t3 U6 Gloss

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Electronic circuits

English Spanish Definition

Anode Ánodo The positive terminal of an electrical cell.

A circuit where currents and voltages vary

Analog Circuit continually within some practical range, in
proportion to some signal.
A region between an emitter and collector of
Base Base a transistor and which receives an electric
current of electrons.

Capacitor, A basic electrical component that stores

condensador electric charge.

Cathode Cátodo A negatively-charged electrode.

A very small piece of semiconductor that

Chip/Microchip Chip
contains extremely electronic circuits.

An electrode in a transistor which collects

Collector Colector

Radiator-type component where refrigerator

Condenser Condensador gives off heat by being changed from a gas
to a liquid.

An electronic component that only allows

Diode Diodo
current flow in one direction.

A circuit where all points on the signal path

Digital Circuit Circuito digital
have only one of two states.

An elementary particle that is a fundamental

Electron Electrón constituent of matter and which has a
negative charge.

The region in a transistor where electrons

Emitter Emisor

Farad Faradio The unit of capacitance of a capacitor.

© McGraw-Hill 1-1
Technology 3 Secondary · Unit 6 · Glossary
U.6. Electronic circuits
English Spanish Definition

The unit of measurement for the electromag-

Henry Henrio
netic inductance of an inductor.

A basic passive electrical component that

resists changes in electric current. Inductors
Inductor Inductor, bobina
are generally made by winding or coiling a
wire, sometimes around a magnetic core.
An electronic circuit which utilizes resistors,
Integrated Circuit capacitors, diodes to perform various types
of operations.

Light Emitting Diodo emisor de A device which produces a light on electronic

Diodo LED luz equipment.

An electronic device which measures

Multimeter Multímetro
voltage, current and resistance.

Potentiometer Potenciómetro A variable resistor used as a voltage divider.

Resistencia A device which has resistance to the passage

of electrical current.

An element which has four electrons in the

outer ring of its atoms. They are used to
Semiconductor Semiconductor
make diodes, transistors and integrated
A device or system that converts some
Sensor Sensor physical event into an electronic signal, for
further use in measurement or control.

A temperature-compensator resistor. The

Thermisor Termistor degree of its resistance varies with the

A device constructed of semiconductors that

Transistor Transistor is used in circuits to control a larger current
using a smaller current for operation.

A resistor that can be adjusted to different

Variable resistor Resistor variable
ranges of value.

© McGraw-Hill 2-1
Technology 3 Secondary · Unit 6 · Glossary
U.6. Electronic circuits

© McGraw-Hill 3-1
Technology 3 Secondary · Unit 6 · Glossary

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