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Testing Club asked "How many different colour boxes are there?"
Among the responses he got were:

 Black Box Testing

 White Box Testing
 Gray (or Grey) Box Testing
 Clear Box Testing
 Glass Box Testing
 Pink Box Testing
 Red Box Testing
 Yellow Box Testing
 Green Box Testing

To me, anything much beyond Black Box and White Box is foolishness.  I get the distinction between the two
without much thought.  But venturing beyond that almost always requires further company-specific interpretation.

Do we use Gray Box Testing?  Perhaps.  It depends on how dark or light a shade of Gray you mean, I suppose.  Red
Box Testing?  I don't know.  Purple or Brown?  I might have done that once by accident.

Can we as professionals refrain from constantly inventing new, dare I say "colorful", terms?  Probably not.  But as
Michael Bolton over at DevelopSense writes, the final test of a metaphor or heuristic is "Is it useful?"  I don't see
much use for this rainbow of terms, but perhaps you do.

"When I use a word," Humpty Dumpty said in a rather scornful tone, "it means just what I choose it to mean -
neither more nor less."  I think I may have interviewed with Mr. Dumpty once or twice.

See also:

Permalink Reply by Bill Matthews on September 3, 2010 at 13:09

Mmmm...thought you were joking to begin with Robert but a quick Google has sadly proved me wrong
Here are some of the definitions I’ve found:

Red Box = "Acceptance testing" or "Error message testing" or "networking , peripherals testing and
protocol testing"
Yellow Box = "testing warning messages" or "integration testing"
Green Box = "co-existence testing" or "success message testing"

I think they all have it wrong...according to my "Rainbow Testing Dashboard"(tm), Acceptance Testing is

always “lime green box testing” – Only joking

These designations are meaningless and only really make sense to the person who uses it.
As Michael Bolton put it at
"The difference between the three is what some person says is the difference between the three. I can
guarantee that these terms will mean different things to different people."

Inventing these extra types of coloured boxes does not, in my opinion, add anything to our profession -
they may have valid specific industry meanings or are used locally within some companies but I don’t see
their value within the broader testing community.

These just seem to be made up by someone/some group who want to sound important or to appear to
have come up with some new radical thinking about testing. There is nothing new, important or
interesting about labelling or re-labelling something for no reasonable reason. It doesn’t help us
communicate or understand testing any better and certainly doesn’t make our job easier to do.

Testing is not about inventing more boxes – black and white/glass box testing makes sense and help us
differentiate between these two broad areas of testing. When we talk about Black Box Testing most
testers understand (or at least have an idea of) what that means; the same with White/Glass box testing.
They are metaphors for how we can view the system we are testing. For example Black Box = we can’t see
into a black box so we test only using the observable inputs and outputs (comes from black box flight
recorders or so I’m told). Glass box = we can see into a glass box so we test using what we can see inside
the program we are testing. They give us a way to talk and think about different viewpoints in testing.

Conceptually, these new boxes make little sense...they do not extend the original metaphor or at least not
in a way that makes any sense to me. For example, why is Acceptance testing a red box? Is it angry
testing? Is it Dangerous testing? Is it lucky testing? Is it fast testing (e.g. Ferrari red)? I guess it could be
argued that it is a Stop test.

I can just about see how red box testing might be testing error messages due to their association with the
commonly used error icon but do we really need a box to describe such a narrow part of testing...which
incidentally only really applies to GUI based applications. The metaphor doesn’t really apply to testing
web services or a command line program on Unix where all you get is an error message. Isn’t “We're
testing the Error Message” a little clearer that "We're doing red box testing" ?

At what point to we stop creating coloured boxes? What colour is my box if I’m doing security testing? Is
Application Security a different shade to Network Security? What about Programmer testing – if
Acceptance testing has a box why not Programmer testing? What about performance testing? What
about the colour of my box when all I need to do is find the most important bugs before we ship...surely
that should be the red box!

I guess all this does have one makes my job of selecting testers easier; if they are
Red/Green/Yellow Box Testers then I can safely put their CV in the bin.

Deep Breath...anyway, enough ranting for today


Reply by nagendra on January 7, 2010 at 10:27am


Sure these methodologies are pretty new to us, thanks for sharing with all of us.
Based on what I came across while browsing for these terms, here are the results;
Red Box testing is also referred to as Acceptance Testing.
Yellow Box testing is checking if the warning messages is properly configured or not.
Green Box testing is a process that exercises a software system’s coexistence with others by taking
multiple integrated systems that have passed system testing as input and tests their required interactions.
PS: If someone has better understanding on these, please do share.

Reply by Vanita on January 12, 2010 at 5:53pm

Red box Testing->UAT(User acceptance testing.

Yellow box testing->Integration testing

Reply by S M Senthil Murugan on January 13, 2010 at 11:54am

As per my understanding after the R&D these Red, Yellow & Green Box Testing are used for checking the
message boxes.

Red Box Testing : Error Messages.

Yellow Box Testing : Warning Messages.
Green Box Testing : Success Messages.


Answered On : May 8th, 2006

Grey Box Testing: Combination of white box and black box testiong
Red Box Testing: It is nothing but a Protocol testing
With Regards
Madhu R

Answered On : May 10th, 2006

Grey Box is a combination of White box and black box testing
Red box testing is for Error Message Testing
Yellow box is for Warning messages Testing

Answered On : Jun 18th, 2006

Grey box testing is a combination of black and white box testing,where tester will test both the build and the
internal code with some knowledge and understanding over it.
I have read in one website that,
Checking Warning messages--Yellow box testing

Checking Error messages--Red box testing

I am not sure why they are called yellow box and red box testing.But i think this warning messages and error
messages are the part of application/system in black box environment.If some parts of error messages and
warning messages are not covered in black box,i am sure they can be covered either in white box or grey box
I am assuming that,if we check only for error messages than it is called as red box testing.Red resembles danger
and unexpected error message is also danger to application or product.In the same way assume for yellow box
testing also :-))

Answered On : Jan 11th, 2007

Red Box testing is User Acceptance Testing...


