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CHAPTER # 10 (CHEMISTRY 10th) ACIDS, BASES and salts

Q 1. What do you know about physical properties of acids and bases?

Ans: Physical properties of Acids: Important physical properties of acids are as follows.
1. Acids have sour taste.
2. They turn blue litmus to red.
3. Acids are corrosive in its concentrated form.
4. Aqueous solution of an acid conduct electric current.
Physical properties of Bases: Important physical properties of bases are as follows.
1. Bases have bitter taste and are slippery. For example, soap has slippery touch.
2. They turn red litmus to blue.
3. Bases are non-corrosive while concentrated form of NaOH and KOH are corrosive.
4. Aqueous solution of base conduct electric current.

Q 2. Give Arrhenius concept of acids and bases. Write an equation that illustrates the definition?

Ans: Arrhenius concept of Acid: “An acid is a substance that ionizes in water to produce H+ ions”.

Example: a)


Arrhenius concept of Base: “A base is a substance that ionizes in water to produce OH- ions”.

Example: a)


Q 3. What are the limitations of Arrhenius theory?

Ans: Limitations of Arrhenius theory:

 Arrhenius concept does not explain nature of acids and bases in non aqueous medium. It is only
applicable in aqueous medium.
 It does not explain nature of compounds like CO2, NH3 etc. CO2 is an acid and NH3 is a base.
Because these compounds do not have hydrogen and hydroxide ion.

Q 4. Give Bronsted - Lowery concept of acids and bases. Write an equation that illustrates the
Ans: Bronsted - Lowery concept of Acid: “An acid is a substance that can donate a proton (H+) to another

In this reaction HCl acts as an acid while NH3 acts as Base.

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CHAPTER # 10 (CHEMISTRY 10th) ACIDS, BASES and salts

Bronsted - Lowery concept of Base: “A base is a substance that can accept a proton (H+) from another


In this reaction HCl acts as an acid while H2O acts as Base.

Q 5. D.
Ans: Following are the conditions for equilibrium
1. Concentration of none of the reactants or products is changed.
2. Temperature of the system is kept constant.
3. Pressure or volume of the system is kept constant.

Q 6. Give Bronsted - Lowery concept of acids and bases. Write an equation that illustrates the
Ans: Equilibrium state of a chemical reaction can be determined by determining concentration of reactants
and products at regular intervals. When constant concentration of products and reactants are observed,
the reaction is at equilibrium. This can be done by both physical methods as well as chemical methods
such as titration, spectroscopy etc.

Q 7. Define catalyst?
Ans: A catalyst is a substance which increases the rate of a chemical reaction. Catalyst reduce the time taken
to reach equilibrium, but they have no effect on the position of equilibrium once this is reached.

Q 8. Write down the importance of equilibrium constant?

Ans: Equilibrium constant for a reaction can be used to predict many important features of chemical reaction.
It can be used to
1. Determining the equilibrium concentration of equilibrium mixture knowing the initial
concentration of reactants.
2. Predict the direction of a chemical reaction.
3. Predict the extent of chemical reaction.
4. Predict the effect of change in conditions of the chemical reaction on the equilibrium state.

Q 9. Define Le Chatellier’s principle?

Ans: Le Chatellier’s principle:
“It states that if you impose a change in concentration, temperature or pressure on a chemical system at
equilibrium, the system responds in a way that opposes the change”.

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CHAPTER # 10 (CHEMISTRY 10th) ACIDS, BASES and salts

Exercise MCQS

Q# 01: Choose the best option?

i) What is true about the equilibrium state?

a) The forward reaction stops
b) the reverse reaction stops
c) both forward and reverse reaction stops
d) both forward and reverse reactions continue at the same time

ii) When a mixture of H2 and I2 is sealed in a flask and temperature is kept at 25˚C, following equilibrium is

Which substance or substances will be present in equilibrium mixture

(a) (b) (c) (d)

iii) What are the units for ?

