Netflix Project

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Netflix Project Caleigh Sommers Period 2


1. Form: Netflix started by selling DVDs to compete with blockbusters, but now they use
electronic devices such as your phone, computer, or TV to stream Netflix. Therefore they
combined the internet with the fast-growing divergent technologies to make a streaming
service accessible from anywhere.
2. Place: Netflix was very strategic when it decided to become an online streaming service.
Now as long as you have a device, like a computer, phone, or TV you can stream Netflix
anywhere, which was the idea. However Netflix always requires an internet connection,
so in all reality, you will not be able to stream it from anywhere. This limits the places
Netflix can be accessed.
3. Time: Netflix is always available; However, they have different release dates for
everything. This makes the anticipation grow and causes people to stay subscribed to
4. Possession: In order for a subscription you have to pay from $10 a month to $20 a
month, based on what plan you want. Netflix will only accept debit, credit, gift cards, and
pay pal.
5. Information: Netflix does not release commercials, but they do a great job of getting the
word out by providing trailers for upcoming movies or tv shows, and even reminders.

In my opinion, you are technically keeping the company from making money when you
share passwords. This can be seen as stealing, especially if you are looking at it as if you own
Netflix. From this point of view, it is understandable why they do not want people doing it. On the
other hand, everyday people believe they should be able to share passwords with at least their
family. In my personal opinion making it illegal to share Netflix passwords should only happen if
the password sharing has gone to the extent of what it should be. If it is only a mild concern
then Netflix should handle it, and keep the government out of it.

There are more key components when it comes to the downfall of Blockbusters and the
uprising of Netflix that meet the eye. When Netflix was first starting up they actually went to
blockbuster and offered a partnership where Netflix would run blockbusters brand online while
blockbuster would promote Netflix in their stores. Blockbuster thinking they were all-powerful,
turned them down. It wasn't that much longer until blockbusters started seeing Netflix as a
threat. The main difference at the time between Netflix and blockbuster was that Netflix was
online, in discs, and did not charge late fees, all of which blockbuster did do. When Antonio (the
CEO of blockbuster) proposed getting rid of the late fees and putting blockbuster online, in total
$200 million. However, eliminating the late fees would put profitability in danger. The board lost
confidence in Antonio and was later fired, five years later blockbuster filed for bankruptcy.
Blockbuster making pore decisions caused them to go bankrupt fast but, what helped
Netflix accelerate faster than blockbuster ever could? Netflix's biggest component that appealed
to many people was having a disc mailed to your house without the hassle of hoping a
blockbuster store would have the movie you wanted. What allowed Netflix to do this was
investing in multiple copies of discs and not multiple stores. Netflix didn’t stop there, they
continued to innovate, creating online programming, and original tv shows. With never stopping
innovations to keep people interested Netflix was always popular.

Nowadays with the combination of the internet and flat-screen devices, you can stream
Netflix off any device with the app download. Although the question, of whether you can stream
it anywhere, can be limited. Netflix requires an internet connection so that will limit the places
you can stream. Netflix is always accessible even through the night, the one thing that is time
restricting is the release dates. Yet Netflix uses this to their advantage by keeping the
anticipation going with trailers and remainders you can set for the release of a movie or tv show.
In order to have access to Netflix, you must pay a monthly payment of $10 to $20. Which can
only be paid by debit, credit, gift cards, and pay pal. A very interesting fact is Netflix has never
released a commercial, yet keeps the growing profits and many customers. With all this
provided evidence it is clear to see how Netflix would go on to succeed and blockbusters would
be left in the dust.

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