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Doc. No.

: Revision : 00 Faculty:Subject:- Analog Communication

Lecture Plan-1
Semester:-5th Unit:-1 Time Allotted:5-10 min Class: EC Course Code:-

S. No. Topic :-Introduction to Communication System 1

Communication is the process of establishing connection b/w two points for information exchange. This subject deals with the various principles, modes, media, means , methods of communication used in Analog Communication as well as the standards & security measures adopted for data communication.

Division of the Topic

-Definition & means of Communication -Classification of Communication and Signals -Analog & Digital Signals & their properties -Radio Frequency spectrum -Needs of Modulation

25-30 min


Depending on the type of signals, the means and methods of Communication will vary, Accordingly the components of the Communication system used would also vary.

5 min

Question / Answer
Q.What is Communication? A It is simply the process of exchanging of information or conveying messages between two or more distantly located points. Q.What is the difference between analog and digital signals? A. Analog signal is a signal which varies smoothly and continuously with time. But in a digital signal,the signal magnitude is represented by a number or a digit and cannot assume any value in between any two consecutive digits.

5 min

Assignment to be given:-Nil Reference Readings:- Sanjay Sharma , Singh & Sapr

Doc. No.: Revision : 00 Faculty:Subject:-Analog Communication

Lecture Plan-2
Semester:-5th Class:-EC Course Code:Unit:-1 Time Allotted:5-10 min

S. No. Topic :-Types of signals & their properties 1.

Signal is defined as a function of one or more independent variables which contains some information & may be function of time, temperature,position,pressure,distance & is generally given in time domain.

Division of the Topic

-Continuous time/Discrete time signals -Real/Complex siganls -Deterministic/Random signals -Periodic/Nonperiodic signals -Even/Odd signals -Energy/Power signals -Analog/Digital signals

25-30 min


The signals in their physical form cannot propagate over a long distance due to limited power, attenuation and distortion.s For transmission of information over a long distance we need them in form of an electrical signal because all the signal processing are electrical.

5 min

Question / Answer
Q.Expalin real & complex signals? A. a signal is a real signal if its value is a real no & a signal is complex if its value is a complex no. Q.Define fundamental period? A. the smallest value of period T which satisfies any equation is called fundamental time period To.

5 min

Assignment to be given:-Nil

Reference Readings:- Sanjay Sharma , Singh & Sapre

Doc. No.: Revision : 00 Faculty:Subject:-Analog Communication

Lecture Plan-3
Semester:-5th Class:-EC Unit:-1 Course Code:-

S. No. 1. Introduction Singularity functions serve as basic building blocks for the construction of more complex signals.

Topic :-Types of functions , Representation of signals & Properties of Signals

Time Allotted:5-10 min

Division of the Topic

-Unit step function -Unit impulse function ( Dirac delta function)& its shifting property -Ramp function -Time domain representation -Frequency domain representation.

25-30 min


To get the frequency domain information Fourier series & Fourier transform are used.& singularity functions play vital role in the study of communication system.

5 min

Question / Answer
Q .How is an unit impulse function characterized? A. Height of pulse goes to , area under pulse curve is 0 , width of the pulse is 0. Q .Give the examples of unit impulse function? A. point mass , point charge , point source.

5 min

Assignment to be given:-Nil

Reference Readings:- Sanjay Sharma , Singh & Sapre

Doc. No.: Revision : 00 Faculty:Subject:-Analog Communication S. No. Topic :- Fourier Analysis 1.

Lecture Plan-4
Semester:-5th Class:-EC Unit:-1 Course Code:-

Fourier analysis is used to obtain the various frequency components contained in a given composite periodic signal. It converts time domain representation of a signal to its frequency domain representation. The Fourier series representation gives a mathematical expression for a composite signal in terms of component frequencies with their respective amplitudes.

Time Allotted:5-10 min

Division of the Topic

-Trigonometric Fourier series -Symmetry conditions -polar form , complex form -Concept of ve frequency.

25-30 min


In the end we can say that these signals are not physical signals they are only concept to provide a real signal by a combination of complex exponentials of +ve & -ve frequencies.

5 min

Question / Answer
Q.For what type of functions Fourier series is appled? A. Fourier series is applicable for periodic functions satisfying Dirichlets conditions. Q.Explain Dirichlets conditions? A.x(t) is single valued functions , must posses only a finite no. of discontinuities in the period T , must have finite no. of +ve & -ve maxima in the period T.

