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Learner’s Activity Sheet

Assessment Checklist
Quarter 1 – Week 3

Personal Health Attitudes:

Its Influence in Sexual Behavior



___________________ ______________________________

Parent or Guardian


Date of Retrieval 8
Teacher: Grade Level: 8
School: Learning Area: MAPEH-
Duration: 1 Week Quarter: 1 Week: 3

a. Content Standard Demonstrates understanding of human sexuality and
managing sexuality related issues for a healthy life
b. Performance Appropriately manages sexually-related issues through
Standard responsible and informed decisions
c. MELC Assess personal health attitudes that may influence sexual
behavior (H8FH- Ic-d-20)
II. SUBJECT MATTER Personal Health Attitudes: Its Influence in Sexual
a. References  Learner’s Module: Physical Education and Health 8
 World Health Organization, Division of Mental Health and
Prevention of Substance Abuse.  Life Skills Education in
 Skills for Health: Skills based Health Education including Life
Skills: An important component of a Child friendly/Health
promoting School, World Health Organization.
b. Materials LAS, Self-Assessment, Assessment Checklist
c. Integration Science
Activity (Do) Activity 1 “What’s In the Picture?”
Instruct the student to study and analyze the given picture.
Analysis (Think) Activity 2 Guide Questions
Instruct the student to answer the given questions.
1. What can you say about the picture?
2. What are the changes you expect as you mature from a
boy to a man /girl to a woman?
Abstraction (Learn) Activity 3 “Reading Time”
Instruct the student to read and understand the lesson.
Application (Apply) Activity 4 “Let’s Assess!”
Instruct the student to draw happy face if you say YES and
sad face if you say NO.
Evaluation Activity 5 “Check your Understanding”
Instruct the student to answer the given questions.
IV. SELF-ASSESSMENT Instruct the students to assess their selves about their
Personal Health Attitude and its influence on sexual
behavior by answering the following questions.
1. Do you take responsibility for your own behavior?
Explain your answer.
2. Do you perform your duties and responsibilities at
home? Explain your answer.
3. Do you interact with both genders in appropriate and
respectful ways? Explain.
Dear Learner,

Good Day. Below are your learning activities for the whole week. Please carefully
understand and follow the instructions provided. Don’t hesitate to ask for support from
anyone whom you think can help you do the activities. Most importantly, be free and
creative in doing the activities BUT ensure safety at all times. Have fun.

Your Teacher
Personal Health Attitudes:
Its Influence in Sexual Behavior
“What’s In the Picture?”

Directions: Study and analyze the picture below.

Guide Questions

Directions: After doing Activity 1, ponder on the questions below. You may
write your answer on the space provided for.
1. What can you say about the pictures?
2. What are the changes you expect as you mature from a boy to a man/
girl to a woman?

Reading Time

Direction: Read and Understand 1

Personal Health Attitudes:

Its Influence in Sexual Behavior
In the activity above, you assessed yourself on the changes that
are currently happening in you. You started to become mature in your
attitudes and sexual behavior and started to undergo the changes in you.
Personal health attitudes influence sexual behaviors that are
acceptable to the society that follows social norms and standards. Below is a
diagram showing health attitudes that can influence sexual behaviour.

Using Life Skills to Improve Sexual Health

Life skills are learned behavior from our socio-cultural influences.
Healthy behavior means you will live a healthy and meaningful life.

The life skills that are mentioned below will give you the tools to deal
with problems both big and small. Assessing your health means evaluating
your well-being periodically. This includes your sexuality. Figure out what
you can do to improve your health if it is not as good as it can be.

