An - Analytical - Model - For - The - Effective - Drive - Current - in - CMOS - Circuits 1

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2, FEBRUARY 2019 855

An Analytical Model for the Effective Drive

Current in CMOS Circuits
Sergey Pidin

Abstract — Inverter delay is often evaluated as CVdd /Ieff , parameters and, except for the conventional current measure-
where C is the load capacitance, Vdd is the supply voltage, ments, does not require elaborate procedures for parame-
and Ieff is the effective drive current derived by approximat- ter extraction. Nevertheless, the model provides reasonable
ing the inverter switching trajectory with a linear model. The
Ieff model utilizes high and low drain currents conventionally accuracy (<∼15%) to make it useful in device development
measured in wafer acceptance tests and does not require and circuit design. In addition, Ieff definition is technology
extraction of any parameters. Ease of use combined with independent and is widely used in studies of technology funda-
reasonable accuracy (∼15%) is the main reason for wide mentals and for explaining advanced device concepts [2]–[4].
application of CVdd /Ieff delay metrics. However, CVdd /Ieff The Ieff expression is based on analysis of the switching tra-
expression produces large errors when applied to another
two important basic circuits: nand and nor. This is because jectory of MOS transistors. It is developed by approximating
nand and nor circuits contain transistor series connections the inverter switching trajectory using two current points
not accounted for in the inverter model. In this paper,  
an analytical solution for the transistor series connection IL = Ids Vgs = , Vds = Vdd (1)
influence on the discharge/charge operation in nand/nor 2
circuits is provided. The model for nand/nor effective drive and
current (denoted as Istack ) developed in this paper maintains
simplicity of the original Ieff expression. It requires only one IH = Ids (Vgs = Vdd , Vds = Vdd /2) (2)
additional measurement of the linear current. Model accu-
racy was assessed by comparing to extensive SPICE delay where IL and IH are the transistor low and high currents, Ids is
simulations of nand and nor circuits designed using state- the transistor drain-to-source current, and Vgs , Vds , and Vdd are
of-the-art MOS technologies. Comparison results show that the gate-to-source voltage, drain-to-source voltage, and power
CVdd /Istack equation provides ∼15% accuracy for nand/nor supply voltage, respectively. IL = The effective drive current
circuits in line with CVdd /Ieff accuracy for inverter. In an
era of emphasis on low-power design, the developed model
is expressed as [1]
presents convenient means of exploring design space when IH + IL
optimizing circuit supply voltage for low-power operation. Ieff = . (3)
Index Terms — CMOS, delay, effective drive current, low- Due to the simplicity of the effective drive current equation
power design, NAND, NOR. little effort is required for its calculation.
More accurate expression for the inverter effective drive
I. I NTRODUCTION current was developed in [5] using three current points to
provide a better approximation for current switching trajectory.
F OR predicting CMOS circuit speed, a simple metrics
based on device dc current is widely used. In this metrics,
the circuit delay is expressed as C Vdd /I , where C is the load
A four-point model to account for the special properties of
nanoscale Si and carbon nanotube FETs was developed in [6].
capacitance, Vdd is the supply voltage, and I is the transistor With research effort continuing, in recent papers, the effective
current of a CMOS logic circuit. An effective drive current current methodology was extended to the area of pass-gate
Ieff [1], instead of ION or Idsat , is used for specifying transistor transistors in [7] and inverter-transmission gate structure in [8].
charging and discharging capability that determines circuit An effective current model for near-threshold CMOS circuits
speed. The Ieff definition is based on the accurate approxi- was presented in [9].
mation of transistor behavior during inverter switching [1]. The effective drive current expression (3) produces larger
The reason for the widespread application of C Vdd /Ieff errors for delay when applied to NAND and NOR circuits.
delay model is its ease of use: the model contains no fitting In NAND/ NOR circuits, discharge/charge current flows through
the series connection of nMOS/pMOS transistors. Drain-to-
Manuscript received August 19, 2018; revised October 5, 2018, source voltage for the switching transistor is lower than
November 5, 2018, and November 26, 2018; accepted December 1,
2018. Date of publication December 24, 2018; date of current version Vdd and changes during operation. Therefore, current flowing
January 22, 2019. The review of this paper was arranged by Editor during NAND/ NOR operation is lower than (3).
A. J. Scholten. Critical paths of CMOS circuits typically comprise large
The author is with Socionext Inc., Yokohama 222-0033, Japan (e-mail: numbers of NAND and NOR circuits. Accurate and easy-to-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TED.2018.2885806 use effective drive current models for NAND/ NOR logic gates

0018-9383 © 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

Authorized licensed use limited to: NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY WARANGAL. Downloaded on August 25,2022 at 10:05:00 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

Fig. 2. N1 transistor Vds1 dependence on voltage Vgs1 and its straight-

line approximation.

