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Celebrate the
Freedom of Love

August 2022

Project CLAP (Creating Leaders for Activism and Policy) is a
youth-led non-governmental organisation. Our Project has
been undertaken to accomplish the United Nations
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

SDGs are a set of 17 goals with 169 targets between them

which call for universal action to end poverty, protect the
planet, and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity.
These include new areas such as climate change, economic
inequality, innovation, sustainable consumption, peace, and
justice, among other priorities.

SDGs are being spearheaded by the United Nations along with

its 193 Member States.

What sets CLAP apart from other NGOs is its aim to cover all
the 17 SDGs by strategically expanding into teams to
focus on each SDG. We provide young activists with a
platform to transform their strategies into reality.

Endeavoured to achieve the sustainable development goal of

reducing inequality, CLAP’s LGBTQ Queer Community Vision has
been structured to address the atrocities faced by the people of
this spectrum. We recognize the problems that people face due
to the prevailing stigma and hence, the required perspective of
life is not attained. Being open, coming out to family, finding
appropriate forums of discussion about their sexuality and many
more such factors are restrained for our friends. Realizing the
'not-so-evolved' culture of our country when it comes to
accepting every community, we initiated the program with the
intention of removing the so-called Taboos; aiming to potentially
create an impact on the people while working to eradicate the
societal stigma. And finally, we witnessed the beginning of a new
era on August 3, 2019. Project Clap organized a Pride Parade in
North Campus, Delhi University with utmost enthusiasm and zeal.
The entire Delhi University participated wholeheartedly to
celebrate the 'HumanKind.'
Starting from hostel premises of Hansraj College at noon, the
enthusiastic millennials cherished every human out there and
marched up to Ramjas College intersection at 2:30 pm. The
event started at Kirori Mal College at 1:00 pm, with a zestful
music performance by the students of the western music
society of SGND Khalsa College followed by an impeccable
dance performance by the team Mudra, the western dance
society of Jesus and Mary College. While Shutterbugs, the
photography society of Shivaji College collaborated with us to
capture the essential spectacle. The event closed with an open
mic organized by Forbidden verses at 2:30 pm.

The aim was to celebrate 50 years of pride, and we successfully

garnered the attention of over 1000+ participants. The Pride
Parade was sponsored by Monster Energy Drink, while DU Beat
and Du Assassins left no stone unturned in spreading awareness
about the event by playing the roles of our media partners.
Recognizing the freedom to preach diversity and celebrating
humankind, Project CLAP strongly believes that we must ensure
the establishment of a stigma-free society. Project CLAP
successfully achieved the first step towards abolishing
LGBTQIA+ taboo and contributed to spreading awareness
about the same while admiring diversity and inclusion.

The year 2020 witnessed the dominance of the global monster,

COVID – 19 pandemic that completely disrupted the functioning
of global economies. The humankind witnessed a change of
phase from ‘offline’ to ‘online’. And this change not only provided
us with the new perspectives of living a healthy life but also
helped organizations like CLAP to reach out to people
nationwide and accomplish of vison of a better society. And for
the same, an online multi collaborative event via Zoom was
organised on 23rd August, 2020 titled under the banner Pride
Fiesta’20 (Virtual Pride Meet 2020). While we acknowledged the
limitations of the event because of it being online, we also knew
that it will act as a great stress buster for all those queer
individuals who had not been able to express themselves amidst
the lockdown. The event was further divided into sub-events in
order to have more activities and knowledge sessions.
· Panel Discussion: Vasavi Kalluru, a queer dalit woman from a small
town in Andhra Pradesh. A second-year psychology student at DU
and a first-generation learner who believes in importance of having
more inclusive educational spaces for her people. Vasavi majorly
talked about how queer spaces get hijacked with Savarna people
and how intersectionality can’t be separated from queer identities.
She also talked about how there needs to be more dalit
representation in the queer movement and also talked about her
personal experience revolving around her queer and dalit identity
and her transitioning process from a small town to Delhi.

Nanda, a second-year queer and agender individual from Lady Shri

Ram College for Women, DU talked about their personal struggles at
asserting their identity as an agender individual. They also talked
about the whole queer movement and how it can be made more
gender inclusive in all aspects. Rishi Raj, an activist for LGBTQIA+ and
dalit rights from Delhi. Rishi is a great speaker and he talked about
the intersectionality between queer and caste identities while also
sharing some personal anecdotes and incidents from his life. He
talked in detail about how he has been trying his best to not adhere
to the gender norms that society has laid down. Rishi loves to wear
sarees and doesn’t see any gender in it which was also one of the
major discussions of the event that clothes don’t have gender!