(c) dm-3.mol-1.
(d) no units

iv) Which of the following reaction will not have any units for Kc?

v) Concentration of reactants and products at equilibrium remains unchanged if

a) concentration of any reactant or product is not changed
b) temperature of the reaction is not changed
c) pressure or volume of the system is not changed
d) all of the above are observed
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CHAPTER # 10 (CHEMISTRY 10th) ACIDS, BASES and salts

vi) Which of the following does not happen, when a system is at equilibrium state?
(a) Forward and reverse reactions stop

(b) Forward and reverse rates become

(c) Concentration of reactants and products stop changing

(d) Reaction continues to occur in both the directions

vii) For which reaction Kc has units of

viii) In an irreversible reaction equilibrium is

(a) Established quickly
(b) Established slowly
(c) Never established
(d) Established when reaction stops

ix) Active mass means

(a) Total mass of reactants

(b) total mass of products

(c) total mass of reactants and products

(d) mass of substance in moles per dm3 in a dilute solution

x) For a reversible reaction

Which substance is product of the reaction?

(a) A

(b) B

(c) both A and B

(d) C
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CHAPTER # 10 (CHEMISTRY 10th) ACIDS, BASES and salts

Answer For MCQs:

i ii Iii Iv V vi vii viii ix x

d d D D D a c c d d
Exercise Short Questions

Q2 (i).Distinguish between forward and reverse reactions?

Forward reactions Reverse reactions
 It is written from  It is written from
left to right. right to left.
 Reactant produce  Products produce
products. reactants
 Its rate is fastest in  Its rate is zero in
the beginning and the beginning and
gradually slows gradually speeds
down. up.

Q 3. Following reaction can occur during lightning storms ?

For this reaction write (a) Equilibrium constant expression (b)Determine the units of Kc
(c) Forward and reverse reaction

Ans: a) Equilibrium constant expression:

b)Determine the units of Kc :

c) Forward and reverse reaction:

Forward reaction: Reverse reaction:

Q 4. Coal reacts with hot steam to form CO and H2. These substances react further in the presence of a
catalyst to give methane and water vapour.

(a) Write forward and reverse reactions for it. (b) Derive Kc expression for this reaction.
(c) Determine the units of Kc
Ans: a) Forward and reverse reaction:

Forward reaction:

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CHAPTER # 10 (CHEMISTRY 10th) ACIDS, BASES and salts

Reverse reaction:

b) Equilibrium constant expression:

c) Determine the units of Kc :

Q 5. Write equilibrium constant expression for each of the following reactions.

Q 6. Determine the units for equilibrium constants for the following reactions.

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CHAPTER # 10 (CHEMISTRY 10th) ACIDS, BASES and salts


Q 9. Bromine chloride decomposes to form chlorine and bromine. For this reaction write
(a) Chemical equation (b) Kc expression (c) Units of Kc

a) Chemical equation:

b) Equilibrium constant expression:

c) Units of Kc :

Q 10. Kc for the reaction is given Write chemical equation for this reaction and derive the
units for Kc?

a) Chemical equation:

b) Units of Kc :

Q 11. For which of the following reactions are both reactants and products likely to be found when the
reaction appears to be complete. Explain?

In this reaction carbon reacts with oxygen to form carbon dioxide. This reaction is irreversible reaction
because this will take place in only one direction. Therefore both reactants and products are not likely to
be found when the reaction appears to be complete.

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CHAPTER # 10 (CHEMISTRY 10th) ACIDS, BASES and salts

This reaction indicates the decomposition of HF into H 2 and I2. In this reaction forward as well as
reverse reactions occur.

Q 12. Cobalt chloride forms pink crystals (CoCl 3.6H2O). When they are heated water is evolved and
they are heated water is evolved and they turn blue (CoCl 3). Explain how you could use cobalt
chloride as a test for water.

Ans: The colour of anhydrous cobalt chloride paper is blue. When this paper touch the moisture or water it
turns into pink.

So cobalt chloride is used to detect the water contents in any surface.

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