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33 41 L Getting to the root cause of X delinquency ‘The fact that anti-social behaviour by juveniles increases year by year indicates thar. the causes of juvenile crime ace not propertly appreciated, and shit we are therefore failing to apply an effective cure. What 1 arm “maggesting sre surting points for approaches to the problem as sca fron ‘the angle of « medical scicntist—an approach somewhat different from that of the sociologiet legislator, policeman or pareat. 7 Juvenide antisocial behaviour ~ vandaliam, breaks, moggings, violence, hooliganism = were rare thirty yearsago, Scicatific logic leads to the quar “Gon: whac cawiroomenral factors affectiag the development of personality have changed over the pas thicty years? Ope mich factor is the parent-child relationship, as the result of thein- creating amber of mothers who take up fulltime employment. The “SBecnce of the mother or a parent from the home cia seriously diminiats the normal dose affectionate contact between parent 1nd child, ss Jon Bowtby polated out some tiene ago. Parents may scasc that they fail to give thei childrea sufficient time, sufficient love and a sufficient feeling of security, and they compensate this failure by spoiling the child with presents and by allowing them ‘excess freedom. This is not what the child aceds moat. It needs discipin- ing of a kind which only a loving parent cia provide because the child mous sense that behind the disciplining chere is the loving care of the parent. It is caseatial for the child's normal developmneat that it is trained carly v0 resopnisc fire limi as well us firm duties and challenging task, 1c is the loving parents’ natural respondibility to instil this recognition of limits and duties. ‘A eoad major change during the recent decades is the increase of ‘cultural deprivation’. Education has become ineffectual for too many ZEliizen, Those who do not read with ease and pleasure are deprived of the accumulated experience and wisdom of humanity. Those who do not Ikaow holy books arc deprived of guidelines and yardsticks: of conduct. Worse sill, these old-citablished educational influences are replaced by ‘other, often unhelpful, if not comupt, influences of the mesmedia. ‘Radio nd television give sembiliverate people informacion about crime und violence. 11 is aadd that deprivation lies at the root of criminal behaviour. This is tue but deprivation must sot be understood only in ies material sense. ” ‘Wse offenders often lack ia quality of character, ‘mora fibre’ something (which bas to do with poor upbringing and pooc edacation. The conduct of various groups of refugees from political and mucial persecution brings hhome that very sever: matcrial dcprivation and alienazion, followed by 40 ‘eacment 23 second-class citizens in their host counmy, docs not make People antraocal. Indeed very few refugees become offender. They hud quality of character and the deteninstion and resilience to cope with difficultics and to eebabilitat® themselves. The implication is chat rccrial help alone is not enough; needed but difficult co provide, is more #3 spiricaal help, aiming st establishing sclf-reapect and building up character, matters normally much inflacnced by upbringing and schoo! education, [Profemoe Se Hans Krebs (Abridged) The Times Apel. 26, 1977, 1 What is, scconding to the author, the ressan that juvenile crime is not athectively controlled? Whatexampler dogs the author quote of juvenile crime? How and why do working parents spoil their children? is important that loving parents.» ‘Tha word ‘Wt tin that it is trained sary ..) raters to... (line 22), By ‘disciplining’ the author means... line-21) Given an alternative word for ‘instil’ (ine 24) Whatle meent by ‘cultural deprivation’? line 27) What does the author trem to think to be the influence of the mass media? 10. Through recto and talevision sern-Hiitarsta people « 11 you think, the author puts the phrase ‘moral fibrat in lewertrd corneas? (tine 37) 12. Give an altarnative word or phrase for “rings home’, flies 30-40) 13 Wat does the author mean by host country? Ihne 41) 14 Jn paragraph of about 60-80 words show what the suthor wants to prove by his example of political snd racial refugees. eevemsuNn

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