5 min

Assignment to be given:- Evaluate the trigonometric Fourier series expansion of a full wave rectified cosine function?

Reference Readings:- Sanjay Sharma , Singh & Sapre

Doc. No.: Revision : 00 Faculty:Subject:-Analog Communication

Lecture Plan-5
Semester:-5th Class:-EC Unit:-1 Course Code:-

S. No. Topic :-Fourier transform 1.

This approach is to develop the frequency domain representation of a non periodic signal over an entire interval.

Time Allotted:5-10 min

Division of the Topic

-Fourier transform pair -Fourier transform s for Gate function , Sampling function & impulse function -Rectangular pulse -Gaussian pulse -Signum function

25-30 min


Thus each function has its own application in the communication system.

5 min

Question / Answer
Q.What is the another name given to the sampling function? A. Interpolation function or sinc function. Q.What is the shifting property of impulse function? A. The product of of unit impulse function and any given function which is continuous at time t=0, then the product exists only at t=o since unit impulse function exists only at t=0. This property is called as the shifting property of unit impulse function.

5 min

Assignment to be given:-Find fourier transform of single sided exponential function (e)to the power of btu(t)? Reference Readings:- Sanjay Sharma , Singh & Sapre

Doc. No.: Revision : 00 Faculty:Subject:-Analog Communication

Lecture Plan-6
Semester:-5th Class:-EC Unit:-1 Course Code:-

S. No. Topic :-Properties of Fourier transform , Convolution 1.

As Fourier transform is used for frequency representation but for non periodic signals. It possess some of the properties.

Time Allotted:5-10 min

Division of the Topic

-time scaling property -Linearity property -duality property -Time shifting property -Frequency shifting property -time differentiation property -Convolution theorems

25-30 min


Fourier transform is derived from Fourier series by considering a non-periodic function as a limiting case of periodic function whose time period extends to infinity. Fourier transform can also be utilized for periodic functions by the use of impulse function.

5 min

Question / Answer
Q For what type of functions Fourier Transform is applied ? A For non-periodic functions Q.What are the two convolution theorems? A. Time convolution , frequency convolution.

5 min

Assignment to be given:-Nil

Reference Readings:- Sanjay Sharma , Singh & Sapre

Doc. No.: Revision : 00 Faculty:Subject:-Analog Communication

Lecture Plan-7
Semester:-5th Class:-EC Unit:-1 Course Code:-

S. No. Topic :-Energy Spectral Density ESD) 1.

The energy signal is a signal which has finite energy and zero average power. Almost all practical non periodic signals defined over finite time (time limited) are called Energy signals.

Time Allotted:5-10 min

Division of the Topic

-Parsevals theorem of Energy signal -Definition of ESD -Relation between input & output ESDs of an ideal low pass filter -Ralleighs theorem of ESD -Properties of ESD

25-30 min


Energy of a signal per unit band width is called ESD. The total area under ESD function is equal to the total energy of the signal. The output ESD function of an ideal low pass filter is given by the product of input ESD function & square of the frequency response of the filter. .

5 min

Question / Answer
Q State the utility of Parsevals theorem ? A Energy of a signal can be obtained from Fourier transform without the time domain function. Q State the property of ESD? A The The autocorrelation function and ESD form a Fourier Transform pair.

5 min

Assignment to be given:-Nil

Reference Readings:- Sanjay Sharma , Singh & Sapre

Doc. No.: Revision : 00 Faculty:Subject:-Analog Communication

Lecture Plan-8
Semester:-5th Class:-EC Unit:-1 Course Code:-

S. No. Topic :-Power Spectral Density (PSD) 1.

The power signal is a signal which has infinite energy and finite average power. Almost all practical periodic signals are called Power signals.

Time Allotted:5-10 min

Division of the Topic

-Parsevals theorem of Power signal -Definition of PSD -Relation between input & output PSDs of an ideal low pass filter -Properties of PSD

25-30 min


Average power per unit bandwidth is called as the PSD.The average power of a signal The total area under PSD function is equal to the average power of the signal. The output PSD function of an linear Time Invariant (LTI) system is given by the product of input PSD function & square of the frequency response of the filter

5 min

Question / Answer
Q Compare ESD wiyth PSD ? A ESd gives the distribution of Energy of a signal in frequency domain. But the PSD gives the the distribution of Power of a signal in frequency domain . Q State the (auto correlation) property of PSD? A The The autocorrelation function between power signal and PSD function form a Fourier Transform pair.

