CoraQuest WhereTheresDragons

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Where There’s Dragons: Chapter 1

by Larry Ted and Annalee May McBride

Greetings everyone,

What you have here is a three chapter campaign style adventure set in the fantastic world of CoraQuest.
Each chapter will lead into the next with heroes keeping treasures and other items they find until the
end. There are some twists to the standard format so pay close attention to the “!” at each Story
Dungeon entry as some have unique rules. There is a printout, but you can playthrough without them
using improvised replacements. The story will guide you through the adventure, so…

Delve deep, my friends, and Have fun!

Dungeon Cards Monsters Victory

R Orcs Card P is revealed and all active monsters have been

L Ratfolk defeated.

D Gremlins Loss

P Goblins Any of the heroes are defeated


It’s a bright sunny day near Hoodez forest. You have gathered by these woods with Wizard Peddledash
to watch him demonstrate his latest spell, turning molehills into mountains. His first attempt went quite
awry. There was, however, much ground shaking and many upset moles. Before his next attempt, his
assistant, Kevin, comes shouting and running up the road. Out of breath, he collapses at your feet.
“Dra..dra…dragon,” he manages to mutter.

Dragon!? There hasn’t been a dragon spotted in Hoodezfield for ages. You help Kevin to his feet,
encouraging him to calm down. Surely, it wasn’t a real dragon.

After several deep breaths, Kevin is finally able to tell you his story. “I was helping Farmer Jon with his
chores, when we heard a commotion out near his sheep pens. We rushed over to find a burnt row of
corn and three of his prized sheep missing. Flying off in the distance we saw, what could have only been,
a dragon! It was headed towards Hoodez dungeon.

Not one to back down from a challenge, even one where there’s dra…dra…dragons, you set out towards
Hoodez dungeon to find the missing sheep.
R This large room is empty, except for two smoldering piles of what looks like gooey tar. Before
you can investigate further, two ratfolk enter the room.

They stare at the piles of goopy tar, then at you. “What you do to our friends?” one screams. They don’t
wait for an answer as they lunge at you, weapons raised.

! Put two ratfolk standees on 2 different empty squares on card R.

L This room has, what appears to be, the smoldering remains of a makeshift animal stable.
Outside the stable you see what looks like wool shavings and a pair of sheep shears. The whole scene is
quite odd, and you wonder what happened here. You quickly search the room for anything useful. You
think you see something shiny when, suddenly, you hear a loud roar and what sounds like screaming
monsters. Somewhere, further into the dungeon, a battle is taking place.

! Have each hero roll 1 white die and consult the results below.

On 1 or more successes the heroes find a Pumpkinberry Potion, take it from the Special Item deck.

On 2 or more successes the heroes also find a Lucky Feather, take it from the Special item deck.

On no successes, investigate what the shiny is and draw a random treasure card.

Players decide who gets these items or gets to draw the treasure card.

D You burst into the room to see three goblins facing off against a small dragon. The dragon
appears to be wounded with one wing dangling by its side. There is a smoldering pile of goo near the
goblins, and you suspect there use to be four goblins. At this point you are not sure of the dragon’s
intentions towards you, but you do know the goblins are up to no good.

! Put Blazel The Dragon’s Countdown token and three goblin standees on 4 different empty
squares on card D. Blazel will not perform any actions, but heroes and monsters cannot move into her
! After the monsters in this room are defeated read:

The dragon collapses from exhaustion and you rush over to attend to it. It raises it head as you approach
and begins to speak.

“I…I thank you for your help. I overestimated my ability to handle so many monsters. They…they took
my friends...the sheep. I’m trying to rescue them. I’ve heard of your company…the Heroes of
Hoodezfield, right? My name is Blazel, will you help me save my friends?

You gladly agree and begin to attend to the dragon’s wounds before continuing your search for the
missing sheep.

*The player who defeated the last monster in this room takes the Blazel The Dragon Special Item card.
See Appendix D for more details about these cards.

