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Engineering Mechanics Question Bank

1) Determine the resultant and direction of following forces as shown in figure.

2) The link of screw subjected to forces as shown in figure. find the magnitude and direction of
resultant forces

3) Four parallel forces 10 N, 30 N, 45 N and 60 N acting on a rod of length 10 meter shown in

below figure, find magnitude of resultant forces and point where it acts.

4) Determine resultant of four forces tangent to circle of radius 5 meter. find the location with
respect to origin ‘O’
5) Determine the component of 8 KN force as shown in figure. Also find angles with coordinate axis.

6) Resolve the given force as shown in below figure into components along x-axis, y-axis and z- axis.

7) Determine the Y-coordinate of the centroid of the following I section. (All dimensions are in ‘mm’).

8) Find the centroid of shaded area for the composite figure shown below.
9) Determine the centroid of following composite section. The radius of circle is 2 cm and radius of
semicircle is 2 cm.

10) A car is travelling along a circular path having radius of 50m at speed of 10m/s, for short distance
from s=0 its speed increased by v= (0.08s)m/s2,where s is in meters, determine its speed and magnitude
of its acceleration when it moves s=7 meter

11) The acceleration of a point moving along a straight line is given by equation a=16t2-30 t+50. It
is known that giving its displacement s= 6m at t= 0sec and s= -6m at t=5 sec. derive equation of its

12) A vehicle travels on straight line such that its position X=4t6-7t3+30, where X is in ‘meter’
and time is in ‘second’.
a. Time when velocity is zero(v=0)
b. Minimum speed reached by particle
c. Distance travelled in 4 second
13) A projectile is fired with a velocity 90m/s on horizontal plane .find its time of flight in
following case-
a) Its maximum height is 4 times horizontal range
b) Its maximum height is half of horizontal range
C )Its maximum height and horizontal range are equal

14) An object is fired from the ground 160 m/s at angle 20 degree with horizontal.
a) Calculate vertical and horizontal component of initial velocity.
b) After 3 second how far object travelled in horizontal direction.
c) How high is the object at this point.

15) Two sphere P and Q each of weight 60 N and radius of 200 mm rest in horizontal channel of
width 240 mm shown in figure, determine reaction at point of contact A, B and C

16)Two identical rollers o each weight 400N are supported by an inclined plane and vertical
wall as shown in figure find reactions at a point of contact ‘A, B and C.’

17) Determine the support reactions at A and B for a beam shown in below figure.

18) Determine reactions at supports ‘P and Q’

19) Two span beam ABCD as shown in below figure, find reactions at support. Internal hinge at

21) Determine reactions at support A and B as shown in below figure,

22) A bar of AB 10-meter-long rest on horizontal position shown in figure on two smooth
planes, find distance X at which load P=350 N is to be placed. neglect weight of bar

23) Find the reactions at support A and E for the below figure
24) A bullet of mass 30 g is fired into a body of mass 20 kg, which is suspended by a string 0.6 m
long. Due to this impact, the body swings through an angle 20°. Find the velocity of the bullet.

25) A 20g bullet is fired with a velocity of magnitude V0 = 500m/s into a 4.5 kg block of wood
which is stationary. Knowing that the coefficient of kinetic friction between the block and the
floor is 0.4, determine how far the block will move.

26) A 40 kg body is initially at rest on a 30° inclined plane with coefficient of kinetic friction
µ=0.25. Find the distance and the time body travels before attaining the speed of 30 m/s. Refer
the fig.

27) A 1 kg stone is dropped from height and strikes the ground with a velocity of 30 m/s using
work energy principle find the kinetic energy of stone strikes the ground and the height ‘h’ from
which it was dropped.

28) A block of mass 30 kg is released from rest on the top of inclined plane A. It travels on
incline and comes to rest at ‘C’. Find the distance x it travels and maximum velocity attains
during motion. Take µk = 0.2. Refer fig.
29) A block B of mass 2.5 kg is moving on horizontal surface with velocity Vo = 3 m/s and hits
the sphere A of mass 0.72 kg which is at rest and hanging from a chord attached at O as shown
in the figure. The coefficient of friction between the horizontal surface and the block is 0.5 and
the coefficient of restitution between the block and sphere is 0.75. Find out after impact, height
‘h’ reached by the sphere and distance ‘x’ moved by the block.

30) A 1.5 kg sphere is released from rest when Ɵ=40°.It strikes 2 kg block B which is at rest.
The velocity of sphere is zero after impact. And block moves through distance of
2 m before coming to rest. Determine,
1)Co-efficient of friction between the block and the surface.
2)Co-efficient of restitution between the sphere and the block. Refer fig. L = 1.2 m

1. 31) A collar of mass 10 kg moves on a vertical guide as shown in fig. Neglecting

friction between the guide and collar, find the velocity of collar after it has fallen 700
mm, starting from rest from position A as shown. The un-stretched length of spring is
200 mm and its stiffness is 200 N/m.
32) Two loads are supported from the cable ABC as shown in fig. Knowing that b = 4 m,
determine –
a) Required magnitude of horizontal force ‘P’
b) Corresponding distance ‘a’

33) Two loads are supported from the cable ABCD as shown in fig. Knowing that dB = 1.6 m,
determine - a) Distance ‘dc’ b) Reaction components at support A and D c) Maximum Tension in

34) Determine forces in all members of Truss shown in fig.

35) Determine forces in all members of Truss shown in fig.

36) Determine forces in all members of Truss shown in fig.

37) Determine forces in all members of Truss shown in fig.

38) Determine forces in all members of Truss shown in fig.

39) Find minimum value of ‘F’ to move block ‘A’ up the plane. coefficient of friction for all
rubbing surfaces is 0.2. Weight of A =300N and B =70N

40) Define following terms with neat sketch –

a) Angle of friction
b) Cone of friction
c) Angle of repose
41) Determine forces in all members of Truss shown in fig.

42) Block B of weight 10 KN rests on another block A of weight 20 KN. A string passing round a
frictionless pulley connects both these blocks as shown. What would be the value of horizontal
force P to drag the block A towards left? coefficient of friction for all sliding surfaces is 0.25.
43) Calculate velocity V of the 50 kg crate when it reaches bottom of the chute at B, if
it is given an initial velocity of 4 m/s down the chute at A. the coefficient of kinetic
friction is 0.30.

44) Two parallel 40-N forces are applied to a lever as shown. Determine the moment of the couple
formed by the two forces (a) by resolving each force into horizontal and vertical components and adding
the moments of the two resulting couples, (b) by using the perpendicular distance between the two
forces, (c) by summing the moments of the two forces about point A.

45) Find centroid of following shaded plane areas shown in fig.

46) A stone has fallen a distance of 12 m after being dropped from the top of a tower, another stone is
dropped from a point 20 m below the top of tower. If both stones reach the ground together. Find
height of tower.

47) The position of a particle which moves along a straight line is defined by the relation 𝑥 = 𝑡 3 − 6𝑡 2 −
15𝑡 + 40. Where x is in metes & t in second. Determine: a) The time at which the velocity will be zero. b)
The position and distance travelled by particle at that time. c) The acceleration at that time d) The
distance travelled by the particle from t = 4 second to t = 6second.

48) Find support reactions at support ‘D’ & ‘E’ for the beam system as shown in fig.

49) Find the force acting in all members of the truss shown in figure.

50) For given cable system find yc for which portion DE of the cable is horizontal.

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