5 min

Assignment to be given:-Nil Reference Readings:- Sanjay Sharma , Singh & Sapre

Doc. No.: Revision : 00 Faculty:Subject:-Analog Communication

Lecture Plan-9
Semester:-5th Class:-EC Unit:-1 Course Code:-

S. No. Topic :-The Theoretical Basis For Data Communication 1.

Information can be transmitted on wires by varying some physical properties such as voltage or current. By representing the values of these voltage or current as a single valued function of time, we can model the behavior of signal and analyse it mathematically.

Time Allotted:5-10 min

Division of the Topic

-Fourier Analysis -Bandwidth limited signal -Maximum data rate of a channel(Nyquist) -Signal to Noise ratio - Maximum data rate of a noisy channel(Shannon)

25-30 min


By the use of various mathematical tools we are able to analyse the presence of various types of harmonics and design the circuits for data communication.

5 min

Question / Answer
Q.For what type of functions Fourier series is appled? A. Fourier series is applicable for periodic functions satisfying Dirichlets conditions. Q .Define Nyquist rate of data communication. A If an arbitrary signal has been run through a low pass filter of bandwidth H, the filtered signal can be completely reconstructed by making only 2H samples per second

5 min

Assignment to be given:- Evaluate the trigonometric Fourier series expansion of a full wave rectified cosine function?

Reference Readings:- Sanjay Sharma , Singh & Sapre

Doc. No.: Revision : 00 Faculty:Subject:-Communication System


Lecture Plan -10

Semester:III Class: EC Unit:-2 Course Code:-EE-217E

S. No. Topic :-Amplitude modulation 1.

Modulation is the fundamental requirement of the communication system. What is AM how it is used , generated?

Time Allotted:(15-10 min

Division of the Topic

-Frequency domain representation -Modulation index , -Power contents , Transmission efficiency , Current calculation. -DSB SC -SSB SC -VSB

25-30 min


Thus the AM signal contauinas the original carrier plus upper side band containing frequencies fC+ fM and lower side band containing frequencies fC fM and comes under the category of continuous wave. The modulated signal which contain no carrier but two sidebands is called DSB-SC.thus saving of two third power may be achieved.The SSB signal spends only one-sixth power hence preferred most. Modulation of this type which provides single sideband with suppressed carrier & by the use of this it reduces the transmission bandwidth by half

5 min

Question / Answer
Q Define term modulation index for AM? A. Measure of extent of amplitude variation about an unmodulated maximum carrier. Q .Derive the power calculations for amplitude modulated wave? 2 A. If PC is the carrier power, then total power PT = PC (1+ m ) Q. What is VSB? A. Thus in this technique instead of rejecting one sideband completely a gradual cut off of one side band is allowed this gradual cut is compensated by a portion of the other side band.

5 min

Assignment to be given:-Nil Reference Readings:- Kennedy , Sanjay Sharma

Doc. No.: Revision : 00 Faculty:Subject:-Communication System

Lecture Plan-11
Semester:III Class: EC Unit:-2 Course Code:-EE-217E

S. No. Topic :-Generation of Amplitude Modulation 1.

How the AM waves can be generated? What are the various ways to implement this? The device which are used to generate the AM modulated wave is called the Modulator . various modulators are being employed for this generation.

Time Allotted:5-10 min

Division of the Topic -Low level & High level amplitude modulation -Non linear circuits--Square law diode modulation-Collector modulation method
-DSBSC-Balanced modulator & -Ring modulator -Generation of SSB -Detection of SSB

25-30 min


When two voltages of different frequencies are passed through a non linear device like diode or transistor amplitude modulation takes place. If two non linear devices are connected in balanced modes so as to suppress the carrier of each other then only sidebands are left. similar is the condition used in ring modulator but with 4 diodes.

5 min

Question / Answer
Q .Give the mathematical analysis in the collector method used for generation? A.v0=Vcc(1+mcosWmt)cosWct Q. Which method is suited for low voltage level? A. Square law diode.