Answered On : Aug 15th, 2007

Grey box testing is the combination of white box testing & black box testing.

Yellow box testing is testing the for warning messages

Red box testing is testing the error messages.

 Baselinetesting
 Jmeter testing tool
 When a system is running 24/7 with 1min down time, what kind of testing needs to be done?
 When is smoke and sanity testing are performed?
 Sit testing
 What is ideal model used for in software testing? What are the phases we follow in ideal model? What are
the usefulness of using this model?
 What is progress report in testing?
 QTP batch file testing
 Etl testing in Informatica
 Which test cases your select for retest and regression testing?

Related Open Questions

 Functional testing
 How to write test cases for integration testing?
 Difference between fish model and v-model in software testing
 What kind of testing used within a loop?
 Complete testing
 Testing header functionality in Microsoft word
 How to apply data reference errors testing to the following application?
 Web page diagnostics in performance testing
 Mainframe testing
 Data encryption and decryption test cases

Re: What is red box testing and yellow box testing?

#1: Acceptance testing, often referred to as Red-Box testing ,yellow box testing - I am nt aware of
#2: Simply yellow box testing is checking against the warning messages. The system properly throwing the warning
messages or not?

#3: Red box testing - User / Client can apply any techniques to accept the project. they will apply white box or grey
box or black box for accepting the project. So we are calling the user acceptance testing as a redbox testing. also
networking , peripherals testing and protocal testing called red box testing

#4: Module or class testing, often referred to as White-Box testing, Integration testing, often referred to as Grey-
Box testing, System testing, often referred to as Black-Box testing, and Acceptance testing, often referred to as
Red-Box testing.

#5: Red Box Testing : Testing takes place by the user or the Client is known as red box testing.

Yellow Box Testing: Testing in which we consider whether the messages or the warning are sufficient enough to
understand the user that whether they execute the product correctly or not.

#6:simply we can say: Red box-to check d error msg properly r not ,Yellow box-to check d warning msg

#7:Red box testing is end user testing while yellow box testing is warning or alert checking.

#8: Red Box Testing :to check the Protocol is known as Red Box Testing

Yellow Box Testing: It is a message level Testing. simply yellow box testing is checking against the warning
messages weather the system properly throeing the warning messages or not.

#10:Grey Box Testing: Combination of white box and black box testing ,
Red Box Testing: It is nothing but a Protocol testing

#11 . Grey Box Testing: Combination of white box and black box testing.
Red box testing - User / Client can apply any techniques to accept the project. They will apply white box or grey
box or black box for accepting the project. So we are calling the user acceptance testing as a red box testing. Also
networking, peripherals testing and protocol testing called red box testing.
Yellow box testing ? It is a message level testing.Simply yellow box testing is checking against the warning
messages. Weather the system properly throwing the warning messages or not?

#12. Red box testing- Error message.User Acceptance Testing. , Yellow box testing-warning message.Integration
Testing. ,Green box testing-success message

Re: what is the difference between Error,Defect,Bug,Failure

#1: Error : A discrepancy between a computed, observed, or measured value or condition and the true, specified,
or theoretically correct value or condition. See: anomaly, bug, defect, exception, and fault

Failure: The inability of a system or component to perform its required functions within specified performance
requirements. See: bug, crash, exception, fault.

Bug: A fault in a program which causes the program to perform in an unintended or unanticipated manner. See:
anomaly, defect, error, exception, fault.

Fault: An incorrect step, process, or data definition in a computer program which causes the program to perform in
an unintended or unanticipated manner. See: bug, defect, error, exception.
#3: Quality Center is Defect tracking tool, consider as advance Test Directory tool from HP.
#4: error: the mistake in progarm like syntax error .... defect: tester found the error is call defect…bug: developer
accept the tester defect is call bug …failure: deviation between actual result and expected result
#5: If we're talking about a problem that exists in the design of DNS or in a particular implementation, we should
call it a "defect" (this is the standard term among the safety engineers for what we programmers informally call a
If we're talking about a problem that exists at run-time, when something goes wrong internally,
we should call it a "fault".
If we're talking about somebody getting ripped off because they relied on DNS and a criminal exploited DNS, then
we should call it a "failure".
#6: 1>Error or mistake is nothing but a human action which produces an incorrect result.
2>Defect is a fault in the software due to human action also called as Fault or Bug.
3>Failure is a deviation from expected behaviour.
#8:error:- a human action that give incorrect results
failure:-A Failure is a ‘Deviation of the component or system from its expected delivery, service or result’
Failures can be caused by environmental conditions as well
E.g. radiation, magnetism, electronic fields
Pollution can cause faults in firmware or influence the execution of software by changing hardware conditions.
defect:A flaw in a component or system that can cause the component or system to fail to perform its required
Bug :A mistake in coding called 'error'.If that error identified by test engineer called defect. That defect is
fixed by developer is called bug.
#9: Error : A discrepancy between a computed, observed, or measured value or condition and the true, specified,
or theoretically correct value or condition. See: anomaly, bug, defect, exception, and fault
Failure: The inability of a system or component to perform its required functions within specified performance
requirements. See: bug, crash, exception, fault.
Bug: A fault in a program which causes the program to perform in an unintended or unanticipated manner. See:
anomaly, defect, error, exception, fault.
Fault: An incorrect step, process, or data definition in a computer program which causes the program to perform in
an unintended or unanticipated manner. See: bug, defect, error, exception.
Defect: Mismatch between the requirements.
#10: Error means any deviations in the applications from the requirements.

