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Continuous Assessment Cover Sheet

Faculty of Engineering

Module Details
Module Code CE2712 Module Title Fluid Mechanics 1
Program: SLIIT/Curtin/SHU/ Course: BSc/ BEng/
Stream: Civil/Electronics/Mechanical/

Assessment details

Title Calibration of bourdon gauge Group assignment YES / NO

If yes, Group No.
Instructor Prof. Upaka Rathnayake Date of Performance
Due date Date submitted 21/05/2021

Student statement and signature

By this declaration, I/we confirm my/our understanding and acceptance that the work reported in this report is my/our own work. I/we also
understand the consequences of engaging in plagiarism or copying others work without proper citation. Any material used in this work
(whether from published sources, the internet or elsewhere) have been fully acknowledged and referenced and are without fabrication or
falsification of data.
[Copying or plagiarism will result in a “0” mark for the continuous assessment and “F” for the module after an investigation on academic

All academic misconduct is considered seriously and defined as dishonest and in direct opposition to the values of a learning community.
Misconduct may result in penalties from failure to exclusion from the campus.
Further help and guidance on how to avoid academic misconduct can be obtained from your academic advisor/tutor]

By this declaration, I/we confirm my understanding and acceptance that-

• I/we have adhered to relevant ethical guidelines and procedures in the completion of the assignment.
• I/we have not allowed another student to have access to or copy from this work.
• This work has not been submitted previously.
[The Institute may request an electronic copy of this work for submission to the Plagiarism detection facility (TURNITIN). You must make
sure that an electronic copy of your work is available in these circumstances]

Details of the student/s submitting the assignment Signature

ID Number Name (As per the institute records )

EN20417116 Athapattu A.D.N.U


Receiving Officer Specific comments about the work (including overall comments and guidelines
(seal, signature, date) for improvement)

Tutor: Signature: Date:

Marks: [ All marks are subject to external moderation and approval of board of

Calibration of bourdon gauge

The bourdon gauge is the most popular pressure measuring device for both liquids and gasses. This
measures Gauge Pressure, which is the difference between the pressure in the pressure source and the
current atmospheric pressure. It can however be modified to measure difference in pressure between
two sources of pressure.
The Bourdon gauge is an indirect measuring device which depends for its operation on the tendency
of an internally applied pressure to cause an initially bent tube to straighten. Because the
measurement is indirect, and it is necessary to calibrate the gauge before it can be use. The
calibration consists of applying a known pressure to the gauge and noting the position of the gauge
needle on the scale.

• To study how a typical Bourdon Gauge works.
• To establish the calibration curve of the Bourdon Gauge

• The TecQuipment Bourdon Gauge and dead weight tester

Figure 1

• Laboratory Scales
• Set of Test weights

First, the weight of the piston, and its cross-sectional area were noted. After removing the piston,
water was poured into the cylinder until it was full to the overflow level. Then the apparatus was
tilted and gently tapped to be cleared if any air had trapped in the tube. Then the piston was re-placed
in the cylinder and was allowed to settle. After that, a spirit level was placed on the platform at the
top of the piston to be ensured that the cylinder was vertically upright. The weights were then added
in convenient increments, and at each increment, the pressure gauge reading was observed while
rotating the piston gently. At last, a similar set of results was then taken with decreasing weights.


Total mass total load True Gauge reading Error
including including pressure Increasing Decreasing Increasing Decreasing
piston piston (kN/m2) Pressure Pressure pressure pressure
weight weight (kN/m )2
(kN/m2) (kN/m )2
(kg) (kN)

1 9.81×10-3 31.143 39 37 7.857 5.857

2 19.62×10-3 62.286 64 64 1.714 1.714
3 29.43×10-3 93.429 96 98 2.571 4.571
4 39.24×10-3 124.571 121 121 -3.571 -3.571
5 49.05×10-3 155.714 151 154 -4.714 -1.714
6 58.86×10-3 186.857 185 185 -1.857 -1.857

Selecting 1st set of readings;

Total mass (m) = 1kg
Force (F) = mg = 9.81N = 9.81×10-3kN
Cross sectional area (A) = 315mm2 = 31510-6 m2
True pressure (P) = F/A = (9.81×10-3)/(31510-6) = 31.143kN/m2
Gauge reading at increasing = 39kN/m2
Error in increasing = 31.143 -39 = 7.857kN/m2
Gauge reading at decreasing = 37kN/m2
Error in decreasing = 31.143-37 = 5.857kN/m2


