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 Class stabilization
 Check-up
 New lesson
I. Warm-up
Activity 1: Cross words
II. Pre-reading
Activity 2: Discussion
III. While-reading
Activity 3: Learning vocabulary
Activity 4: Matching
Activity 5: True/False Statements
Activity 6: Choose the most suitable main idea for each paragraph
IV. Post-reading
Activity 7: Discussion
 Consolidation: What have we learnt today?
 Self-assessment
 Homework
Period: Day of teaching:




 Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:

- Learn about the functions of ecotourism and about the safeguarding of
natural environment.
- Develop such reading micro-skills as scanning for specific ideas, skimming for
general information, and guessing meaning in context.
- Use the information they have read to discuss the topic.
 Method: Communicative Approach
 Teaching aids: Textbook, pictures, PowerPoint
 Procedure:
Activity 1: Cross words
- Time: 5 mins
- Aims: To get students involve in the lesson.
To introduce the topic
- Working way: Group work
- Outcome: Students can give the correct answer.

Cross words - T divides class into 2 teams.
Rules: - T introduces the rules of the
- There are 2 teams to play this game. game to the Ss.
- In your turn, choose a question to open the crossword. - T let Ss play the game.
- If your answer is correct, the crossword will appear and your team - After the game finish, T asks Ss
gets 1 point. If your answer is wrong, the other team will have some questions to lead into the
chance. lesson.
- The team that can answer the bold vertical crossword correctly
first will gets 2 points.
- Which team get more points will win the game.

1. (7 words) It is black, and belongs to the cat family.

2. (4 words) It is the king of the jungle.
3. (7 words) It is like the monkey but bigger.
4. (8 words) It is the largest land animal in the world.
5. (6 words) An animal which lives in or near water and has a thick
shell covering its body into which it can move its head and legs for
Lead in questions:
1. Do you think the number of these animals is still as much as
before? Why?
2. Do we need to protect or conserve them?
3. Can you guess the topic of our lesson today?


Activity 2:
- Time: 2 mins
- Aims: to help students get an overview of the topic “Conservation”
- Working way: Pair work
- Outcome: Students handle the task appropriately.

- Procedure:

Look at the pictures, and then answer the - T lets Ss to work in pairs to answer the questions
questions. in the textbook.
1. Have you ever visited a zoo or a forest? - T asks Ss to exchange their ideas with their
2. What animals are you interested in? Why? partners.
3. Do we need to protect animals and forests? - T invites Ss to speak in front of the class.
- T listens and gives Ss feedback.


Activity 3: Learning vocabulary

- Time: 7 mins
- Aims: to help students learn vocabulary in the reading text and recognize its
noun or verb form.
- Working way: Individually
- Outcome: Students can comprehend the meanings of some words related to
the topic

- Procedure:

Read the passage quickly and find suitable words to - T asks Ss to read the passage quickly and find out
fill in the question mark. Remember to use the the suitable words. T remind Ss to use the correct
correct form of the word. form of the word.
- T shows the example.
Noun Verb - T gives Ss 3 mins to do the task.
1. protection protect - After 3 mins, T asks some Ss to give their answers.
2. ? destroy T give feedback and encourages them to guess the
3. pollution ? meaning of the words in Vietnamese.
4. ? damage - T shows the vocabulary on the slide and has Ss to
5. conservation ? read them aloud.
6. ? disappear - T gives Ss some mins to take note.

Suggested Answers:
2. destruction
3. pollute
4. damage
5. conserve
6. disappearance

I. Vocabulary:
- destruction (n) /dɪˈstrʌk.ʃən/: sự phá hủy, sự tiêu
-> to destroy
- pollution (n) /pəˈluː.ʃən/: sự ô nhiễm
-> to pollute
- damage (n) /ˈdæm.ɪdʒ/: sự thiệt hại
-> to damage
- conservation (n) /ˌkɒn.səˈveɪ.ʃən/: sự bảo tồn
-> to conserve
- disappearance (n) /ˌdɪs.əˈpɪr.əns/: sự biến mất
-> to disappear

Activity 4: Matching
- Time: 8 mins
- Aims: to help students learn some new words in the reading text.
- Working way: Pair work
- Outcome: Students can guess the meanings of some unfamiliar words in the
context of the reading text.

- Procedure:

Task 1 on page 105 - T asks Ss to read the passage
Match the word in A with a suitable definition in B quickly in 2 mins.
- T asks Ss to match the words in
column A with their meanings in
column B.
- T gives Ss feedback and asks Ss to
take note.

Suggested Answers:
1c 2a 3d 4b

- to eliminate /iˈlɪm.ə.neɪt/: loại trừ
- circulation (n) /ˌsɝː.kjəˈleɪ.ʃən/: sư lưu thông
- run-off (n) /ˈrʌn.ɑːf/: dòng chảy
- hydroelectric (adj) /ˌhaɪ.droʊ.ɪˈlek.trɪk/: (thuộc) thủy điện

Activity 5: True/False Statements

- Time: 8 mins
- Aims: to help students read for specific information.
- Working way: Individually
- Outcome: Students can give right answers.
- Procedure:

Task 2 on page 106 - T asks Ss to underline the key
- Ss have 3 minutes to do the task.
- T lets Ss exchange their answers
with their partners.
- T invites some Ss to give their
- T corrects and gives feedback.

Suggested Answers:
=> Plants hold water back, so they prevent rapid run-off which can
cause floods and erosion.
=> We can stop worsing the problem while scientists search for
answers, and laws are passed in nature's defense.

Activity 6: Choose the most suitable main idea for each paragraph.
- Time: 3 mins
- Aims: to help students understand the main idea of a paragraph.
- Working way: Individually
- Outcome: Students can give right answers.
- Procedure:

Task 3 on page 106 - T gives Ss 3 mins to do the task.
- T invites some Ss to choose the
suitable main idea for paragraph
A, B and C. T asks them to explain.
- T corrects and gives feedback.

Suggested Answers:


Activity 7
- Time: 7 mins
- Aims: to help students talk about the conservation topic.
- Working way: Group work
- Outcome: Students can talk about the topic of plant and animal conservation
using the vocabulary learned in the reading lesson.
- Procedure:

Work in group of 4. Discuss the following - T asks Ss to work in groups of 4.
questions. - T shows the questions on the slide and give each
1. What is the consequence of losing forest? group 4 mins to discuss.
2. How important is water in our life? - T then asks some groups to answer the questions.
3. What should we do for the future of our planet? - T gives Ss feedback.
 Consolidation

What have we learnt today? - T asks Ss some questions to remind them of what
they have learned that day.

 Homework

- Asks Ss to study the lesson again and prepare for the next lesson.

- Ss listen to T and take note.

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