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General Instructions:
1. Please read the instructions carefully
2. This Question Paper is divided into 03 sections, viz., Section A, Section B and Section C.
3. Section A is of 05 marks and has 06 questions on Employability Skills.
a) Questions numbers 1 to 4 are one mark questions. Attempt any three questions.
b) Questions numbers 5 and 6 are two marks questions. Attempt any one question.
4. Section B is of 12 marks and has 12 questions on Subject Specific Skills.
a) Questions numbers 7 to 12 are one mark questions. Attempt any four questions.
b) Questions numbers 13 to 18 are two marks questions. Attempt any four
5. Section C is of 08 marks and has 03 competency-based questions.
a) Questions numbers 19 to 21 are four marks questions. Attempt any two
6. Do as per the instructions given in the respective sections.
7. Marks allotted are mentioned against each section/question.

SECTION A (3 + 2 = 5 marks)
Answer any 3 questions out of the given 4 questions. Each question is of 1 1x3=3

List any two myths about entrepreneurship.

Ans: Every business idea needs to be unique or special.
1. A person needs a lot of money to start a business. 1
(½ mark each)

Which are the 3 major problems related to Sustainable development?

2. 1
Ans: Food , Water, Fuel
Name any two factors that cause ecological imbalance.
Ans: Degradation of Land and Soil Erosion.
3. Deforestation. 1
Faulty Utilisation of Water Resources.
(½ mark each)

Give any two qualities of a successful entrepreneur.

4. Ans: Confidence, Patience, Creative thinking, Responsible 1
(½ mark each)
Answer any 1 question out of the given 2 questions. Each question is of 2
Do you agree with the statement “Entrepreneurs are born, not made”.
Justify your answer.
Ans: No.
5. Research has established that almost anyone can be an entrepreneur with 2
the right skills, drive and passion. There is no set defined way to point
towards personality types of entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurship is a learned
skill, not a natural-born ability.
(1 mark for No, 1 mark for Justification)
Enlist any 4 Sustainable Development Goals.
6. No poverty , Zero Hunger, Quality Education, Gender Equality 2
(½ mark each)

SECTION B (4+8 = 12 marks)

Answer any 04 questions out of the given 06 questions. 1x4=4

What is a corpus?
Ans: A corpus can be defined as a collection of text documents. It can be
7. 1
thought of as just a bunch of text files in a directory, often alongside
many other directories of text files.

Identify the number of tokens in the sentence given

8. Stay positive, better days are on their way. 1
Ans: Tokens- 10
(1 mark)
Write the Stem and Lemma of the word “Carries” .
9. Ans: Stem- Carri 1
Lemma- Carry
Give 2 examples of script-bots.
10. Ans: Mitsuku Bot, Jabberwacky or any valid answer 1
(½ mark each)
An AI model when evaluated shows 0.92% accuracy. The value of
Precision and Recall are 0.75 % each. What will be the value of F1 Score?
11. 1
Ans: F1 Score : 0.75
Give the formula to calculate TF IDF with respect to a word.
12. Ans: TFIDF for any word W 1
TFIDF(W) = TF(W) * log( IDF(W) )
Answer any 04 questions out of the given 06 questions. 2x4=8

13. Mention the different steps involved in Text Normalization.

Sentence Segmentation , Tokenisation, Removing Stopwords, Special 2
Characters and Numbers , Converting text to a common case, Stemming
14. Identify the type of errors that occur when
a. An AI model predicted the occurrence of Forest fire, but in reality
there was no Forest Fire (False Positive).
b. An AI model predicted that there is no chance of Virus outbreak,
but in reality there was a virus spread (False Negative).
Ans: 2

a. Type I error
b. Type II error
(1 mark each)


From the given graph, answer the following

a. Which are the different types of words occurring in a corpus?
b. How is the frequency of occurrence of a word related to its value?

