Veritas Activity Output 1 - Ortega

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For all purpose

Full Name: Ortega, Maria Sovietskaya B. 2022 Sep 11


Even though I am an introvert, I would apply the core values as a student in school
through having early knowledge of various ways that helped me form relationships
with others at the school. Listening is important first. It has been said that we often
just wait for our turn to speak. It is incredible how much you can discover about
someone simply by listening to them and having a conversation with them. Even if
we don't have egos, we nevertheless enjoy expressing ourselves and attracting
attention. Just how we are as people. And that is to show genuine interest in others
by asking them open-ended questions about themselves. I enjoy learning about
people's personal lives as a person.
These little truths are just waiting to be shared.

Second, no criticism. This can oftentimes be a difficult one, particularly if you are
chatting with someone who you strongly disagree with. But only by being
empathetic to other people's experiences can we bring about change. While you
aren't required to share their opinions, it does help to keep an open mind to them
nicely and, if needed, to respectfully disagree.
Last but not least, respect for oneself and others will be my school's main core
principle. This will be demonstrated by performing your own work to show how
your abilities have improved and by stopping to be hard on yourself and others.


I would apply my core values at home, such as being a good example to my siblings
and I grew up as a Filipino culture. My mother taught me the importance of setting a
good example for everyone we meet. I have learned from my family until now, such as
the value of respect for the elderly through mano po, or greeting by kissing the elderly
hand, and so on; and replying or speaking to the elderly with the po at opo included in
the younger ones' sentences; the value of a conservative family, thus annulment
abortion and same-sex marriage will not be easily approved or accepted legally; the
value of faithfulness and hospitality. I hope my core values and our core values will
apply in the next generation. i make a habit of using them to explain my feelings, ideas,
and actions. Dealing with the important people in my life requires me to discuss my
primary value of truthfulness. The topic will more comfortably go into my heart the
more personal it is


We are all born with a pure heart and morals. There are no rules, regulations,
beliefs or practices to follow. The place where you were born has a huge impact
on who you are today. It is the size of the influence of the people around you that
you adapt to those core values and the cultures that you are used to doing so,
such as our point of view and worldview. It allows us to be ourselves. So how are
we influenced by the core values of our community to be who we are right now? It
assisted me in making any life decisions and it assisted me in making my own way
through perspectives on who I want to be. It impacts my life to know and identify
my own self.

The culture that I grew up with as a Filipino is to have mechanisms such as being a
good example in our community, choosing the right and good for everyone, but all
of that is not really followed . But for me, even though that's not what I see more in
our generation today, I will still continue my own perspective as an individual to be a
good example in our community, be a good role model to the people that we meet,
not only in our community but also in other countries, and I will fight for this world as
a Filipino citizen for what is right. The Filipino community can still smile, whether in
times of happiness or sadness. Filipinos have a positive side to them that no political
megalomaniac, storm, or calamity can destroy. Hopefully, in the next generations, it
can be continued and even transferred to the next generation.

Thank you!

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