dead... Now we need to get moving and hope
need to dig deeper... the Organization won’t be able to track us down.
For now, we’ll lay low and hope that by the time
they notice the missing stuff, we’ll be far away COMING UP NEXT...
enough that they can’t catch us. It will take some time before the Survivors have fully
examined the documents they have collected. Make
notes on how the Scene ended: was the Survivors’ cover
blown? Were Sheriff or Agent Hostile or killed? These
OPERATION CORNFIELD: FULL MAP conditions will influence how the next Scene is played.


Starting Area Spawn Zones

Evidence Basement

Closed Door/Barricade/Stairs

Weapon Stash Car

Off-limits Escape
Zones Zones

Sheriff’s Agent’s
Starting Zone Starting Zone

Sheriff’s Patrol Agent’s Patrol

Car Search Route

Sheriff is mainly interested in clearing the area of
Ghouls. He agreed to let the Survivors take part in this
task, and has no idea of the group’s covert objectives.
Sheriff will follow his patrol route to the best of his
ability, eliminating any Ghouls that stand in his way.

• Hawk-eyed. Sheriff has Line of Sight up to 1 Zone into
Corn Fields and Woods (unless the target is “Sneaky…”).
• Vigilant. Once per Players’ Phase, if one or more
Survivors pass by Sheriff’s Line of Sight while in an S3. SUPPORTING ACTORS’ PHASE
off-limit Zone at Range 0-2, Agent immediately moves • Attack: at the start his activation, Sheriff checks
2 Zones towards that location. each of the following situations in the order they are
• Unmovable. Sheriff cannot be Taunted or Shoved. described below, acts accordingly, and then proceeds
to Move:
• Catch This. If Ghouls are Shoved into Sheriff’s Zone,
he immediately eliminates one Ghoul at Range 0. • Are there Ghouls at Range 0?
• Neutral. Unless he’s Hostile, Sheriff does not impede - Yes: Sheriff eliminates up to two Ghouls and Shoves
movement for Survivors. the remaining Ghouls one Zone off to the East.
• Goes up Easy. Sheriff dies after suffering one wound. - No: Check if there are Ghouls at Range 1.

• Going Hostile: Sheriff goes Hostile if: • Are there Ghouls at Range 1?
- A Survivor attacks him, or attack Agent while he is in - Yes: If he has not Shoved during this phase, Sheriff
Sheriff’s Line of Sight, or; eliminates up to two Ghouls at Range 1.
- A Molotov explodes in an off-limits Zone. - No, or he has already Shoved: Sheriff does nothing.

S2. GHOULS’ PHASE • Is Sheriff Hostile?

• Sneaky. When moving, Ghouls ignore Sheriff, unless - Yes: He performs up to two ranged Actions against
they have Line of Sight at range 0-1 (he then counts as a Survivors in his Line of Sight at Range 0-2, hitting
single Survivor for Ghoul movement). automatically and causing one wound for each hit.
• Swarmed. If two or more Ghouls activate when at - No: Sheriff does nothing.
Range 0 of Sheriff, roll one die and check the result.
Sheriff eliminates that many Ghouls and then dies.
• Move: If Sheriff is Neutral, he will attempt to patrol. If
he is Hostile, he will seek Survivors out. He checks each
of the following situations in order, acts accordingly,
then ends his activation for this round.

• Is Sheriff Hostile?
- Yes: He moves up to two Zones, following the same
behavior as standard Ghouls. He stops moving if he is
at Range 1 of a Survivor or closer.
- No: He attempts to continue his patrol (see below).

• If Sheriff is continuing his patrol:

- If there are no Ghouls in the next patrol Zone: Sheriff
moves into the next Zone in his patrol route.
- If there are any Ghouls in the next patrol Zone: Sheriff
does nothing.
Starting Zone
• Inventory: If Sheriff dies, all Survivors gain 2 XP. Set
all the cards from his Inventory in the Zone where he
died. By performing a Search Action in this Zone, the
Sheriff’s Survivor may draw one or two cards from this pile.
Patrol Route Remember to take note of whether he went Hostile or
was killed, once the Scene ends.

Agent is tasked with securing the Forward Operating
Base where the Organization has set up their observation
bureau for the Ghoul incident. He does not care for the
locals and is fully prepared to eliminate anyone that
presents a threat to his operation.



• Eagle-eyed: Agent has Line of Sight up to 1 Zone into

Corn Fields and Woods (unless the target is “Sneaky…”).
If Agent moves into a trapped Zone while following his A2. GHOULS’S PHASE
Patrol Route, he goes Hostile and the trap is discarded. • Sneaky: When moving, Ghouls ignore Agent, unless
• Trained Killer: If a Survivor passes by Agent’s Line they have Line of Sight at range 0-1 (he then counts as a
of Sight while in an off-limits Zone at Range 0-2, Agent single Survivor for Ghoul movement).
immediately kills the trespasser. The Scene is over.
• Swarmed: If three or more Ghouls activate when at
• Wrathful: If Agent is Taunted or Shoved, he inflicts Range 0 of Agent, roll two dice and check the result.
one wound upon all Actors in the Zone he lands in. Agent eliminates that many Ghouls and then dies.
• Catch This: If Ghouls are Shoved into Agent’s Zone,
immediately roll one die and check the result. He A3. SUPPORTING ACTORS’S PHASE
eliminates that many Ghouls at Range 0. • Attack: at the start his activation, Agent checks each
• Blocks Movement: It costs one extra Action to move of the following situations in order, acts accordingly,
out of a Zone if Agent is in it. then proceeds to Move:
• Car Search: If the Car is Honked or Exploded, Agent • Are there Ghouls at Range 0?
abandons his current route and moves directly towards
the Car (until he reaches it, this becomes his active - Yes: Agent eliminates two Ghouls and Shoves the
route). After he reaches the Car, he runs a “Car Search” remaining Ghouls one Zone off to the South.
route once, and then resumes his standard Patrol.
- No: Check if there are Ghouls at Range 1.
• Shoot Back: If a targeted by a Survivor or trap attack
which fails to eliminate him, Agent immediately shoots
back, killing all Survivors standing in his Line of Sight.
• Are there Ghouls at Range 1?
• Bulletproof: If attacked by Survivors, Agent is - Yes: If he has not Shoved during this phase, Agent
immune to attacks that cause a single damage. eliminates two Ghouls at Range 1.
- No, or he has already Shoved: Sheriff does nothing.
• Going Hostile: Agent goes Hostile if:
- A Survivor attacks him, or attack Sheriff while he is in • Move: Agent usually moves following one of three
Agent’s Line of Sight, or; active routes: he’ll either be following his standard
- Agent has been Shoved for the second time, or the Car Patrol; quickly making his way towards the Car after
has been Honked for the second time in the Scene, or; a Honk/Explosion; or performing a “Car Search”. He
- Agent finds a trap while he is in his Patrol Route. checks each of the following situations in order, acts
accordingly, then ends his activation for this round.
After he goes Hostile, Agent will consider all Zones in the
board to be off-limits to the Survivors. • Is Agent’s current Zone within his active route?

