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NEMA Mo#40 94 MM G470247 OSOLSO2 365 am NEMA STANDARDS PUBLICATION NO. MG 10 Sitch MANAGEMENT GUIDE FOR SELECTION AND USE OF FIXED FREQUENCY ee ee SQUIRREL-CAGE POLYPHASE INDUCTION MOTORS mm 2595512 0078624 TSt mm NEMA-MG1O ADOPTION NOTICE NEMA-MG10, "Energy Management Guide for Selection and Use of Polyphase Motors," was adopted on October 3, 1984 for use by the Department of Defense (DoD). Proposed changes by DoD activities must be submitted to the DoD Adopting Activit: Commanding Officer, Naval Construction Battalion Center, Code 156, 1000 23rd Avenue, Port Hueneme, CA 93043-4301 DoD activities may obtain Copies of this standard from the Standardization Document Order Desk, 700 Robbins Avenue, Building 4D, Philadelphia, PA 19111-5034. The private sector and other Government agencies may purchase copies from the National Electrical Manufacturers Association, 2101 L Street, NW, Suite 300, Washington, DC 20037. custodians: Adopting Activity Army - ME Navy ~ YD-1 Navy - ¥D-1 Air Force - 99 FSC 6105 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A distribution is unlinited. Approved for public release; apt ean Eales Aston Tr se 155730708 NEMA NG#10 99 mM LU70247 OSOLS03 233 mm NEMA Standards Publication No, MG 10-1994 ENERGY MANAGEMENT GUIDE FOR SELECTION ‘AND USE OF FIXED FREQUENCY MEDIUM AC ‘SQUIRREL-CAGE POLYPHASE INDUCTION MOTORS Pubished by National Electrical Manufacturers Association 2:00 Sveet, NW, Washington, B.C, 20097 (© 1994 by National Electrica Manulacturers Associaton NEMA "G#h0 94 MM 6470247 DSOLSO4 158 mm ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS Soop! ee Section 1 REFERENCES. Section 2. SELECTION AND APPLICATION .. 21 Gener. 22 Powersupply 23 Efficiency 24 Bvaduin fein economics. 25 Mouse selection 26 Power facwr 27 Alison rays Section 3. MAINTENANCE. opty asa Bc Manco Asncaton MG 10-1998 3 3 3 4 8 9 0 1 ” NEMA MG#30 94 MM L47G247 OSoLADS O94 mM Ma 10.1998 Page! Foreword “The Motor an Generator Section of NEMA pubishad the frst eit of MG 10 wit he statement o pricy review te pide fre poue of keping pode with advancing wchnology. This eon, MG 10-1954, ithe result ‘fabs commitment o address the requirement of the US. Energy Policy Act of 1992, ad incdes guidance forthe tpplieaton of te new Design E Motor “The goal of hie guide eo asi he reader in the choice of equipment for his aplication. “The racic of peroialy reviewing and upling the gi wil be continued. Camnenss a the guide rom readers are elcome and shouldbe aazessed ‘Vice Presiden, Engineering Deparment ‘Naina Beewical Manrarres Astocation 2101 LSeee. NW. ‘Washington, DC 20087-1526 Scope “Tis ererey manager de provides practical irmaton concn he prope section ap application of medium AC sguinclcage polyphase indieson matory inoding salon, operason, and mamenance in fied reqney srplions hy ae etd anda con NEMA M6410 94 mM b470247 OSORIO T20 m 14 REFERENCES wo. 112.191 Ma 1399 1.2 INTRODUCTION Section 1 REFERENCES AND INTRODUCTION lay Standard Association “Tit Rendle BN Rexdale Toronto), One, Cans MW 23 MG 10-1994 Page Energy Eelency Test Methods for Thee Phase Induction Motors Anse of Electrical and Electronics Eagicers (EEE) "2 os Lane Piscamway, NF B55 Standard Test Procedure for Polyphase Induction Motors and Generators, [National Ficrical Manufacturer's Association (NEMA) ‘HOLL Suet NW, Sate 90 ‘Washingt, DC! 20087 Motors and Generators ‘The shorage ad lge ct incase fw rational coergy resus has demonstrated De ee 19 nse ‘Schreoures In 1992 he Energy Policy Ac updated unr eves of nominal eficieny which some clases ‘of mors must teat ater Occber 27, 1997. Kes Iingoeart hat motor users and species undersand the ‘scion applation sid maistenanee of elec los ‘oqo mprove he manageren: of ect e=1gy onsumpuion, Energy manageren a elated oelee= ‘motor ie consideration of he ators hat conrbte te reducing te energy coneungion of 3a lore