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Summer Greetings to Gloria Dei As I sit to write this article my window shows me that the sun is actually shining today. It feels so good. Things are green and the garden is growing. It makes me think of our church. We have been experiencing the spring showers of impatience as we face the growing pains of standing on our own during this time of change. To many it seems such a long stretch of time in transitioning to new pastoral leadership. But we know that Gloria Deis hard work in Gods garden will bring sunshine and reap the harvest of reward through completion in acquiring a new minister. Thank you to the church council and the call committee for carrying us forward. They have worked together to develop a Ministry Profile Site that describes who we are as a congregation, and what we desire our future to be in terms of Making Christ Known. This will be used by the synod to determine the kinds of candidates they will send for our consideration. Thank you to the congregation as you participate in the cottage meetings currently being held. The information from these meetings will be used by both the call committee and the council to develop the interview process, and plan future goals for the council and congregation together. So we truly are moving forward. I will pray that the sunshine of our summer will bless us all. We will pray together for the call committee as they begin the work of interviewing.


Mission Statement: Core Values:

Making Christ Known Community Spirituality Respect Commitment Unconditional Love Jesus is Lord All are Welcome Love Matters Everyone has Something to Offer

Guiding Principles:



July 2011
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

Worship 9 am

Worship7pm Early Morning Council Bible Study 6:30 am Riverview Kiel

Worship 9 am







Worship7pm Early Morning Bible Study 6:30 am Riverview Kiel

Worship 9 am







Worship7pm Early Morning Bible Study 6:30 am Riverview Kiel

Worship 9 am







Worship7pm Early Morning Bible Study 6:30 am Riverview Kiel

Worship 9 am





JULY Altar Set-Up July 3 Greeters Acolytes Lector Ushers Comm. Asst. Counters July 10 Greeters Acolytes Lector Ushers Comm. Asst. Counters July 17 Greeters Acolytes Lector Ushers Comm. Asst. Counters July 24 Greeters Acolytes Lector Ushers Comm. Asst. Counters July 31 Greeters Acolytes bach Lector Usher Comm. Asst.

Grace Nennig Julie Schumacher Aprill Family Robert Leithold Ian Clark Mary Agnew Jaremy Cobble Karren Cobble Randy Schumacher Jaremy & Karren Cobble

AUGUST Altar Set-Up August 7 Greeters Acolytes Lector Ushers Comm. Asst. Counters August 14 Greeters Acolytes Lector Ushers Comm. Asst. Counters August 21 Greeters Acolytes Lector Ushers Comm. Asst. Counters August 28 Greeters Acolytes Lector Ushers Comm. Asst. Counters

Heide Aprill Karen Ebert Barrett Family Mariah Barrett Emily Kolberg Broderick Barrett Dennis Nennig Grace Nennig Gary Meyer Dean & Jayne Meyer

Ebert Family Haliegh Stephany Hannah Schumacher Mike Field Cheryl Heller Craig Heller Gene Telschow Grace Nennig

Heller Family Robert Leithold Ian Clark Jaremy Cobble Jerry Jensen Randy Schumacher Bridget Niec Allen Fett

Fett Family Jenna Pleshek Emily Anderson Allan Fett Gary Meyer Tyler Meyer Jayne Meyer Al & Jenny Kresbach Camomilli Family Emily Kolberg Jenny Kolberg Barb Spiegel Kathy Welsch Broderick Barrett Allan Fett Julie Schaefer Langohr Family Isabelle Clark Marilee KresGene Telschow Mary Agnew Trent Agnew Rachel Barrett

Dean Meyer Family Emily Anderson Jenna Pleshek Annette Pleshek Gene Telschow Sharon Telschow Jayne Meyer Matt & Heide Aprill

Welsch Family Hannah Schumacher Haleigh Stephany Jayne Meyer Jeremy Ashenbach Tammie Ashenbach Grace Nennig Grace Nennig

It is difficult to conduct a service without these needed helpers. If you cannot fulfill your obligation on your appointed Sunday please make arrangements to switch with someone. A big thank you to all who volunteer their time and talent to assist with worship service.