Bug means if the errors are identified during testing time.

defects means if the errors are not identified during testing time,but are identified during production time.

Re: 1.what is the purpose of testing ?

#1 Software testing is a process used to identify the correctness, completeness, security of the developed
computer software.
Software testing is a process of executing an application with an intention of find errors.
We do testing to get
1)Error free superior product

2)Quality assurance to the client

3)Competitive advantage
4)Cut down costs
#3:Software testing is a process of executing a software for its completeness and correctness with intent of
identifying errors to know that whether the software build is satisfying customer requirements

Purpose of testing:

1)We can able to give Quality software to customers

2)We can have the Confident of releasing a software with perfection and completeness means without any
3)we can able to reach customer requirements completely/correctly by doing Testing

#4: it is the purpose of testing not what is testing so the purpose of testing is that during the mid 1980's slowly the
s/w company started to emerge and slowly in the market their was the demand for software and the application
was developed as per the requirements of clients, But after releasing the software/application their were many
defects the company started to look into the matter and started to analyze why the is a defects and they
came(company) to the solution that their must be a testing department in order to provide the high robust quality
software for the client.

what r all the testing methods & what methods u r using 4 the current project.

Re: From Which part of the Requirement we will prepare Test Cases

#1 We can use requirements document or FRS(Functional Requirement Specification) to prepare test cases, and we
use test case template also.
#2 The requirements can be in the form of 1)Design Documents, SRS, Functional Specifications(FS), Technical
Design Development (TDD). 2)Use Cases. 3) based on the application

Re: How do we do Database testing?. How does our knowledge on SQL is useful in Database testing?. Please
explain the process if possible.

#1 Data Base testing is done to check the back end quaries of the application. To do data base testing we need to
no all the sql quaries in detail.
#2 Database Testing: Here we are checking that what ever we are doing at the front end i.e.In our Application is
reflecting in the Back End database or not? Again we are searching/testing the results in database by using
SQL Queries Eg: If I have to find specific row in the table Then your knowledge of SQL Queries will be useful.

What is Functional Testing and Regression Testing?give one real time Example?
#1: Functional Testing: To test the functionality of the application is called Functional testing.

After fixing the bug/issue tester will do the retesting and regression testing.

Regression testing:To ensure that any other functionalities have been impacted by adding the new functionality
(may be a change request or after fixing the bug by the developer)

#2 To test all the functionality of the application is called functional testing. Regression testing is conducted for 2
reasons 1. Bug fixing 2. Change request (new functionality integrated)

After fixing the issue, have to do regression testing to make sure that whether fixing of issue impacted on other
Re: Give an example of High sevierity and low priority

#1 High sevierity and low priority bug This means that: Bug affacting the application functionality sevierly but the it
has less priority to fix it. For eg read the following bug description: Session is not expiring after clicking on logout
button in any screen. if we click on logout button it is navigating to login page, but if we click on browser back
button again it is navigating to previously viewed page and not allowing to do any operations.

#2 High severity means, becuase of that defect user is unable to do any operation.

Low priority, this scenario occurs rarely or among 50000 users only one user tries that situation

#3 Severity describes the seriousness of the bug. Due to a bug a total module may not be accessed.For example

bug1: if "Application"button is clicked then it should open the application form page. If the button click does
not work then it can be described as severity is "high".

bug2: If the click of "Application" button opens the application page but the details needs to be displayed in
the current page are not displayed then it can be described as severity is "medium".

bug3: If the caption of the "Application" button is misspelled as "Aplication" then it can be described as
severity is "low" Priority describes what is the bug which needs to be fixed at the earliest. This is normally decided
by the PM.

For example in the above case if the "application module" need not be submitted immediately then bug1 and bug3
may be given "high" priority where as bug2 may be given priority "low"

In the above case if the "application module" has to be given immediately then all the three bugs bug1,bug2,bug3
are given "high" priority.

#7 You need to decide how severe the bug affects application and priority decides based on the specifications.

Example: Think that you have drop down for selection of reports in your applictaion, where the report name is
Mispelled. Based on name only you can select and view the status of particular repot. In this case Its high severity
from testing perspective asper Rquirements but as per development spelling mistake is a low priority.

Re: How many days need to test one module? If any one know the answer please tell me?

#1 as per the Test plan ...time period will be alloted to the modules under the depending functionality and
useabilty of that module in app. so the day will be depend on test plan ...not on the tester.

Re: What is agile methodology

#1 here both tester and developer interact with the client daily every update abt the project is given to the
customer, here customer is also technical person

#2 Agile Methodology is an incremental approach. Here application is always updated i.e. new modules are
added/modified/deleted in a regular basis. So testing and development should be done synchronously to make it a
successful project.

What is v model

#1 v stands for verification n cases of v model rs,hrs,hlds llds, are prepared and reived by the author of
those document

#2 The V-model represents a software development process (also applicable to hardware development) which may
be considered an extension of the waterfall model. Instead of moving down in a linear way, the process steps are
bent upwards after the coding phase, to form the typical V shape. The V-Model demonstrates the relationships
between each phase of the development life cycle and its associated phase of testing

Re: What is integration testing

#1 Integration testing (sometimes called Integration and Testing, abbreviated "I&T") is the phase in software
testing in which individual software modules are combined and tested as a group
#5 In Unit Testing we test individual modules and then in integration testing we test the interfaces between the

#6 Integration testing is used to test the high level functional specifications i.e software/hardware. these test can
be done in group wise modules

#7 in integration testing individual s/w modules are combined together and conducted the test on that

Re: What is mean by testing Methodology?

