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Introduction Volume control There will be 4 volume controls. 1. locally playing music or basically any sound playing locally.

2. incoming music ( when sharing music/video ) 3. volume of the person in call. 4. self microphone. Sharing 1. To start sharing, hit the share button, this will pop up a message box This will share music/picture etc with your contacts. Share dont share 2. Hitting share will pop up a message box asking you to select a contact from the phone book, open calls or open chats Select Contact

OptionButton1 OptionButton2 OptionButton3 CommandButton1 cancel

If you select: Phonebook: the phonebook should be visible, and pop up a message: select a contact from the phone book ( dont ask again ) Chat: the open chat should be visible, and pop up the same message: Call: the phonebook should be visible, and pop up the same message: 3. When you select the contact --- sharing should start. i) the receiver gets a message (neha ) wants to share some pictures with you accept/deny. And in the meantime, sender gets a message saying Waiting for an acceptance ii) if accept is hit, sender gets a message, you can now select any picture to share with __ till this time, the share button should not turn into end share. If deny is hit, sender gets a message, your share request has been denied 4. Every active sharing should be indicated with an icon and an incoming or outgoing arrow. i) differentiate between open documents on the basis of: a) open locally ( no icon )


shared with one other user

c) shared with multiple users ii) differentiate on the basis of incoming or outgoing share: a) out going call arrow (preferably animated) b) incoming call arrow iii) differenciate on the basis of active/inactive a) currently active share : Green in color b) awaiting response : orange c) inactive share ( has been ended now) : red

5. If some activity ( some update ) occurs in an inactive window(which is in sharing mode) , these icons should flash. [one idea to show the flashing is to have the lower half of the icon in different colors]

Document Share Tab

Corrections 1) show the current status (font size, name, bold/italics/underline, left/right/center indent) of the text at the cursor location. This field should be updated depending on the cursor location. 2) Right click on an open document, the menu is not visible. 3) When we switch between different documents, the powerpoint slide becomes blank. 4) Selected/unselected icons should appear different ( eg bold, italics and also the indentations.) 5) shortcut: a) increase/ decrease font size later 6) new extension for formatted text, change it to .rad ( rich alco text) in place of .alco 7) In the Open Documents pane, only the name of the document appears. However the tooltip will show the location of the file. 8) The receiver should be able to a) go to the previous/next page/slide (We can send the file across containing the page no. so that we can arrange pages at the receiver end) b) Zoom in/out


when viewing a pdf locally, there should a full pdf toolbar, ( capability to select text, copy ). If possible there should be text selecting option in ppt too. later 10) There should be the capability to highlight some areas when sharing docs. 11) Open a new document, it doesnt autoselect, to show the corresponding toolbar and menu bar. 12) Zoom functionality in text files later


If you started co- editing with a user. And then you switch to viewing a different document, any changes that were made during this time duration should appear in the document. Also the icon should flash in such a case.

14) Move the X button ( to close the file ) towards the end

15) change the background color to something lighter. 16) Dragging capabilities to move a file up/Down 17) If you close a document in which sharing was going on, message will pop up saying This will end the sharing session. Additions Toggle case On opening the document tab the default text should appear ( attached is the file default.alco ) However, the file details should not appear in the open file dialog and if the user opens a file, this text should disappear. 2. Introduce 3 clickable Icons/ buttons, on the top right for : a) text document: will pop up the open dialog where the default file type selection will be .txt and .rad. b) pdf file : c) ppt file these will pop up the open dialogue with the default file type corresponding to the name of the button. After opening the file a message box should open. Did You Know ? You can share any open file (page by page) or co edit a text file with any of your online friends. To start sharing, hit Share 1.

Dont show message again OK

Menus 1. Right Click on any open document Share Save Save As .. Close Close All Other Properties 2. Menu Bar : the format menu should appear only in the case of text. All other menu should be present at all times. Even when no document is open 3. right click in the text area Toolbar 1. Change the icon for find keep only the binocular not the white background. Introduce etc in the toolbar.

2. 3.

Introduce separators between different kinds. ( eg shown in the image )

Disable the corresponding items from the toolbar depending on the file type. Suggestions Dictionary Spell check Free board Share session.