P You begin to hear the sounds of rushing water as you make your way through the dungeon. You
soon enter a large chamber to see a two-headed troll commanding a group of ratfolk. Some ratfolk are
loading a barge docked on a swiftly flowing stream, while two more ratfolk are herding the three sheep,
one of the sheep is sheared of all its wool.

At this sight Blazel lets out a fierce roar. The sound is exceptionally loud for such a small dragon, and it
startles everyone. In the commotion, one of the sheep headbutts a ratfolk and makes a break for it. The
other two sheep are shoved onto the barge.

The troll raises its fist and one of the heads speaks, “So, you’re the pests that’s been causing me crew so
much anguish. “

The other troll head looks confused. “Ummm, what is ang-ish?”

Frustrated, the first troll head yells, “Arrgh, severe physical or emotional pain and in this case, both!
Let’s put an end to this!” With that, the troll lumbers towards you followed by two ratfolk. The
remaining ratfolk quickly cast off and begin floating down stream.

! Put the troll standee and 2 ratfolk standees on 3 different empty squares on card P.

* The player who revealed card P draws a random Sheep special item card. If this hero also has
the dragon, they must give the dragon or sheep to another hero.
End Of The Chapter
Victory: As the troll collapses you breathe a sigh of relief. Now, just how to find the sheep-napped
sheep. Blazel has an idea. “I believe I know where this stream comes out of the dungeon. We can follow
it and hopefully find our friends.”

You think that sounds like an excellent plan, so you quickly leave the dungeon, find the stream, and start
to follow it.

*This ends chapter 1. You may continue your quest now or later. Your party may keep all treasures you
found, the Blazel The Dragon, and the Sheep special item card for the next adventure but must follow
these rules:

-Each hero may carry only 2 weapons and 3 other cards for a total of 5, including dragons and sheep.

-Each hero may carry only 1 dragon/sheep card. If you have the dragon, you cannot have the sheep.

-Heroes may also freely trade items before the next adventure starts.

Set your health back to full before continuing.

“Perhaps you were not prepared enough this day. I’m sure you’ll regroup and do better next time,” says
Wizard Peddledash. “Now that you’re back, you can help me finish this spell.”

Where There’s Dragons: Chapter 2

by Larry Ted and Annalee May McBride

Dungeon Cards Monsters Victory

F Orcs Card P is revealed and all visible active monsters have

C Ratfolk been defeated.

E Gremlins Loss

P Goblins Any of the heroes are defeated

K - place this card aside to be used later

Recap: Farmer Jon’s prized sheep are missing. The heroes discovered that it was not a dragon
who took them, but a group of monsters. After making friends with the dragon, the heroes tracked the
monsters through Hoodez Dungeon. They managed to save one of the sheep, however, before the
others could be rescued, the sheep were carried away on a barge, down an underground stream. The
heroes have teamed up with Blazel The Dragon and one of his sheep friends to find the other missing

Following the stream, it is not long before you find the barge beached on a riverbank. Sadly, it is
empty, but you see tracks heading into the woods. Following the tracks leads you to a sewer grate just
outside of Rat-Town.

“Rat-Town,” says Blazel, “Ugh, you’ll never find a more nasty hive of scruff and vileness.”

Not wanting to waste any time you quickly enter the large drainpipe, clinging near the walls as best you

F Two orcs stand guard here talking to each other. They haven’t noticed you yet.

One says to the other, “Hey, Grogger, what you get when you dip sheep in chocolate?”

Grogger scratches his head. “I don’t know, Smug, what you get?”

“A candy baa,” says Smug.

There is an awkward moment of silence and then they both burst out into laugher, with an occasional
baa baa here or baa baa there to drive the punch line home. They are still laughing as you approach.
When they notice you, they fumble about, drawing their weapons.

! Put two orc standees on 2 different empty squares on card F.

C Several empty bags are found here. Upon inspection, you can tell they were once filled with
wool. You scrounge around for anything useful.
! Search the room. Each character rolls a white dice. Each success rolled allows one treasure to be
drawn from the deck. If you draw a trap, DO NOT draw another treasure card as per normal rules of the

E You come upon several monsters having a very messy dinner. You hope that mutton isn’t on the
menu. When the monsters see you, food goes flying everywhere as they scramble to find their weapons.
One gremlin begins throwing food at you.