- Yes: He attempts to follow his active route (see below).

- No: He moves up to three Zones to reach a Zone within
his desired route, ignoring Ghouls in the way.

• If Agent is following his active route:

- If there are no Ghouls in the next route Zone: Agent
moves into the next Zone in his active route.
- If there are any Ghouls in the next patrol Zone: Agent
eliminates one Ghoul and does not move.

• Inventory: If Agent dies, all Survivors gain 4 XP. Set
all the cards from his Inventory in the Zone where he
died. By performing a Search Action in this Zone, the
Survivor may draw one or two cards from this pile.
Agent’s Car Search Car Search Agent’s Remember to take note of whether he was killed, once
Patrol Route Route Start/End Starting Zone the Scene ends.

Hard / 90 Minutes
• Hit and Run. The game is won when, at the end of a
Players’ Phase:
- The Violet Spawn has been removed.
- All Survivors are inside the house in tiles 1R or 3R,
They’re here! They’ve found us! and all doors and barricades in the house are closed.
We had been taking turns to watch for incoming The game is lost whenever there is at least 1 Ghoul in
Ghouls - or, worse yet, goons from the Organization the house at the end of a Players’ Phase.

that has been experimenting with the living dead.
Our group has been on the run after infiltrating
one of their local bases and collecting evidence If Survivors have not played the previous Scene in
about their dirty deeds, but it seems they won’t the Campaign (Operation Cornfield), proceed with
stop tailing us... so we’ll strike back at them. the standard Setup. If the Scene was played, check
“Alternate Scene Setup” for additional instructions.
Helen concocted a plan: according to documents
we’ve found, Ghouls get extremely excited in the SCENE SETUP
presence of a certain blue glowing radioactive
material. So, what we do is: we take a piece off this
- Tiles needed: 1V, 2R, 4V, 3V, 5R, 6R.
stuff we found back in some lunatic’s place, throw - Survivors start in Romero Mode, with their Romero
it into their office, fill it with Ghouls, and run. ID faceup. All Survivors start with their XP set to 8.
Since they seem to have found us, there’s no time to - Set Barricade, Door and Truck tokens as shown below.
waste: let’s get this done! Set the Sheriff, Operative and The Man in the Suit’s
miniatures/tokens in their starting Zones.
- Each Survivor draws one Equipment from Melee or
ENEMIES AND ALLIES Ranged deck and gains that Equipment.
Knock, Knock! Introduces three Supporting Actors: - Draw and reveal one Melee and one Ranged
Operative is a human adversary that can shoot down Equipment. Set these aside: these will form Sheriff’s
Survivors at range; The Man in the Suit is a Ghoul that initial Inventory.
accelerates nearby Ghouls; Sheriff is a friendly Actor
that Survivors control directly (if Sheriff was Hostile ALTERNATE SCENE SETUP
or was killed during Operation Cornfield, however, he
will not appear as a Supporting Actor in this Scene).
- If neither Sheriff not Agent were killed nor Hostile
during Operation Cornfield: Each Survivor may
The Supporting Actors’ Scripts are available on page 17.
choose start in any interior Zone on tiles 1R, 3R or 5R.



Starting Area Spawn Zones Upstairs

Closed Door/Barricade Open Door/Stairs

Garage Truck Undrivable

Storage External Zones

Sheriff’s Operative’s The Man in the

Starting Zone Starting Zone Suit’s Starting Zone

- IfSheriff was Hostile or killed during Operation have Line of Sight to any Survivors will no longer move
Cornfield: Do not place the Sheriff miniature or towards the largest group. Instead, they will move
token in tile 3R. Instead, place a Relative Ghoul on towards the “Upstairs” Zone.
the White Spawn Zone. All Survivors start with 2 • Expanded Cast. Three Supporting Actors have parts in
additional XP and draw one House Equipment card. this Scene (Sheriff, Operative and The Man in the Suit).
They may choose to keep or discard the equipment. You may use Chief McClelland and Johnny’s miniatures
- IfAgent was killed during Operation Cornfield: to represent Sheriff and Operative, or print the tokens
Randomly draw one Melee and one Ranged equipment provided in the Appendix. The Man in the Suit should be
and set them faceup in the Interior Zone on tile 1R. represented by the unique Walker miniature (marked

Survivors may Search to pick up one or both of those 13 under its base). Each Actors’ specific behavior is
cards. All Survivors start with 4 additional XP. described in page 17.