Ans: Stopwords, Frequent words, Rare/Valuable words (1 mark)

Frequency of occurrence is inversely proportional to its value. The

words which occur most (like stop words) have negligible value. As
the occurrence of words drops, the value of such words rises. (1 mark)
16. Write down the steps to implement the Bag of Words Algorithm.
1. Text Normalisation: Collect data and pre-process it.
2. Create Dictionary: Make a list of all the unique words occurring in
the corpus. (Vocabulary)
3. Create document vectors: For each document in the corpus, find
out how many times the word from the unique list of words has
4. Create document vectors for all the documents.
(½ mark each)
17. Differentiate between over fitted and under fitted AI models.
Ans: When the model’s output does not match the true function at all,
it is said to be underfitting and its accuracy is lower.
When the model performance is trying to cover all the data samples 2
even if they are out of alignment to the true function it is said to be
overfitting and this too has a lower accuracy.
(1 mark each)
18. Explain Sentiment Analysis. What is its use?
Sentiment Analysis helps to identify sentiment among several posts
or even in the same post where emotion is not always explicitly
expressed. It is also known as opinion mining.
Sentiment analysis understands sentiment in context to help better
understand what’s behind an expressed opinion, which can be
extremely relevant.
Companies use Natural Language Processing applications, such as
sentiment analysis, to identify opinions and sentiment online to help
them understand what customers think about their products and

SECTION C (2 x 4 = 8 marks)


Answer any 02 questions out of the given 03 questions.

19. Create a dictionary and perform a step by step calculation to find

TF IDF for the given corpus.

Document 1: A lion was once sleeping in the jungle.

Document 2: A mouse was disturbing the lion.
Document 3: Lion got angry.
Document 4: Mouse ran away.

Ans: Dictionary
{lion, once, sleeping, jungle, mouse, disturbing, got, angry, ran, away}

Term Frequency 4
lion once sleeping jungle mouse disturbing got angry ran away

1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0

1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0

0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1
Document Frequency

lion once sleeping jungle mouse disturbing got angry ran away

3 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1

Inverse Document Frequency

lion once sleeping jungle mouse disturbing got angry ran away

4/3 4/1 4/1 4/1 4/2 4/1 4/1 4/1 4/1 4/1

TFIDF(W) = TF(W) * log( IDF(W) )

lion once sleeping jungle mouse disturbing got angry ran away

1*log 1*log 1*log(4) 1*log 0*log 0*log(4) 0*lo 0*log 0*lo 0*log
(4/3) (4) (4) (2) g(4) (4) g(4) (4)

1*log 0*log 0*log(4) 0*log 1*log 1*log(4) 0*lo 0*log 0*lo 0*log
(4/3 (4) (4) (2) g(4) (4) g(4) (4)

1*log 0*log 0*log(4) 0*log 0*log 0*log(4) 1*lo 1*log 0*lo 0*log
(4/3 (4) (4) (2) g(4) (4) g(4) (4)

0*log 0*log 0*log(4) 0*log 1*log 0*log(4) 0*lo 0*log 1*lo 1*log
(4/3 (4) (4) (2) g(4) (4) g(4) (4)

(½ mark for dictionary, 1 mark for Term Frequency, ½ for DF, 1 for IDF,
1 for TFIDF)
20. An AI model has been developed to predict the Virus outbreak. The
confusion matrix for the same is as follows.

Actual : 1 Actual : 0

Predicted : 1 0 3

Predicted : 0 3 94

Calculate Accuracy and Precision for the above given problem. 4

Accuracy = (𝑇𝑃+𝑇𝑁+𝐹𝑃+𝐹𝑁)*100 %

Precision = 𝑇𝑃+𝐹𝑃*100%
Accuracy = 100 * 100 = 94%
Precision = 3*100 = 0
(1 mark for formula, 1 mark for identifying TP,FP, FN, TN, 1 mark each
for calculation)

21. Approximately 95.2 per cent of schools are not yet compliant with the
complete set of RTE infrastructure indicators according to a survey
conducted in 2010. They lack drinking water facilities, a functional
common toilet, and do not have separate toilets for girls. Authorities should
provide financial aid and take necessary steps to improve the pathetic state
of such schools.
a. For the situation given above, write the Problem Statement
b. If you are asked to get information about the needy schools, which
all data collection methods will you follow?
c. What solution would you suggest to improve the situation?

Ans: a ( 2 marks)
Our School Students Who 4

Have a problem of improper Infrastructure- lack of What

drinking water, no separate toilet
for girls

While Schools Where

An ideal solution would Authorities should provide Why

financial aid and take necessary
steps to improve the pathetic
state of such schools.
b. Survey, Interview, Site visit (1 mark)
c. any valid solution ( 1 mark)

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