Ten Core Life Skills

1. Self-awareness
- helps adolescents understand themselves and establish their
personal Identity.
- It also means the ability to accept one’s self, no matter how
imperfect it may be.
- pre-requisite of other life skills
2. Effective communication
- Sharing or exchange of thoughts and feelings, both verbal and non-
verbal; it also includes active listening and ability to give feedback
- Openness and readiness to share one’s ideas, desires, needs and
fears with other people.
- Essential to building healthy interpersonal relationships
3. Interpersonal Relationship Skills
- ability to relate, interact, or build a relationship with other people,
such as parents, siblings, friends, peers, future partner, and all
other people that one gets into contact with throughout his/her
4. Empathy
- is the process of understanding the needs, desires and feelings of
other people. It is the ability to see things from the perspectives of
other people.
5. Critical thinking
- Ability to study one’s surroundings and experiences objectively;
“Mind over matter”

6. Creative thinking

- Ability to see beyond the actual experiences, and to think outside
beyond the traditional or conventional
- Thinking “outside of the box”; seeing beyond the actual and direct
7. Problem solving
- the ability to develop solutions for internal or interpersonal
problems and conflict
8. Decision making
- Ability to analyze the issues that need to be decided on, and to
choose the course/s of action based on and what an individual
believes to be best of all possible choices.
9. Ability to cope with stress
- means recognizing the sources of stress in our lives, recognizing
how this affects us, and acting in ways that help us control our
levels of stress, by changing our environment or lifestyle and
learning how to relax.
10. Ability to manage emotions
- ability to maintain self-control and rationality despite the
psychological problems caused by emotional changes and stress

Double Standard Morality

Boys and girls are given the impression of men being superior to
women. In as much as we would like to practice gender equality, the rules
for human conduct and human appropriateness are not alike for both sexes
as practiced in most areas in the Philippines. This is likely shown in the
examples below:

 Boys and men are permitted to stay out more and up to a later time
than the girls and women.
 A philandering or immoral man is considered as demonstrating his
manliness or “pagkalalaki”. A philandering or immoral woman is
considered as cheap, bad, or “masamang babae”.
 Women are expected to remain virginal until they marry, while it is
generally acceptable for men to have sexual experience before
 Women are socially judged and legally penalized for adultery and for
having children out of wedlock.
 Men who stay at home to do household chores instead of having jobs
to earn money for the family are considered by some as “under‘d
“Let’s Assess!”
Directions: Assess your current life skills. Draw if you say YES
and if you say NO.

1. I accept one’s self, no matter how
imperfect it may be.

2. I interact with other people

3. I can share thoughts and feelings, both

verbal and non-verbal

4. I am communicating my feelings and


5. I express my love to my family members

by saying “I Love You”

“Check your Understanding”

Directions: Write T if the statement is correct and F is the statement

is incorrect.
_____ 1. Personal health attitudes are significant in assessing to do what is
right or wrong.
_____ 2. Communication skills help you avoid misunderstanding by
expressing your feelings in a healthy way.
_____ 3. In double standard of morality, boys and girls are given the
impression of men being superior to women.
_____ 4. Standards for appropriate sexual behavior are not important in the
_____ 5. An individual must have knowledge about sexuality issues.
Directions: Assess personal health attitudes that may influence
sexual behavior. Explain your answers on the space provided.
1. Do you take responsibility for your own behavior?
2. Do you perform your duties and responsibilities at home?
3. Do you interact with both male and female in appropriate and respectful
ways? How?
(To be accomplished by a parent or guardian)
Personal Health Attitudes:
Its Influence in Sexual Behavior
Check ( ) the appropriate observation that corresponds to your child’s
performance in the accomplishment of the activities.




Bases for Evaluation Parent’s/

Not Guardian’s

Activity 1 “What’s In the Picture?”

The student was able to study and
analyze the given picture.
Activity 2 Guide Questions
The student was able to answer the
given questions.
Activity 3 Reading Time
The student was able to read and
understand the lesson.

Activity 4 “Let’s Assess!”

The student was able to draw happy
face if you say YES and sad face if you
say NO.
Activity 5 “Check your
The student was able to answer the
given questions.

Name and Signature of Parent or Guardian

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