Macromechanic - 2

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Macromechanics -2

Classical lamination theory (CLT)

• Consider a planar laminate whose mid-surface lies in the (x-y) plane

• Laminae are perfectly bonded : continuity of displacements from

one lamina to the next

• Kirchhoff kinematic approximations for thin laminates :

• Material lines normal to the mid-surface before deformation stay
normal to the mid-surface after deformation and do not stretch :
 xz   yz   z  0

• All plies are in a state of plane stress

 xz ,  yz ,  z   x ,  y ,  xy

• With those assumptions / approximations : stresses and

deformations within laminate thickness can be deduced from
stresses and deformations on the mid-surface
 2-d model

Properties of laminated structures 2

Kirchhoff’s kinematic approximations

Properties of laminated structures 3

Strains in a laminate
• From the figure:  z  0  uc  u0  zc
 xz  0    0
• In the same way in the (y-z) plane : u  x , y , z   u0  x , y , z   z w0 ( x , y )
w ( x , y )
v x , y , z   v0  x , y , z   z 0
w x , y , z   w0  x , y , z 

• Strains within the laminate thickness are given by

u0  2 w0
 x x , y , z    z 2  0x  z x
x x
v0  2 w0
 y x, y , z    z 2  0y  z y
y y
u0 v0  2 w0
2 xy  x , y , z     2z  20xy  z xy
y x xy
 xz   yz   z  0
Properties of laminated structures 4
Strains in a laminate
• The Kirchhoff approximations lead to a linear variation of
displacements and strains in the laminate thickness
 x , y , z   0  x , y   z   x , y )

• Vector form of above relations :

  x y 2 xy T Laminate strains

 

0x 0y 0 T
2 xy  mid-surface or in-plane strains

  x y  xy T mid-surface curvatures

where  2 w0  2 w0  2 w0
x   y    xy  
x 2
y 2 xy
u v u v
0x  0 0y  0 20xy  0   0
x y y x
u0  x , y  v0  x , y  w0  x , y  mid-surface displacements

Properties of laminated structures 5

Stresses in a ply of a laminate
• The constitutive equation of an orthotropic ply k in the laminate
axis (x-y-z) :   Q   z  
k k 0

Where  k   x y  xy Tk Stress in ply k

Qxx Qxy Qxs 

Qk  Qxy Q yy

Q ys 
Stiffness of ply k in (x-y) system
Qxs Q ys Qss 
 k

• CLT predicts ply stresses that are linear across the thickness

Properties of laminated structures 6

Resultant forces and moments on the laminate
• Resultant laminate forces are obtained by integrating over the
thickness t : t
N x  t2  x  dz
N y  t2  y  dz
N xy  t2  xy  dz

• In compact vector form :

N   t2   dz ( N / m)

• Resultant laminate moments are obtained in the same way :

M x   t2  x  zdz
t t
M   t2   zdz  M y   t2  y  zdz
2 2
M xy   t2  xy  zdz
• Problem: relate the resultant forces and moments, acting on the
laminate, to deformations of the mid-surface of the laminate
Properties of laminated structures 7
Calculation of forces and moments on the laminate
• Consider a laminate with N plies; position of ply k : [zk-1, zk]

N zk
• Resultant forces and moments are given by : N, M      k  1, z dz
k 1 z k 1
z k  z k 1  t k
where  z t 0
 0 2

• With the constitutive equations of each ply in the laminate axis (x-
y), the integration can be replaced by a sum of integrals (for each
ply k), and hence this becomes :  z 
 
 0 k 2 
N k
N, M    Q k   1, z dz    z, z dz 
k 1  z k 1 z k 1 

Properties of laminated structures 8

Calculation of forces and moments on the laminate

 
• These integrals become :  1 2 2 
 1, z dz   z k  z k 1, z k  z k 1 
z k 1  2 

     
2 1 2 2 1 3 3 
 z, z dz   z k  z k 1 , z k  z k 1 
z k 1 2 3 
!!! Difference of squares = square of difference !!! Hence: position dependent !!!
• We can now write the forces and moments as a function of the mid-
surface deformations in the following matrix notation :
 N x   A11 A12 A16 B11 B12 B16    0x 
N    
B26    0y 
 y  A12
 N xy  A16
A 22 A 26 B12 B22