#2 testing methodology determine how to testing to be conduct starting to ending and whether testing follows
standards are not, and it verify functionality.

#3 Testing Methodology is how to develop the test cases-(i.e) by using White Box Method or Black Box Metod is
defined under Testing Methodology.

#4 Test methodology means which technique are used for validate the application there r 3 types of methodlogies

1.Black box
2.White box
3.Gray box
#5 test methodology:

1)acquire & study the test strategy: what is the relationship of importance of test factors, what damage can be
done to the businesss if the software fails to perform correctly. what damage can be done to the business if the
software is not completed on time. which of the highest level risks r most significant who r the individuals and
most knowledgeble in understanding the impact of identified business risks.

2)determine the type of development project

3)determine the type of softawre system.

4)identify the tacticaL AND BUSINESS RISK


#6 Way of developing the process is called testing methodology

#8 Testing means: Testing is a process. Which it is identified the defects, isolated subjected from rectification and
ensure the data from when product or project is defect free. Hence if u will produce quality product to customer
satisfaction. Testing methodology means while application work as per client standars or not is knowing the testing
methodolag's testing methodolog's are three types

1) Block box testing.

2) White box testing.
3) Gray box testing.
Re: what is the difference between testcase and test scenario? Please give one example.

#1 Test Case:A test case is a document that describes an input, action, or event and an expected response, to
determine if a feature of an application is working correctly.

Test Scenario:what r the main functionalities u r going to test. Simply we can say test case is "how to test" and test
scenario is "what to test".

#2 Example for a TestScenario: Check for a Textbox whether the user can able to numeric value or not.

Ex for Test cases; From the above scenario, we can write the following testcases:

1. Check for a +ve number.

2. Check for a -ve Number in the text box.
3. Check for a alphanumeric/special characters in the textbox.
4. Check for a "zero" in the text box.
#3 a)Test scenarios nothing but describes a situation to prepare a test case to test a specific functionality.

b) In other words test scenarios are thread of operations.

c) Test case is a description of what is to be tested.

d) Test case is nothing but formal steps and instruction
e) Test case is mainly describes a feature of an application is working correctly or not?
f) Test case is nothing but set of inputs and outputs.

#5 Testcase is an action,input or event and expected result ,Test scenario is an way of possibilities.Simply i can say
one thing test case is a how to test test scenario is what to test

#6 Test Scenario: What you are going to test your application/System. It eans what are things you are going to
test like Look & Feel, Functionality, Security and Performance. It has description, Priority and status (BVT / BAT)

Test Case:
How you are going to test your application/system. It is a procedural way to test a application and it contains the
steps, inputs, expected results, actual results and status.
#7Test Scenario: Test Scenario is briefly explains about the route of the testing. Eg: Getting money from the Bank.
It will tell only a scenario to get money from the bank.

Test Case: Test case is doc that describes input,action & expected responce do define whether the required feature
is working properly or not. test case will cover all the possible routes
Eg: Getting money from the Bank.
We can do it by many ways a) From ATM
b) From Bank directly by Cash

c) From Interenet Banking

d) By Cheque etc.
Re: What is driver and stub? where it is used, in top down or bottom up approach?

#1 driver is a replacement of unfinished main component.

stub is a replacement of unfinished sub components.
driver is used in Botton-up approach.
stub is used in Top-down approach.
#2 Driver is a simulation(sample) for calling program ,it is used in Bottom-up Approach

Stub is a simulation for called program ,it is used in Top-Bottom Approach

#3 Top down & bottom up approach is included in Integration testing..

Top down approach: to test Main module to sub module .. sometimes the main module is still not developed the
temporary module is developed and tested this temporary module name is called stub . Its acts like sub module

Bottom up approach : Bottom up approach: to test sub module to main module... Sometimes sub module is still
not developed the the temporary module is developed i,e called driver .It act as main module
#4 Driver and stub is used in integration testing. Driver is used in bottom up approach of integration testing. driver
calls the function to be tested.

Stub is used in top down approach of integration testing. stub is called by the function to be tested. It is a
piece of code which stimulates the activity of other module in system.

E.g. System consist of modules A,B and C.

Development of module A and B is done.Now we cant afford to wait till the time module C is ready.In this case we
can develop dummy of module c which will stimulate the activity of module c in system and we can continue with
our integration testing.Here dummy of module C is stub.When we will connect all three modules to ensure they
function properly then it is called as driver.
RE: please tell me about fish model which is used in sdlc model, and also tell me about the founder of fish model
and diagram of fish model and other things in details
#6 Fish model is also called as cause effect diagram or Fish bone diagram or Eshikawa diagram.
This method is mostly used to find out the possible causes of any effect or output.
E.g. suppose your application is not giving proper output while adding new module to system.Then there can be
possible casese like mismatch in variables, there may be something wrong in design or there may be something
wrong in SRS and so on.....
To draw diagram (1) Draw a straight horizontal line
(2) Then draw some cross lines like body structure of fish & keep major causes at that lines.
(3)Draw another cross lines to major cause line and write there minor causes.
#7What is a Cause-and-Effect Diagram?
A Cause-and-Effect Diagram is a tool that helps identify, sort, and display possible causes of a specific problem or
quality characteristic (Viewgraph 1). It graphically illustrates the relationship between a given outcome and
all the factors that influence the outcome. This type of diagram is sometimes called
an "Ishikawa diagram" because it was invented by Kaoru Ishikawa, or a "fishbone
diagram" because of the way it looks.
When should a team use a Cause-And-Effect Diagram?
Constructing a Cause-and-Effect Diagram can help your team when you need to
! Identify the possible root causes, the basic reasons, for a specific effect, problem, or condition.
! Sort out and relate some of the interactions among the factors affecting aparticular process or effect.! Analyze
existing problems so that corrective action can be taken.
Why should we use a Cause-and-Effect Diagram?

