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Teacher’s name: Jesús Marcano

Student’s name: Diana Carmen Matos

Cycle: 11th Basic Novoa
Date: 12/09/2022


Tip 1 Tip 2 Tip 3

Meeting Etiquette Language Cultural literacy

- Arrive - Use informal - Visit the Chan
promptly for language with Chan museum
meeting your friends - Walk through
- Treat everyone - Use formal the city center
on a first-name language with
basis your teachers
Street La Perla 508
Saint Ines, Trujillo
Sep 12, 2022
Dear Mieko,
Welcome to Trujillo, when you arrive at the family that will host you, be nice to them
and try to make friends with their children, so that they can accompany you in your activities.
In Trujillo when you have a meeting arrive promptly and treat everyone on a first-
name basis. You can use an informal language with your friends and with your teachers as
far as possible treat them with a formal language.
Since you will be there for six months, you have to visit the Chan Chan museum and
every time you go through the city center try to walk around it, this will allow you to get to
know a little more about my beloved city.
Wishing you the best for your stay, I sincerely say goodbye.
Editing symbols
1. // : two independent clauses are wrongly connected or separate the ideas clearly. It
indicates that you have a run-on sentence or a comma splice.
Ex. I love to write papers // I would write one every day if I had the time. (Incorrect)
I love to write papers. I would write one every day if I had the time (Correct)
2. Remove the word:
Ex. The education is important for children. (Incorrect)
Education is important for children. (Corrected)
3. Meaning is not clear.
Rewrite the sentence better.The sentence is difficult to follow, confusing or incomplete.
4. Wrong spelling of a word
Ex. This is my fisrt draft. (Incorrect)
This is my first draft (correct)
5. Indentation is needed to start the paragraph.
6. (,) comma needed
Ex. In fact that was a great breakthrough (incorrect)
In fact(,) that was a great breakthrough (correction)
In fact, that was a great breakthrough (corrected)
7. * missing word. You need to add a word in that space.
8. Wrong word:
Ex. It’s the worst day for my life(incorrect)
It’s the worst day of my life (Correct)
9. Wrong form of the verb. The verb could be present, past and past participle.
She like pizza or I like to played soccer (incorrect)
She likes pizza or I like to play soccer (Corrected)
10. (p) punctuation needed it could be a period, a comma or a semi-colon.

Content Organization Grammar Vocabulary Mechanic Total

6 6 5 5 s 25


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