• Know Your Enemy. Immediately after eliminating • Players’ Phase: Cards that would spawn Relatives will instead
spawn/activate Supporting Actors.
Operative or The Man in the Suit, a Survivor may switch
to Zombicide mode. When the Violet Spawn is removed, • Ghouls’ Phase: The Man in the Suit activates as if he were a
regular walker Ghoul. Whenever a spawn card would spawn
all Survivors may switch to Zombicide mode. a Relative, instead spawn Operative in the Violet Spawn
• Garage Storage. Survivors may draw from either Zone. Do the same when a Barricade/Door Opening is drawn,
the House, Melee or Ranged equipment decks when in after resolving its effect.
the Zone marked as “Garage Storage”. If drawing from If Operative is already on the board, spawn The Man in the
the House deck in that Zone, Survivors may draw an Suit in the White Spawn Zone instead. If both are on the
additional card. Survivors may Search from all three board, Operative gets an additional activation.
decks, even if they are in Romero mode. • Supporting Actors’ Phase:
- The Man in the Suit activates (activating nearby Ghouls).
• Upstairs. The Zone marked “Upstairs” on the map - Operative moves, and then attacks.
represents the house’s second floor. The Open Stairs - Sheriff takes up to two Actions.
token separating Upstairs from the hallway in front • End Phase: Proceed as normal.
count as a Zone in itself (it thus takes two move Actions
to go from the hallway to Upstairs).
SCENE PART 1: THE OFFICE (VIOLET STAGE) • Players’ Phase: Same as in the Violet Phase.
• Special Spawns. The first part of the Scene (up until • Ghouls’ Phase: The Man in the Suit activates as if he were a
regular Walker Ghoul. Whenever a spawn card would spawn
the Violet Spawn is removed) is the “Violet Stage”. In a Relative, instead spawn The Man in the Suit in the White
this stage, during the Ghouls’ spawn, do not draw Spawn Zone. Do the same when a Barricade/Door Opening
cards for neither the Violet nor the Yellow Spawns. is drawn, after resolving its normal effect.
The White, Violet and Yellow spawn Zones cannot be If The Man in the Suit is already in the board, he gets an
destroyed or moved by Molotov explosions. additional activation (but does not activate nearby Ghouls).
• Goons ‘n Ghouls. Whenever a Relative would spawn • Supporting Actors’ Phase: same as the Violet Phase.
from any source, Operative will spawn in the Violet • End Phase: Proceed as normal.
Spawn Zone. Do the same when a Barricade/Door
Opening card is drawn (after resolving its effect). MISSION ACCOMPLISHED
If Operative is already on the board, spawn The Man in
• Ghoul Who? If the Survivors have managed to
the Suit on the White Spawn Zone instead. If both are
turn the Ghouls against the Organization (they have
on the board, Operative gets and additional activation
removed the Violet Spawn) and have endured the
whenever either would be spawned.
onslaught of the Ghoul Horde (all Survivors are inside
• Who’s There? If at the end of a Players’ Phase there the house and all Barricades and Doors are closed), they
are eight or more Ghouls and no Survivors inside an have succeeded in this Scene. Read the following:
interior Zone in tile 4R, and the Barricade and Door in
this Zone are both closed, eliminate all Ghouls in the We have survived another night. It appears
interior Zones in this tile and remove the Violet Spawn. something must have set off the Ghouls and
All Survivors gain 4XP. This ends the Scene’s Violet attracted them to the radioactive rod we have
stage and starts the “Yellow Stage”. been storing upstairs. By dawn, the area was again
empty. The Ghouls we had barricaded inside the
SCENE PART 2: THE HORDE (YELLOW STAGE) Organization’s office seem to have broken out, but
• The Horde Cometh! Immediately after the Violet not before decorating the place with the entrails
spawn Zone is removed, move the White Spawn token of a half dozen operatives.
onto the Yellow Spawn Zone, draw a Spawn card and We raided the office, picked up as many folders
resolve it in that Zone. From this point on, Ghouls will and tapes as we could, and moved on. We can never
also spawn normally on the Yellow Spawn token. stay in one place for long, at least not until this
• The Man in the Yellow Suit. In this stage, Operative situation is finally over.
will no longer spawn. When a Relative spawn or
Barricade/Door Opening card is drawn, The Man in the
Suit spawns in the White Spawn Zone instead. If he is COMING UP NEXT...
already in the board, The Man in the Suit gets an extra It’s time for the final push. Take note on whether
activation (this does not activate nearby Ghouls). Sheriff survived this Scene, and get ready to strike at
• Going Upstairs. During this stage, Ghouls that do not the heart of the Organization in Blairsville.

• A Friend. Sheriff is an Ally controlled collectively by
THE MAN IN THE SUIT the Survivors (the Player holding the First Player token
has the final decision if needed). For most purposes,
• Dark Experiment. This Ghoul has some sort of Sheriff is considered an unwounded Survivor that is
resonance effect with the surrounding living dead. in Zombicide mode (the Scene is not failed if he dies,
Maybe he is an advanced experiment, or his body however). Sheriff fully trusts the Survivors at this
reacted differently to the Organization’s procedures. point, so if they target him with a Melee or Ranged

• A Bit Like a Regular Ghoul. During the Ghouls’ Phase, Action, he dies (no die roll is needed).
treat The Man in the Suit exactly as if he were a regular • Two Actions. Sheriff can do two Actions during his
Walker Ghoul. Starting at Red Danger Level, the Man activation. These can be any Action a Survivor would
in the Suit is tougher to take out: it takes a hit from a do, (except if it would cost more than two Actions, such
two-damage attack to eliminate him from the board. as Encourage or Shoving a large amount of Ghouls).
Eliminating The Man in the Suit nets the Survivor 1XP.
• Sharpshooter. By doing the appropriate Melee Action
• Additional Activation. When The Man in the Suit (at Range 0) or Ranged Action (at Ranges 1-2), Sheriff
activates during the Supporting Actor’s Phase, he and automatically hits a target he has Line of Sight to,
every other Ghoul at a certain distance (depending dealing one damage. If he spends two Actions, he hits
on danger lever) with a clear path to him gain one for two damage. The Man in the Suit and Operative may
activation. This distance is measured in movement still avoid this damage with a die roll.
steps, regardless of Line of Sight. After this activation,
The Man in the Suit’s participation in this Phase ends. • Hawk-eyed. Sheriff has Line of Sight up to one Zone
into Woods Zones and can perform Ranged Actions
• Shrugs off damage. The Man in the Suit is eliminated through closed Barricades.
with one damage (this increases to two at Red Danger
Level), but whenever he would take damage roll a die: • Sneaky. Sheriff is ignored by all Actors unless
on a result of 5 or 6, he ignores all damage. they have Line of Sight to him at Range 0-1 (he goes
completely unnoticed if he is inside a Woods Zone).
The Man in the Suit’s
Activation Range
• Shove. Sheriff can Shove once per activation. Note
that he needs to have enough avaliable Actions to
Shove, according to the “Limited Shove” rules.
• Inventory. Sheriff’s Inventory can hold up to three
Blue Level
cards. Equipment stats do not generally affect him,
but if he does not have weapons with Ranged or Melee
Accuracy stats, he cannot perform the corresponding
Yellow Level Actions. If Sheriff is killed, his Inventory cards are
dropped in the Zone he was in, and up to two of his
Equipment can be picked up with one Search Action.

Orange/Red • Goes up Easy. Sheriff dies after receiving one wound.

*requires two damage to eliminate
upon reaching Red Level. Level*
• Sniper Perch. If Sheriff has a Scoped Winchester in
OPERATIVE his Inventory he gains the Sniper Skill. If he does, while
he is in the Upstairs Zone, he may perform Ranged
• Hostile. Operative is a Hostile that goes out on the field, Actions against targets in all exterior Zones on tiles 5R
with a mission to seek out threats to the Organization. and 2V, except for the ones directly South of the garage.
He has undergone some sort of procedure that makes These Actions hit automatically and deal two damage.
Ghouls oblivious to his presence. Operative may be
Taunted or Shoved as if he were a Walker Ghoul.
• Seek the weak. Any time Operative activates, he will
first move one space, towards the Zone with the fewest
survivors in it, stopping if he has Line of Sight at Range
0-2. If there is a tie in Survivor count, he moves towards
the Survivor that has sustained the most wounds, and
then to the closest. If the tie persists, Survivors choose.
When Operative activates, he automatically opens
Doors (but not Barricades) in his Zone.
• Attack at Range. After moving, if any Survivor is in
his Line of Sight at Ranges 0-2, Operative will attack
once, hitting automatically and causing one wound.
After attacking or if no valid target is present, Operative
ends his activation.
• Quick on his feet. Operative is eliminated with one
damage, but whenever he would take damage roll a die:
on a result of 5 or 6, he ignores all damage. He is also
Sheriff’s Sniper Perch Coverage Area
last in targeting priority for Ranged and Car Attacks.
Eliminating Operative nets the survivor 1XP.