A Cause-and-Effect Diagram is a tool that is useful for identifying and organizing the known or possible causes of
quality, or the lack of it. The structure provided by the diagram helps team members think in a very systematic
way. Some of the benefits of constructing a Cause-and-Effect Diagram (Viewgraphs 2) are that it
! Helps determine the root causes of a problem or quality characteristic using a structured approach.
! Encourages group participation and utilizes group knowledge of the process.
! Uses an orderly, easy-to-read format to diagram cause-and-effect relationships.
! Indicates possible causes of variation in a process.
! Increases knowledge of the process by helping everyone to learn more about the factors at work and how they
! Identifies areas where data should be collected for further study.
Manual Testing:
1.How do we categorize Test cases in Regression Testing?
2.How can u do Performance tESTING?
3.What r the parameters u apply for doing functional testing?
4.what is non-functional testing?
5.if they r more number of test cases how can u pick up a
selective test case?
6.what is good requirement& bad requirement?
7.what is functionality testing? to manage test cases when requirements change? what phase of project testing starts?
10.diff between test bed n test environment?
11.what did u achieve being a tester?
12.what is pare to analysis?
13.what is testcondition? who prepares it n when it is used?
14.what is show stopper?
15.what is backend testing using sql?
16.diff bet application testing n product testing?
17.what is cause effect graph? performance testing done manually?
19.what is proto type testing?
20.pre UAT and UAT testing?
21.what is broken link in web testing n how to test it?
22.what is cyclomatic complexity explain with example?
23.what is buddy testing?
what is entry and exit creteria for testing ?What is Green Tesing, Red Tesing & Yellow Box Tesing?how many
web pages in your application?whatis ur company testing process?what are the bugs we canot find in black
box?.what is the of testing in sdlc?What is the diff. b/w Basline and Tracability matrix?can you write test cases
on pen?Is system testing part of Functional testing or functional testing part of system testing?what is
localization testing?is it a black box testing or white box testing?describe briefly?

#1 1. Categorize as per the main flow& high priority test cases, more defect density area covering test case, failed
test cases and randomly picked test cases etc.

2. It is performance team responsibulity, i.e. they validate the application by appling more number of vertuial user
at a time to check the load, stress & thus point

3. Validating the application as per the Expected and actual result


4. GUI, Performance, Security etc

5. As per the preyuarity
6. Good requirement - which covered all the business requrements
Bad requirement - which does not covered all the business requrements, not able to understand, not clear
7. its field level verification, where we validate wheather respective application is beheaving as per the
8. If u prepare RTM (Requirement Trasability Matrix), it will be easy to track the test case and there requirements
9.Tester activity starts after BRS and SRS are ready execution phase starts after build is ready
10. Test bed - set of test cases (whech is related to 1 main funtionality)
Test Environment - Hardware and software setup in mechine to run the application
13. It discribe one perticular action of an application as per the requirement, it is used at the time of writing test
14. Mismatch\ defect found at the time of exetution and you are not able to execute furture
15. The impact of field inputs need to store in back end i.e table or records.
In back end testing we test, wheather given inputs in front end (Field) are stored in respective tabler form or not.
to validate this back end (Table or records) we will use SQL
#2 Broken link: it can be stated as a link which points to a file which no longer exists. For example when we clik on
a link and the "page cannot be displayed" msg is there on the explorer and explorer refers to the homepage of the
site on which the link was there. To Test It

pre requisites: Link should be visible should be connected to the internet application should be loaded

Verify the link on click takes to the next page or not
Action: Click the link
Expected: link should take u to the next page
TC 2: right click on the link Open in new window exp: takes u to the new page
TC 3: Select the link and press enter exp: takes u to the new page
actual: doesnt take to the new page. Test fails
Re: What is defect leaking and defect release

#1 While verifying the defect if it has been found tobe not fixed, then it is called defect leaking.If it has been fixed,
then the defect is said to be release

#2 when a version is released say ex:version2.0 and is anymodifications have been made to this version and named
to version 2.1 and the u find any (small) defect in the new version which was left in 2.0 the tht is called defect

#3When A defect introdues by End Users as it was missed Testing Team Called Defect Leak. after fixing the defect
and well tested , released to End User called Defect Released with New Version.

Re: who do the sanity and smoke please explain me at what time this type of testing will do

#1 Test Engineer will do the sanity and smoke testing.

Smoke test:When the build is deployed to testing team they test whether the build is stable or not for other steps
of testing is known as smoke test.
Sanity test:To verify whether basic functionalities or major functionalities are working with all valid data for the
build is known as sanity test
#2Smoke testing is done by the developers before the build is released or by testers before accepting a build for
further testing. On the other hand Sanity testing is mostly done by the testers.
Smoke testing can be compared with the normal health check-up of the product whereas Sanity Testing can be
compared with some specialized test to reveal possible problems with a particular functionality of the product.

Re: diff b/w waterfallmodel & v-model?

#1 in Waterfall model the requirements must be feasible where in v-model this is not compulsory. in waterfall
model each and every phase of SDLC should feasible then only it will go forward. whereas in V-model SDLC phase
all will be work in parallel method.

