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This assignment is to fulfil English Economics subject
By :
Member of Group :
1. Sukma Ardiyanti (126402212188)
2. Angelina Agustin Suripto (126402212252)
3. Aditya Wahyu Pramana (126402213190)

APRIL 2022

Financing is the borrowing of money from a financial institution for a fee or

interest over a set time. People borrow money to purchase homes, cars, boats, or
anything else they don't have the money for at the moment they want to make the
Financing means asking any financial institution (bank, credit union, finance
company) or another person to lend you money that you promise to repay at some point
in the future. In other words, when you buy a car, if you do not have all the cash for it,
the dealer will look for a bank that will finance it for you. Upon approval, the bank will
pay the car dealer the money for the car and then they will send you a bill each month.
The bank will lend you this money if you agree to pay interest on top of the money lent
to you. In other words, financing is borrowing money with a promise to repay that
money and some additional fee (interest) over a period of time.
Why do banking institutions loan money to people? It is simple; they want to
earn a fee or interest for loaning out their money. For instance, someone could borrow
$100 from a bank for one year at a six percent annual interest rate. At the end of that
year the borrower owes the bank $106. In other words, you can say that the future value
of the $100 is $106, given a six percent interest rate and a 1-year period.


Pembiayaan adalah pinjaman uang dari lembaga keuangan dengan biaya atau
bunga selama waktu yang ditentukan. Orang meminjam uang untuk membeli rumah,
mobil, kapal, atau apa pun yang mereka tidak punya uang untuk saat ini mereka ingin
melakukan pembelian.
Pembiayaan berarti meminta lembaga keuangan mana pun (bank, serikat kredit,
perusahaan keuangan) atau orang lain untuk meminjamkan uang yang Anda janjikan
untuk membayar kembali di beberapa titik di future. Dengan kata lain, ketika Anda
membeli mobil, jika Anda tidak memiliki semua uang tunai untuk itu, dealer akan
mencari bank yang akan membiayainya untuk Anda. Setelah persetujuan, bank akan
membayar dealer mobil uang untuk mobil dan kemudian mereka akan mengirimi Anda
tagihan setiap bulan. Bank akan meminjamkan uang ini kepada Anda jika Anda setuju
untuk membayar bunga di atas uang yang dipinjamkan kepada Anda. Dengan kata lain,
pembiayaan adalah meminjam uang dengan janji untuk membayar kembali uang itu
dan beberapa biaya tambahan (bunga) selama periode waktu tertentu.
Mengapa institutions perbankan meminjamkan uang kepada orang-orang? Ini
sederhana; mereka ingin mendapatkan biaya atau bunga untuk meminjamkan uang
mereka. Misalnya, seseorang dapat meminjam $ 100 dari bank selama satu tahun
dengan suku bunga tahunan enam persen. Pada akhir tahun itu peminjam berutang the
bank $ 106. Dengan kata lain, Anda dapat mengatakan bahwa nilai masa depan $ 100
adalah $ 106, diberi tingkat bunga enam persen dan periode 1 tahun.



Report Speech adalah perubahan dari kalimat langsung (direct speech) menjadi
kalimat tidak langsung (indirect speech).
Kalimat langsung (Direct speech) : John says, “I am ill.”
Kalimat tidak langsung (Indirect speech) : John says that he is ill.
Kata “says” disebut kata kerja pengantar.

Keterangan waktu dan tempat dan beberapa ungkapan lain juga berubah:
Direct Speech Indirect Speech
Adverb of Time Now Then
Yesterday The day before
Next week The week after/ the following week
Tomorrow The next day/ the following day
….. ago ……. Before
Adverb of Place Here There
Other expression This That
These Those

DS : “I came here yesterday”, John said.
IS : He said that he had come there the day before.

Dalam bahasa Inggris tertulis bentuk past tense berubah menjadi past perfect, tetapi ada
1. Past/past continuous tense yang digunakan dalam klausa waktu atau dipakai untuk
menyatakan keadaan biasanya tidak berubah.
- DS : He said, :When we were living/lived in Malang…..”
- IS : He said that when they were living/lived in Malang…..
- DS : He said, “I decided not to buy the skirt because it was bad.”
- IS : He said that she had decided not to buy the skirt because it was bad.

2. Would, should, ought to, had better, might, used to, could and must, biasanya tudak
- DS : He said, “I might be there”
- IS : He said that he might be there
- DS : She said, “I would help him if I could.”
- IS : She said that she would help him if she could.

3. Past tense dipakai sesudah wish, would rather, it’s time, tidak mengalami perubahan
- DS : He said, “I wish I knew”
- IS : He said that he wished he knew

4. Reported Questions (Kalimat Tanya tidak langsung)
Example : He said, “Where is she going?”
He asked where she was going

5. Bila kita merubah kalimat langsung menjadi kalimat tidak langsung:

a) Bentuk kalimat Tanya akan berubah menjadi bentuk kalimat berita
b) Bila kata pembukanya “say” maka harus diubah menjadi:
ask : bertanya
inquire : minta keterangan
want to know : ingin tahu
wonder : ingin tahu
ex :He said, “Where is the station?”
He asked (me) where the station was.

6. Pertanyaan yang dimulai dari kata kerja bantu (auxiliary)

Bila kalimat pernyatanyaannnya dimulai dengan kata kerja bantu, maka “if/whether”
ditempatkan di belakang kata kerja pembuka.
Ex: “Is anyone there?”, he asked
He asked if/whether anyone was there.

7. Reported Imperative (Kalimat perintah tidak langsung)

A. Positive Imperative
Ex : He said, “Go away!”
He told me to go away
ordered him
asked her
commanded the children
B. Negative Imperative
Ex : He said, “ Don’t move!”
He told them us not to move

Answer these following question correctly!
1. According to the text above, what is meant by financing?
2. How does the principal of financing work?
3. Why do people borrow money in financing institution?
4. Is there any advantage for the bank institution which lend money? What is that?
5. Are there any Finance Office in your town? Mention them!
Please change these following sentences into reported speech!
6. Siti said: ̋I have not finished my research proposal yet.̏
7. Jatmiko said:̋Where is my tie? I put it here yesterday.̏
8. Peter said: ̏I was watching TV when Ani called me.̋
9. Teacher said to the student: ̋Do this exercises!.̏
10. Ira said to Anam, ̏Do you know the man who stands there?̋



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