5 min

Assignment to be given:-Nil Reference Readings:- Kennedy , Sanjay Sharma

Doc. No.: Revision : 00 Faculty:Subject:-Communication System

Lecture Plan-12
Semester:III Class: EC Unit:-2 Course Code:-EE-217E

S. No. Topic :-Demodulation of AM waves 1.

The process of extracting a base band signal from the modulated signal is called detection. Various detectors are being used.

Time Allotted:5-10 min

Division of the Topic

-Detection of AM -Square law detector & envelope detector -Detection of DSBSC- synchronous detection, carrier re insertion method -Detection of SSB -Effect of phase & frequency errors in synchronous detection.

25-30 min


By the use of coherent detection phase & frequency errors are resulted. & this is due to the Discrepancy generated at the receiver end

5 min

Question / Answer
Q.What are the causes distortion in the linear diode detector? A. The distortion of detected signal is due to improper selection of time constant RC & the 2nd is due to curvatures of the diode characteristics. Q.What is quadrature null effect? A. When angle is 90 degrees & detected output is zero.

5 min

Assignment to be given:-Nil Reference Readings:- Kennedy , Sanjay Sharma

Doc. No.: Revision : 00 Faculty:Subject:-Communication System

Lecture Plan -13

Semester:III Class:-EC Unit:-3 Course Code:-EE-217E

S. No. Topic :-Angle modulation, Frequency modulation , Phase modulation 1.

In Frequency modulation the instantaneous frequency of an unmodulated carrier is varied linearly proportional to the instantaneous amplitude of a message or base band signal about the unmodulated carrier frequency. But in Phase modulation, only the phase of the unmodulated carrier is varied linearly proportional to the instantaneous amplitude of a message or base band signal about the unmodulated carrier phase. Both these modulations result in change of instantaneous angular frequency and hence both are grouped under Angle modulation.

Time Allotted:5-10 min

25-30 min

Division of the Topic

-Definitions of FM, PM& Expressions for instantaneous angular Velocityv -Frequency deviation, Phase modulation Index, Frequency modulation Index, -Mathematical Expressions for PM & FM wave -Expressions for FM wave in terms of harmonic & Besselss functios -Narrowband & Wideband FM, Transmission bandwidth of FM signal -Effect of variation of modulation index on the spectrum of FM signal -Effect of Noise on AM, PM & FM -Equaliser ccts, Pre emphasis & deemphasis

5 min


Thus FM reception more immune to noise than AM reception & is possible to reduce noise further by increasing the frequency deviation or modulation index. The quality of reception of audio frequencies by FM receiver is a good deal better than by AM. 5 min

Question / Answer
Q.what is carsons rule? A.BW=2(delta w+Wm) Q.What is the effect of BW on PM & FM? A.Bandwidth of the PM wave varies fastly with the variation in the modulating frequency on the other hand FM bandwidth varies slowly with modulating frequency.

Assignment to be given:-Nil Reference Readings:- Sanjay Sharma , Kennedy

Doc. No.: Revision : 00 Faculty:Subject:-Communication System

Lecture Plan-14
Semester:III Class: EC Unit:-3 Course Code:-EE-217E

S. No. Topic :-FM generation & detection 1.

FM essentially involves frequency variation in accordance with message signal amplitude. Therefore, FM is generated by varying the frequency of carrier, by varying the reactance of tuned circuit of the carrier generator, by application of voltage to a varactor, proportional to variation of modulating signal..

Time Allotted:5-10 min

Division of the Topic

-FM generation -Parameter variation method(Direct method) -Armstrong method(Indirect method) -FM detection -Slope detector -Balanced slope detector -Foster Seeley detector -Ratio detector -Phase Locked Loop

25-30 min

5 min


In direct method carrier generation cannot be of high stability which is a necessary requirement & this is overcome by indirect method. Q.What are frequency discriminators? A.A device that converts FM signal into corresponding AM signal with the help of frequency dependent circuits. Q.What are the drawbacks of slope detector system? A. harmonic distortions are produced , cant eliminate amplitude variations.

5 min

Question / Answer
Q.what is the main advantage of using the direct method? A. it is utilized for high power FM generation in several applications. Q.What is the advantage of FM over AM? A.FM reception is more immune to noise , it reduces noise by reducing frequency deviation.