#2 a) When the customer or client requirements clear then that time use the waterfall model

j) QA is the verification-developers
k) QC is the validate-test
l) UAT is the client
#3 Water fall model when the process is running u can’t do any kind of changes in the middle of your project.
V-model -- here verification and validation is done simultaneously and the outcome product is a QUALITY product
#4 water fall model is used when the project is small and requirements are very clear. Where as v-model is used if
the project is small and the requirements are not clear.

#5 Main difference in b/w waterfall & V model are as follows:-

-In Waterfall Model, output of any phase is the Input of other phase like after completion of Requirement phase
next phase will come i.e Design and so on which is main drawback of waterfall model while in V Model both phases
(Verification and validation) are ongoing activities.
-In waterfall model, any error occurred in any phase can be traced or rectified laterly while in V model error can be
traced on same phase.
-In waterfall model,cost of fixing and finding the bug is very huge as error will finds in later stage even TESTING will
done only at once as per as schedule while in V model after completion of any phase Testing comes in picture and
cost of finding nad rectify the bug is low. Now a days, V Model is adopt by various companies due to its benefits
over Waterfall Model.
Re: What is the test scenario? What is the difference between test strategy and test scenario.?
#4 Test Scenario: Test scenario is a situation, What r all the situations the end user can use.
Test Strategy: The Test Strategy is company level document, This will prepared by the quality control people. The
Test Strategy document defines The testing approach to be followed by the testing team.
#5 Test Scenario: A scenario is a hypothetical story, used to help a person think through a complex problem.A
document specifying a sequence of actions for the execution of a test. Also known as test script or manual test
Test strategy: A high-level document defining the test levels to be performed and within those levels for an
organisation or programme (one or more projects).
Re: what is single tire, 2tire 3 tire and so on up to n tire ? can any one explain me about this in detail.
#1 In one tier application the UI/Server(business logic)/Database resides on one node. The most basic type of
client-server architecture employs only two types of nodes: clients and servers. This type of architecture is
sometimes referred to as two-tier.
The 3-Tier architecture has the following three tiers.
1. Presentation Tier 2. Logic Tier / Business Logic Tier / Transaction Tier 3. Data Tier
Where N-Tier Architecture contains each modules resides in different node, which are as follows
1. Presentation GUI. (HTML, Windows Forms etc.)
2. Presentation Logic Tier. - The Web(VB Script,VB.Net,Java Script etc.) - Proxy Tier(SOAP,COM,DCOM etc.)
- Client interface
3. Business Tier. (Business Objects and Rules) 4. Data Access Tier. (Interfaces that handles all the Data I/O)

5. Data Tier. (Storage,Query)


Single Tire:
In single tire architecture all there layers of the Enterprise application (1.Presentaion layer, 2.Business layer, 3.Data
Storage & Data Access layer) are tightly coupled and it's most suitable for Standard alone applications only.
Disadvantage of Single Tire:
1)Due to this tight coupling if we want to change the presentation then the change might be effect on remaining
layers too.
2)Only one client can able to access the resources at a time
Two Tire:
In Two tire architecture we are separating the the Presentation layer from the Business layer and Data access
and Data Storage layes so that we can provide the sharability of the Business logic to all the presentation
Here we are coupling only Business layer and Data Storage & Data Access layer only.
Example of Two Tire is : Client Server architecture
Advantages of Two Tire architecture:
1) More than one client can interact at a time
2) Data access centric
3) While comparing with the Singel tire architecture it os not that much of tight coupling.
Three Tire Architecure:
In Three tire architecture we are separating all the three layers(Presentation layer, Business layer and Data access
and Data Storage layes) on different different nodes so that we can maintain application very esily.
It's a loosly coupling architecure.
Example of Two Tire is : MVC-I and MVC-II
#3 one tier is standalone applications..two tier is client/server applications ..three tier is web based applications
.n tier is disturbuted applications
Re: What are the contents in "Requirements Traceability Matrix" not in " Test Responsibility Matrix"?
#1 Contents of Requirements Traceability Matrix / RTM :
Release Name
Test Case Name
High level design
Low Level Design
Test Case Execution
Automation Execution
#2 RTM:- reqId, Description, priority, test conditions, test case Id, phase of testing,
#4 RTM describes the mapping among the requirements, test cases and bugs.

1. Req.Id.
2. Description
3. Test Case Id
4. Result(Pass/Fail)
5. Bug Id.
Requirment tracability matrix is useful when there is requirment change. It will easier to tester to find out which
test cases needs to modify if particular requirment is changed.

Re: how load testing is different from regression testing?