Meera Singhania Rehani, a transwoman, a sociology student, a model,

talked about her personal experiences about making space in this cis
heteronormative world which always expects one to adhere to one
set of rules. She talked about her gender reaffirmation surgery and
also about how language plays a major role in being gender inclusive.
From small things like using the right pronouns to not assuming
anyone’s gender. She talked about how the political structure is
making it hard rather impossible for trans people to assert their trans
identities. She also touched on the topic of body dysphoria and also
talked about systematic oppression being done by the state through
draconian acts like the Trans act 2020. She also showed her concern
about how the whole queer struggle is made about “love is love”
whereas it is so much more than that.

Anushka Jadhav from Gaysi family, an educator, artist and gender

activist who does talks and workshops on gender, sex and sexuality
in educational institutions around the country helped us understand
the intricacies about gender inclusion. Narrowing down the topic and
then explaining in depth how gender works in all spheres of life is
how Anushka started with her discussion.
·Overall, the panel was a delight to listen to where all the audience
members, crossing over 100 people gave a positive response to it
and told the organisers about how much they learnt and gained
from the panel discussion.

· Open Mic Event in collaboration with Syzygy Art Festival:

Syzygy Art Festival, the brainchild of Soumya Joshi is an inclusive
community for online as well as offline events that celebrate the
weird adventures commonly known as life. Project CLAP was more
than delighted to collaborate with Syzygy art festival. Soumya
Joshi and Apoorva were the amazing hosts for the event. It was
not a usual open mic event, it was fun, interesting, thought
provoking and as audience described it, “gay and wholesome”. It
started with Soumya and Apoorva breaking the ice with a small
queer quiz. It already got hold of the audience. The audience
thoroughly enjoyed questions being asked about queer history and
movement during the event. It was not only interesting but also
very informative. It was a delight to listen to such lovely queer
hearts and the audience remarked the event as a safe space and
called each other their family.

· Not a Moot Court: “If we can’t change the mind-set of people

sitting at the top of the hierarchy or if we can’t inculcate
acceptance in the ones who are educated and privileged, how can
we even think of influencing the ones dwelling in the rural world”,
said one of the participants during the last and highlight events of
Pride Fiesta’20 – Not a Moot Court. Making critics on the
acceptance and taboo of gender inclusivity even in the “declared”
metropolitan terrains of this world. The moderator for the event
was Mx. Shivansh, accompanied by a group of people who wanted
to debunk the false ideas and taboos of sexuality, known and
educated, of the laws and the stereotypes skinned and infectious.
The panel included Mx. Garvit, Mx. Shashwat, Mx. Manik, and Mx.
Akshita, who timely enlightened the participants on grounds of

The agenda for the discussion— weird laws present worldwide to

propagate gender inequalities in the community, was beautifully
covered, sharing personal encounters with the abstract laws and
complicit ideas of people around. Sometimes mellowing the pain
experienced by someone close and sometimes by merely making a
point that how two human beings are entitled to hold different age
eligibility for marriage.

We, at Project CLAP have always been consistent in learning

through better opportunities and implementing them in the best
practical way possible. When it came to the pandemic, the
members realised that our mission should not be hampered by
inconsistency. Even, it was our duty to be the voice for someone
or to raise voice for our queer friends. Leaving behind all the
barriers, the members and associated volunteers took up the
responsibility for organizing the flagship event of CLAP, Pride
Meet 3.0.

The event comprised of three parts

Panel Discussion

As a part of this event, a panel discussion was hosted with a set

of esteemed panellists who belonged to different fields. The
theme of the Panel Discussion was - “Living life with pride” which
involved questions related to the community that how one can
develop a positive attitude towards it, how can an ally help the
community, how can a queer person open up to their family, the
viewpoint of schools with the community and how social media
has influenced it over the years.
The list of panellists is -

1) Akassh K Aggarwal - Tedx speaker, runs an initiative called Pride

2) Kashish Michael - a law student and a JMC graduate
3) Damini Sinha - software professional and a transgender woman
4) Ankita Mehra - bio diversity and inclusion enthusiast, equal
rights activist
5) Indroneel Mukherjee - Fashion Designer

The panel discussion ended up as a very fruitful discussion

amongst the panelists and definitely paved an informative way for
a lot of people who were seeking responses to their questions.