Assignment to be given:-Nil Reference Readings:- Sanjay Sharma , Kennedy

Doc. No.: Revision : 00 Faculty:Subject:-Communication System

Lecture Plan-15
Semester:III Class: EC Unit:-2 Course Code:-EE-217E

S. No. Topic :-Sampling and Data Rate of the Channels 1.

Sampling is the process of converting the analog signals into the discrete signals.

Time Allotted:5-10 min

Division of the Topic -Sampling theorem

-Proof of the theorem -Nyquist rate, Aliasing effect

25-30 min


A continuous time signal may be completely represented in its samples and recovered back if the sampling frequency is Fs>=2Fm.

5 min

Question / Answer
Q1.What is Nyquist rate & interval? A. It is known as minimum sampling rate & is given by Fs=2Fm & Nyquist interval is given by Ts=1/2Fm Q2.What is aliasing & how it is reduced? A.Fs<2Fm; reduced by using Prelias filter

5 min

Assignment to be given:-Nil Reference Readings:- Singh & Sapre , Sanjay Sharma

Doc. No.: Revision : 00 Faculty:Subject:-Communication System

Lecture Plan-16
Semester:III Class: EC Unit:-2 Course Code:-EE-217E

S. No. Topic :- Data Encoding 1.

Introduction; In communication, it is not possible to transmit multimedia

material in uncompressed form. All compressed systems require two algorithms one for compressing the data at the source and another for decompressing.

Time Allotted:5-10 min

Division of the Topic

1. Binary Encoding (NRZ) 2. Manchester Encoding 3. Differential Encoding

25-30 min


Differential Encoding is simply the reverse of Manchester encoding. In Manchester encoding 1 is transmitted by two signals. Half with positive going signal and another half with negative going signal.

5 min

Question / Answer
Q1 What happens if the decoded output is not exactly equal to the original input? A1 The system is said to ba lossy.

5 min

Assignment to be given:-Nil

Reference Readings:- Singh & Sapre , Sanjay Sharma

Doc. No.: Revision : 00 Faculty:Subject:-Communication System

Lecture Plan-17
Semester:III Class: EC Unit:-2 Course Code:-EE-217E

S. No. Topic :-Transmission Media 1.

Introduction: The purpose of physical layer is to transport a raw bit stream from
one machine to another. Various physical media can be used for the actual transmission. Examples are Twisted Pair, Coaxial Cable, and Fiber optic Cable.

Time Allotted:5-10 min

Division of the Topic

1. 2. 3. 4. Twisted Pair Co-axial Cables Fiber Optic Cables Wireless Media

25-30 min


Twisted pairs can be used for either analog or digital transmission. The bandwidth depends on the thickness of the wire and the distance traveled. With current fiber technology, the achievable bandwidth is in excess of 50,000 Gbps.

5 min

Question / Answer
Q1 What is baud? A1 The number of changes per second is measured in baud. Q2 What is maximum data rate? A2 Maximum data rate = 2H log2 V bits/sec

5 min

Assignment to be given:-Nil

Reference Readings:- Singh & Sapre , Sanjay Sharma

Doc. No.: Revision : 00 Faculty:Subject:-Communication System

Lecture Plan-18
Semester:III Class: EC Unit:-2 Course Code:-EE-217E

S. No. Topic :- Transmission Impairments 1.

Introduction: Analog signaling consists of varying a voltage with time to

represent an information stream. If transmission media were perfect, the receiver would receive exactly the same signal that the transmitter sent. Unfortunately, media are not perfect, so the received signal is not the same as the transmitted signal.

Time Allotted:5-10 min

Division of the Topic

Transmission lines suffer from three major problems: 1. Attenuation 2. Limited Bandwidth of the Channels 3. Delay Distortion

25-30 min


If the attenuation is too much, the receiver may not be able to detect the signal atall, or the signal may fall beloy the noise level. Delay distortion is caused by the fact that different Fourier components travel at different speeds. Thermal noise is caused by random motion of electrons.

5 min

Question / Answer
Q1 What type of noises interfere the signal transmission? A1 Thermal noise, cross talk, and impulse noise. Q2 How do we define loss? A2 The loss is expressed in decibels per kilometer.