• Destroy the installation. The scene is won as soon as
LONG WALK both the following objectives have both been achieved:
Very Hard / 120 Minutes - Pale Venus has been eliminated.
- The Violet Spawn has been removed.
A few things we’ve learned: The Scene is failed if Cousin Joe is eliminated before the
The radiation that has caused this situation wasn’t Violet Spawn has been removed.
an accident, and it’s not from outer space. It’s

still coming from an underground installation in SCENE SETUP

- Tiles needed: 6V, 3V, 5V, 2R, 4V, 1R.
Also: redheads. Due to some freak genetic reaction,
- Survivors start in Romero Mode, with their Romero ID
Ghouls seem to be more active when they’re around
faceup. All Survivors start with their XP marker at 12.
redheads (it was hard to tell last week, that man in
the suit stirring up the dead was fully gray). - Set Closed Door and Closed Stairs tokens as shown
below. Set the Cousin Joe and Pale Venus miniatures/
So, Blairsville. Cousin Joe (a ginger himself) passed
tokens in their starting Zones.
away just before the dead began to rise. Judy was
invited to the wake. He might be still be in the - Each Survivor draws two House Equipment and one
funeral home. So what we do is: we find Cousin Joe, Melee or Ranged Equipment from the deck of their
we tie him up, hang the blue-glowing rod (we now choice and gains that equipment (they may choose to
know it’s Cesium - highly radioactive) around his keep or discard a card after seeing it).
neck. We nudge Joe into the installation, we blow - Take two sets of two Melee and two Ranged Equipment,
the place up along with all the Ghouls and the shuffle each of them. Assign one set as a Weapon Stash
Organization’s equipment. deck for the Car and another for the Backroom.
Sounds impossible enough to be worth a try.


Survivor Stashes
This is the final Scene on the Project Venus Campaign. Starting Area Spawn Zones
Survivors will start with some equipment already at
hand and at a high level of adrenaline, ready to face the
final encounter against the terrifying Pale Venus and
Horrid Cupid, and to use Cousin Joe’s power to destroy Closed Door Car Closed Stairs
the Organization’s nefarious installation once and
for all (Scripts for the three Supporting Actors can be
found on page 20).
This is going to be an very challenging Scene to complete Cousin Joe’s Pale Venus’s Undrivable Tombstones
successfully, but it is the only chance the Survivors Starting Zone Starting Zone External Zones
have of dealing significant damage to the Organization
and maybe end the Ghoul threat.


2x Weapon
Stash Decks:

PREVIOUSLY ON... • The Installation. The Stairs token is accessible from
the interior Zone on tile 6V. A Survivor must perform a
If Survivors have not played the previous mission in the
Door Action to open the Stairs (Ghouls cannot open it);
Campaign (Knock, Knock!), or if Sheriff was not alive at
The token then becomes a Zone on its own, representing
the end of that Scene, proceed with the standard Setup.
the underground installation’s laboratories.
If Sheriff was alive at the end of Knock, Knock!, after
If Cousin Joe is inside the Open Stairs Zone and a
completing the standard Setup, the Survivors start
Molotov is thrown on it, remove the Purple Spawn.
with 2 less XP and may each perform one Trade Action
with any other Survivor. Once that is done, read the • Chain Reaction. If either the Violet Spawn is removed

following excerpt, and then start the Scene. or Pale Venus is eliminated, move each of the three Red
Spawns onto each of the Tombstone Zones on tile 6V.
Poor Sheriff was the one handling the Cesium.
Started vomiting and shaking one day, was dead the • GAME ROUND SUMMARY
next. We’ll probably all have cancer sooner rather
than later, too. Can’t worry about that now. • Players’ Phase:
- Cards that would spawn relatives will spawn Horrid Cupid
(or activate her if she is already on the board).
SCENE RULES OVERVIEW - Survivors may attempt to tie up Cousin Joe, or, if he is
already tied up, may push or pull him.
• Hey, Joe. If a Survivor interacts with Cousin Joe by • Ghouls’ Phase:
taunting, shoving, tying up, pushing or pulling him, - Cousin Joe activates as if he were a walker (he does not
that Survivor may switch to Zombicide mode. activate if he is tied up).
- Pale Venus activates as if she were a Breaker (but does not
• Weapon Stashes. Survivors standing in a Zone with a
move unless she has Line of Sight at Range 1 to a Survivor).
Weapon Stash may draw from its respective deck when - Horrid Cupid activates as if she were a Relative, but can
performing a Search Action. The Backroom’s Weapon attack at Ranges 0-1.
Stash is on Tile 2R. If the Car moves, its Weapon Stash - When a spawn card would spawn a Relative, instead spawn
moves with it. Note that all Survivors may Search from Horrid Cupid (or activate her if she is in on the board).
Weapon Stashes, even if they are in Romero mode. - If a Barricade/Door Opening is drawn, move Pale Venus.
• Spawn Zones. During the Ghouls’ spawn, do not • Supporting Actors’ Phase:
draw a Spawn card for the Violet Spawn. Whenever a - Cousin Joe activates nearby Ghouls and then moves.
Relative would spawn from any source, spawn Horrid - Pale Venus spawns a Ghoul.
Cupid on the Violet Spawn Zone instead (or activate her - Horrid Cupid causes nearby Survivors to flip all Equipment
if she is already in the board). The Violet and the White in their hands and attracts nearby Ghouls into her Zone.
Spawns cannot be moved. • End Phase: Pale Venus recovers from all her wounds.
Additionally, the Yellow Spawn will always spawn
based on the Yellow Danger Level for its respective MISSION ACCOMPLISHED
spawn card, regardless of the current Danger Level.
• To Ashes. If the Survivors have destroyed the
• Terrifying Undead. During this Scene, use one installation by hitting it with a Molotov while Cousin
Relative miniature to represent Cousin John (Johnny’s Joe is inside, and if the Pale Venus has been destroyed,
is recommended), and another to represent Horrid the mission has been successful. Read the following:
Child (Karen’s is recommended). Do not use a third
relative miniature, even if you have one. Use the tall
We could never have expected to find the wretched
woman Ghoul miniature (included in the Dead of Night
creatures we did, but we were even more appalled
box) for Pale Venus, or print a token to represent her.
at the nature of the experiments being performed:
“Project Venus”, some sort of bid at immortality.
THE FUNERAL HOME Somehow we were able to set that horrifying
• Cold Storage. The Ghouls on the Yellow Spawn Zone laboratory on fire and destroy the abominations
are initially dormant and will not activate until the within. The Ghouls around went mad for a while...
door to the Zone is first opened (either by players or and then they fell to the ground, truly dead.
by an appropriate Barricade/Door Opening effect. If a It’s been two days now. Fuel ran out. None of us
Molotov is thrown onto the Yellow Spawn Zone, remove has been able to sleep. Food doesn’t settle in our
the Yellow Spawn from the game permanently. stomachs. Most of us have a fever. The radiation
• Stupor. Cousin Joe will not activate in any Phase, must have gotten to us.
until after he first has Line of Sight to a Survivor. We had been walking to Pittsburgh, hadn’t seen
any Ghouls this whole time... Not a living soul
JOE’S WALK either, and way too many corpses: burnt, slashed,
half-eaten, stinking, but none of them moving. That
• All Tied Up. A Survivor standing at Range 0 from seemed good enough.
Cousin Joe may attempt to tie him up. It takes a Melee
Action (no weapon is used, roll a single die) with a result But there they are now. Living Dead, crowding the
of 5 or higher to succeed. road into Monroeville. What we did in Blairsville
worked, but there must have been other labs.
Once Cousin Joe is tied up, any Survivor may Push or
Pull him, and he will never activate during the Ghouls’ We’re too weak to run. Too weak to fight.
Phase. He will still cause Ghoul Acceleration on the We know how to do this, tho. One good shot to the
Supporting Actors’ phase (see his Script). After he is head. Got enough ammunition to make sure none of
tied up, Cousin Joe can no longer move through window us will rise back up afterwards.
openings and he does not impede Survivor movement.