B66  2 0xy 
A ij   Qij   z k  z k 1 
A 26 A 66 B16 B26 k 1
   k
  
 
 M x   B11 B12 B16 D11 D12
   
D16    x 
Bij 
1 N
 Q   z 2k  z 2k 1 
2 k 1 ij k
   
D 26    y 
  z3k  z3k 1 
 y   B11 B12 B26 D12 D 22
  1 N
M xy   B D66    xy  Dij   Qij
   16 B26 B66 D16 D 26
  3 k 1 k

• [A] is the laminate membrane stiffness, [D] is the laminate bending

stiffness and [B] is the membrane-bending coupling stiffness
Properties of laminated structures 9
Illustration of [A], [B] and [D]

Properties of laminated structures 10

CLT constitutive equation for a laminate

• The CLT constitutive equation in compact matrix form is :

 N  A  B 0 

M   B 
D   
  

• By inversion, we get :
 0  a  b  N 
    
   c d M 

a   A
 A 
B D  BA B
1 
1 1
b  A1B D  BA1B1 

c  D  BA1B1  BA1


d  D  BA1B1 


• For given external forces and moments, the mid-plane deformations

and thus the stresses and strains in each ply can be calculated!

Properties of laminated structures 11

CLT approach to calculate ply stresses

Ef, Em, f, m E1, E2 , G12 , 12 k Mechanical tests

Gf, Gm, Vf

Qk (1  2)axes ply n° k

zk Qk ( x  y )axes

loads, support
geometry A B D CLT

static loads  0  A  B 1  N 

  
& moments
   B D M 
Solution of equilibrium
Equations and CLT
  0  z  
By analytical or numerical

k  Q k  (x-y) axes

k (1  2)axes Failure criterion

Properties of laminated structures 12

CLT constitutive equation for a laminate
• In symmetric laminates, the coupling stiffness [B] vanishes, hence :
N  A0 M  D
0  A1 N   D1 M

• Otherwise, we have membrane-bending coupling :

e.g. a membrane load : N  N x 0 0 and M  0 0 0

This leads to membrane deformations

0x  a11N x ; 0y  a12 N x ; 20xy  a16 N x

And to bending deformations

0x  c11N x ; 0y  c12 N x ; 20xy  c16 N x

• The laminate bending stiffness [A] does not depend on the stacking
sequence : N
Aij   Qij   zk  zk 1   Qij  t k

k 1 k k 1 k
• This is not true for the coupling and bending stiffness [B] and [D],
because they depend on differences of squares/cubes of positions z!
Properties of laminated structures 13
Examples: Laminate with one ply
 E E 
 0
1   2
1  2 
• Isotropic ply 
Q  Q   
E E
0 
1  2 1  2 
 E 
 0 0 
 21   
Aij  Qij  t ; Bij  0 Dij  Qij  t 3
 N x   A A 0   
    x 
 N y   A A 0   y 
 N xy   0 0 1   A 2 xy 
   2   

 M x   D D 0   
    x 
 M y   D D 0   y 
 M xy   0 1   
   0 D   xy 
2 
A Membrane stiffness
1  2

Et 3
 
Bending stiffness
12 1  2
Properties of laminated structures 14
Examples: Laminate with one ply
• Orthotropic ply

• CLT constitutive equation yields :

Aij  Qij  t; Bij  0 Dij  Qij

Where Qij depend on the elastic coefficients E1, E2, 12, G12 and on the
angle q between the ply axis 1 and the laminate axis x.