Fig. 1. NAND2 schematic and voltage notation.

to low. It is known that sweeping input voltage at B terminal or
sweeping input voltages at both terminals simultaneously will
produce shorter delays. We characterize circuit by its largest
are of great importance for circuit evaluation. An effective
delay and, therefore, limit our discussion to the case shown in
drive current model applicable to NAND and NOR circuits
Fig. 1.
was developed in [10] using fitting of current approximation
Delay time is defined as the time required for the output to
equation to SPICE simulation results. Extensive SPICE sim-
reach 50% of its final output level when the input changes to
ulations are required to determine parameters of such model.
50% of its final input level. The delay time is expressed as
In this paper, we provide a closed-form analytical solution for
 Vdd /2
effective drive current in NAND and NOR circuits by extending Cd Vds Vdd
approach of [1] to account for the effect of transistor series τ= , ≤ Vgs ≤ Vdd (4)
Vdd I (V
ds gs , Vds ) 2
connection without the use of fitting parameters.
The issue of low-power design is critical in modern semi- where C is a calculated load capacitance.
conductor technology. Reducing the supply voltage is the key When input voltage at terminal A is swept from low to
to low-power operation [11]. However, reducing Vdd increases high, transistor N1 operates in the saturation region, while
the circuit delay. The developed model provides convenient transistor N2 operates in the linear region. Since our goal is
means of exploring circuit design space over a continuous to derive closed-form and simple equation for Ieff we use a
range of supply voltages when optimizing circuit supply linear approximation for Ids (Vgs1 and Vds1) of the transistor
voltage for low-power operation. N1
This paper is organized as follows. In Section II, first, Ids = Idsat + gm (Vgs1 − Vdd ) + gds(Vds1 − Vdd ) (5)
we derive the effective drive current model for NAND2 case.
Then, we generalize the effective current equation for n-input where Idsat is the transistor saturation current, gm denotes
NAND . Finally, we develop the effective current equation for transconductance and gds denotes conductance. Any higher
n-input NOR. Section III presents verification results. The order approximation produces models intractable analytically.
analytical model is compared to SPICE simulation results Since transistor N2 operates in the linear region we can
for circuits designed using state-of-the-art FinFET technology describe current Ids (Vgs2 and Vds2 ) for transistor N2 as
over a wide range of supply voltages and fan-outs.
Ids = Vds2 (6)
where Idlin is the linear current measured at Vgs = Vdd ,
Vds = V dlin , and Vdlin is the low voltage of several dozen
In this section, first, the discharge process in NAND gate millivolts.
is considered, and an analytical expression for the NAND fall Next, in Fig. 2 dependence of the source-to-drain voltage
delay is developed by analyzing the discharge current through Vds1 on the input voltage Vgs1 is shown for transistor N1.
the series connected nMOS transistors. Second, the charge To achieve analytical solution, this dependence is approxi-
process in NOR gate is considered, and an analytical expression mated by a straight line depicted in Fig. 2
for the NOR rise delay is obtained by analyzing the charge
current through the series connected pMOS transistors. 3
Vds1 = Vdd − Vgs1. (7)
NAND 2 schematic and notation for voltages applied to its 2
terminals are depicted in Fig. 1. Ring oscillator mode of This approximation was selected since only the linear func-
operation as defined in [1] is assumed. Vdd is applied to the tion can provide a closed-form model for the effective drive
terminal B of the circuit. The input voltage at terminal A is current. The validity of this approximation is investigated in
swept from low to high, and output voltage changes from high Section III.

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Fig. 3. Switching trajectory of NAND2 circuit as a function of the output

voltage and its straight-line approximation. The approximation current is
reduced compared to the inverter case.

In addition to (5)–(7), note that the circuit output voltage Fig. 4. n-input NAND schematic.
Vds is a sum of Vds1 and Vds2 voltages
Vds = Vds1 + Vds2 . (8) into (13) expresses delay time as a function of Ieff
From (8), Vds1 is expressed as a function of Vds and Vds2. IH −IL 2Vdlin
C Vdd 1 + Idlin · Vdd
This expression is then used in (7) and expression for Vgs1 as τ= · . (15)
a function of Vds and Vds2 is obtained. Substituting these two 2 Ieff
expressions into (5) provides Ids as a function of Vds and Vds2. To distinguish with inverter case and in line with definition
Then, (6) is used to eliminate Vds2 and Ids is expressed as a in [10], the effective drive current flowing through the series
function of Vds only connection of transistors is denoted as Istack or the stack
1 current
Ids = (IH −IL ) 2Vdlin Ieff
1+ Idlin Vdd Istack = . (16)
IH −IL 2Vdlin
× [Idsat + (gds − gm )Vds + (0.5gm − gds)Vdd ]. (9) 1 + Idlin · Vdd