- SCRIPTS: CJ'S LONG WALK - • Rise from Your Grave. During the Supporting Actors’
Phase, Pale Venus will spawn one Ghoul on her current
Zone: a Walker on Yellow Danger Level, a Breaker on
COUSIN JOE Orange Danger Level, or a Fatty on Red Danger Level.
• Redhead. Cousin Joe triggers an • Terrifying Visage. Pale Venus’s terrifying nature
amplification resonance effect makes her much harder to attack: it costs four Actions
with the surrounding living to perform a Melee or Ranged Action against Pale Venus,
dead. His genetic makeup, minus one Action for each other Survivor standing in
curiously marked by his the same Zone as the attacker (to a minimum of one

red hair, reacts with Action).

increased potency to
Furthermore, all Ranged Actions against Pale Venus’s
the radiation emitted
Zone receive -1 to their roll result, and it takes two
by Project Venus.
Actions to move into Range 1 or Range 0
• Pushed Around. of Pale Venus.
For most purposes,
• Supernatural Recovery. Pale Venus
treat Cousin Joe as if
is only eliminated if she receives 6
he were a Walker Ghoul.
or more damage over the course of a
If he is tied up, however
single Players’ Phase (you may want to
(see Joe’s Walk), he will
write this down, or use a spare die
not activate during the
to mark her current wounds).
Ghouls’ Phase (he still
During the End Phase, all damage
takes damage as a Walker
is cleared from her. Pale Venus
and still participates in
is not eliminated by a Molotov
the Supporting Actors’
explosion in her Zone, but takes
three damage from it. Pale
Once he is tied up, any Venus has the same Targeting
Survivor may spend one priority of a Breaker Ghoul.
Action to Push Cousin Joe from their Zone into an All Players gain 4XP when
adjacent Zone, or Pull him from an adjacent Zone into Pale Venus is eliminated.
their own, as long as there is a clear path between the
two Zones. If Cousin Joe is eliminated before the Violet HORRID CUPID
Spawn is removed, the Survivors fail the Scene.
• Unnerving Presence. Horrid
• Ghoul Acceleration. During Cousin Joe’s part in the Cupid is the deeply disturbing
Supporting Actor’s Phase, other nearby Ghouls with result of cruel experimentation
a clear path to him (Yellow Danger Level: at Range on children. She is treated
0, Orange Range 1; Red Range 2) activate once. This largely the same as a Relative
distance is measured in movement steps, regardless of Ghoul. While she is on the board,
Line of Sight. After this activation, Cousin Joe moves Survivors are forced into Romero
up to one Zone (following the usual Ghoul movement Mode. Horrid Cupid appears on
rules), and his part in this Phase ends. the Violet Spawn if a Relative
Spawn is drawn, or receives an
Cousin Joe’s
additional activation if she is on
Activation Range
the board when that happens.
• Vicious Stare. Horrid Cupid is able to attack any
Survivor she has Line of Sight to at Ranges 0-1.
Yellow Level
• Deathly Wail. During the Supporting Actors’ Phase,
Horrid Cupid lets out a heart-wrenching wail, causing
any Survivors at Range 0-1 to be temporarily paralyzed.
Orange Level Flip all Equipment cards in their hands (these may be
unflipped by spending an Action). This shriek also
causes all Ghouls she has Line of Sight to at Range 1 to
move into her Zone (Pale Venus is not moved by this).
Red Level
• The Face of an Angel. Horrid Cupid’s terrifying
nature makes her much harder to attack: it costs
• Masterwork. Pale Venus is the most advanced three Actions to perform a Melee or Ranged Action
experiment developed by the Organization. She can against Horrid Cupid, minus one Action for each other
quickly recover from injuries, and her mere presence Survivor standing in the same Zone as the attacker (to
causes long-dead bodies to rise from the ground. She is a minimum of one). Furthermore, all Ranged Actions
also endlessly hungry for human flesh. against Horrid Cupid’s Zone receive -1 to their result.
• The Waiting Game. During the Ghouls’ Phase, Pale • Unexplainable Remorse. Horrid Cupid is eliminated
Venus activates as if she were a Breaker, but will only upon suffering a single wound. The Survivor who
move if a Survivor is in her Line of Sight at Range 1. eliminated Horrid Cupid loses all further Actions for
When a Barricade/Door Opening is drawn, she moves the current activation. Horrid Cupid has the same
up to two Zones (stopping if a Survivor is at Range 0). targeting priority as a Relative Ghoul.