! Put two ratfolk standees and one gremlin standee on 3 different empty squares on card E.
*The gremlin throws food. If any player is hit by food place a damage token on that player. They are
then partially blinded and must roll one less dice (lowest dice removed, but no less than one die
remaining) on their next turn. Remove the damage token when their turn ends.

P On the other side of this room, you see a large wooden platform surrounded by several
monsters. The platform is filled with sacks and one of the missing sheep. Upon seeing you, a rather large
orc points your direction and shouts, “Those heroes are tryin’ to disrupt our operation. Don’t let them
near the lift!”

He pulls a large wooden lever and then jumps on the lift as it begins to rise to a trapdoor in the ceiling.
The remaining monsters snarl at you, standing guard with weapons drawn. You must find a way to stop
that lift.

! Put two gremlin standees on 2 different empty squares on the opposite side of the room from
the heroes on card P.

Setting up the lever target

On the side of the map (off the game board), place two ratfolk, with daggers raised, nearly touching
each other as shown in Appendix A. Behind these ratfolk and at about the length of another ratfolk
laying down, stack two white dice. Now, place one red die in front of the two ratfolk. On each player’s
turn they must try to thump the red die through the opening between the ratfolk. This red die cannot
cross where the ratfolk stand until it is flicked or thumped through the opening between the two ratfolk.

Each hero standing on card P can attempt to hit the lever. Until the lever is hit, each hero has but two
Actions, either to move onto card P (if not there already) or attempt to hit the lever.

If you manage to topple the two white dice without disturbing the ratfolk you have succeeded. If any of
the ratfolk are even grazed in the slightest then they have blocked your attempt. If all players fail, then
the two gremlins fire their weapons two times each, selecting random targets, then the heroes are
allowed another attempt to hit the lever.

This repeats until the heroes are defeated or they successfully lower the lift.

! When the lift is lowered read aloud:

The two ratfolk guards collapse into a heap as your attempt to lower the lift succeeds. As the lift
descends, the captured sheep breaks free and leaps off the platform. The large orc bellows in rage and
quickly follows after, with his weapons drawn. “Arrgh, blundering fools. I’ll handle this!” he yells.

! Place dungeon card K next to card P using standard card placement rules. This represents the
lift. Place one orc standee on an empty square on card K. Then place two ratfolk standees on two empty
squares on card P. The ratfolk start the round stunned (lay their standees over) and must use both their
actions to standup on their turns. The Orc is an elite boss with 12 health and rolls an extra white dice in

*The player who successfully lowered the lift draws a random sheep card.

End of The Chapter

Victory: With the monsters defeated the dragon and both sheep begin to stamp about with much
joy. After a few moments, Blazel and the sheep start to communicate with strange baas, stamps, and
snorts. Blazel then explains to you that the last sheep was already taken up top.

So, there is still one more sheep to rescue. You all gather aboard the lift with the intent of doing just

This ends chapter 2. You may continue your quest now or later. You may keep all treasures you found,
the Blazel The Dragon, and both Sheep special item cards for the next adventure but you must follow
these rules:
-Each hero may carry only 2 weapons and 3 other cards for a total of 5, including dragons and sheep.

-Each hero may carry only 1 dragon/sheep card. If you have the dragon, you cannot have the sheep or
carry two sheep.

-Heroes may also freely trade items before the next adventure starts.

Set your health back to full before continuing.

You escape the sewers by the hair on your chin. Blazel will not rest until all his friends are found, so you
best regroup and get ready to try again.

Where There’s Dragons: Chapter 3

by Larry Ted and Annalee May McBride

Dungeon Cards Monsters Victory

See Setup Orcs Card P is revealed and the Boss has been

Ratfolk defeated.

Gremlins Loss

Goblins Any of the heroes are defeated or if there are

Boss no dungeon cards left in the deck when one

needs placed.

