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7/22/22, 3:18 PM LPU

Result & Analysis

Student: Afsar Alam Email id: afsaranis6465@gmail.comTest: Wipro_Actual_Test_4 Course: 2023 Batch_Wipro_Mock C

Attempt 1

IP Address: Tab switches: 10 OS used: Windows Browser used: Chrome

Test Duration: 00:16:13 Test Start Time: Jul 21, 2022 | 11:18 AM Test Submit Time: Jul 21, 2022 | 11:36 AM Resume Count: 1

Overall score Quants Section

Rank: NA Rank: NA

22 Topper score: 51.00 / 82 8 Topper score: 16.00

/ 16

/ 82 Average score: 13.21 / 82 / 16 Average score: 5.05

/ 16

Least score: 0.00 / 82 Least score: 0.00

/ 16

Logical Reasoning English Section

Rank: NA Rank: NA

6 Topper score: 14.00

/ 14 8 Topper score: 21.00
/ 22

/ 14 Average score: 3.84

/ 14 / 22 Average score: 5.05
/ 22
Least score: 0.00
/ 14 Least score: 0.00
/ 22

Coding Essay Writing

Rank: NA Rank: NA 1/13
7/22/22, 3:18 PM LPU

Topper score: 0.00

/ 20 Topper score: 5.94
/ 10

0 Average score: 0.00

/ 20 0 Average score: 0.63
/ 10
/ 20 Least score: 0.00
/ 20 / 10 Least score: 0.00
/ 10

Overall Question Status Quants Section - Question Status

Total Questions: 55 Total Questions: 16

Questions Attempted: 54 Questions Attempted: 16

54 Questions Correct: 22 16 Questions Correct: 8

/ 55 Question Wrong: 32 / 16 Question Wrong: 8

Partially Correct: 0 Partially Correct: 0
Question Not Viewed: 0 Question Not Viewed: 0

Logical Reasoning - Question Status English Section - Question Status

Total Questions: 14 Total Questions: 22

Questions Attempted: 14 Questions Attempted: 22

14 Questions Correct: 6 22 Questions Correct: 8

/ 14 Question Wrong: 8 / 22 Question Wrong: 14

Partially Correct: 0 Partially Correct: 0
Question Not Viewed: 0 Question Not Viewed: 0

Coding - Question Status Essay Writing - Question Status

Total Questions: 2 Total Questions: 1

Questions Attempted: 2 Questions Attempted: 0 2/13
7/22/22, 3:18 PM LPU

Questions Correct: 0 Questions Correct: 0

2 Question Wrong: 2
Partially Correct: 0
0 Question Wrong: 0
Partially Correct: 0
/2 /1
Question Not Viewed: 0 Question Not Viewed: 0

Topic wise Analysis Quants Section Logical Reasoning English Section Coding 

Question No: 1 Single File Programming Question Report Error

Problem statement
The games development company "FunGames" has developed a balloon shooter game. The balloons are arranged in a linear sequence
and each balloon has a number associated with it. The numbers on the balloons are in the fibonacci series. In the game, the player shoots
'k' balloons. The player's score is the sum of numbers on the 'k' balloons.
Write an algorithm to generate the player's score.
The fibonacci sum is 0+1+1+2+3+5+8=20

Input format
The input consists of an integer - numBalloons representing the total number of balloons shot by the player (k).

Output format
Print an integer value representing the player's score. If no balloons are shot then print 0.

Code constraints 3/13
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0 < numBalloons <= 106

Sample testcases

Input 1 Output 1
7 20

Input 2 Output 2
6 12

C (17)   

1 // You are using GCC

2 4/13
7/22/22, 3:19 PM LPU

Status: Wrong Mark obtained: 0/10 Hints used: 0 Times compiled: 0

Times submitted: 2 Level: Easy Question type: Single File Programming
Subject: Programming Subject: C Programming Subject: Functions

Show testcase scores Show solution

Solution 1 C (17) 

1 #include<stdio.h>  
2 int fibo(int n)
3 {
4 int fibs[n];
6 fibs[0] = 0;
7 fibs[1] = 1;
8 int sum=0;
9 for(int i=2;i<n;i++)
10 {
11 fibs[i] = fibs[i-1]+fibs[i-2];
12 }
14 for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
15 {
16 sum += fibs[i];
17 }
18 return sum;
19 }
20 int main()
21 {
22 int numBalloons;
23 scanf("%d",&numBalloons);
24 int result = fibo(numBalloons);
25 printf("%d",result); 5/13
7/22/22, 3:19 PM LPU
25 p t ( %d , esu t);
26 }
Solution 2 C++ (17) 
3 int fibo(int n)
4 {
5 int fibs[n];
7 fibs[0] = 0;
8 fibs[1] = 1;
9 int sum=0;
10 for(int i=2;i<n;i++)
11 {
12 fibs[i] = fibs[i-1]+fibs[i-2];
13 }
15 for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
16 {
17 sum += fibs[i];
18 }
19 return sum;
20 }
21 int main()
22 {
23 int numBalloons;
24 cin>>numBalloons;
25 int result = fibo(numBalloons);
26 cout<<result;
27 return 0;
28 }

Solution 3 Java (11) 

1 import java.util.Scanner;  
2 class Main
3 {
4 public static int fibo(int n)
5 {
6 int[] fibs = new int[n];
8 fibs[0] = 0; 6/13
7/22/22, 3:19 PM LPU
[ ]
9 fibs[1] = 1;
10 int sum=0;
11 for(int i=2;i<n;i++)
12 {
13 fibs[i] = fibs[i-1]+fibs[i-2];
14 }
16 for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
17 {
18 sum += fibs[i];
19 }
20 return sum;
21 }
22 public static void main(String[] args)
23 {
24 Scanner s = new Scanner(;
26 i t B ll tI t()
Solution 4 Python (3.8) 

1 def fun(n):
2 a = -1
3 b = 1
4 sum = 0
5 for i in range(1, n+1):
6 c = a + b
7 a = b
8 b = c
9 sum = sum + c
10 return sum
12 n = int(input())
13 print(fun(n))
14 7/13
7/22/22, 3:19 PM LPU