• Ghoul Acceleration. At the start of the Ghoul’s Phase,

04 expanding all Ghouls within Range 0 of Mysterious Man (himself

included) immediately activate. After these activations,
other scenes the normal Ghoul activation phase occurs normally.
At Yellow Danger level, Mysterious Man’s activation
range increases to all Ghouls within Range 0-1 and a
clear path to him (count steps orthogonally). At Orange
If you enjoy the new rules, equipment and adversaries level the range increases to 0-2; at Red level, the range
in Project Venus, you may want to try some of the remains 0-2, but it takes 2 damage to eliminate him.

Expansion’s features in Scenes from the game’s
Mysterious Man’s
original rulebook, or other Custom Scenes. These
Activation Range
features are fully compatible with other Scenes: in fact,
the new rules were first developed as a way to enhance
the core game.
Blue Level
• Revised Rules. Most revisted rules (Relatives:
Emotional Distress, Tight Car, Limited Shove, Dual
Weapon Compatibility, Ambidextrous, Dropped
Equipment and Solo Play Activation Order) can be Yellow Level
directly applied to all Scenes.
The Supporting Actors’ Phase and the Campaign’s
perspective on Zombicide Mode, Experience and
Equipment were taken into account when building *requires two damage to eliminate Level*
each Scene, and are not applicable to Scenes that do not upon reaching Red Level.
inherently include these.
• New Actions. The Encouragement and Craft Actions
can be used in any Scene. The Set a Trap Action should It’s one thing to hear about crazed murderers
be used if any of the three new Trap Equipment cards cannibalizing human flesh. It’s another thing completely
(Nails & Wire, Bear Trap, Claymore Mine) are included to see one of them carrying around a human body part,
in the game. feasting on it as it attracts more and more ravenous
dead to the grisly spectacle.
• New and Revised Equipment. All the new and updated
equipment cards are compatible with all Scenes. Do • A Lot like a Breaker. Flesh Eater activates as if she
check if the Scene requires a specific number of Boards were a Breaker, deals 1 wound when she attacks, and
cards: if it does, you may want to leave out of some of is eliminated upon receiving one wound. The targeting
the Boards replacements (Scissors, Bourbon, Garbage priority for Flesh Eater is the same as that of ordinary
Can Lid, First Aid Kit). If you want to swap these in and Breakers. Use the tall woman Ghoul miniature
out as needed, use card sleeves to slot the new faces (included in the Dead of Night box) for the Pale Venus,
together with the original cards without pasting them or print a token to represent her.
onto the card, or print out the full card (back and front) • Terrifying Visage. Flesh Eater’s terrifying nature
from the Appendix. makes her much harder to attack: it costs four Actions
to perform a Melee or Ranged Action against Flesh Eater,
minus one Action for each other Survivor standing in
SPECIAL GHOUL TYPES the same Zone as the attacker (to a minimum of one
Action). All Ranged Actions against Flesh Eater’s Zone
Provided below are less powerful and simpler versions receive -1 to their roll result, and it takes two Actions
of The Man in the Suit from Knock, Knock! and Pale to move into Range 1 or Range 0 of Flesh Eater.
Venus from Cousin Joe’s Long Walk (Horrid Cupid is
represented in the new rules through the Relatives: • Rise from Your Grave. Immediately after she
Emotional Distress rule). These can be included in activates, Flesh Eater will spawn one Ghoul on her
any Scene as a way to increase challenge and mix up current Zone: a Walker on Yellow Danger Level, a
gameplay. These Ghouls’s reference cards and optional Breaker on Orange Level, or a Fatty on Red Level.
stickers can be found on the Appendix, on page 27.
MYSTERIOUS MAN Print the reference cards and the stickers found in the
Appendix (page 27). Paste the stickers representing
Who was this man? A businessman? A politician? A
Mysterious Man onto the Ghoul Spawn cards
preacher? Or someone who for some reason is a conduit
numbered 07, 28 and 46, and the ones representing
for the power that has brought the dead to life? Flesh Eater onto cards 01, 22 and 43. The represented
• A Lot Like a Walker. Mysterious Man activates as if he Special Ghoul will spawn whenever one of these cards
were a Walker Ghoul, deals 1 wound when he attacks, is drawn, in addition to any other effects already in the
and is eliminated upon receiving one wound (this card. If the Special Ghoul is already in the board, that
increases to two once Red Danger Level is reached). Ghoul gains an additional activation.
The targeting priority for Mysterious Man is the same Alternatively, if you want to avoid increasing gameplay
as that of ordinary Walkers. Mysterious Man should be challenge, replace Spawn cards 19 and 20 with the
represented by the unique Walker miniature (marked Special Ghoul Reference cards and spawn/activate the
13 under its base). Special Ghoul when its respective card is drawn.

REVISED SCENES • Oh, I’d Like to leave, yes. Replace the existing rule
description with:
Scenes from the core rulebook for NotLD work well If at the start of a Players’ Phase four or more Survivors
in conjunction with Project Venus’s expanded rules are on Yellow Danger mode or higher, the house can no
and equipment. It is possible, however, to take this longer be searched.
integration further, by introducing changes to the
original Scenes that better incorporate the Zombicide • Traveling Posse. Add the following text to the existing
mode ideas found in this expansion, as well as rebalance rule description:
the original Scenes for a heightened level of challenge As soon as tile 6R is set, and each time a new tile from

