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Unit 2 (Staying Healthy and Safe)

1. Why is it important to have a healthy body?

To grow and develop well
2. How can we keep our body healthy?
✔ Having a balanced diet
✔ keeping our body clean
✔ exercising regularly
✔ getting enough rest
✔ having a clean and safe environment
3. What are some unhealthy habits?
✔ Not having a balanced diet
✔ not getting enough exercise
✔ Not getting enough rest
4. What are some healthy habits?
✔ Having a balanced diet
✔ exercising regularly
✔ having enough rest
5. How can we stay away from danger?
By following safety rules at home, in school and in case of a fire.
6. The different types of food give us different nutrients for our body to grow and stay healthy.
7. What must a balanced diet include?
✔ Energy-giving food
✔ body-building food
✔ energy-storing food
✔ protective food
8. Give five examples of energy-giving food.
✔ bread
✔ rice
✔ corn
✔ cereal
✔ noodles
✔ patatoes
9. Give five examples of body-building food.
✔ milk
✔ meat
✔ fish
✔ cheese
✔ egg
✔ bean
10. Give five examples of energy-storing food.
✔ Fatty fish
✔ cheese
✔ butter
✔ oil
✔ milk
11. Give five examples of protective food.
✔ carrots
✔ mangoes
✔ oranges
✔ kiwifruits
✔ kale
12. Fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins and minerals.
13. Name three kinds of food that are rich in vitamin A.
✔ carrots
✔ mangoes
✔ tomatoes
14. Name three kinds of food that are rich in vitamin C.
✔ oranges
✔ kiwifruits
✔ strawberries
15. Name three kinds of food that are rich in calcium.
✔ kale
✔ milk
✔ cheese
16. How can we keep our body clean?
By keeping germs away and taking care of our oral health
17. Germs are tiny living things that can harm our body.
18. What should we do to keep germs away?
✔ Wash our hands with soap before and after a meal and after using the toilet
✔ Bathe every day
19. Why should we take care of our oral health?
So that we can eat properly.
20. How can we take care of our oral health?
By brushing our teeth twice a day
21. Regular exercise also makes our bones and muscles stronger.
22. Why should we get enough rest?
Getting enough rest keeps us from falling sick easily. It helps us to focus when we study and
have more energy for playing.
23. What happens when we don’t get enough exercise?
We get sick easily. We can’t focus when we study, and we don’t have energy for playing.
24. Our environment refers to the surroundings in which we live.
25. Why do we need to live in a clean and safe environment?
A clean and safe environment help us grow and develop well.
26. How does a clean environment help us stay healthy?
A clean environment help us stay away from germs that make us sick.
27. What are the different nutrients found in food?
✔ Protein
✔ carbohydrate
✔ vitamins
✔ fats
28. What are safety rules at home?
✔ Don’t play in the bathroom.
✔ Don’t play with fire.
✔ Don’t play with power sockets and wires.
29. What are safety rules in school?
✔ Don’t run around in the classroom or jump down the stairs.
✔ Don’t play in the science laboratory.
✔ Queue up when buying food in the canteen.
30. What are safety rules in case of a fire?
✔ Stay calm.
✔ Don’t hide under the bed or the table.
✔ Quickly find a way to get out of the building.
✔ Get down on your knees and crawl under the smoke.
✔ Use the staircase when getting out. Don’t use the lift.
✔ Call the fire brigade when you are out of danger.

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