Question No: 2 Single File Programming Question Report Error

Problem statement
The online English language skills learning website 'EngAtTip' has designed an assessment. In the assessment, a piece of text is
displayed to the students. The text contains space-separated words. A word is an alphabetic sequence of characters with no whitespaces
in between the characters. The students must identify the words that are repeated in the text more than or equal to N times. These
repeated words are automatically removed by the system before the next text is displayed to the students. The texts do not contain any
punctuation marks.
Write an algorithm to display the words that are repeated more than or equal to N times in the text.
text input is case-sensitive (i.e. 'mat' and 'MAT' are considered as different words, not the same).
The text can contain lowercase and uppercase letters from the English alphabet [i.e. a-z, A-Z]. All uppercase letters come before lower
case letters in lexicographical order.
cat batman latt matter cat matter cat cat latt latt
cat latt
The word "cat" is repeated four times and the word "latt" is repeated three times in the text. Hence the words that will be removed are
["cat", "latt"].

Input format
The first line of input consists of a string - text input, representing the text that is displayed to the students. 8/13
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the last line of input consists of an integer - count, representing the value of the number of times a word occurs in the text(N).
Output format
Print space-separated strings in a lexicographically sorted order representing the words that are repeated in the input text more than or
equal to N times. If no word is repeated print "NA".

Sample testcases

Input 1 Output 1
cat batman latt matter cat matter cat cat latt latt
cat latt

Input 2 Output 2
cat batman latt matter CAT LATT

C (17)   

1 // You are using GCC

2 9/13
7/22/22, 3:19 PM LPU

Status: Wrong Mark obtained: 0/10 Hints used: 0 Times compiled: 0

Times submitted: 1 Level: Easy Question type: Single File Programming
Subject: Soft Skills Subject: Problem solving Subject: Problem solving

Show testcase scores Show solution

Solution 1 C (17) 

2 #include <stdio.h>
3 #include <string.h>
4 int main()
5 {
6 char str[100];
7 char splitStrings[50][50];
8 int i, j, cnt,n,count=0,flag=0;
9 scanf("%[^\n]s",str);
10 scanf("%d",&n);
11 j = 0;
12 cnt = 0;
13 for (i = 0; i <= (strlen(str)); i++)
14 {
15 if (str[i] == ' ' || str[i] == '\0')
16 {
17 splitStrings[cnt][j] = '\0';
18 cnt++;
19 j = 0; 10/13
7/22/22, 3:19 PM LPU
19 j = 0;
20 }
21 else
22 {
23 splitStrings[cnt][j] = str[i];
24 j++;
25 }
26 }
Solution 2 C++ (17) 

1 #include<iostream>  
2 #include<string.h>
3 using namespace std;
4 int main()
5 {
7 char splitStrings[50][50],str[100];
8 int i, j, cnt,n,count=0,flag=0;
9 cin.getline(str,100);
10 cin>>n;
11 j = 0;
12 cnt = 0;
13 for (i = 0; i <= (strlen(str)); i++)
14 {
15 if (str[i] == ' ' || str[i] == '\0')
16 {
17 splitStrings[cnt][j] = '\0';
18 cnt++;
19 j = 0;
20 }
21 else
22 {
23 splitStrings[cnt][j] = str[i];
24 j++;
25 }
26 }
Solution 3 Java (11) 

1 import java.util.*;  
2 class main { 11/13
7/22/22, 3:19 PM LPU
2 c ass a {
3 public static void main(String args[])
4 {
5 Scanner s=new Scanner(;
6 int flag=0;
7 String str =s.nextLine();
8 int n=s.nextInt();
9 String words[] = str.split(" ");
10 for(int i = 0; i < words.length; i++)
11 {
12 int count = 1;
13 for(int j = i+1; j < words.length; j++)
14 {
15 if(words[i].equals(words[j]))
16 {
17 flag=1;
18 count++;
19 words[j] = "0";
20 }
21 }
22 if(count >= n && words[i] != "0")
23 System.out.print(words[i]+" ");
24 }
25 if(flag==0)
26 S t t i tl ("NA")
Solution 4 Python (3.8) 

1 string =input()
2 n=int(input())
3 flag=0
4 words = string.split(" ");
5 for i in range(0, len(words)):
6 count = 1;
7 for j in range(i+1, len(words)):
8 if(words[i] == (words[j])):
9 count = count + 1;
10 words[j] = "0";
11 if(count >=n and words[i] != "0"):
12 flag=1
13 print(words[i],end=" "); 12/13
7/22/22, 3:19 PM LPU

14 if(flag==0):
15 print("NA") 13/13
7/22/22, 3:17 PM LPU

Result & Analysis

Student: Afsar Alam Email id: afsaranis6465@gmail.comTest: Wipro_Actual_Test_4 Course: 2023 Batch_Wipro_Mock C

Attempt 1

IP Address: Tab switches: 10 OS used: Windows Browser used: Chrome

Test Duration: 00:16:13 Test Start Time: Jul 21, 2022 | 11:18 AM Test Submit Time: Jul 21, 2022 | 11:36 AM Resume Count: 1

Overall score Quants Section

Rank: NA Rank: NA

22 Topper score: 51.00 / 82 8 Topper score: 16.00

/ 16

/ 82 Average score: 13.21 / 82 / 16 Average score: 5.05

/ 16

Least score: 0.00 / 82 Least score: 0.00

/ 16

Logical Reasoning English Section

Rank: NA Rank: NA

6 Topper score: 14.00

/ 14 8 Topper score: 21.00
/ 22

/ 14 Average score: 3.84

/ 14 / 22 Average score: 5.05
/ 22
Least score: 0.00
/ 14 Least score: 0.00
/ 22

Coding Essay Writing

Rank: NA Rank: NA 1/20
7/22/22, 3:17 PM LPU

Topper score: 0.00

/ 20 Topper score: 5.94
/ 10

0 Average score: 0.00

/ 20 0 Average score: 0.63
/ 10
/ 20 Least score: 0.00
/ 20 / 10 Least score: 0.00
/ 10