and tension. the Travelling Pile is set, perform one spawn in the
The following Scene revisions have been tested with the central Zone of the new tile.
new features in Project Venus and are recommended From then on, spawns in the Ghouls’ Phase will proceed
for more advanced players: as follows: perform one Spawn in the central Zone of
the tile closest to Willard, and one spawn on each
S1: WHAT’S HAPPENING? corner of the tile with the most Survivors (choose a tile,
• Working Together. Replace the “Trusting each other” in the case of a tie for most Survivors).
Special Rule with:
• Ambushed! Ghouls spawned inside Corn Field Zones
Immediately after Building a Barricade, a Survivor activate immediately after spawning.
may switch to Zombicide mode.
• We Still Remember. Survivors start in Romero mode.
• Emotional Support. Replace the “Trusting each other”
A survivor may spend one Action to dedicate an item
Special Rule with:
(discarding a House equipment card) in one of the
A Survivor that has been counted as an Ally when three Tombstone Zones in tile 6V. Immediately after
another Survivor kills a Relative or Flesh Eater may doing so, that Survivor may switch to Zombicide mode.
switch to Zombicide mode.
All Survivors may Search from the appropriate decks
S3: THEY’RE AFRAID OF FIRE in the Equipment Stashes, even if they are in Romero
• Clear a Path! Replace the “Trusting each other” Special
Rule with: S8: JOHNNY’S CAR
Immediately after discarding a Flammable Fluid to
• Lead the Way! Survivors start in Romero mode. The
create a Molotov, or after killing a Ghoul with either a
Survivor who first moves into an exterior Zone in tile
Molotov, a Torch or Flaming Arrows, the Survivor may
5R may immediately switch to Zombicide mode. From
switch to Zombicide mode.
then on, the first Survivor to move into a new tile from
S4: NOW, LET’S MOVE IT! the Travelling Pile (and finally onto tile 6V) who has not
yet switched to Zombicide mode may do so.
• Division of Labour. Replace the “Trusting each other”
All Survivors may Search from the appropriate decks
Special Rule with:
in all interior Zones, even if they are in Romero Mode.
Immediately after killing a Ghoul inside the house, or
killing a Ghoul with a Car Attack, the Survivor may • On the Way to the Cemetery. Replace the existing
switch to Zombicide mode. rule description with:

• If you’re coming, come on!. The first time a Survivor

- Choose a direction to set as “North”. As Soon as
a Survivor moves onto the first random tile, set
gets in the Car, all Survivors immediately gain 5XP.
another random tile from the Travelling Pile next to
S5: NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD it. The new tile can be set freely to the North, East or
West sides of the first board, but the sides must be
• They’re Gone. Replace the “Trusting each other” fully touching.
Special Rule with:
- As soon as the first random tile is set, and each time a
Immediately after killing a Relative Ghoul, the Survivor new tile is set, perform one spawn in the central Zone
may switch to Zombicide mode. of the new tile.
• It’s Too Much, Fall Back! Replace the “Surviving the - While the Survivors are on the Way to the Cemetery,
Night, Your Way” Special Rule with: spawns in the Ghouls’ Phase will proceed as follows:
The game is won as soon as all the following conditions perform one Spawn in the central Zone of the latest
are met: tile to have been placed, and one spawn on each
corner of the tile with the most survivors (choose a
- All Survivors are at Orange Danger Level or higher. tile, in the case of a tie for most survivors).
- Each Survivor has killed at least one Relative.
- All Survivors are inside the house and all Doors and - Once there are only two tiles left (6V and the one next
Barricades are closed to it), spawns in the Ghouls’ Phase will happen on
each of the four corners of tile 6V.
S6: TO WILLARD • Ambushed! Ghouls spawned inside Corn Field Zones
• Gear Up, Let’s Go! Survivors start in Romero mode. activate immediately after spawning.
At the end of each End Phase, if a Survivor has three
or more items in their Inventory, that Survivor may
switch to Zombicide mode.

• Objectives. Replace the existing objectives with:
The game is won if, at the end of the Ghouls’ Phase, the
following objectives have been accomplished:
- Every interior Zone has been searched for a House
05 commentary
Deck equipment card at least once.
- The Lost Child is in the Stairway Zone (past the open I’ve been in the boardgame hobby since around 2015,
Stairs) on tile 3R. as as such, I had played Zombicide (specifically Black

Plague) before. When NotLD was announced, I was
- The house on tile 3R has no Ghouls inside and both excited to see the more naturalistic art style that
windows have closed barricades. spoke more to me, as well as the call back to the classic
• Setup. Add the following section to Setup: Zombie film, which was not only pioneering, but also
- Johnny’s Relative miniature will be the only an amazing work on its own right.
miniature used for spawns and Actions related to the Having decided this would be the Zombicide game
Relative Ghoul (it gets an extra activation whenever for me, I embarked on the Kickstarter campaign, and
a new Relative spawn would be performed, as usual). waited eagerly for the delivery. When I finally got to
• Look What I Found! Survivors start in Romero mode. play the game, I was completely engaged. The core
The Survivor who first searches the House Deck in an mechanics are incredibly robust, the components and
internal Zone that has not been searched before may art are outstanding. While the rules are brilliantly
immediately switch to Zombicide mode. simple (understandably and rightly so), I felt the game
had enormous potential for increasing depth and
All Survivors may Search from the House, Melee or variety of gameplay without changing its formula.
Ranged equipment of their choice, even if they are in
Romero Mode. This Expansion is the result of an intense month
(January 2021, spent under COVID-19-related social
• The Lost Child. The first time a Relative Ghoul would distancing rules) of development and playtesting,
spawn as an effect of a House Deck card draw, set which occupied practically all of my vacation time,
Karen’s Relative miniature (or another miniature or and then most of the free time I had after getting back
token of your choice) in the current Zone instead. This to my job responsibilities. This project started out as
miniature will represent the Lost Child, a Survivor a small house rule to make Relatives more dangerous
found hiding in one of the houses. and Zombicide shifting more interesting (incorporated
Immediately after the Players’ Phase as the “Relatives: Emotional Distress” rule), evolved
ends, the Lost Child may take a single with the inclusion of new equipment, and only later
Move Action, or a single Get in/out of morphed into a full-fledged Campaign Expansion. The
the Car Action. The Lost Child cannot exchange of ideas going on in the small but dedicated
be a Driver in the Car, and can get community in the NotLD Boardgamegeek Forums was
in as a passenger even if the a huge incentive to developing the Expansion. Each of
Car is full (one driver and five the Scenes in the Campaign was developed as a way to
passengers). tackle a set of specific design intents.
Players collectively decide The Misanthrope was the first attempt at creating a
what Action the Lost Child new kind of “boss” adversary, while replicating movie
should take. If no consensus is scenes in which the protagonists are targeted by
reached, the player holding the unseen sniper fire. Operation Cornfield was inspired
First Player token for the current by classic video games such as the Commandos series,
Player Phase has the final word. and it was the point when the “Supporting Actors
The Lost Child cannot carry Phase” really came into being, as a way to deal with
equipment and is eliminated the added complexity of characters with a full-fledged
immediately upon taking a AI system. Knock, Knock! came out of an intention
single wound (causing the to explore the Taunt and Shove mechanics, as well as
Survivors to fail the Scene creating a larger arc of back-and-forth movement,
immediately). with the late horde attack. The presence of Sheriff as an
Ally turns the sniper dynamic from The Misanthrope
S10: ANOTHER ONE FOR on its head. Finally, Cousin Joe’s Long Walk tackles
THE FIRE three game design objectives: a longer map than usual;
an “escort” mission with a twist (the escortee actively
• They go up Pretty Easy.
attracts enemies), and a hellishly difficult mission.
Survivors start in Romero mode.
The first time a Survivor eliminates While the undead apocalypse is (so far) a clearly
two or more Ghouls during the fictional event and the redhead connection (as well as
same activation, they may switch the entire narrative, really) has a ludicrous B-movie-
to Zombicide mode. Note that all style intent behind it, the Cesium reference has a
Survivors may Search from the very real and very serious inspiration. Mishandling of
House, Melee or Ranged equipment radioactive Cesium caused the 1987 “Goiânia Accident”
of their choice, even if they are in in Brazil, irradiating 249 people and causing at least
Romero Mode. 4 deaths. This work is dedicated to all victims of the
mismanagement of radioactive material in various
incidents around the world.