5 min

Assignment to be given:-Nil

Reference Readings:- Singh & Sapre , Sanjay Sharma

Doc. No.: Revision : 00 Faculty:Subject:-Communication System

Lecture Plan-19
Semester:III Class: EC Unit:-2 Course Code:-EE-217E

S. No. Topic :-Physical Layer Interface 1.

Introduction: The Interface between the computer or terminal and the modem is
an example of a physical layer protocol. It must specify in detail the mechanical, electrical, functional, and procedural interface. Two well known physical layer standards are: RS-232-C and its successor, RS-449.

Time Allotted:5-10 min

Division of the Topic

1. 2. 3. 4. RS-232-C RS-422 RS-423-A RS-449

25-30 min


The limitations of the data rate to not more than 20 kbps and 15m cable length has led to the new standard RS-449 which is a combination ofthree standards in one ie.,RS423-A, RS-422 and RS-232.

5 min

Question / Answer
Q1 What is the similarity between RS-423-A and RS-232-C? A1 Both share a common ground. This technique is called unbalanced transmission. Q2 where RS-422-A can be used? A2 It uses balanced transmission, in which each of main circuits requires two wires, with no ground.

5 min

Assignment to be given:-Nil

Reference Readings:- Singh & Sapre , Sanjay Sharma

Doc. No.: Revision : 00 Faculty:Subject:-Communication System

Lecture Plan-20
Semester:III Class: EC Unit:-2 Course Code:-EE-217E

S. No. Topic :- Physical Layer Interface 1.

Introduction: The Physical layer protocol, called X.21, specifies the physical,
electrical, and procedural interface between the host and the network.. Very few public networks actually support this standard, because it requires digital, rather than analog signaling on te telephone lines.

Time Allotted:5-10 min

Division of the Topic

X.21 Networks

25-30 min


The network layer protocol deals with addressing, flow control, delivery confirmation, interrupts, and the related issues.

5 min

Question / Answer
Q1 Data of how many bytes can be transmitted through X.21? A1 128 Bytes.

5 min

Assignment to be given:-Nil

Reference Readings:- Singh & Sapre , Sanjay Sharma

Doc. No.: Revision: 00

Lecture Plan-21
Faculty: Semester: - V ESubject: - Digital and Analog Communication Unit: - III Class: EC Course Code: EE-217-

S. No. Topic :- Communication Modes and Transmission Modes 1.

Time Allotted:-

Introduction: An important set of design issues that concerns the rules for data transfer with in layers is how the data moves in a system. It can be simplex, half 10 min duplex or full duplex. Data can be transmitted either serially or parallely.

Division of the Topic 1. Simplex 2. Half Duplex 3. Full Duplex 4. Serial Transmission 5. Parallel Transmission.

30 min


Conclusion: In simplex communication, data only travel in one direction. In Half duplex, data can travel in either direction, but not simultaneously where as in full duplex, data can travel in both the directions.

5 min

Question / Answer Q1 In earlier times which type of communication used to take place in facsimile ? A1 Simplex. Q2 which type of communication is possible in fiber optic communication? A2 It can be both. Either Half duplex or full duplex. 5 min

Assignment to be given: Q Write a short note on error detection and correction codes. Reference Readings:- Computer Networksby Andrew S. Tanenbaum.

Doc. No.: Revision: 00

Lecture Plan-22
Faculty: Semester: - V Subject: - Digital and Analog Communication Unit: - III Class: EC Course Code: -

S. No. Topic :- Synchronizations, Type of Services 1.

Time Allotted:-

Introduction: Layers can offer two types of service to the layers above them. Connection oriented and connectionless. In connection oriented network service, the 10 min service user first establishes a connection, uses the connection, and then releases the connection. In contrast, connectionless service is modeled after the postal system. Each message icarries the full destination address, and each one is routed through the system independent of all the others. Division of the Topic 1. Asynchronous- Synchronous Transmission 2. Connection Oriented 3. Connectionless Services.

30 min


Conclusion: Each service can be characterized by a quality of service.

5 min 4 Question / Answer Q1 Give an example of connection oriented system. A1 Sequence of pages, Remote login, Digitized voice. Q2 Give an example of connectionless system. A2 Electronic junk mail, Registered mail, Database query. 5 min Assignment to be given: - NIL

Reference Readings:- Computer Networksby Andrew S. Tanenbaum.