#1 load test : typically it is a type of performance testing. it is being carried out to determine when the system gets
break. it is carried out gradually.
Regression: Regression is a process of testing the software that has been modified to ensure that no defect has
been introduced by the modification and the software still able to meet its specification.
#2 Load Testing is Performance testing , this can be used when we want to check the how the application behaves
if the number of users are more at the time of accessing it.
Regression Testing:After getting confirmation the bug is fixed we are going to check the fixation is going to create
any problems in the application or not...
#3 normally, load testing means estimating the load applied on cpu or server when 'n' number of users using the
same application at a same time.
regression testing means testing an application after the defect has been fixed inorder to know whether the defect
shows impact on the other subfeatures where the defect has been found in a certain feature.
#4 Load Testing ia s performance based testing while regression testing ia functionality testing
In load testing you check that your system performance when you will put enough load on it and in regression
testing you check that when you will change one of the module then how other are effected
#5 Load testing : Its a performance testing to check system behavior under load. Testing an application under
heavy loads, such as testing of a web site under a range of loads to determine at what point the system’s response
time degrades or fails.
Regression testing : Testing the application as a whole for the modification in any module or functionality. Difficult
to cover all the system in regression testing so typically automation tools are used for these testing types.
Re: What is the difference between QA (Quality Assurance) & QA (Quality Analyst)?
#1 Quality Assurance- Assuring the quality of the product, whether it is developed as per requirement or not.
Quality Analyst- One who checks the quality of a product
#2 Quality Assurance- Quality Assurance is a process oriented Methodology where defects r minimized at the end
of every phace.
Quality Analyst- One who checks the quality of a product.
#3 Quality Assurance is a department in parlance to Quality control, development.
Quality analyst is a post given to a person who perform quality checks on the process as per the defined standard
Re: When should testing start in a project?
#1 Well testing in a project can be started in two phases.
They are 1) Conventional testing
2) Unconventional testing
Conventional testing starts after the coding part in the SDLC. Here the functionality of any pertiucular application
is being tested.
Unconventional testing starts right from the first phase of the SDLC. Here the functionality is not being tested but
all the documents that come out in each phase are tested that is
SCD-Coding etc...
#2 Conventional Testing: starts From The Starting Phase Of SDLC To The End Of SDLC It Is done By The "Quality
Assurance" people
Un Conventional Testing: starts From The Coding Phase Of SDLC To The End Of SDLC It Is done By The "Test
Re: what are things you want to check in web based testing?
#1 I have been working on Web application testing since two and half years
These are all very basic in Web application test
1) verify the URL
2) Navigation test
3) Pop up windows
4) Refresh, stop, Recent page, search test.

5)shortcut keys like Alt+ f4 should close like that

6)Menu Bars and tools
These type of test while looking on the Web window
#2 There is one more thing which is necessery to conduct i.e the browser compatiblity.that means to very whether
the application is open in different browser for example(Internet explorer,netscape,mozilla,opera)etc
#3 Overview: To ensure the quality of content, layouts, currency of news items, ease of navigation and most
important of all ease of access.
Time: Website/page changed since the last upgrade
Contents: All links inside and outside the Website working? Do all of the images work? Are there parts of the
Website that are not connected?
Content Match: The content of critical pages match what is supposed to be there?
Accuracy and Consistency: Server respond to a browser request within certain parameters and latency (in E-com)
Performance: The Browser-Web-Website-Web-Browser connection quick enough?
Does the performance vary by time of day, by load and usage?
Check the performance adequate for E-commerce applications broken pages and faulty images, with error
messages etc.
Navigation [Usability]:Users move to and from pages, click on links, click on images (thumbnails), etc. Navigation
in a Website is quick and error free.
Validation: URL links, forms, tables, anchors, buttons of all types in an "object like" are validated and are
independent of representation. Clear and meaningful labels are given.
Server Response & Request time: Time taken from Browser – Web server and Web server – Browser to deliver the
page requested.
Benchmarking: The bench marking is done based upon the services of relevant type to that of the leading peers
Search & Caching: Proper search parameters to be given in the Meta Content to enable the search engines to
search the page and Caching of pages to maximize the throughput.
Error Handling: Error handling /Error messages are thrown in case of maintenance or as required.
Testing of New Server: Check for content replication/availability, Performance, Data-base connectivity,
consistency and Access log path and Error Log path.
Re: Smoke Testing is responsibility of Tester & Developer ?
#1 Generally, a smoke test is scripted (either using a written set of tests or an automated test), whereas a sanity
test is usually unscripted.

Smoke Test (conducted by Testers)

In software testing, a smoke test is a collection of written tests that are performed on a system prior to being
for further testing. This is also known as a build
verification test.

Sanity Test (conducted by Developers)

A classic example of this in programming is the hello world
program. If a person has just set up a computer and a
compiler, a quick sanity test can be performed to see if the
compiler actually works.
#3 Smoke testing is the responsibility of a developer.
Smoke testing: This is a Build Verification in order to ensure that the system is stable before the build is given

to the testing team....


Re: how do we start testing when the build is required

#1 Before Build deployment We have to Design the Test cases based on Buisness Logic

Re: which testing process you followed in your company ???

#2 all testing like Unit testing on individual models and integration testing on entire project we perform. but this
was not my task in previous industry thats why i dnt describe u it practicaly.
#3 There are various testing processes followed, few of them are:
Waterfall model , Spiral Model , V Model... etc May be combination(s) of these models


Re: What is the Regression Testing Process followed in your company?
#1 Regression testing process: If new build is deliver to testing team then testing team first test the previous
logged issue for fix, afterthat testing team perform the regression testings using few testcases, this regression
testing process.
#2 Regression testing process is done when a fix has been done for a new bug or enhancement.
When a new build is delivered,

1)Perform Smoke test to ensure that build is proper so that it can be taken for major regression testing.
2)After smoke test passes then Execute Regression test cases which ensures that the fix does not introduce any
bug in the existing code.
3)Only then Verify and test the fix. verification must be one only after the first 2 pocesses are done.
Re: What is the difference between White Box testing and Unit Testing?
#1 In white box testing the tester should/will know the inner workings of the code.And this will be done by the
tester.This can also be called as glass box,structured,clear box,open box testing.

Unit testing is the basic testing done by the developer to see whether the code is working fine.Each module will be
tested by the developer before sending it to the testing team.
#2 White Box testing is a Testing technique used to Perform Unit Testing. In Unit Testing we will test each
individual program by using White Box testing techniques like Loop Testing,Statement Coverage,Condition
#3 White box testing is something in which the tester must have a basic knowledge of a language which is being
used.Unlike Blackbox,this is someting which is also called as Glass box, where you have an access to the source

Unit Testing: A type of WBT,generally done by developer.Basically its done at module level to catch and
fix the most obvoius bugs, so that they should not make to the Integration level.As compare to Integration testing
fixing issue, found during this level of testing becomes very easy,as developer knows that in which module issue
#6 Unit testing is a kind of white box testing done at the baisc level by a developer. So it relates to checking the
code from the basic level.