Co- Browsing Tab

Fixes 1. The size of all the tabs should be same and a name ( like Google) should appear rather than the complete URL ( like ) 2. Several tabs are open such that not all names are visible at the same time, then the arrows to switch between tabs, hides behind the tab 3. Favorite should open in the active tab 4. If there is nothing to go back/ forward to, disable the button 5. We can associate the list of favorites to the ALCO id so that the user has the same list independent of where he logs into his application. 6. manage a downloads tab later 7. if you were sharing a particular tab with a user and then you switch to viewing some other tab, any changes made in that time during the time for which it was inactive, should be reflected. [ sharing should not end for inactive tabs] 8. Introduce a stop button in the GUI

9. Introduce a button for home page 10. Menus 1. right click on a tab Share Save Close Close All Other Refresh Duplicate Tab ? Add to Favorite 2. Menu Bar File New Tab Duplicate Tab Save As Close Tab Print Properties Tools Options Edit Cut Copy Paste Select All Find Undo Share Start Add Contact End View Go To Stop Refresh Refresh All Zoom Text Size Full Screen Favorites home page Add to favorite Favorites list can Local Favorite follow / ALCO Favorites Zoom In Zoom Out

Phone book contact Open Chats Open Calls

Picture Viewer


need a different name for the desktop share tooltip: Show Active Desktop. And when the desktop is active, this tooltip should say: hide active desktop 6. Also, if we go to some another feature, like start webcam or click an a picture to view it, desktop snapshots should stop. 7. The menu bar should also be present in an incoming shared tab and should allow all the functionalities. 8. We are introducing the capability for having different tabs to explore pictures in. This is being introduced, keeping in mind, multiple share sessions. 9. A X button to close the tab. 10. The various option shortcuts, should become more visible: i) try to achieve a distinction of the webcam and snapshopts from the show next picture kind of shortcuts. ii) The box that displays the snaptop time, should not be very prominent 11. the buttons that appear bellow the web camera preview, need to have better icons. Sharing You can create a new tab. The name of the tab will be pictures. When a tab is a shared tab, its name will be the name of the sender or

2. 3. 4. 5.

when we browse through the folders, the horizontal scroll bar should become visible. clicking on a folder should open that folder to display its contents. (expand the folder) default text should appear when the user goes to the picture browser for the first time. (attached file.) If the image is zoomed in, you can click on the horizontal scroll bar and drag it but not the vertical one.

receiver with the appropriate icon preceding it. If sharing in a conference name of the conference will appear (conf1 etc.) The share icon should appear on the tab, as in the web share Menu Bar File Open Save Save as Locate on disk Delete from disk Print Add to share session New tab Properties Folder New folder Hide Unhide Locate on Disk Delete Move View Sort by (name/date/size) Slideshow Search Options Picture Set as desktop background Move to folder Properties Tools Options Share Start Add Contact End

Phone book c Open Chats Open Calls

Right click on a picture View Save Save As.. Rotate clockwise Rotate anti-clockwise Move to Folder Locate on disk Delete from disk Copy full path Block from sharing properties Right click in the folders area. Expand Compress New folder Hide Unhide Delete move Right click on the tab Close New tab

End Share

Audio/Video Sharing 1. right click on a playlist/ library, to hit play. It doesnt play the playlist/library but starts playing the now playing list. 2. When an audio file is playing, such a wave can be displayed on the screen. 3. Now say, you are sharing an audio file with a user, text will appear on this window with the active sharing icon and the name of the song. This icon is clickable, the tooltip says: sharing with____. The right click menu says: Stop share Pause 4. Again while playing a video, the share icon will appear over the video and will be clickable.

Share Panel Symbol for outgoing share Symbol for incoming share Should appear n a chronological order. All active sharing sessions should be written in green and all stopped or denied sessions should be depicted in red. The status of the invitations should get updated. There should be an option to view the location of the pictures and documents. Examples of text that will appear Picture Share (can be replaced with an icon) Bhadresha Dedhia -awaiting acceptance Picture Share (can be replaced with an icon) Bhadresha Dedhia Picture Share (can be replaced with an icon) Bhadresha Dedhia End Share C:/Users/Hari/Desktop/DEMO/Pictures/Annie in the Sink.jpg C:/Users/Hari/Desktop/DEMO/Pictures/Butterfly.JPG Open file location C:/Users/Hari/Desktop/DEMO/Pictures/Creek.jpg Picture Share: Neha Mittal End Share C:/Users/Hari/Desktop/DEMO/Pictures/Annie in the Sink.jpg C:/Users/Hari/Desktop/DEMO/Pictures/Butterfly.JPG C:/Users/Hari/Desktop/DEMO/Pictures/Creek.jpg Web Share : Neha Mittal Accept Deny

Open file location

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