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Michael Jordan Murillo Alvarez 2-1

English 2: Vocabulary Log

U3: Resolutions
Word Translation Sentence (Want to)
1 get more exercise hacer mas ejercicio I want to get more exercise
2 get in shape Ponte en forma I wanted to get in shape
3 improve your diet mejora tu dieta I want to improve your diet
4 join a gym únete al gimnasio I want to join a gym
5 lose weight perder peso I want to lose weight
6 run a marathon correr una maratón I want to run a marathon
7 buy a car comprar un carro I want to buy a car
8 earn more money ganar más dinero I want to earn more money
9 save more money ahorrar más dinero She wants to save more money
10 be more organized ser más organizado I want to be more organized
11 get a new job consigue un nuevo I want to get a new job
12 have an interview tener una entrevista He wants to have an interview
13 improve your relationship mejorar tu relación I want to improve my relationship
14 make new friends hacer nuevos amigos I want to make new friends
15 meet someone new conocer a alguien nuevo I want to meet someone new

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