Overall Question Status Quants Section - Question Status

Total Questions: 55 Total Questions: 16

Questions Attempted: 54 Questions Attempted: 16

54 Questions Correct: 22 16 Questions Correct: 8

/ 55 Question Wrong: 32 / 16 Question Wrong: 8

Partially Correct: 0 Partially Correct: 0
Question Not Viewed: 0 Question Not Viewed: 0

Logical Reasoning - Question Status English Section - Question Status

Total Questions: 14 Total Questions: 22

Questions Attempted: 14 Questions Attempted: 22

14 Questions Correct: 6 22 Questions Correct: 8

/ 14 Question Wrong: 8 / 22 Question Wrong: 14

Partially Correct: 0 Partially Correct: 0
Question Not Viewed: 0 Question Not Viewed: 0

Coding - Question Status Essay Writing - Question Status

Total Questions: 2 Total Questions: 1

Questions Attempted: 2 Questions Attempted: 0 2/20
7/22/22, 3:17 PM LPU

Questions Correct: 0 Questions Correct: 0

2 Question Wrong: 2
Partially Correct: 0
0 Question Wrong: 0
Partially Correct: 0
/2 /1
Question Not Viewed: 0 Question Not Viewed: 0

Topic wise Analysis Quants Section Logical Reasoning English Section Coding 

Question No: 1 Multi Choice Type Question Report Error

Select most suitable synonym


rustic CORRECT




Status: Wrong Mark obtained: 0/1 Hints used: 0 Level: Hard

Question type: MCQ Single Correct Subject: Aptitude Subject: Verbal Ability
Subject: Synonyms 3/20
7/22/22, 3:17 PM LPU

Show solution
Question No: 2 Multi Choice Type Question Report Error

Fill in the blank:

The child didn’t get any medical attention. ________, she died soon after.

Despite this

As a result CORRECT

In this case

In spite of that

Status: Correct Mark obtained: 1/1 Hints used: 0 Level: Medium

Question type: MCQ Single Correct Subject: Aptitude Subject: Verbal Ability
Subject: Sentence completion

Show solution

Question No: 3 Multi Choice Type Question Report Error

Substitute the given sentence with one word.

The act of favouring one’s own relatives in the given jobs :

j bb 4/20
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nepotism CORRECT


Status: Wrong Mark obtained: 0/1 Hints used: 0 Level: Medium

Question type: MCQ Single Correct Subject: Aptitude Subject: Verbal Ability
Subject: Vocabulary

Show solution

Question No: 4 Multi Choice Type Question Report Error

Arrange the sentences A, B, C, and D in a proper sequence to make a coherent paragraph.

A. There was nothing quite like a heavy downpour of rain to make life worthwhile. 
B. We reached the field, soaked to the skin, and surrounded it. 
C. The wet as far as he was concerned was ideal. 
D. There, sure enough, stood Claudius, looking like a debauched Roman emperor under a shower.



BADC 5/20
7/22/22, 3:17 PM LPU


Status: Wrong Mark obtained: 0/1 Hints used: 0 Level: Medium

Question type: MCQ Single Correct Subject: Aptitude Subject: Verbal Ability
Subject: Para Jumbles

Show solution

Question No: 5 Multi Choice Type Question Report Error

Pick out the best alternative for the underlined part of the sentence.

If any one dared to suggest that he or she was not against women but only against reservation, nobody was willing to listen.

If any one dared to suggest

if anyone was dared to suggest

if anyone dared to suggesting

if anyone dared sugget CORRECT

Status: Wrong Mark obtained: 0/1 Hints used: 0 Level: Medium

Question type: MCQ Single Correct Subject: Aptitude Subject: Verbal Ability 6/20
7/22/22, 3:17 PM LPU

Subject: Sentence Correction

Show solution

Question No: 6 Multi Choice Type Question Report Error

Substitute the given sentence with one word.

One who collects coins


Numismatist CORRECT



Status: Wrong Mark obtained: 0/1 Hints used: 0 Level: Medium

Question type: MCQ Single Correct Subject: Aptitude Subject: Verbal Ability
Subject: Vocabulary

Question No: 7 Multi Choice Type Question Report Error

Common content
Read the passage and answer the questions based on the information from the passage 7/20
7/22/22, 3:17 PM LPU

At a stage like this in human civilisation, it is of utmost interest that nations coarse ignorance towards one another decreases, people
should start understanding a bit of histories of other cultures, other countries and the resulting mentality developed. It is really fault of
Englishmen because they expected people to run the world as they wanted to, to international as well as political situations. We many a
times expect people to be the way we are and because of that nothing is made out of our actual kindness and good intents. This could be
corrected, not to be a very wide extent but to a certain limit if we knew global history, even outlines of it, about the conditions, social and
political, which have lead the country to shape up as it has currently.
According to the author, why is nothing is made out of our actual kindness and good intents?

Because of the attitude of the English man

People don't learn their culture

We expect people to be the way we are CORRECT

none of the above

Status: Correct Mark obtained: 1/1 Hints used: 0 Level: Medium

Question type: MCQ Single Correct Subject: Aptitude Subject: Verbal Ability
Subject: Reading Comprehension

Show solution

Question No: 8 Multi Choice Type Question Report Error

Common content
Read the passage and answer the questions based on the information from the passage 8/20
7/22/22, 3:17 PM LPU

At a stage like this in human civilisation, it is of utmost interest that nations coarse ignorance towards one another decreases, people
should start understanding a bit of histories of other cultures, other countries and the resulting mentality developed. It is really fault of
Englishmen because they expected people to run the world as they wanted to, to international as well as political situations. We many a
times expect people to be the way we are and because of that nothing is made out of our actual kindness and good intents. This could be
corrected, not to be a very wide extent but to a certain limit if we knew global history, even outlines of it, about the conditions, social and
political, which have lead the country to shape up as it has currently.
The character that a country develops is mainly because of its:


Gross Ignorance

Socio-Political Conditions CORRECT

Cultural Heritage

Status: Wrong Mark obtained: 0/1 Hints used: 0 Level: Medium

Question type: MCQ Single Correct Subject: Aptitude Subject: Verbal Ability
Subject: Reading Comprehension

Show solution

Question No: 9 Multi Choice Type Question Report Error

Common content
Read the passage and answer the questions based on the information from the passage 9/20
7/22/22, 3:17 PM LPU

At a stage like this in human civilisation, it is of utmost interest that nations coarse ignorance towards one another decreases, people
should start understanding a bit of histories of other cultures, other countries and the resulting mentality developed. It is really fault of
Englishmen because they expected people to run the world as they wanted to, to international as well as political situations. We many a
times expect people to be the way we are and because of that nothing is made out of our actual kindness and good intents. This could be
corrected, not to be a very wide extent but to a certain limit if we knew global history, even outlines of it, about the conditions, social and
political, which have lead the country to shape up as it has currently.
A better understanding among countries:

Has always been present

There is no need of that 

Is now needed more than ever CORRECT

Will always remain

Status: Correct Mark obtained: 1/1 Hints used: 0 Level: Medium

Question type: MCQ Single Correct Subject: Aptitude Subject: Verbal Ability
Subject: Reading Comprehension

Show solution

Question No: 10 Multi Choice Type Question Report Error

Common content 10/20
7/22/22, 3:17 PM LPU

Read the passage and answer the questions based on the information from the passage

At a stage like this in human civilisation, it is of utmost interest that nations coarse ignorance towards one another decreases, people
should start understanding a bit of histories of other cultures, other countries and the resulting mentality developed. It is really fault of
Englishmen because they expected people to run the world as they wanted to, to international as well as political situations. We many a
times expect people to be the way we are and because of that nothing is made out of our actual kindness and good intents. This could be
corrected, not to be a very wide extent but to a certain limit if we knew global history, even outlines of it, about the conditions, social and
political, which have lead the country to shape up as it has currently.
The fault of Englishmen was that they expected others to react to social and political situations like ________.


Themselves CORRECT



Status: Correct Mark obtained: 1/1 Hints used: 0 Level: Medium

Question type: MCQ Single Correct Subject: Aptitude Subject: Verbal Ability
Subject: Reading Comprehension

Show solution

Question No: 11 Multi Choice Type Question Report Error 11/20
7/22/22, 3:17 PM LPU

Common content
In the following passage, there are blanks, each of which has been numbered.Choose words that complete passage appropriately

Agriculture has always been celebrated as the primary sector in India. Thanks to the Green Revolution, India is now ___(1)____ in food
production. Indian agriculture has been ____(2)___ advancement as well. Does that mean everything is looking bright for Indian
agriculture? A superficial analysis of the above points would tempt one to say yes, but the ___(3)_____. The reality is that Indian farmers
have to face extreme poverty and financial crisis, which is _____(4)___ suicides. What are the grave adversities that drive the farmers to
commit suicide? At a time when the Indian economy is supposed __(5)____ to take on the world?
Fill in the blank numbered(1)

perfect about

rely to food

self-sufficient CORRECT

dependent to food

Status: Correct Mark obtained: 1/1 Hints used: 0 Level: Hard

Question type: MCQ Single Correct Subject: Aptitude Subject: Verbal Ability
Subject: Cloze Test

Show solution

Question No: 12 Multi Choice Type Question Report Error 12/20
7/22/22, 3:17 PM LPU

Common content
In the following passage, there are blanks, each of which has been numbered.Choose words that complete passage appropriately

Agriculture has always been celebrated as the primary sector in India. Thanks to the Green Revolution, India is now ___(1)____ in food
production. Indian agriculture has been ____(2)___ advancement as well. Does that mean everything is looking bright for Indian
agriculture? A superficial analysis of the above points would tempt one to say yes, but the ___(3)_____. The reality is that Indian farmers
have to face extreme poverty and financial crisis, which is _____(4)___ suicides. What are the grave adversities that drive the farmers to
commit suicide? At a time when the Indian economy is supposed __(5)____ to take on the world?
Fill in the blank numbered(3)

reality suggests the same

demand is same

reality is bright

truth is far from it CORRECT

Status: Wrong Mark obtained: 0/1 Hints used: 0 Level: Hard

Question type: MCQ Single Correct Subject: Aptitude Subject: Verbal Ability
Subject: Cloze Test

Show solution

Question No: 13 Multi Choice Type Question Report Error 13/20
7/22/22, 3:17 PM LPU

Select the option that is most nearly OPPOSITE in meaning to the given word:





dullness CORRECT

Status: Wrong Mark obtained: 0/1 Hints used: 0 Level: Medium

Question type: MCQ Single Correct Subject: Aptitude Subject: Verbal Ability
Subject: Antonyms

Show solution

Question No: 14 Multi Choice Type Question Report Error

In the following question, a sentence has been given in Direct/Indirect speech. Out of the four alternatives suggested, select the one
which best express the same sentence in Indirect/Direct speech.

He told me, “How long have you lived in the house here?”

He asked me how long I had lived in the house here. 14/20
7/22/22, 3:17 PM LPU

He asked me how long I have lived in the house here.

He asked me how long had I lived in the house there.

He asked me how long I had lived in the house there. CORRECT

Status: Wrong Mark obtained: 0/1 Hints used: 0 Level: Medium

Question type: MCQ Single Correct Subject: Aptitude Subject: Verbal Ability
Subject: Speeches

Show solution

Question No: 15 Multi Choice Type Question Report Error

In the following question, statements 1 and 6 are respectively the first and the last sentences of a paragraph and statements A, B, C and D
come in between them. Rearrange A, B, C and D in such a way that they make a coherent paragraph together with statements 1 and 6.
Select the correct order from the given choices and mark its number as your answer.

1. Very popular with the younger crowd of the twin cities are bowling alleys.

A. They are not allowed to use the bowling alley.

B. But tough luck for those less than 12 years.

C. Their plush interiors, music and cafeteria facilities make them the ideal places for youngsters to take their friends out for a treat.