• For a one-ply laminate, there is no membrane-bending coupling

• In addition, membrane and bending stiffnesses are related by

D  A

• This relation does not exist in general for true laminates : [A] does
not depend on the stacking sequence, while [D] generally does

Properties of laminated structures 15

Symmetric laminates
• Symmetric laminate = laminate that is symmetric in both geometry
and material properties about the mid-surface


• CLT predicts absence of membrane-bending coupling :

 A11 A12 A16 0 0 0 
A A 22 A 26 0 0 0 
 12 
A16 A 26 A 66 0 0 0 
 
 
 0 0 0 D11 D12 D16 
 
 0 0 0 D12 D 22 D 26 
 0 0 0 D16 D 26 D66 
Properties of laminated structures 16
Symmetric cross-plies and angle plies
• Example :


• CLT yields :
 A11 A12 0 0 0 0
A A22 0 0 0 0
 12 
 0 0 A66 0 0 0
 
 
 0 0 0 D11 D12 0 
 
 0 0 0 D12 D22 0 
 0 0 0 0 0 D66 

Properties of laminated structures 17

Antisymmetric laminates
• Symmetric laminate = laminate that is symmetric in both layer
thickness and material properties about the mid-surface
The sign of the angle ply can be different about the mid-surface !

 A11 A12 0 B11 0 0

• Anti-symmetric cross-plies : A A 22 0 0 B22 0
 12 
 0 0 A 66 0 0 0
 
 
 B11 0 0 D11 D12 0 
 
 0 B22 0 D12 D 22 0 
 0 0 0 0 0 D66 
 A11 A12 0 0 0 B16 
A A 22 0 0 0 B26 
 12 
 0 0 A 66 B16 B26 0 
 
• Anti-symmetric angle plies  
 0 0 B16 D11 D12 0 
 
 0 0 B26 D12 D 22 0 
 B16 B26 0 0 0 D66 

Properties of laminated structures 18

Unsymmetric laminates

0,90 , 
B  0

q,qs   qs

q,q, qs

90,02 ,90s' 02 ,902 ,0

Properties of laminated structures 19

Quasi-isotropic laminates
• A quasi-isotropic laminate is obtained by incrementation by Dq = p/n
(n integer and >2) of successive ply fibre orientations :
n 3  0,60,120  60s
n4  0,45,90s
CLT predicts isotropic membrane behaviour :
   0 
 N x   A11 A12 0   x 
      0 
 N y   A12 A11 0
 y
 N xy   0 A11  A12  20 
  0  xy 
 2  

Whatever the (x-y) coordinate system in the mid-surface

The bending behaviour is not isotropic !

Properties of laminated structures 20

Elimination of the twist-bending coupling
• Stiffness coefficients D16 and D26 are responsible for coupling
between Mx; My / x; y and xy / Mxy

• One-ply laminate : simultaneous presence of shear-extension and

twist-bending couplings :
A16  A 26  0  D16  D 26  0
• This relation is satisfied approximately for symmetric laminates
with a large number of plies in alternate sequences, i.e.
q1, q2 m s where N  4m and tk  t / N
example : m  2 q1, q2 , q1, q2 , q2 , q1, q2 , q1

CLT yields Aij  t Qij q1   Qij q2 

1  3  3  t3
Dij  1  Qij q1   1  Qij q2 
2  N   N  12

Dij tend to Aij.t²/12 when N increases

Properties of laminated structures 21
Symmetric laminates: membrane behaviour
• Constitutive equation for membrane behaviour
N  A  0 applied load
 0  a N   strain
k  Q k  stress in ply k

• Mean laminate stress :

m  N
 m  A    ta  m

• Apparent engineering constants of the laminate are predicted as :

1 1 1
Ex  Ey  G xy 
ta11 ta 22 ta 66
a a a
 xy   12 xy, x  16 xy, y  26
a11 a11 a 22