For the inverter case discussed in [1], Ids approximation is Equation (16) can be rewritten as
expressed as Istack = Ieff /K (17)
Ids = Idsat + (gds − gm )Vds + (0.5gm − gds)Vdd . (10) where the coefficient K is defined by (11). Then, NAND2 delay
Therefore, discharge current in NAND2 is reduced in compar- is expressed as
ison to inverter by C Vdd
τ= . (18)
2(IH − IL ) 2Istack
K =1+ (11)
Idlin VVdlin
dd Next, we discuss an n-input NAND circuit shown in Fig. 4.
The same as in the two-input NAND analysis, input signal
where IL and IH are defined by (1) and (2), and Idlin is the
at terminal A changes from low to high and high voltage is
linear current measured at Vgs = Vdd , Vds = V dlin . Fig. 3
applied to all other inputs. To evaluate delay time, we replace
shows a switching trajectory of NAND2 circuit as a function
n-input NAND circuit with two-input NAND circuit shown in
of the output voltage and trajectory approximation by (9). The
Fig. 5.
approximation current is reduced compared to the inverter case
Assuming that source–drain voltage difference for individ-
since the straight line no longer goes through IL and IH points.
ual transistors N2 , N3 , . . . , Nn in Fig. 4 is small, we evaluate
The delay time (4) now can be rewritten as
source–drain voltage of transistor N2 in Fig. 5 as (n − 1)Vds2 .
 Vdd /2
Cd Vds The analysis described previously for two-input NAND can be
τ= . (12) applied to the circuit in Fig. 5. It shows that the stack current
Vdd I ds (Vds )
can be again expressed by (17) where K now is defined as
Performing integration of (12) delivers
  2(n − 1)(IH − IL )
I −I 2Vdlin
C Vdd 1 + HIdlin L · Vdd IH K =1+ (19)
τ= · · ln . (13) Idlin VVdlin

2 IH − IL IL
and n is the number of NAND circuit inputs.
  Note that the above-mentioned derivation can also be
IH 2(IH − IL ) employed when the input voltage of N2 in Fig. 1 is swept and
ln = (14)
IL IH + IL VDD is applied to the input terminal of N1. With the proper

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Fig. 7. K-values for calculating rise delays of NOR2, NOR3, and

Fig. 5. NAND2 schematic for analysis of the n-input circuit operation. NOR4 circuits.

Fig. 6. K-values for calculating fall delays of NAND2, NAND3, and NAND4. Fig. 8. Dependence of Ieff /ION and Istack /ION on Vdd . Open symbols:
nMOS. Filled symbols: pMOS.

change of notation, (5) will describe operation of N2 and (6)

operation of N1. The expression for Istack is FOR NOR2 circuit K is around 1.5, for NOR3 K is around 2,
IH N2 + ILN2 and for NOR4 K is around 2.5. In addition, Figs. 6 and 7
Istack = 4(n−1)(IH N2 −IL N2 )
(20) show dependence of K -values on Vdd and transistor threshold
2+ V voltage. Figs. 6 and 7 demonstrate that dependence of K on
Idlin N2 V dd
Vdd and Vth is not large. Dependence of Ieff /ION and Istack /ION
where IH N2 , IL N2 , and IdlinN2 are the high, low, and linear on Vdd is provided in Fig. 8. The ratio of Istack /ION for
currents for N2. NAND / NOR circuits is smaller than that of the ratio of Ieff /I ON
Next, the low–high transition in NOR gate is discussed. Sim- for inverters and decreases with increasing the input number.
ilar to NAND, delay of NOR is defined by (4). During low–high
transition, the charge current flows through series-connected
pMOS transistors. The analysis (5)–(16) can be repeated for
these pMOSFETs. Such analysis shows that the stack current In this section, the stack current model is compared to
of n-input NOR circuit is again described by (17) and (19) SPICE simulations and it is demonstrated that (17)–(19) pro-
where currents and voltages refer now to pMOSFETs. Rise vide reasonably accurate approximations of delays in compar-
time of n-input NOR circuit is again expressed by (18). ison to SPICE results. NAND and NOR circuits designed using
K-values in (17) show how much discharge current in 7-nm FinFET technology were simulated and circuit delays
n-input NAND circuit or charge current in n-input NOR circuit were calculated as a function of the supply voltage Vdd for
is reduced due to transistor series connection in comparison fan-out = 3. The circuit used in SPICE simulations consists
to the inverter case. As an example, K -values were calculated of input pulse generator, NAND/ NOR , and load circuits.
as a function of Vdd for 7-nm FinFET technology. In Fig. 6, In Fig. 9, NAND2 fall and NOR2 rise delays simulated by
typical K -values for NAND and in Fig. 7 for NOR circuits means of SPICE and their approximations calculated using
are shown. Results for lower Vth transistors and higher Vth transistor Ieff or Istack are shown. Since Ieff model does
transistors are demonstrated. K-values increase with increasing not account for the effect of the nMOS transistor series
of NAND/ NOR number of inputs and, therefore, the stack connection in NAND discharge process, fall delays evaluated
current rapidly decreases. For NAND2 circuit K is around 1.4, using Ieff are significantly smaller than SPICE results. In a
for NAND3 K is around 1.8, and for NAND4 K is around 2.2. similar way, because Ieff model reflects inverter operation