D. There are already four of them in town with another ready to join the club. 15/20
7/22/22, 3:17 PM LPU

6. The older kids who use them swear they have the best time in the world.





Status: Correct Mark obtained: 1/1 Hints used: 0 Level: Medium

Question type: MCQ Single Correct Subject: Aptitude Subject: Verbal Ability
Subject: Para Jumbles

Show solution

Question No: 16 Multi Choice Type Question Report Error

From the given options choose the one which best expresses the given sentence in active/passive voice:

The oldest house in town is being restored by the Historical Society.

The oldest house in town was being restored by the Historical


The oldest house in town had been restored by the Historical

Society. 16/20
7/22/22, 3:17 PM LPU

The Historical Society is restoring the oldest house CORRECT

in town.
The oldest house in town has been restored by the Historical

Status: Correct Mark obtained: 1/1 Hints used: 0 Level: Medium

Question type: MCQ Single Correct Subject: Aptitude Subject: Verbal Ability
Subject: Voices

Show solution

Question No: 17 Multi Choice Type Question Report Error

Complete the following sentence by choosing the right option.

I didn't know you were interested ....... science.





Status: Wrong Mark obtained: 0/1 Hints used: 0 Level: Medium

Question type: MCQ Single Correct Subject: Aptitude Subject: Verbal Ability 17/20
7/22/22, 3:17 PM LPU

Subject: Prepositions

Question No: 18 Multi Choice Type Question Report Error

Choose the appropriate options to complete the sentence.

I hope you will enjoy _____ at the reunion party this weekend because I won't be able to be there ______.

you / myself

yourself / mine

yours / oneself

yourself / myself CORRECT

you / me

Status: Wrong Mark obtained: 0/1 Hints used: 0 Level: Easy

Question type: MCQ Single Correct Subject: Aptitude Subject: Verbal Ability
Subject: Sentence completion

Show solution

Question No: 19 Multi Choice Type Question Report Error 18/20
7/22/22, 3:17 PM LPU

In the following question, a sentence has been given in Direct/Indirect speech. Out of the four alternatives suggested, select the one
which best express the same sentence in Indirect/Direct speech.

The chemistry teacher said, “Diamond is the hardest element”.

The chemistry teacher told that Diamond would be the hardest


The chemistry teacher says that Diamond is the hardest


The chemistry teacher told that Diamond was the hardest


The chemistry teacher said that Diamond is the

hardest element.

Status: Wrong Mark obtained: 0/1 Hints used: 0 Level: Easy

Question type: MCQ Single Correct Subject: Aptitude Subject: Verbal Ability
Subject: Speeches

Show solution

Question No: 20 Multi Choice Type Question Report Error

Complete the following sentence by choosing the right option.

Why are you angry ....... him? 

of 19/20
7/22/22, 3:17 PM LPU




Status: Wrong Mark obtained: 0/1 Hints used: 0 Level: Medium

Question type: MCQ Single Correct Subject: Aptitude Subject: Verbal Ability
Subject: Prepositions

First 1 2 Last 20/20
7/22/22, 3:17 PM LPU

Result & Analysis

Student: Afsar Alam Email id: afsaranis6465@gmail.comTest: Wipro_Actual_Test_4 Course: 2023 Batch_Wipro_Mock C

Attempt 1

IP Address: Tab switches: 10 OS used: Windows Browser used: Chrome

Test Duration: 00:16:13 Test Start Time: Jul 21, 2022 | 11:18 AM Test Submit Time: Jul 21, 2022 | 11:36 AM Resume Count: 1

Overall score Quants Section

Rank: NA Rank: NA

22 Topper score: 51.00 / 82 8 Topper score: 16.00

/ 16

/ 82 Average score: 13.21 / 82 / 16 Average score: 5.05

/ 16

Least score: 0.00 / 82 Least score: 0.00

/ 16

Logical Reasoning English Section

Rank: NA Rank: NA

6 Topper score: 14.00

/ 14 8 Topper score: 21.00
/ 22

/ 14 Average score: 3.84

/ 14 / 22 Average score: 5.05
/ 22
Least score: 0.00
/ 14 Least score: 0.00
/ 22

Coding Essay Writing

Rank: NA Rank: NA 1/15
7/22/22, 3:17 PM LPU

Topper score: 0.00

/ 20 Topper score: 5.94
/ 10

0 Average score: 0.00

/ 20 0 Average score: 0.63
/ 10
/ 20 Least score: 0.00
/ 20 / 10 Least score: 0.00
/ 10

Overall Question Status Quants Section - Question Status

Total Questions: 55 Total Questions: 16

Questions Attempted: 54 Questions Attempted: 16

54 Questions Correct: 22 16 Questions Correct: 8

/ 55 Question Wrong: 32 / 16 Question Wrong: 8

Partially Correct: 0 Partially Correct: 0
Question Not Viewed: 0 Question Not Viewed: 0

Logical Reasoning - Question Status English Section - Question Status

Total Questions: 14 Total Questions: 22

Questions Attempted: 14 Questions Attempted: 22

14 Questions Correct: 6 22 Questions Correct: 8

/ 14 Question Wrong: 8 / 22 Question Wrong: 14

Partially Correct: 0 Partially Correct: 0
Question Not Viewed: 0 Question Not Viewed: 0

Coding - Question Status Essay Writing - Question Status

Total Questions: 2 Total Questions: 1

Questions Attempted: 2 Questions Attempted: 0 2/15
7/22/22, 3:17 PM LPU

Questions Correct: 0 Questions Correct: 0

2 Question Wrong: 2
Partially Correct: 0
0 Question Wrong: 0
Partially Correct: 0
/2 /1
Question Not Viewed: 0 Question Not Viewed: 0

Topic wise Analysis Quants Section Logical Reasoning English Section Coding 

Question No: 1 Multi Choice Type Question Report Error

Pointing to a lady, a man said, ’The father of her brother is the only son of my Grandfather’. How is that lady related to that man?