rotor drven equproct system. Among the fates 1b ‘aided we De motor design and aplcaion An elec motors an energy converter, convening lecical energy to mechanical energy. For this es, Sn eleric moor Soul be conse at ways eng ‘umeci oa ven machine oF apart, wits pie operating tarts, wich ete the Pare ANE naming ad chraensics ofthe mau. Censequt the seeciun ofthe moor most sable fora paral Application 8 tasod on many Tats, nhadng Ue requirements ofthe diver equipment (eg statingand St ana aie anda con celeron, speed la duty ye), service conions, rotor efceny, moor power fac, and nia mover ort. These aplication factors ts cont wi one ‘0b. The ven syst efficiency isthe combination fe eiences ofl of the components in the ste. Jn adison tothe motor these components ele ie sven equipment (sch as ans, pups and compresses) power vaninsion component (such as belly, eats ad caches) Outer components which a nota Part ofthe deven system wil afer tbe overall sy ‘fceey, some of there are elgerioe and a ondibonung evapaatr and condense cos, Piping ssid wid pups, ducts and bales associ’ wid ‘ane and blowers, and motor consoles (ac varable speed drives and power for conralie) Good nergy management is the success sgpcaso fener eon, moter, andthe ven ompocens that result ithe least consumpon of ‘ery. Sine all motors do ot hve te same tien, ‘rfl cmsideraton must be vento the slecton ad epilation. NEMA "G#20 94 MM L420247 O50b907 967 wm MG 10-1994 Page 2 yy te ate Baccarat eae NEMA fG#30 94 mm 6470247 O50L908 273 mm MG 10-1994 age 3 Section 2 ‘SELECTION AND APPLICATION 24° GENERAL 241 Medium Motors “Tee NEMA Sundards Publication MG 1 define & median machin (1) being bit in three four-digit Same mabe sre in sconce wih MG 1, 1101.2 Cor equivaln for machines without fo); and (2) having coutnuous rating upto and inlding he folowing. Steve 101-3600 0 se1-1200 350 ‘1-900 20 so-720 200 515-600 10 ass 13 242 Usual Service Conditions “Te rope selena aplication of ized regueney ‘matium AC squiel-cage polyphase indueton movors involves te consideration of many facts aecing insalaio, operation, and mainenance. The basic Seps sm slong 2 motor cone of demining te power ‘ply, horsepower ming. speed, dy eye mot type, fe ercionie, In adton, eniamental conden, ‘mowing. comecuons of the mow: 10 the lat, and mechanic accesories of mnetiont mute be Considered. Motors mst also be propety selected wit ‘erp! othe own serge cations, ten felon 1 4 us and unusual, ar denn in NEMA Standards ‘Rbtiatuon MOI, Un evice condone considered te | Exposure oan ambient emer witha the range of 1S WAC 1. Exposure wo an alia which doesnot exceed 3300 fet (100 meter) (&sallaon in areas or supplementary enclosures which dono senusly aesere wal the ‘eal of the mache. 8. Operation within a lerance of £10 percent of raid votage onthe Nn Et MauictresAsacton Foumets tse 208 ‘Operation from a sine wave of voltage source (otto exceed 10 percent deviation fat). 4. Operation within a oerance of 5 percent of ‘id Frequency. |& Operation within » volage unbalance of 1 percent res Operation the thm usa sevice condtons my ‘eeu inthe consumption of adonal energy. 22 POWER SUPPLY 22.1 Ratings Jn genera, nducvon motor are design for aad voliage, frequency, ad numberof pases. The upey ‘olage muse kncwn inorder to sel the prope mor For alemating-curent mots, the moor nameplate ‘voltage ill normally be less tus the nomial power ‘yam voluge a shown i the foowing tbe for tree phase, 6 er motes PoveSjaemvaaey np ae, 120 ns 208 200 a 20 440 400 600 os 200 200 160 4000 500 6800 222 Etects of Variation In Voltage and Frequency Operon csi ofthe ae conditions ofvlag and ‘requency may decreate bon efetency and owe factor seein adversely afl oer performance caress ‘The same condion iste when epeaing the mateo cir tan sine wave of volage. Te fflect ovarian Imaapply vliage, waveform Frequency onthe motors ‘cicncy and pow factor eharactenrcs depend ‘ndividial