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Problem Statement: Student’s Innovation #SIC6:

E-governance model for Single Window Transparent Admission and

Administration for Schools

Schools run their organization under a trust name with the exemption of tax. In reality schools
collect fees from parents which is exorbitant than normal government fixed fees. Apex court
ordered that not more than 20% of Government fixed fees shall be collected from parents.
Under RTE Act 25 % entry level admission should be filled with unprivileged students. The
execution authority is fully in hands of private schools and Government shall monitor. Our
prime focus is on how best the school education in India shall be placed under E-Governance so
that transparency and accountability of admission process on one hand and quality and easy
access of schools at other hand shall be provided to school children. The focus is on G2C system
framework for effective implementation.

We propose a transparent single window admission and administration process. In this setup,
initially all the school seats shall be filled under single window admission i.e students
irrespective of any caste, economic condition shall be admitted to his choice of school during
the admission process. The Government provides the fees structure that shall be paid in
installments to school via bank. School does not have any authorities of fee collection process.
Our setup transparently administers the school and there is no unaccounted money shall
circulate. Further if the students are form unprivileged class shall opt for any school in entry
level under RTE act. The entire process is facilitated by aadhar data.

During admission process all the seats of private schools remain vacant. The distribution of
seats shall be of 75% for privileged students and 25% entry level for unprivileged students.
Further the seats are distributed in accordance with State or Central caste wise percentage of
seat allotment. Whenever a seat is available the candidate shall lock the seat and he/she is
admitted to the school of his choice. The fee structure is laid down by the Government in
installments. The school doesn’t have any authority in this process. The paid fees are processed
through Bank to respective schools. The entire process is transparent and unbiased.


• Effective implementation of RTE act

• Transparent Admission Policy
• Transparent Administration of Schools
• Restricting the unaccounted money which is exempted from taxation
• Transparent accounting for school fees submitted to Income Tax by parents.

Technologies Used

• My SQL

Use Case Diagram

Privileged User
Unprivileged User

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