Aunt(father’s sister)

Mother in law

Status: Wrong Mark obtained: 0/1 Hints used: 0 Level: Medium

Question type: MCQ Single Correct Subject: Aptitude Subject: Reasoning Ability
Subject: Blood Relations

Show solution 3/15
7/22/22, 3:17 PM LPU

Question No: 2 Multi Choice Type Question

Report Error

If ROAST is coded as PQYUR in a certain language, then how will SLOPPY be coded?





Status: Wrong Mark obtained: 0/1 Hints used: 0 Level: Medium

Question type: MCQ Single Correct Subject: Aptitude Subject: Reasoning Ability
Subject: Coding and Decoding

Show solution
Question No: 3 Multi Choice Type Question Report Error

The question below consists of a question and two statements numbered A and B given below it. You have to decide whether the data
provided in the statements are sufficient to answer the questions. Read both the statements and give an answer.

If k and n are integers, is n divisible by 7? 

(A) n – 3 = 2k
(B) 2k – 4 is divisible by 7. 4/15
7/22/22, 3:17 PM LPU

 if statement (A) alone is sufficient to solve the question, but

statement (B) alone is not. c
if statement (B) alone is sufficient to solve the question, but
statement (A) alone is not. 

if neither statement (A) nor statement (B) is

individually sufficient to solve the question, but a
combination of both is sufficient to solve the

if both the statements(A) and (B) are individually sufficient to

solve the question.

if both the statements taken together are not sufficient and

more information is required to solve the question.

Status: Correct Mark obtained: 1/1 Hints used: 0 Level: Hard

Question type: MCQ Single Correct Subject: Aptitude Subject: Reasoning Ability
Subject: Data Sufficiency

Show solution

Question No: 4 Multi Choice Type Question Report Error

Find the missing terms in the series:



bb 5/15
7/22/22, 3:17 PM LPU



Status: Correct Mark obtained: 1/1 Hints used: 0 Level: Easy

Question type: MCQ Single Correct Subject: Aptitude Subject: Reasoning Ability
Subject: Alphabet Series

Show solution

Question No: 5 Multi Choice Type Question Report Error

A woman introduces a man as the son of the brother of her mother. How is the man's father related to the woman? 




Data inadequate

Status: Wrong Mark obtained: 0/1 Hints used: 0 Level: Easy

Question type: MCQ Single Correct Subject: Aptitude Subject: Reasoning Ability 6/15
7/22/22, 3:17 PM LPU

Subject: Blood Relations

Show solution

Question No: 6 Multi Choice Type Question Report Error

Common content
Read the following information carefully and answer the questions given beside.
Eight people sitting in two parallel rows facing each other. Each row contains five seats and one of the seats is vacant. No two vacant
seats in each row facing each other. In Row-1, A, B, C and D are seated and facing north, while In Row-2, P, Q, R and S are seated and
facing south. All the given information is not necessary in the same order. D sits third to the right of the vacant seat. Only one seat is
between A and C, who neither faces S nor faces P. R sits second to the left of the vacant seat. Only one person sits between S and Q, who
does not face A. Only one person sits between A and B. P does not face D.
How many seats are there between A and D?





Status: Correct Mark obtained: 1/1 Hints used: 0 Level: Medium

Question type: MCQ Single Correct Subject: Aptitude Subject: Reasoning Ability
Subject: Seating Arrangement 7/15
7/22/22, 3:17 PM LPU

Show solution

Question No: 7 Multi Choice Type Question Report Error

Common content
Read the following information carefully and answer the questions given beside.
Eight people sitting in two parallel rows facing each other. Each row contains five seats and one of the seats is vacant. No two vacant
seats in each row facing each other. In Row-1, A, B, C and D are seated and facing north, while In Row-2, P, Q, R and S are seated and
facing south. All the given information is not necessary in the same order. D sits third to the right of the vacant seat. Only one seat is
between A and C, who neither faces S nor faces P. R sits second to the left of the vacant seat. Only one person sits between S and Q, who
does not face A. Only one person sits between A and B. P does not face D.
Who among the following person faces the person who sits second to the right of Q?


Status: Correct Mark obtained: 1/1 Hints used: 0 Level: Medium

Question type: MCQ Single Correct Subject: Aptitude Subject: Reasoning Ability
Subject: Seating Arrangement 8/15
7/22/22, 3:17 PM LPU

Show solution

Question No: 8 Multi Choice Type Question Report Error

Common content
Study Table and answer the questions given below that.

The ratio between the total expenditure on Taxes for all the years and the total expenditure on Fuel and Transport for all the years
respectively is approximately_______.


10:13 CORRECT 9/15
7/22/22, 3:17 PM LPU



Status: Correct Mark obtained: 1/1 Hints used: 0 Level: Medium

Question type: MCQ Single Correct Subject: Aptitude Subject: Reasoning Ability
Subject: Data Interpretation

Show solution

Question No: 9 Multi Choice Type Question Report Error

Common content
Study Table and answer the questions given below that. 10/15
7/22/22, 3:17 PM LPU

The total expenditure of the company over these items during the year 2000 is?

Rs. 544.44 lakhs CORRECT

Rs. 501.11 lakhs

Rs. 446.46 lakhs

Rs. 478.87 lakhs

Status: Wrong Mark obtained: 0/1 Hints used: 0 Level: Easy

Question type: MCQ Single Correct Subject: Aptitude Subject: Reasoning Ability
Subject: Data Interpretation

Show solution

Question No: 10 Multi Choice Type Question Report Error

Amit travelled 15 km. east-ward, then turned left and travelled 5 km, then turned left and travelled 15 km. How far was Amit from the
starting point?

30 km

35 km 11/15
7/22/22, 3:17 PM LPU

15 km


Status: Wrong Mark obtained: 0/1 Hints used: 0 Level: Easy

Question type: MCQ Single Correct Subject: Aptitude Subject: Reasoning Ability
Subject: Direction

Show solution

Question No: 11 Multi Choice Type Question Report Error

A dice is rolled twice and the two positions are shown in the figure below. What is the number of dots at the bottom face when the dice is
in position (i)?