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Fig. 9. Comparison of Istack , Ieff -based models to SPICE simulation

results for NAND2 fall and NOR2 rise delays. Fig. 11. Comparison of Istack , Ieff -based models to SPICE simulation
results for NAND3 fall and NOR3 rise delays.

Fig. 10. Comparison of Ieff , ION -based models to SPICE simulation Fig. 12. Comparison of Istack , Ieff -based models to SPICE simulation
results for NAND2 rise and NOR2 fall delays. results for NAND4 fall and NOR4 rise delays.

only and does not account for the effect of the pMOS
transistor series connection in the NOR charge process, rise
delays evaluated using Ieff are significantly smaller than
SPICE results. When Istack values are used good agreement
with SPICE is achieved in a wide range of supply voltages.
In addition, in Fig. 10, comparison of NAND2 rise and
NOR2 fall delays to SPICE simulation results is provided.
Since NAND/ NOR circuits do not contain pMOS/nMOS tran-
sistors connected in series, pMOS/nMOS Ieff -based models
accurately describe NAND charge/ NOR discharge processes
and provide good agreement with SPICE simulation. Fig. 10
also demonstrates large improvement over ION approximation.
It is possible to say that Istack model provides improvement
over Ieff in approximating NAND fall/ NOR rise delays similar Fig. 13. Comparison of Istack , Ieff -based models to SPICE simulation
to improvement over ION achieved by introduction of Ieff for results for NAND4 rise and NOR4 fall delays.
In Fig. 11, NAND3 fall and NOR3 rise delays simulated by become larger and Istack model correctly accounts for this
means of SPICE, and their Ieff or Istack approximations are effect.
shown. Comparison results are similar to the two-input case In Fig. 13, comparison of NAND4 rise and NOR4 fall
and demonstrate good accuracy of the Istack model. delays is provided. In contrast to NAND4 fall/ NOR4 rise delay
Next, in Fig. 12, accuracy of the Istack approximations increase, NAND4 rise/ NOR4 fall delays exhibit little change
for NAND4 fall and NOR4 rise delays is examined. With compared to NAND2/ NOR2 results shown in Fig. 10 and can
the increasing number of inputs, NAND fall/ NOR rise delays be approximated well using Ieff model.

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of the linear approximation (5) for a larger voltage range.

In Fig. 15, the relative error of Istack approximation for NAND
fall/ NOR rise delays is shown as a function of fan-out and
number of inputs for Vdd = 0.65 V. For important cases of
fan-out = 3 and fan-out = 4, the relative error is below 10%.
Fig. 16 demonstrates good accuracy for delay approximations
of NAND/ NOR circuits.

The effective drive current Istack model developed in this
paper provides a simple and easy-to-use method for fast pre-
diction of NAND/ NOR circuit delays with reasonable accuracy
(relative error <∼15%) in a wide range of supply voltages and
fan-outs. The model does not require complicated parameter
Fig. 14. Relative error of NANDfall/NOR rise delay calculation using Istack
in comparison to SPICE simulation results for circuits with fan-out = extraction procedures and uses transistor currents which are
¿ load as a function of Vdd . routinely measured at the wafer acceptance tests during circuit
fabrication. The model can also be used for process-voltage-
temperature variability analysis.

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Fig. 16. Relative error of NAND/NOR circuit delay calculation using Istack
in comparison to SPICE simulation results at Vdd = 0.65 V as a function
of fan-out. Sergey Pidin received the Ph.D. degree in
electrical engineering from Tohoku University,
Sendai, Japan, in 1998.
The relative error of Istack approximation for NAND fall/ NOR He joined Fujitsu Laboratories, Atsugi, Japan,
rise delays is shown in Fig. 14 as a function of number of in 1998. In 2015, he was transferred to Socionext
Inc., Yokohama, Japan, a joint venture of Fujitsu
inputs and Vdd . Relative error increases with increasing Vdd but and Panasonic. His research interests include
does not exceed 15%. This accuracy is similar to the accuracy nanoelectronic devices and circuits.
of inverter delay approximation by means of Ieff [1]. Relative
error increases with increasing VDD due to the larger error

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