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Book Main events

1 Council of the gods (fate of Odysseus

discussed). Contrast this with the
council / assembly at Ithaca in BK 2

Athene appears to Telemachos (think of

the role of dreams in the Ody. and the
forms Athene takes when interacting with
mortals). Compare this appearance to
Athena’s with Ody. in book 13

The suitors revel at Ithaca (note how this

sets the tone of the political situation at
Ithaca and notions of hospitality)

2 Assembly at Ithaca (ibid). Note here the

characterisation of Telemachos and
contrast with bk 22)

Telemachos leaves in search of his father

(a rite of passage)

3 Athene and Telemachos arrive at Pylos

(nb theophilia – a special relationship
between Athene and Telemachos as also
shared between her and Ody.)

Nestor (the build up of the

characterisation of Ody)

T. departs for Sparta

(nb not yet met Ody in person – only

accounts of him)

4 T. arrives in Sparta (hospitality given by

Menelaos and Helen – nb the wedding
scene). Note the role of women / wife
here and contrast this with Penelope and
accounts of Clytemnestra

Introduction to Ody and Calypso

Suitors plot against T. (note the inversion

of hospitality customs)

5 Council of the gods (cf. bk 1)

Hermes tells Calypso to release Ody.

(note the role of the gods – Olympian
deity and peripheral deity, important also
is location). Poseidon wrecks the raft.

The reader meets Ody – slight anti-

climax set against the narrative
expectation established in former books

Ody. lands at Scheria

6 Encounter with Nausikaa (role of

women / maiden). Importance of space,
location, reference to suitors [not the kind
as found at Ithaca].

Hospitality offered to Ody. Compare this

to the hospitality of the suitors and
Calypso in former books

7 Hospitality of Alkinoos and Arete (ibid)

8 Games (insight in to cultural practices)

Story telling of Ody. (nb how story

telling and lies forms a central aspect of
Ody. encounters)

9 Lotus Eaters

Encounter with Polyphemos (nb

hospitality, metis, revelation of identity)

Role of the gods (Poseidon)

Location and cultural practices (Greek /


10 Ailos’ bag of wind

Dramatic tension as Ody. blown

backwards after sighting Ithaca


Circe (peripheral location, magic and

characterisation of the comrades -

11 Nekyia – ritual practices and attitudes

towards the dead. Ody.’s encounters with
the dead (esp. his mother) and dead
heroes – note the narrative significance of
this episode. Is this interpolation?

Return to Circe

12 Sirens, Skylla and Charybdis

Consumption of the cattle of Helios

(defiance of hospitality)

Loss of ship and ALL comrades (as


Ody. rescued by Calypso

End of the story telling to the Phaiakians

(cf. bk 8).

13 Home – Ody. arrives at Ithaca (though he

soes not initially realise this). Contrast
Ithaca with the encounters with other
lands (ie Scheria)

Exchange between Athene and Ody. Note

Athene’s absence)

14 Eumaios (here the swineherd offers

hospitality fit for a god, though Ody not a
god – contrast with bk 1). Insight in to
ritual practices and friendship

Ody. lies (again!)

15 Athene instructs T. to leave Sparta (cf. bk


T. avoids the suitors ambush (cf. bk 4)

Ody. still with Eumaios.

16 Telemachos visits Eumaios.

Encounter with his father – nb identity,

family and appearance

Penelope and Suitors learn of T.’s return

Dislocation – night with Eumaios. Ody

home but not yet home.

17 T. returns home

Ody. disguised as a beggar (cf former

disguises of Ody and Athene)

Ody. approaches the suitors (inversion of

cultural practices)

18 Conflict between Iros and Ody.

Penelope intervenes in the action (nb the

characterisation of Penelope)

19 At night, Ody and Penelope exchange

words (not knowing she was speaking to
her husband) Nb role of deception within
the text.

The scar (interlocutor knowledge and

audience knowledge of the identity of

The bow

20 Gathering at the house!

21 The bow

Notions of household (oikos) explored

The fall of the suitors (nb the treatment of
the female servants. Also, the dialogue
between T. and Ody). Here the character
of T. has developed – now a man.

23 Penelope recognises Ody

24 Heroes of Troy (cf bk 11)

Reunion with Laertes – also occupying

peripheral space (cf bk 23)

Family (suitors) revenge – final conflict

for Ody

Athene intervenes to establish peace (nb

her role in the plot)

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