6 CORRECT 12/15
7/22/22, 3:17 PM LPU

Status: Correct Mark obtained: 1/1 Hints used: 0 Level: Hard

Question type: MCQ Single Correct Subject: Aptitude Subject: Reasoning Ability
Subject: Cubes

Show solution

Question No: 12 Multi Choice Type Question Report Error

Identify the figure that completes the pattern.


Status: Wrong Mark obtained: 0/1 Hints used: 0 Level: Medium 13/15
7/22/22, 3:17 PM LPU

Question type: MCQ Single Correct Subject: Aptitude Subject: Reasoning Ability
Subject: Visual Reasoning

Show solution

Question No: 13 Multi Choice Type Question Report Error

Considering given statements as true, select a logical conclusion based on the given statements.

No tree is a flower
Some trees are fruits
(I) Fruits that are trees are not flowers.
(II) No fruit is a flower.

Only conclusion I follows CORRECT

Only conclusion II follows

Either conclusion I or II follows

Neither conclusion I nor II follows

Status: Wrong Mark obtained: 0/1 Hints used: 0 Level: Medium

Question type: MCQ Single Correct Subject: Aptitude Subject: Reasoning Ability
Subject: Syllogism 14/15
7/22/22, 3:17 PM LPU

Show solution

Question No: 14 Multi Choice Type Question Report Error

In the following number series, one number is wrong. Find out the wrong number.

2, 13, 27, 113, 561, 3369, 23581 





Status: Wrong Mark obtained: 0/1 Hints used: 0 Level: Hard

Question type: MCQ Single Correct Subject: Aptitude Subject: Reasoning Ability
Subject: Odd Man Out

Show solution 15/15
7/22/22, 3:15 PM LPU

Result & Analysis

Student: Afsar Alam Email id: afsaranis6465@gmail.comTest: Wipro_Actual_Test_4 Course: 2023 Batch_Wipro_Mock C

Attempt 1

IP Address: Tab switches: 10 OS used: Windows Browser used: Chrome

Test Duration: 00:16:13 Test Start Time: Jul 21, 2022 | 11:18 AM Test Submit Time: Jul 21, 2022 | 11:36 AM Resume Count: 1

Overall score Quants Section

Rank: NA Rank: NA

22 Topper score: 51.00 / 82 8 Topper score: 16.00

/ 16

/ 82 Average score: 13.21 / 82 / 16 Average score: 5.05

/ 16

Least score: 0.00 / 82 Least score: 0.00

/ 16

Logical Reasoning English Section

Rank: NA Rank: NA

6 Topper score: 14.00

/ 14 8 Topper score: 21.00
/ 22

/ 14 Average score: 3.84

/ 14 / 22 Average score: 5.05
/ 22
Least score: 0.00
/ 14 Least score: 0.00
/ 22

Coding Essay Writing

Rank: NA Rank: NA 1/14
7/22/22, 3:15 PM LPU

Topper score: 0.00

/ 20 Topper score: 5.94
/ 10

0 Average score: 0.00

/ 20 0 Average score: 0.63
/ 10
/ 20 Least score: 0.00
/ 20 / 10 Least score: 0.00
/ 10

Overall Question Status Quants Section - Question Status

Total Questions: 55 Total Questions: 16

Questions Attempted: 54 Questions Attempted: 16

54 Questions Correct: 22 16 Questions Correct: 8

/ 55 Question Wrong: 32 / 16 Question Wrong: 8

Partially Correct: 0 Partially Correct: 0
Question Not Viewed: 0 Question Not Viewed: 0

Logical Reasoning - Question Status English Section - Question Status

Total Questions: 14 Total Questions: 22

Questions Attempted: 14 Questions Attempted: 22

14 Questions Correct: 6 22 Questions Correct: 8

/ 14 Question Wrong: 8 / 22 Question Wrong: 14

Partially Correct: 0 Partially Correct: 0
Question Not Viewed: 0 Question Not Viewed: 0

Coding - Question Status Essay Writing - Question Status

Total Questions: 2 Total Questions: 1

Questions Attempted: 2 Questions Attempted: 0 2/14
7/22/22, 3:15 PM LPU

Questions Correct: 0 Questions Correct: 0

2 Question Wrong: 2
Partially Correct: 0
0 Question Wrong: 0
Partially Correct: 0
/2 /1
Question Not Viewed: 0 Question Not Viewed: 0

Topic wise Analysis Quants Section Logical Reasoning English Section Coding 

Question No: 1 Multi Choice Type Question Report Error

In how many ways can 5 prizes be given away to 4 boys, when each boy is eligible for all the prizes?





Status: Correct Mark obtained: 1/1 Hints used: 0 Level: Medium

Question type: MCQ Single Correct Subject: Aptitude Subject: Quantitative Ability
Subject: Permutation

Show solution 3/14
7/22/22, 3:15 PM LPU

Question No: 2 Multi Choice Type Question

Report Error

Walking at 3/4 of his normal speed, Abhishek is 16 min late in reaching the office. The usual time by him to cover the distance between
his home and his office is _____.

48 min CORRECT

64 min

32 min

60 min

Status: Correct Mark obtained: 1/1 Hints used: 0 Level: Easy

Question type: MCQ Single Correct Subject: Aptitude Subject: Quantitative Ability
Subject: Time, Speed And Distance

Show solution
Question No: 3 Multi Choice Type Question Report Error

The average temperature for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday was 48 degrees and for Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and
Friday was 46 degrees. If the temperature on Monday was 42 degrees, find the temperature on Friday.


32 4/14
7/22/22, 3:15 PM LPU



Status: Correct Mark obtained: 1/1 Hints used: 0 Level: Medium

Question type: MCQ Single Correct Subject: Aptitude Subject: Quantitative Ability
Subject: Averages

Show solution

Question No: 4 Multi Choice Type Question Report Error

The population of a town increases each year by 5% of its total at beginning of the year. If the population on 1 January 2015 was 40000.
What was it on 1 January 2017?