Doc. No.: Revision: 00

Lecture Plan-23
Course Code: -

Faculty: Semester: - V Class: EC Subject: - Digital and Analog Communication Unit: - III

S. No. Topic :- Flow Control 1.

Time Allotted:-

Introduction: An important design issue that occurs in the data link layer is what to do with a sender that systematically wants to transmit frames faster than the receiver 10 min can accept them. The usual solution is to introduce flow control to throttle the sender into sending no faster than the receiver can handle the traffic.

Division of the Topic 1. Unrestricted Simplex Protocol 2. Simplex stop- and Wait Protocol 3. Sliding Window Protocol

30 min


Conclusion: In unrestricted simplex protocol data are transmitted in one direction only. Both the transmitting and receiving network layers are always ready. The 5 min communication channel never damages or looses frames. Protocols in which the sender sends one frame and then waits for an acknowledgement before proceeding are called stop-and wait.

Question / Answer Q1 What do you mean by PAR? A1 Positive Acknowledgement with Retransmission Q2 What do you mean by ARQ? Automatic Repeat Request. 5 min

Assignment to be given: - Nil Reference Readings:- Computer Networksby Andrew S. Tanenbaum.

Doc. No.: Revision: 00

Lecture Plan-24

Faculty: Semester: - V Class: EC Course Code: - EE-217 E Subject: - Digital and Analog Communication Unit: -III

S. No. Topic :- Switching Systems 1.

Time Allotted:-

Introduction: The phone system is divided into two parts: outside plant and inside plant. Two different switching techniques are used inside the telephone system: 10 min circuit switching and packet switching.

Division of the Topic 1. Circuit Switching 2. Packet Switching 3. Data Gram 4. Virtual Circuits 5. Permanent Virtual Circuits.

30 min


Conclusion: The service offered in ISDN is connection oriented, but it is implemented internally with packet switching and not circuit switching. Two connections are offered: permanent virtual circuits and switched virtual circuits. 5 min

Question / Answer Q1 What is the bandwidth available in case of circuit switching? A1 It is fixed where as it is dynamic in case of packet switching. Q2 When can congestion occur in circuit switching? A1 At the set up time. 5 min

Assignment to be given: -Nil Reference Readings: Computer Networksby Andrew S. Tanenbaum.

Doc. No.: Revision: 00

Lecture Plan-25
Course Code: -

Faculty: -Ritika Girdhar Semester: - V Class: EC Subject: - Digital and Analog Communication Unit: - III

S. No. Topic :- Telephone systems 1.

Time Allotted:-

Introduction: The telephone system is organized as a highly redundant, multilevel hierarchy. Each telephone has two copper wires coming out of it that go directly to 10 min the telephone companys nearest end office. If a subscriber attached to a given end office calls another subscriber attached to the same end office, the switching mechanism within the office sets up a direct electrical connection between the two local loops.

Division of the Topic 1. PSTN 2. ISDN 3. Asynchronous Digital Subscriber Line.

30 min


Conclusion: The key ISDN service will continue to be voice, although many enhanced features will be added. 5 min

Question / Answer Q1 What is the basic rate in ISDN? A1 It is 2B + 2D Q2 What is PSTN? A2 Public Switched Telephone Network. 5 min

Assignment to be given: - Nil Reference Readings:- Computer Networksby Andrew S. Tanenbaum.

Doc. No.: Revision: 00

Lecture Plan-26
Class: EC Course Code: -

Faculty: Semester: - V Subject: - Digital and Analog Communication Unit: - III S. No. 1. Topic :- Multiplexing

Time Allotted:-

Introduction: In multiplexing, many informations are grouped together and transmitted on a single channel. It can be either frequency division multiplexing, 10 min time division multiplexing or wavelength division multiplexing.

Division of the Topic 1. Frequency Division multiplexing 2. Time Division multiplexing 3. Wavelength Division Multiplexing

30 min


Conclusion: In FDM, the frequency spectrum is divided among the logical channels, with each user having exclusive possession of some frequency band. In TDM, the users take turns , each one periodically getting the entire bandwidth for a little burst of time.

5 min

Question / Answer Q1 Which type of multiplexing is used in GSM? A1 Both FDM as well as TDM. Q2 Why WDM is so popular? A2 It is so because the energy on a single fiber is typically only a few gigahertz wide because it is currently impossible to convert electrical and optical media any faster. 5 min

Assignment to be given: - NIL

Reference Readings:- Computer Networksby Andrew S. Tanenbaum.