motor design, NEMA "G#10 94 MM 6470247 OSORS09 737 a MG 10,1994 Page 223° Ettecta of Volage Unbalance Aalmeed vohage ofthe three phate power supply 0 the mauris xen t0 the efficient operon of the fystem, Forexample a voltage uiblance of 3.5 percent fan increase motor loses by approximately 20 percent, For this reason, snge-pase lads taken from a thee- hase power suply shouldbe carefully allocated so tat ‘be vlage talace willbe kept as low as possible athe ‘otra. 23° EFFICIENCY Maar eficioncy is messi of he eleven with ich elec energy is convened io mechanical enrzy, fn is exgessod ashe sto of power ouput to power ing: ficiency = OMB! _Omput _ Taper ~ Oupur+ Losses Motor eticiencies are usualy given fr raed oad, 348 load and 103d ‘Treelcienyofa moti primary a function o load. hasepower rain, ad sed, as indicated below 4. Achangein een a fncsion of oad ic an inten acters of motors, se Figure 2-1 Operation of the motor at leads substan ret fom rated load may esl in change ‘nmotorefficene. 1 Gonerly, the full oad ffisiney of motors ereaset ashe motor horsepower ang seas, Se Figure 2 For We same horsepower rang, motes with ghersponts perry, ut x necessay ave higher eine arated las tan motes ih lower rated speeds. This does not imply. however, that all apparatus shouldbe drive by ighspesd maton. Where spee-changing rmechanions, ich as pulleys or gears. ae aque obtain te necessary lowe speed, De tional power loses could seduce te ‘ciency ofthe sytem 0a vale lower than ha ovided bya drectdrivelowerpeed mote ‘A definite elaicaship exists between the slip andthe effcieney of polyphase nducon motor, the bie esp, be lower isthe eficency, or sips ames of Be tes in the rotr winding. Slip of a inducsen mote Capaty te ten Bec Nance Assen Soll / § NOTE—THE CURVES INDICATE A.GENERAL RELATIONSHIP | VALUES WILL VARY WITH. INDIVIDUAL MOTOR TYPE AND MANUFACTURER, 02 5075100125 PERCENT RATED LOAD Figure 2-1 ‘TYPICAL EFFICIENCY VERSUS LOAD CURVES FOR 1000-RPM THAEE-PHASE oo HERTZ DESIGN B SQUIRREL-CAGE INOUCTION MOTORS iste ference between synchronous sped and float sped. Sip, expressed in percent i the difference io ‘seeds dvd by be ychronous speed and mule By 100, Teele, wr Seay load codons, Design A,B, Cand E squirel 924 “The motor nameplate efciency mashing slecied from the table of minal effiincies (Table 12-8 MG 1) and represents the average efficiency of 3 Population of motors at determina’ by ihe peviosly Aetna tesing method. The use of a Senes of defined ‘values for abeling was lace to avoid he inference of areas anuracyhat mphr De assed from a ine umber of nominal efcieey vale, NEMA NGwiO 9% MM b470247 OSOL933 160 mm NG 10-1004 Page’ [NEMA Standards Publication MO 1 requis tha al polyphase squimel-cage integral rsepower motors, 11 S00 horsepower, deciused as Design A and B (and ‘ule Desi Can ratings shal ave the NEMA. oma eiceny valu on tbe nameplate. ‘With this carefully defined data in accordance wih NEMA Sundars, 2 motor purchaser or wer cn cre te retiv eicences and resultant enbomics tf aleraze motors. Tis dats allows #cammen bss for compart of be alemaive meses walle, and in conjunction with oder motor sppicaon iaforaton it maybe ened compu relive energy and energy cost savings. 24 EVALUATION OF EFFICIENCY ECONOMICS nore toian secure ess during the economic vation process, is extremely impor tat cay ‘Siesta by te same wet ae compare, "There we a number of ways to evaluate Be economie impact of moor eiceney, Two ofthese metios ae imple paytack analysand present wort lie eye ‘eabis-Aurdmetied, ot Settled bere, se cash Now nd payback arly, Ts method considers ocr cost ‘emu, motor depreiton ile, energy cos and ney Soe flaunt, corporate tx rate, eer, ard Ihe ‘rer open praectscovered inthe spl pybeck balyon, Deal of ths metbod ae explain event financial management ex 24.1 Simple Payback Analysis, “The snp puytck method gives the mur of years requir io recover he iffernti invessn or