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Alamat 1l Rava Pancamulia Kecamatan Banjar Baru Kabupaten 1ulang Bawang

Mata Pelaiaran : Bahasa Inggris Nama :..........
Kelas : 4 ( Empat)

I Chose the correct a, b, c, or d the to answer the questions!
1. She..long hair.
a. have
b. has
c. like
d. likes
2. ...., may I clean my hands.
a. look at
b. good
c. excuse me
d. yes. It is
3. It...two long arms.
a. two
b. three
c. Iour
d. Iive
4. How many eyes do you have?
a. one
b. Iive
c. ten
d. two
5 My name ... Putra
a. am
b. is
c. are
d. isn`t
6. Susan.....baking chocolate cookies
a. is
b. are
c. was
d. were

7. Adrian is holding ....can opened in his hand.
a. an
b. a
c. her
d. his
8. I see the zoo
a. Clock
b. snake
c. chair
d. hen
9. The.......are studying in the class now.
a. study
b. student
c. students
d. pupil
10. There are many.....In the garden
a. Ilowers
b. wood
c. papers
d. vegetable
11. Dony is....a purple T-shirt.
a. drinking
b. eating
c. thirsty
d. wearing
12.May I...your green iacket?
a. borrow
b. drinking
c. eating
d. thirsty
13.I want sleeping in the....
a. dining room
b. bedroom
c. bathroom
d. living room
14. Mr. Thomas .....two cars but he has sold one.
a. has
b. have
c. had
d. having
15. II you want to cooking. You can go to..
a. bathroom
b. kitchen
c. dining room
d. living room

II.Please Translate Into Indonesian
1. Azizah has a round Iace :............
2. I have a pointed nose :.............
3. May I help yo? :.................
4. Can you help me to sweep the Iloor
5. What do you have in your bag?
III.Please Translate Into English
1. Bolehkah saya meminiam bukumu?
2. Dapatkah anda membersihkan papan tulis?
3.Ini adalah kamar saya.
4.Dita memakai sepatu hitam
5.Kami memakai seragam merah putih

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