White box testing deals with testing the internal logic ie structure of the program.
#7 1)Unit testing is one of the level of testing which includes the testing of individual software components like
(e.g. Modules, objects, classes etc),it may includes testing of functionality and specific non-functional
characteristics as performance, structural/white box (decision coverage)testing.

2)White box testing is one of the type of testing which is based on an analysis of the internal structure, code
coverage of the component or can be done at any test level(unit, integration etc).
#8 Unit Testing is an combination of both white box and black box testing where developer will be doing both the
test.In unit testing following white box testing methods are done.
Code,loop testing,structure testing,condition's,statements, branches and data flow and in additional to that black
box testing methods such as functional,usability, boundary value analysis etc are done.

Re: What is Migration testing?

#1 change in version should not cause difficulty to the customer.

#2 Testing of programs or procedures used to convert data from existing systems for use in replacement systems.
#3 To Update the software which has new advanced features including present features,Companies migrate from
older version to new version ,the catch here is,the Production data which they have till date will be retained in the
migrated software application.

Re: What is the diff. Between Waterfall and Spiral model?

#1 The waterfall model the process goes to the next step after completion of the previous step as first requirement
then design then coding then implementation then maintenance but here is no end user feedback taken to
consideration any change in SRS will result to start work fro first step and goes step by step again.

But in case of Spiral model for each and every step there is testing for that step carry on simultaneously after
finishing that step so that it will easy to recover any error and fix it there. In this model we don’t have to
start work from beginning
#2 In the water fall model the process flows from top to bottom like a flow of water . But any new changes can not
be incorporated in the middle of the project development. Whereas the spiral model is best suted for projects
associated with risks.
#3 water fall model is casecade in nature, because it goes from one stage to the other and it cannot come back to
the prevoius stage. it follows the principal like

Requirement gathering
Analysis of the requirements
while in spiral model the concept of waterfall model is combined with the iterations. it is also different in the
design from the waterfall model, after completing one stage we can easily come back to the previous stage.
#4 Waterfall model is a document driven process. While spiral model does not requires the document.
#5 In Waterfall model each step is distinct. After completion of step one can move to next step and once you are
through from one step you cant move back.Hence waterfall model is useful only those projects where
requirements are well understood and no chang in requirements is needed.

In spiral model we dont define every thing in detail at very beginning.we start with basic functionality and work
them out.we take client's feedback.If developed functionalities is as per clients requirement then we move
on to next step.Spiral model is useful when requirements are changing.
#6 In waterfallmodel we will not come to know about the output unless all the stages are over. In spiral model,we
will know the final output almost in the begining it is a output driven method
#7 "Waterfall model is a document driven process.While spiral model does not requires the document." Is this
mentioned anywhere? Because at the end of the last prototyping in spiral modeling,

water fall model process ( like detail design, coding, testing, acceptance) is applied, and hence it should also be
considered as document driven process. Please comment.
Yes I agree that spiral modeling will help client to understand the approximate characteristics of end product and
on the basis of which he can rework on the requirements and hence it is suitable for big projects with high risk
factor involved.
#9 When using the waterfall model, once each stage is complete, you continue onto the next step, however you
cannot return to the previous stage.. The waterfall model is only used when the requirements are well understodd
and there is no change in requirements.
In the case of using the spiral model, the completion of one step can allow you to move to the next step or to go
back to the previous step.This means that the stages in the spiral model can be repeated.
#10 Waterfall Model also called as linear Sequential Model or classical life cycle model is purely a pre planned
/strategic in nature. The requirements gathering is the important phase and once the requirements have been
identified and agreed, the subsequent activities like analysis, design, and implementation exactly resembles to the
requirements specification.If any flaw is uncovered in the specification it leads to a serious/major error/defect in
the building product. No subsequent changes can be done once you have skipped to one phase another, similar to
waterfall from a hill to ground, flow of water cant be reversed. It is the best model if requirements gathering have
done perfectly and clearly stated in the initial phase. Coming to spiral model, unlike waterfall model is iterative in
nature. This model suits for certain situations where you need to build a novel system or product which you dont
have adequate requrirements gathering. Spiral model starts in developing a new/novel concept and upon
subsequent refinements, the concept can be turned into a product or a system. At each iteration, the daemon
activities like analysis, design, coding, testing etc will be commenced.The errors/defects uncovered can be fixed on
next version or iteration. Also the spiral model stresses more on the risk analysis which is not much considered in
waterfall model. The major drawback of waterfall model is Customer should have patience and both customer and
s/w engineer should have a perfect picture of what they are going to do, in real time situations this will happen
rarely as most of customers and engineers are not fully experts in particular domain, and ofcourse changing
requirements continously makes you select spiral model rather than the waterfall model.
Re: What is a good requirement and bad Requirement
#1 Which is Freezable,Consistent and clear is a good requirement and which is changing frequently is a bad
#3 When a requirement is submitted and if the requirements are stable till the deployment of project, then we
can say it's a good requirement.

When we have written test cases for a particular requirement and also some modules have been developed and
during these stages if the requirement is changed it's called bad requirement.
#4 Requirements which are freeze, understandable,easy and clear are good one. Requirements which are keep on
modifing are bad one

#7 There is nothing called Good or Bad requirement.i see the answers posted here are from the developer's angle
not from testers. Any requirement we receive from the client is meant to satisfy the need of them. if at all, some
requirement is going to be called as bad requirement is that, when it contradicts other requirements or misleads
the functionality of the same system. even then it'll be called as improper system requirement.

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