Open mic

Open mic was organised as an open platform for the people where
they are free to perform any form of art in front of the audience
including poem, song, dance, quotes and others. This creates an
aura of positivity and enjoyment. This year, the open mic was
conducted in collaboration with Sunny Mugs - the poetry society
of Jesus and Mary college.

Then open mic commenced with a spectacular live performance

by a singer - Bhavya Shah who had such a beautiful voice that he
captured the entire audience’s attention through his voice. This
was followed by performances from 12-15 participants including
live singing performances, poetry, monologue, quotes etc.

Fashion Show

A fashion show was organised as a part of Pride meet where the

people could participate by dressing up, flaunting their fashion and
attire and describing its significance to the audience. The event
was moderated by Tushar Chaudhary who is a visual artist and a
fashionista. The event started with a discussion with the audience
whereby they were asked to present their views on fashion and
talk about what fashion actually means to them. This was definitely
an ice breaker exercise for the audience as they came up with
unique and exciting descriptions of their fashion 's significance.
This was followed by the performance by fashion artists who were
dressed in colourful attires and outfits. They presented their outfit
to the audience and described its significance and understanding.
The entire event was definitely a beautiful celebration for the
community. It not only created a platform for people to enjoy and
spend their afternoon but also contributed towards advocating the
message to stop gender bias and promote acceptance. It aimed to
spread the belief that love is love, even if it comes in different
forms and we should eradicate discrimination on the basis of
gender and sexual orientation.
roud - We are proud of our queer friends. We believe in equality
and acceptance. CLAP is not only an organisation, it is a family
where we love each other and support each member. We want to
develop an instinct in the society wherein everyone is
comfortable talking about their real selves proudly.

ealise - We need to realise the importance of acceptance and

the beauty of diversity. We might be differentiated with a lot of
changes but it is human nature to stand united. And it is our
responsibility to make sure that we don't miss on any of our friend.
CLAP family has always took an initiative to spread awareness and
realisation is the key to achieve heights of our mission.

nclusion - A major component of basic values that unfortunately

is left behind when it comes to practicality of life. We sometimes
forget that we are not alone and a lot of us are indirectly linked to
each other's life. CLAP's basic values have always been inclusive in
nature and has independently taught us the lesson of

etermination - he most crucial phases of an individual's life are

pre-judged by the determination that the person holds. To reach
out to thousands of individuals, to create a wider impact and to
spread the word fruitfully; it is of utmost importance to be
determined towards the objective. As an organisation, CLAP has
always been determined of the decisions and the ideas
irrespective of the designation one holds. A determined character
is confident of analysing and taking up action according to
circumstances. And when PRIDE and determination are put
together, it gives the resultant as confident, freedom of speech
and achieving higher objectives.

nthusiasm - An enthusiastic mind is always energetic, full of

new ideas and courageous of facing the obstacles. Enthusiasm
not only gives birth to ideal ways or realistic approach towards
life but also provides an optimistic solution to the problems. Each
and every member associated with CLAP has the keen ability of
overcoming barriers in life. Being enthusiastic is that aspect of life
which can totally vanish the fear of failure. And with this
confidence, we always try to achieve further heights of our

Western Music Society

of SGND College

Western Dance Society
of JMC College
To make this event successful, we would like to request
collaboration with your prestigious institution. Your association with
this event can help us bring an effective change towards our cause.
We are looking forward to your support in form of a sponsorship.
You may choose to extend any of the following:

In-Kind Sponsorship:

Providing support to our organization in the form of food,

beverages, refreshments, banners etc. Through this form of
sponsorship, we ensure that required logistics are conveyed to your
organization through a list of needs.

Monetary Sponsorship:

Providing financial support to our organization in order to fulfil the

logistical needs. This form of sponsorship helps us to pay for the
material required during the event.

Partnership Collaboration:

Providing support to the event by adding on to the sub-events in

the form of dance performances, nukkad natak, song performances
etc. Through this form of sponsorship, you can add to the
flamboyant event and make it even more interesting for the

Media Sponsorship:

Providing media coverage to the event via vlogs, blogs, social media
reels, posts and more. This creates a digital network for the event
and helps us in expanding the approach of the event. Through this
form of sponsorship, your organization ensures the highest reach
for the objective of the event.

Your support will not only make this event a huge success but will
also ensure your marketing from our end. As a part of our
deliverables, we would provide significant marketing and exposure
of your brand to our participants in the event.
in collaboration with

Project CLAP
Pride Meet
Celebrate the freedom of love

+91 96675 78975

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