Status: Wrong Mark obtained: 0/1 Hints used: 0 Level: Medium

Question type: MCQ Single Correct Subject: Aptitude Subject: Quantitative Ability 5/14
7/22/22, 3:15 PM LPU

Subject: Percentages

Show solution

Question No: 5 Multi Choice Type Question Report Error

A shopkeeper declared 20% discount on an item. Kanahaiya bought the item from the shop for Rs. 9600 after getting discount. Kanahaiya
sells the item to another person in such a way that he earned a profit of 18% on the marked price. What is the selling price for second

Rs 14000

Rs 12000

Rs 14160 CORRECT

Rs 11460

Status: Wrong Mark obtained: 0/1 Hints used: 0 Level: Medium

Question type: MCQ Single Correct Subject: Aptitude Subject: Quantitative Ability
Subject: Profit and Loss

Show solution

Question No: 6 Multi Choice Type Question Report Error

Neha’s salary is decreased by 20%. By what per cent her decreased salary be raised to have the original salary? 6/14
7/22/22, 3:15 PM LPU





Status: Correct Mark obtained: 1/1 Hints used: 0 Level: Medium

Question type: MCQ Single Correct Subject: Aptitude Subject: Quantitative Ability
Subject: Percentages

Show solution

Question No: 7 Multi Choice Type Question Report Error

After selling a fan at 6% gain and a fridge at 9% gain, a shopkeeper gains Rs 5100. But if he sells the fan at 9% gain and the fridge at 6%
loss, he gains Rs 1800 on the whole transaction. Find the original price of the fan.



36000 7/14
7/22/22, 3:15 PM LPU


Status: Wrong Mark obtained: 0/1 Hints used: 0 Level: Medium

Question type: MCQ Single Correct Subject: Aptitude Subject: Quantitative Ability
Subject: Profit and Loss

Show solution

Question No: 8 Multi Choice Type Question Report Error

The LCM of the two numbers is 48 and their HCF is 6. If one of the numbers is 12, then find the other number.





Status: Wrong Mark obtained: 0/1 Hints used: 0 Level: Easy

Question type: MCQ Single Correct Subject: Aptitude Subject: Quantitative Ability
Subject: HCF and LCM

Show solution 8/14
7/22/22, 3:15 PM LPU

Question No: 9 Multi Choice Type Question

Report Error

(10n – 1) is divisible by 11 for

n being a multiple of 11

n to be even CORRECT

n to be odd

all natural values of n except 1

Status: Wrong Mark obtained: 0/1 Hints used: 0 Level: Medium

Question type: MCQ Single Correct Subject: Aptitude Subject: Quantitative Ability
Subject: Number systems

Show solution
Question No: 10 Multi Choice Type Question Report Error

A sum of money doubles itself in 5 years. In how many years will it become four fold (if interest is compounded)?


10 CORRECT 9/14
7/22/22, 3:15 PM LPU



Status: Wrong Mark obtained: 0/1 Hints used: 0 Level: Easy

Question type: MCQ Single Correct Subject: Aptitude Subject: Quantitative Ability
Subject: Compound interest

Show solution

Question No: 11 Multi Choice Type Question Report Error

Colonel, Major and General started a work together for Rs. 816. Colonel and Major did 8

of the total work, while Major and General
together did 12

of the whole work. If Major did 3

, what is the amount to be given to the least efficient person?




Can’t be determined

Status: Correct Mark obtained: 1/1 Hints used: 0 Level: Medium

Question type: MCQ Single Correct Subject: Aptitude Subject: Quantitative Ability
Subject: Time and work 10/14
7/22/22, 3:15 PM LPU

Show solution

Question No: 12 Multi Choice Type Question Report Error

A train 270 metres long is running with a speed of 54 km per hour. The time taken by it to cross a tunnel 270 metres long is :

24 sec

36 sec CORRECT

30 sec

35 sec

Status: Correct Mark obtained: 1/1 Hints used: 0 Level: Medium

Question type: MCQ Single Correct Subject: Aptitude Subject: Quantitative Ability
Subject: Time, Speed And Distance

Show solution

Question No: 13 Multi Choice Type Question Report Error

The speed of three cars are in the ratio 3 : 4 : 5. The ratio between the time taken by these cars to travel the same distance is

5:4:3 11/14
7/22/22, 3:15 PM LPU

12 : 15 : 20

20 : 15 : 12 CORRECT

9 : 15 : 20

Status: Wrong Mark obtained: 0/1 Hints used: 0 Level: Medium

Question type: MCQ Single Correct Subject: Aptitude Subject: Quantitative Ability
Subject: Ratio and Proportion

Show solution

Question No: 14 Multi Choice Type Question Report Error

A, B and C completed a work costing Rs. 1,800. A worked for 6 days, B for 4 days and C for 9 days. If their daily wages are in the ratio of 5
: 6 : 4, how much amount will be received by A?

Rs. 800


Rs. 900

Rs. 750 12/14
7/22/22, 3:15 PM LPU

Status: Correct Mark obtained: 1/1 Hints used: 0 Level: Medium

Question type: MCQ Single Correct Subject: Aptitude Subject: Quantitative Ability
Subject: Time and work
Show solution

Question No: 15 Multi Choice Type Question Report Error

The price of 10 chairs is equal to that of 4 tables. The price of 15 chairs and 3 tables together is Rs. 4500. The total price of 12 chairs and
5 tables is





Status: Wrong Mark obtained: 0/1 Hints used: 0 Level: Medium

Question type: MCQ Single Correct Subject: Aptitude Subject: Quantitative Ability
Subject: Ratio and Proportion

Show solution

Question No: 16 Multi Choice Type Question Report Error 13/14
7/22/22, 3:15 PM LPU

From a bag containing 8 green and 5 red balls, three are drawn one after the other. The probability of all three balls beings green if the
balls drawn are replaced before the next ball pick the balls drawn are not replaced, are respectively?


512/2197,336/1716 CORRECT



Status: Correct Mark obtained: 1/1 Hints used: 0 Level: Medium

Question type: MCQ Single Correct Subject: Aptitude Subject: Quantitative Ability
Subject: Probability

Show solution 14/14

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