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Law and order, crime

and punishment
Study a nd practice
&low you Mie- lhe titory of an t.X'traordinAry ca.te in Britith lepl hit t.<>ry. Toe nffni.r
atart.ed in 1949 and was finally c)O&ed in 1966.
At the moment-. there are a number of gap& in the atory. Use the y;ords below to
complete it..

tria! contened court eu"1ody cuilly

oonviciod onqulry (~ 2) Nnt.enced jury uecution
aneoted innocent. chaJ-aed appeal dropped
pardon JudlN plea appnbended bunt
•Ul'pect tried eueuted •tatemeata denied
The story began when a man caUed Timothy Evana waa ... for the murder o(his wife
and baby. He waa ... with the double murder, but a ahorc. time late:r one ohhe chargn
was ... and he wat ... for tbe murder ofb_it daughter only. Ourine the ... Evant
etcuted the man who&e house be had boon living in, John Chñatie, of the CT'ime1-, but
no attention was paid to him. The ... íound Evans ... and he was ... to death. An ...
waa turned down and and he waa ... in 1950.
Sorne time late:r, more women'a bodiea \l,"f!re diacovered in Chrittie'• hoUR! t-wo,
three, (our, five, six. John Christie wu the poli~'& chid ... and thty mrted a
na tionwide ... for him. He waa to0n ... . AlltfJ'td ... by Chri.stie while he wN in ... cut
doubt on the Evans har:iging. When he went to ... , Chri1tie ... that he had murdertd
Mn Evan,, butin private it wastajd that he ... to thatcrime. H:i1 ... ofin,anity with
rtg11td toothermurden was rejec* end he wu ... ofkillinghi1 wife.
Soon afterwards there was an ... into the ... o(Timothy Evam. 11,e ... decide:! that
justico had been done and E\'anil had bM:n rightly hanged. h waa only in 1966 that
a nother ... wlil 11(11, up. This time it waa dedded tha t Eval\á had prObably been •.• and
ha wAa given Afree ... , ~t.ter la~ than ne,·er. as they "Y·

Now a quiz on tome pol,nt.a of law - Engli•h atyle. The an1wen may we ll be
dirfe rent. in )'OUr cou.nt:ry. Simply Al\áwer the qut:ationa Yf:, or No. T~ a nswtrt
accordíng to Engliah la w are printed a t. the end of CM qub.

l Is it.11 crimo to ti')' 1nd kiU youtMIP.

2 I• it lllesal to hetp •orMbody to commJt wleide?
S Can you be ezecuted for murderin& a politeman?
4 lf, a murder, ali dtc victlm'• relativea plead: ' Pleue don't proMCu&e!" can
eharvea apinst tho •uapected culprit be dropped?
5 lf two armed thlevee break lnto • hou&e, guns in hand, 11nd ooe or them thoou:
and kilb tho hout1C1-owner, is hit .coomplloe auUty of murdor?
6 J( J 1urpri1M1 an J'ntruder" in my lo,ungc a t. night 111.uling my mUliont, have I a lepl
rf&bt to . . .wt him with II weapon?
7 lf 1 Nt a trap - a fifty-kUo weight ju1t aboYe the front door - íor any bu.rafan who
mighl try and ente.r the houw, am I brcaldr,a the l•w?
8 a divorec or )epi Nparation, cun u wife be n..-quired to poy allmon)' t.o her


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