Shafira Mega Amanda P.S

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Observation Sheet

Observer : Shafira Mega Amanda P.S

Date : 20 May 2022
Location : MI Muhammadiyah Program Khusus Wirogunan Kartasura
General description of setting :

This is an offline learning observation, on English subjects. This learning takes place for 1
hour or 30 minutes. In this lesson, the teacher invites students to practice their speaking skills
regarding pronunciation. by discussing the material names of fruits in English. The class that
I observed was grade 1 elementary school, totaling 23 children, all of which were boys. Class
starts at the beginning of the lesson, which is at 07.00 - 07.30.

Time Description Observer comment/ additional note

07:00-  With a loud and cheerful tone of voice,  The condition of the class was
07:05 the teacher greets the students. getting crowded, the students were
"Assalamualaikum, good morning still chatting with each other. when
students, how are you today? Before we the teacher comes in, and greets.
start our lesson, lets pray together" students have immediately
 Students sat down quietly, the students prepared themselves, and answered
answered with "Waalaikumsalam Mrs. greetings.
fine thankyou and you" and start
learning by praying together.

07:05-  The teacher continued the material on  Before entering the material, the
07:15 the name of the fruit, "Adakah yang teacher should review the material
masih ingat dengan nama-nama buah that has been previously distributed
yang sudah kita pelajari sebelumnya?" to students. So that students
in a loud voice, with the intention of remember the previous material.
confirming whether any of the students But here because there are no
still remember. / Silence. students who answer, the teacher
Hari ini kita akan kembali melanjutkan immediately mentions the name of
nama-nama buah dengan bahasa the fruit to be taught. The teacher is
inggris, masih semangat semuanya?”. / good at explaining, the material
“Yes. Mrs” And then the teacher assessed is not too fast, but less
mentions some examples of fruit, such interesting.
as banana, avocado, grape, apple, star
fruit, dragon fruit, cherry, durian,
orange, guava, jackfruit, pineapple. The
teacher practices to the children what
the name of each fruit is in English, and
how to pronounce it. For example, the
teacher mentions a banana "Ini adalah
pisang, in English this fruit is called a
banana" then gives an example of
pronunciation to the students "banana"
for 3 times. Teachers use 2 languages,
namely Indonesian and English, but
teachers often use Indonesian as their
teaching language to students.
 Some students pay attention to the  In the middle of learning the
explanation given by the teacher, but teacher gives a warning, so that all
some students do not look focused and students can focus on the material
talk with their friends next to them. being taught. And also the teacher
makes learning more interesting so
that the students are also happy and

07.15-  After finish discussing and practicing  The teacher is good at crossing out
07.25 some fruit names in English, here the the words "names of fruit" in
teacher begins to invite students to English. However, the teacher
jointly answer the questions given by should pay more attention to some
the teacher. The teacher takes out the students who are not focused, and
fruit pictures one by one that will be provide opportunities for these
asked to the students. "Ini buah apa? students to repeat the words.
Siapa yang tahu apa nama buah ini Pronunciation activities are not
dalam bahasa inggris (pisang)?” with only carried out simultaneously.
an enthusiastic tone of voice. Aloud
some students answered "banana,
banana". Some students raised their
hands, some cheered in response, and
there are also students who are passive.
"Ibu ulang sekali lagi, Apa nama buah
ini dalam bahasa inggris?". / "banana".
Then the teacher repeats the word
"banana" 3 times, paying attention to
good pronunciation.
 After it was felt that everyone could say
and understand that the English
language of banana is banana, the
teacher continued to the next fruit
picture. "What kind of fruit is this?
Warna nya hijau, who knows?". all the
students answered "Avocado". "Try
again one more time, still not excited".
/ "Avocado.. Avocado..". Then the
teacher repeats the word avocado for 3
 The teacher conveys this until the end of
the names of the fruits that have been
conveyed. Until the last pineapple. The
teacher again shows a picture of a
pineapple. "Yang terakhir siapa yang
tau apa bahasa inggris dari buah yang
di gambar ini? yang tau coba tunjuk
tangan" Then some students raised their
hands to answer. there are students who
answer "such as durian, grape, and
other fruits". but still not true. "This is a
pineapple, guess what the name in
English is? It's the letter P in front of it".
someone answered "pear". "still wrong,
then the teacher mentions pineapple"
the students were asked to repeat the
word pineapple 3 times.
 All students can answer the names of  But there are also students who are
fruits in English as the teacher has said, not active, only answer in a small
there are students who are excited to tone and look scared. The teacher
repeatedly raise their hands to answer invites the inactive students to
the questions given by the teacher. always ask questions so that the
students become more accustomed
and confident and brave.

07.35-  The teacher finish the lesson by  Before the lesson ends, the teacher
07.30 praying. “Terimakasih anak-anak, hari should return to review the material
ini kita sudah belejar mengenai nama- that has been studied, and ask
nama buah. Sebelum mengakhiri students to study the material at
pembelajaran, alangkah baiknya kita home.
berdoa bersama-sama”. “Bye student,
wassalamualaikum wr.wb”
 Students carry out prayer activities
together. “Bye... Mrs.”
How much input is available?
 Input is available from 2 ways. That is from the teacher's explanation and from the English

How much input is provided?

 There are only a few inputs provided, namely about vocabulary or fruit names in English.

How is the quality of input?

 The quality of the input provided is still very lacking. Many students do not understand the
input given, so it requires extra work to make students acquire the language.

Is there enhancement? in what form

 Improvements made by the teacher are in the form of repetition of vocabulary to train students
in improving pronunciation, and getting good input.

how's the proportion of input vs output?

 The proportion of input vs. output, maybe only 60% vs. 40%.

 The output obtained from learning in class about the names of fruits in English is in the form
of several students who understand and know the material that has been taught previously.
This is indicated by the presence of several students who are active in answering some of the
questions given by the teacher.

How is teacher - students interaction? (power relation, who ask questions, one/ two ways)
 The interaction between teachers and students is very good. The teacher gives students some
questions about the material being taught, namely "fruits". It was seen that some students
were very active in answering, but there were also students who were passive during the
learning process.

What is student-student interaction?

 Student-student interaction is an interaction between students that occurs during the learning
process. Like chatting with friends, or discussing with each other when there is a grouping.
Are there grouping? How is the grouping decided?
 During the learning process there is no grouping. Students answer the questions given by the
teacher simultaneously.

How does the group interact? (different gender, different aptitude. etc?)
 There is no group interact.

What is the proportion of talk time?

 The proportion of talk time given to students is very small, when the teacher asks, students
answer quickly and simultaneously, when the teacher feels the answer is correct. The teacher
asked the next question again.

Corrective feedback
How are errors corrected?
 Errors are corrected directly by the teacher when students incorrectly answer the questions

Are there under/ over corrections?

 Yes, there are over correction. because the teacher always does a repetition of the
pronunciation of the fruit vocabulary in English. The repetition is done 3 times, until the
students can actually pronounce the pronunciation well.

Psychological factor
 One of the psychological factors is the factor that makes students become active or not when
learning in the class. For active children can be caused by the factors of themselves who really
understand the explanation given by the teacher. And the excellent and cheerful teacher's
nature makes them also excited in answering the questions given. But for some students who
are inactive, maybe the factors that make them like that are because they are sleepy, or chit
chat with their friends who are chatting so they disappear focus and do not understand what
has been explained.

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