Thrivent Choice donators Thanks

New Members
Evelina Mae Davila was born June 14th. She weighted 6#12oz. Congratulations to Veronica & Alonso

Evan Walter and Ethan Carl Aschenbach were born on June 11, 2011 - weighing in at 1 lb. 2 oz and 2 lb. 9 oz. Today they are in the NICU, fighting and staying strong. They have stolen all our hearts and Tammy, Jeremy and big sister, Noelle, are ready to share their story with you.

Welcome to Gloria Dei





Big Brothers Big Sisters is dedicated to making a difference in the lives of children and youth primarily through professionally supported one-to-one relationships. Volunteers are needed for children ages 6-14 residing in the Kiel area and/ or attending Kiel Public Schools. Applicants must be at least 16 years of age and make a commitment to meet with the child once a week for a minimum of one year. If matched for at least one year, volunteers may be eligible to apply for a continuing education scholarship. To learn how you can make a difference in the life of a child, call (920)-684-7445 or visit the Big Brothers Big Sisters website at

Carol M. Jens Program Services Director Big Brothers Big Sisters of Manitowoc Co., Inc. (920)-684-7445 ext. 102

Coleen Allee is a Big Sister. Carol is Coleen & Alivas match specialist at BB/BS.

Glorious Gardeners
The gardens have been sprayed with weed they require a human touch. Will you be that human??





Call Committee Update

Thank you to everyone who has attended (or will soon be attending) a small group meeting to discuss the characteristics we are seeking in a new pastor. The members of the council and call committee are very happy with the great response from the congregation of Gloria Dei. A large percentage of our members have spoken up in the meetings with their opinions and concerns. All of the feedback helps the call committee to get to know the people of Gloria Dei and define who we really are as a congregation. If you were unable to find a meeting date that fit your schedule, we still encourage you to fill out and either drop off or mail in a survey with your comments. As was stated in our guiding principles, we believe that EVERYONE has something to offer and we value your input. The more feedback we get, the better picture we can paint for our potential candidates. While our first interview is scheduled for June 27th, we will not be making a final decision on the call until we have finished all of the scheduled meetings. If you are still hoping to attend a meeting, there are two remaining dates scheduled for Tuesday June 28th at 9:00 a.m. at Cheryl Heller's house and Wednesday, June 29th at church after the Wednesday service. Any questions, comments or last minute thoughts can be e-mailed to Gloria Dei and someone will get back to you promptly or pass your comments on to the appropriate committee members. We thank you once again for your support, prayers and patience as we finish up the call process. Louie Kolberg

A special message for summer travelers

If youre planning to miss services this summer due to travel or other family commitments, we would like you to consider committing to a recurring giving schedule. Gloria Dei participates in a Simply Giving Program through Thrivent Financial. Your consistent support is very much appreciated, especially during the summer months. Contact Coleen Allee at 920-889-1187 for more details.





Interim Pastor

Book Club

Prayer Chain
Sherry Wilberscheid is leading our Prayer Chain. Please contact Sherry at or call 894-7037.

Book club does not meet again until the first Tuesday in September. We are reading "Cutting for Stone" by Abraham Verghese during the summer months.!

Glorious New Moms

Glorious Moms

The Glorious New Moms Group met for a walk between the raindrops in June. Watch the bulletin and announcements for their next event. If you have questions, please contact Laura Hoban at 920-2861687 or





Rummage Sale 2011

May brings us sunshine and the urge to do our Spring cleaning! As you clean, please remember to save your treasures for the annual Rummage Sale! We are hoping to organize this before July! If you need help storing these items, please contact Kris Stephany at 920-838-1603 or Please do not bring them to church just yet; watch the Sunday bulletins for more details. Again, please be sure the items you save are clean & in working condition. Thank you!

Gloria Dei Lutheran Church

N1230 Seven Corners Rd New Holstein, WI 53061-9778 920-898-5333

Your used and unwanted ink cartridges. ONLY HP, Lexmark & Dell (CANNOT BE REFILLED) We can use this credit to defray office expense. There will be a container (orange basket) on the orange table adjacent to the office to deposit your

Making Christ Known Worship Services:

Sunday 9:00 am & Wednesday 7:00 pm

cartridges. Thanks

Send your announcements, articles or constructive comments to or give them to me personally. Thanks, Barb Spiegel

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