ihe {iexcacy motets To determine the payback period, Oe emi for he higher efficiency motris ded by he Srnial savings isl Te acm savings must be ‘dermis using te folowing fore = Annual dala savings ip = Horepower = Percentage lead £100, (C= Energy cou i dallas per tlowar hour ‘Anmua ours of eperaion Lower ocr efficiency ihe motor efficiency apy yh Han Eels Asaclton “Teele othe percent oad at which the mon wil be operated mist be used, Soe mor elicency sie wit ad “Ten te met cot premium i divided by he anual savings to compe the paybeck peed fer the higher ‘ficiency moter. fmotr A costs $300 more than mtr 'B and yds annual evings Of $100, the simple payback tod i SH005100 3 yer. The 100 payback me ‘ay ppl ignaresevings cringe th ed of {he pback prod end des na consider te time vale of ‘money changes in energy costs. 242 Present Worth Lite Cycle Analysis, Fr eat precision. the present wor metbod of ie cycle vings may be employed. This mead considers bow the ie valve of money and energy con infato, Fst, the wer wil dtemine te required itera re of Tetum and expected energy cos iniaion. Thea, the Ccflectve ines ale can be deirmined using. the following forma: 10 Re ior ‘were i= Elective percntimerest rate 3100 Ry = Expect annua rat of energy cost infaion Ry = Reuved nena ra of rerun on investments “The next sep isto determine peeeat won by incerng the effeive iret ae it We basi formula {oe the present value of nanny. aeot=t roe WEE (dollars perkilowat) = CxN xPW Were: C= Energy cost in dolar per Kowa hou N= nual ours of operation PW = Present wort Finally, the present worth of tbe ie ele savings resulting fom the higher elficency mar can be compe NEHA MGw0 94 mM 6470247 OSOKSL4 OT? am ‘pe wat ett oot the bison which be lvesomatdeision is ade. Sample Caleattion Give: 00HP Mowr A 95% efficient 100 HP Motor B 926 efficient $0.06 Kwshe 9 flan of nergy cots 359 Reta on investent 8 year Exped ie - 400 by (Sd) 18 ‘=O Assume 1)= 0am ose 1238" WEF = 0080 x 4000 x 3440 = 826 PW Sowing 746 % 100 x 826 x (100 ones man (i 25 MOTOR SELECTION 25.1 Induction Motors ‘Tne selon of he inductoe motor equed depends om to performance characters of the diver machine td ese, inn, deerme the perangcarciersics oe mete The following fists the pes of motors and the machines on which they ae peal spi: 4 esign A, Band E—Used on machines, uch as ‘most fans, Hower, cenngal pumps, ant ‘comprestos, reguring a reatively low sarin Capra y he Raton Eel aac Asecton MG 19-1994 Page 8 torque followed by a increasing rxgue with ‘increasing sped upto the full speed and torque, Design A an E mors have a higher locked rote euent han Design B motors. Desi, Cott ow mins ch a Sif compeestors and conveyors, ‘orig realy igh starting que which ‘pal gree than the orgie rere atl Toad speed (& Design D—Used on machines which impose alin a or require reguen staring of the oor, suchas punch pees, ol wel Np. ‘dois applicaons. ‘Asammarycf characteristics, pica applications and relative effienies for several types f induction motors 4 given in Tale 2-1. Figure 2-2 shows representative ‘eed orgie carves for Desig A,B,C, D. and E mots. 200) 7 HEX 2 o Z RBoE i § soo i \ 5 ol o 2 4 6 a 100 SPEED (PERCENT SYNCHRONOUS SPEED) Figure 2-2 GENERAL SHAPE OF SPEED-TORQUE ‘CURVES FOR MOTOR WITH NEMA DESIGN A, B,C, 0 AND E NEMA NGex0 94 MH G470247 O5ObT35 733 mm MG 10-1094 Page 10 252 Multispeed Motors Matispeed motors canbe designed to ve sped torque characteriice similar w thse of Deis A,B, DD, or E motors of the eqivalet rating, They can be exigned for variable argue, coms org or const Ionsepower For the highest efficiency, iis imporant 0 select the caret muispeed mcr charac forte Toad at al operating sped. The folowing lists motor characerisice and the smschnes on which hey are picaly apple: 4 Variablesorque—Used on fins, czaifugal pps nd compressors. Constantorque—Uted on conveyors, pve

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