Recap Farmer Jon’s prized sheep are missing. The heroes tracked the sheep-nappers to the
sewers below Rat-Town. They have befriended a dragon named, Blazel, and rescued two sheep, but
there is still one more sheep to find. Boarding a wooden lift, the heroes hope to rescue the final lost

Find cards: Dungeon Entrance, 9, H, and P.
Place the Dungeon entrance card 1 then rotate and attach card 9 so the 9 side is bordering the top side
of card 1. Then attach H to 9 so that the H side is bordering card 9. Lastly, flip card H and 9 facedown
then place card P facedown and adjacent to card H. All these cards should be in a straight row (see
Appendix B).

Revealing Dungeon cards will play out different than the standard rules. To setup the Dungeon deck,
first remove cards 4, 8, 11, 15, 16 and all Story cards (the ones with letters). Then shuffle all remaining
cards, including the long game cards 14 and 17, into a single stack. This stack of 10 Dungeon cards will
be the deck you draw from when revealing new dungeon cards for this chapter.

*Important Note: Flipping over cards 9, H, and P counts as exploring and prevents the Threat token
from moving that round. The player who flips over card 9 rotates it so they can move onto the card from
their side of the dungeon. Place a Story Token on card 9 so you remember it has a story event.

The story continues:

The lift arrives at a large empty room. You can hear sheep baaing in the distance, echoing through the
stone halls. Suddenly, a huge portcullis crashes down from the ceiling, dividing the room in half.
Thankfully, no one was hurt. Sadly, your group is now split in two. With no way to go back down the lift,
the only other course of action is to split up. One group goes left, the other goes right.

! The players decide which two heroes will be in each group. Place damage tokens on card #1 (as
shown in Appendix C) so that the room is divided in two halves. One group will be able to explore to the
left and the other to the right. Neither group may cross the center squares of card #1, but they may
freely trade items if both heroes are adjacent to the portcullis, before starting to explore. Once they
start to explore, they may still swap items but as per normal rules.

Note: This Dungeon deck is very dangerous, with many monsters to overcome. Keep this in mind when
dividing up into groups and exchanging items.

Exploring: Exploring works as normal except there are no random story cards. Players will want to move
as quickly as possible to card H, so a straight line will be the most efficient course.

*Goal: The goal is to reach card H as fast as possible. All heroes must be on card H before you
move into and reveal card P.

In this small dimly lit room, you are surprised to see a wounded ratfolk leaned against one wall. As you
approach it reaches out to you and whispers one word, “Water...”

Do you give the ratfolk water?

(If Blazel is with you) Blazel approaches, fuming smoke issuing from her nostrils. “This could be an
ambush.” she says.

! You give the ratfolk water.

The ratfolk drinks a big sloppy gulp and in a few moments, it is able to stand. “My name is Tigtig and I
thank you,” it says. Tigtig hands you a key, before bowing and scuttling off into the darkness. The key
opens a hidden compartment on the Treasure chest. Opening it reveals the Magic Sword.

*The player who gave the most convincing argument to help the ratfolk gets the Magic Sword. Take
this item from the Special item deck. The treasure chest is otherwise empty.

! You Do Not give the ratfolk water.

It could all be a trap, so you attempt to finish off the ratfolk. As you lower your weapon, the ratfolk
deftly bats it away, then darts off into the shadows. You hope it isn’t going to get its friends.

H Once all four heroes are here read:

Finally, you are safe and reunited with your friends. After many hugs, high-fives, and knuckle-bumps you
decide to press on. You fear there isn’t much time left for the sheep.

P You enter a large chamber lined with raggedy built sheep stalls, each one holding a sheep or
two. Several monsters go about sheering sheep and stuffing the wool into bags. It is awfully hot in here.
Sweat drops down the faces of each monster. They do not look happy.

A large shadowy figure seems to be directing the whole operation. It is the dreaded Thunder
McScruggins. He towers over all the other monsters. When he notices you, he points a scary dark finger
your way and yells, “There are the intruders. Get them or I’ll sheer each and every one of you, to the
! Place Thunder McScruggins and two ratfolk on 3 empty squares on card P.