This new Phase takes place after the Ghouls’ Phase. - Kitchen Knife (Table Leg)
Instructions on how to control each Supporting Actor
are given in their respective Script. • HOUSE DECK EQUIPMENT
- Boards (x2) (Revised)
It takes three Actions (minus one per ally in the - First Aid Kit (Boards)
attacker’s Zone) to attack a Relative. Ranged attacks - Garbage Can Lid (Boards)
aganst Relatives’ Zones have -1 to their roll results. - Bourbon (Boards)
- Flashlight (Revised)
- Radio Broadcast (Flashlight)
Survivors cannot swap seats in a Car if it has already - No, Johnny, No! (x2) (Karen, Poor Baby)
been driven during this Players’s Phase. Once per - Nails and Wire (Plenty of Bullets)
Ghouls’ Phase when Survivors inside a car would take - Bear Trap (Plenty of Shells)
wounds, roll a die; the car absorbs that much damage. - TV Broadcast (Scope)
Shove costs one Action for every four Ghouls being - Axe (Updated)
Shoved. Fatties count double for this purpose. - Chainsaw (Updated)
- Sledgehammer (Chainsaw)
- Katana (x2) (Updated)
Crafted Weapons can be used in Dual Attack Actions - Claymore Mine (Machete)
when paired with weapons that are component parts - Pickaxe (Machete)
in their crafting. The rolls for each weapon are made
individually, but if a reroll is possible, all dice must • RANGED DECK EQUIPMENT
be rerolled. - Bow & Arrow (Sawed-Off)
• AMBIDEXTROUS - Browning Automatic Rifle (Sawed-Off)
- Smith & Wesson Model 10 (Revised)
A Survivor that has this skill may perform Dual
Attacks with two identical weapons and considers • SPECIAL EQUIPMENT
weapons with the Dual symbol to be Dual Compatible - Ma’s Shotgun (x2) (Revised)
with all weapons. - Flaming Arrows (Ma’s Shotgun)
- BAR Emplacement (Ma’s Shotgun)
- Bayonet Winchester (Scoped Winchester)
During their activation, Survivors may freely drop - Torch (x2) (Revised)
equipment in the Zone they are in. A Survivor - Karens’ Trowel (Revised)
performing a Search Action may pick up up to two - Spiked Bat (Torch)
dropped equipment in that Zone. - Scoped Winchester (Revised)
When playing a Solo game, randomly draw Survivor
activation order during Setup. The order of Survivor • SNEAKY:
Activation is fixed. During the End Phase, pass the A Survivor with the Sneaky Skill gains the “Sneaky.../
First Player token to the next Survivor in activation Loud!” card. The card is flipped to “Loud!” at the start
order, who will activate first in the next round. of every Players’ Phase. The card may be flipped to
“Sneaky” by spending one Action. When the Survivor
NEW ACTIONS: is “Sneaky...”, they are ignored by all Actors, unless
they are in Line of Sight at Ranges 0-1 (they are
• ENCOURAGEMENT: completely ignored if inside a Corn Fields or Woods
A Survivor may spend 3 Actions to allow any other Zone). The card is immediately flipped to “Loud!” if
Survivor to immediately perform one Action. If that the Survivor rolls more than three dice during the
Action causes the other Survivor to gain any amount course of an activation, and it cannot be flipped to
of XP, the Survivor who encouraged gains 1XP. “Sneaky...” during that activation.

It takes one Action to combine equipment to create
a new equipment, or to separate an equipment into • MYSTERIOUS MAN:
its component parts. Components are not discarded, At the start of the Ghouls’ Phase, gets an extra
but are instead placed underneath the resulting activation, along with all nearby Ghouls.
equipment card.
It takes four Actions to attack her (minus one for
The Set a Trap Action allows traps to be set in the each Ally in the attacker’s Zone), and Ranged Actions
board, when in possession of certain equipment. The against her Zone receive -1 to their roll. Spawns one
equipment may be picked up with a Set a Trap Action. Ghoul after activating.






appendix: special CARDS

New Equipment:
Print the new equipment cards and slot them onto a sleeve over
the replaced card if you are using sleeves, or otherwise paste
them onto the replaced card using light adhesive to maintain the
original card’s integrityrepresent the respective items.

Sneaky Cards:
Print and cut the overlays and paste them back to front to create a double-
sided card. Do the same with the Sneaky.../Loud! card. Place the overlay
over the Survivor’s ID card, and keep the Sneaky.../Loud! card at hand.

Special Ghoul Cards:

Print and cut the cards and use them as reference cards. If you are not using
the Special Ghoul stickers, instead slot them into sleeves over (or otherwise
paste them onto) two “Relative” Spawn cards.

Stickers: Paste Mysterious

Man’s stickers onto Ghoul
Spawn cards 07, 28 and 46
and Flesh Eater’s onto 01,
22 and 43.







Author’s Note: I chose not to include

the original card art in the revised
cards. I recommend you to cut the
bottom part of these cards (text and
stats) and paste it onto the card to
keep the original art. This works
better if the cards are sleeved.

Karen’s Trowel Back text: (paste

onto the card’s back)





appendix: TOKENS






Trap tokens: Use the tokens
provided to represent
the traps when set. The Evidence tokens: Use the
Bear Trap is double-sided tokens provided here to
to represent it being set/ represent the Evidence used
sprung. in Operation Cornfield.

Character Tokens: If you
don’t own the Dead of
Night Kickstarter box, use
the tokens provided here
to represent Pale Venus,
The Misanthrope, Agent/
Operatove and Sheriff/
Agent are double-sided to
represent Neutral/Hostile

All tokens Are sized to fit

onto a Barricade-sized
token (30x26mm).

Weapon Tokens: You may

use the BAR Emplacement
and Axe tokens instead of
setting the cards on the
Zone when dropped/set
(reserve the card instead).






appendix: TOKENS










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