Doc. No.: Revision: 00 Faculty: Subject: - Digital and Analog Communication

Lecture Plan-27
Semester: - V Unit: - IV Class: EC Course Code: -

S. No. 1.

1. Topic :- Transmission Errors

Time Allotted:-

Introduction: Generally assumption is made that the transmission time required for a frame to arrive at the receiver plus the transmission time for the acknowledgement to 10 min come back is negligible. But sometimes this assumption is false. So there are two basic approaches to dealing with errors: Go back n and Selective repeat.

Division of the Topic 1. Feedback Error Control Approach 2. Feedforward Error Control 3. Parity Check

30 min


Conclusion: In go back n, receiver simply discards all subsequent frames, sending no acknowledges for the discard frames. In selective repeat, the receiving data link layer store all the correct frames following 5 min the bad one. .

Question / Answer Q1 What is the disadvantage of go back n technique? A1 It can waste a lot of bandwidth if the error rate is high.

5 min

Assignment to be given: - NIL

Reference Readings:- Computer Networksby Andrew S. Tanenbaum.

Doc. No.: Revision: 00

Lecture Plan-28
Class: EC Course Code: -

Faculty: Semester: - V Subject: - Digital and Analog Communication Unit: - IV

S. No. Topic :- Data detection 1.

Time Allotted:-

Introduction: The one way is to allow the receiver to deduce that an error occurred, but not which error, and have it request retransmission. That is Error Detecting codes. 10 min

Division of the Topic 1. Error Detection 2. Parity Check 3. Block Sum check 4. Frame Check Sequences Conclusion: Error detection is most oftenly followed by retransmission is preferred because it is more efficient.

30 min


Question / Answer Q1 What are error detecting codes? A1 These are the codes which help us in detecting the error Q2 Discuss any error detecting code. A2 Hamming code

5 min

5 min Assignment to be given: - NIL Reference Readings:- Computer Networksby Andrew S. Tanenbaum.

Doc. No.: Revision: 00

Lecture Plan-29
Faculty: Semester: - V Subject: - Digital and Analog Communication Unit: - IV Class: EC Course Code: -

S. No. Topic :- Error Correction 1.

Time Allotted:-

Introduction : There are two basic strategies for dealing with errors. One way is to include enough redundant information along with each block of data sent to enable 10 min the receiver to deduce what the transmitted character must have been. That is Error Correcting Codes.

Division of the Topic 1. Hamming Codes 2. Huffman Encoding 3. Cyclic Redundancy Check 4. Run Length Encoding

30 min


Conclusion Error correcting codes are used for data transmission, when the channel is simplex, so retransmissions cannot be requested. 5 min

Question / Answer Q1 Discuss any error correcting code. A1 Hamming code Q2 How many errors can be corrected by using hamming codes.? A2 Hamming codes can only correct single errors. 5 min

Assignment to be given: - NIL

Reference Readings:- Computer Networksby Andrew S. Tanenbaum

Doc. No.: Revision: 00

Lecture Plan-30
Faculty: Semester: -V Subject: - Digital and Analog Communication Unit: - IV Class: EC Course Code: -

S. No. Topic :- Data Encryption 1.

Time Allotted:-

Introduction: The messages to be encrypted, known as the plaintext, are transformed by a function that is parameterized by a key. The output of the encryption process, 10 min known as the cipher text, is then transmitted, often by messenger or radio. The art of breaking ciphers is called cryptanalysis. The art of devising ciphers and breaking them is collectively known as cryptology.

Division of the Topic 1. Secret Key Cryptography 2. Public Key Cryptography 3. Data Compression

30 min


Conclusion Public Key cryptography requires each user to have two keys: a public key, used by the entire world for encrypting messages to be sent to that user, and a private key, which the user needs for decrypting messages.

5 min

Question / Answer Q1 What are substitution ciphers? A1 In a substitution cipher each letter or group of letters is replaced by another letter or group of letters to disguise it. Q2 What are transposition ciphers? A2 Transposition ciphers reorder the letters but do not disguise them. 5 min

Assignment to be given: - NIL Reference Readings:-Computer Networksby Andrew S. Tanenbaum

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