* For the rest of this battle, if the Threat token moves off the Countdown track do not
spawn Spiders at all squares with webs, instead spawn one Ratfolk in the closes empty square
to Thunder McScruggins. You may use the Ratfolk threat token from the printout sheet as a

! There are two events that happen depending on Thunder McScruggins’s health and your
previous actions, when McScruggins is at 8 health and at 0 health. Place the 8 Health and 0 Health Story
Event tokens on McScruggins villain card. Each event happens only once, remove the token after each
event then read the appropriate entry below:

Thunder McScruggins At 8 Health or below

Thunder McScruggins roars in frustration. “Arrgh! You heroes are the worst thorn in my side, ever! I
need sustenance!” He whips his mighty arm around and grabs up a ratfolk and then, to your horror, he
swallows him whole. “Ahhh, fuel for the fight!” The other ratfolk cower in fear. McScruggins looks
refreshed. He focuses his attention back on you.

! Thunder McScruggins gains 4 health. If there is at least one active ratfolk, remove it from the battle.

Thunder McScruggins At 0 Health and you saved Tigtig the ratfolk.

Thunder McScruggins appears to be gravely wounded. “Grrrraahh, more sustenance!” Again, he whips
his arm around to grab at a ratfolk, but this time the tiny creature blocks the blow with its raised
weapons. You recognize that ratfolk. It is Tigtig, the one you saved.

“You’ll feast on us no more, McScruggins!” Tigtig screams. “And we’re done slaving away in your
sweatshop. Ratfolk, unite! For Rat-Town!”

You hear more cheers of “For Rat-Town,” as ratfolk emerge from the shadows, carrying daggers, sheers,
or clubs. They begin pouncing on McScruggins, jabbing and poking at him. He flails around wildly, trying
to fend them off, but to no avail. In a matter of moments, he is overcome. Thunder McScruggins is no

When the deed is done, the ratfolk look to you, sweat pouring down their faces. Some bow, some nod,
but all, one by one, turn and wonder off into the shadows. You are victorious!
Thunder McScruggins At 0 Health and you Did Not save Tigtig the ratfolk.
Thunder McScruggins appears to be gravely wounded. “Grrrraahh, more sustenance!” Again, he whips
his arm around and grabs a ratfolk, consuming it in an instant.

! Thunder McScruggins gains 4 health. If there is at least one active ratfolk, remove it from the battle.

End of The Game

Victory: With McScruggins vanquished and the ratfolk dispersed you tend to your wounds. Blazel is
finally reunited with all her sheep friends. Farmer Jon’s prized sheep are safe, but you have rescued
more sheep than you even realized needed rescuing. You will need to find out who these sheep belong
to. You are sure Wizard Peddledash and Farmer Jon can help with that.

Blazel helps you herd all of the sheep out of the sewers and back up the river. When you arrive at
Farmer Jon’s homestead, he greets you with open arms.

Wizard Peddledash is there as well. He tips his large wizard hat in a bow. “Well, well, my heroes. While I
never perfected my molehill into mountains spell, you seem to have conjured up three sheep into a
whole herd spell. Great work! I can’t wait to hear all about it.”

And what a grand adventure it was, where there’s dragons.

You manage to escape back to the large portcullis. You’ll need to regroup from here and try again or you
could be trapped in the sewers for a long time.

D Sheep and Dragon Notes

Using a sheep or dragon is a Special Ability Free Action, but each ability sets a countdown timer before it
can be used again. When using a sheep or dragon place the appropriate Countdown token on the
Countdown track as noted on the card. These work the same as hero special ability countdown tokens.
Each hero may have only 1 sheep or dragon card.
When using a sheep players may baa out loud to fit the action being taken.

Harald The Sheep: any monsters hit by his stun forces them to take 1 action to stand up. Lay the
standee over to show it is stunned. This does not work on boss monsters (the ones that use the health

Blazel The Dragon: her breathe fire ability burns all characters including heroes. The 3-space range can
be horizontal or diagonal.

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