Properties of laminated structures 22

Symmetric laminates:
bending behaviour
• Constitutive equation for bending behaviour :
M  D
applied moment

  d M  curvature
k  Q k z  stress in ply k

• Mean stress that balances the applied moment :

 
Where  is the maximum value of  obtained at the upper surface

2 m 6
Since M  2   zdz , we obtain b  M
0 t2
• The maximum strain obtained at the upper surface is  b  

• We thus have  
b 12
D  b

Properties of laminated structures 23

Numerical example: ply properties
• Symmetric quasi-isotropic 8-ply carbon/epoxy laminate
0,45,90s tk  t
E1  138GPa E 2  10.4GPa G12  4.84GPa 12  0.25

• Ply stiffness in orthotropy axis :

138.65 2.61 0 
Q  Q 0   2.61 10.45 0 GPa
 0 0 4.84

• Ply stiffnesses in the laminate (x-y) coordinate system :

10.45 2.61 0 
Q 90   2.61 138.65

0  GPa

 0 0 4.84

 43.42 33.74  32.05

Q  45   33.74

43.42  32.05 GPa

 32.05  32.05 35.97 

Properties of laminated structures 24

Numerical example : elastic properties
• Laminate membrane stiffness : isotropic behaviour
58.985 18.176 0 
A  t  18.176 58.985 0 GNm 1
 0 0 20.4

• Laminate bending stiffness : is not isotropic !

8.2 1.3 0.5
D  t 3  1.3 2.2 0.5GNm
0.5 0.5 1.5 

• In-plane (membrane) laminate engineering constants :

E x  E y  E  53.5GPa  xy    0.31 G xy   20.4GPa
21   
Can be used to compute mean stress for membrane loading

• Experimental data :
E x  E y  56.5GPa  xy  0.34 G xy  21.08GPa
Good agreement between CLT and experiments

Properties of laminated structures 25

Numerical example : membrane loading
N x  0  t N y  N xy  0
• Corresponding strains are given by
 
 x  0.0187  109 Pa 1  0
 y   0.00577  109 Pa 1  0
 xy  0

• Computation of ply stresses in (1-2) and (x-y) coordinate systems

  2.58    
 x 0 1
0plies  y  0.0115  0   2

 xy  0  6
Very different from mean laminate stress
  0.180    
 x 0 2
9 0plies  y  0.751 0  1

 xy  0  6
  0.618   1  0.915  0
 x 0

 45plies  y  0.381 0  2  0.085  0
   0.119  
 xy  0.415  0  6 0
Properties of laminated structures 26
Membrane loading: graphic presentation

• Overall equilibrium is well preserved :

8 k 
 t k  x  t  0  N x
k 1
8 k  8 k 
 t k  y  N y   t k  xy  N xy  0
k 1 k 1
• CLT predicts non-zero transverse and shear stresses in several plies; this is
incompatible with laminate edge conditions
• CLT is not valid in the neighborhood of laminate edges where the stress
state is purely three-dimensional
Properties of laminated structures 27
Numerical example : bending loading
M x  M0 M y  M xy  0

• Maximum value of the mean stress (obtained at upper surface) is :

6M 0
bx   0b
• Stress distribution different from mean laminate stress

Properties of laminated structures 28

Numerical example : bending loading
• Again non-zero transverse and shear stresses are predicted in
some plies. These are incompatible with the edge conditions

Properties of laminated structures 29

Elastic strain energy
• Elastic strain energy is given by :
1 2
 
U    x  x   y  y  2 xy  xy  dz  dxdy
2 t

• For membrane deformations :

1   t
  t
  t
 
 0  2
 0  2

U      x  dz  x    y  dz  y    xy  dz 2 xy   dxdy
2 S  t   t   t  
 2   2   2 

• Using CLT stiffness coefficients :

1  N x  a11  N y  a22  N xy  a66  2 N x N y  a12  

2 2 2
U     dxdy
2 S 2 N x N xy  a16  2 N y N xy  a26 

Properties of laminated structures 30

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