True pressure vs. gauge reading

True pressure vs. error

Gauge reading with true pressure
In both increasing and decreasing cases, gauge reading is having a linear increase with the
true pressure. As there aren’t a considerable difference between the variation of increasing
case and decreasing case, we could predict that the experimental results are accurate far
Error with true pressure
The difference between the gauge reading and the true pressure is considered as the error. It
decreases with variations when the true pressure increases. In average, the error of the
increasing case seemed to be higher than in the decreasing case.
In conclusion, we can state that the test can be done with a minimum error at high pressures. Though,
the error is being used to decide the tolerances for loads at different pressure levels.

In this experiment, the gauge reading in increasing and decreasing pressure were measured and they
were compared with the true pressure. And also, the error obtained for each increasing and
decreasing cases, were compared with the true pressure.
In conclusion, a typical Bourdon Gauge was studied, and the calibration curve of Bourdon Gauge
was established.

• Sika. 2021. Bordon Gauge. [ONLINE] Available at:
0called%20a%20bourdon%20tube.. [Accessed 18 May 2021].
• Naeem, 2018. Course Hero. [Online] Available at:
1docx/ [Accessed 17 May 2021].
• Lab. Manual of Fluid Mechanics, The Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering.
(n.d.). [online]. Available at:
Fluid_Mechanics_Lab_Manual.pdf [Accessed 15 May 2020].

Continuous Assessment Cover Sheet
Faculty of Engineering

Module Details
Module Code CE2712 Module Title Fluid Mechanics 1
Program: SLIIT/Curtin/SHU/ Course: BSc/ BEng/
Stream: Civil/Electronics/Mechanical/

Assessment details

Title Total hydrostatic pressure on Group assignment YES / NO

plan surface If yes, Group No.
Instructor Prof. Upaka Rathnayake Date of Performance
Due date Date submitted 21/05/2021

Student statement and signature

By this declaration, I/we confirm my/our understanding and acceptance that the work reported in this report is my/our own work. I/we also
understand the consequences of engaging in plagiarism or copying others work without proper citation. Any material used in this work
(whether from published sources, the internet or elsewhere) have been fully acknowledged and referenced and are without fabrication or
falsification of data.
[Copying or plagiarism will result in a “0” mark for the continuous assessment and “F” for the module after an investigation on academic

All academic misconduct is considered seriously and defined as dishonest and in direct opposition to the values of a learning community.
Misconduct may result in penalties from failure to exclusion from the campus.
Further help and guidance on how to avoid academic misconduct can be obtained from your academic advisor/tutor]

By this declaration, I/we confirm my understanding and acceptance that-

• I/we have adhered to relevant ethical guidelines and procedures in the completion of the assignment.
• I/we have not allowed another student to have access to or copy from this work.
• This work has not been submitted previously.
[The Institute may request an electronic copy of this work for submission to the Plagiarism detection facility (TURNITIN). You must make
sure that an electronic copy of your work is available in these circumstances]

Details of the student/s submitting the assignment Signature

ID Number Name (As per the institute records )

EN20417116 Athapattu A.D.N.U


Receiving Officer Specific comments about the work (including overall comments and guidelines
(seal, signature, date) for improvement)

Tutor: Signature: Date:

Marks: [ All marks are subject to external moderation and approval of board of

Total hydrostatic pressure on plan surface

The hydrostatics equations are used to calculate the magnitude of the total hydrostatic pressure acting
on one side of a submerged plane surface and the distance from the free surface to the point at which
the average pressure can be assumed to act.
The TecQuipment hydrostatic thrust apparatus allows indirect measurements of both force and center
of pressure by allowing the force to create a moment about a fulcrum.
The theoretical moments can then be compared to the experimental values obtained.

To experimentally verify the total hydrostatics pressure equations by using the TecQuipment
Laboratory Apparatus
1. Finding the force acting on one side of a plane surface immersed in a liquid of density ρ.
P = ρghA
2. Finding the location of the point of action of this force. (i.e., the location of the center of
YP = 𝐴𝑌 + 𝑌

• The TecQuipment hydrostatic thrust apparatus

Figure 2

• Set of laboratory weights

First, the apparatus was levelled. Then the Trim tank was filled with water until the lever arm was
horizontal. The 60g weight was attached to the arm and water was added to the container until the
arm was again leveled. The weight attached to the arm and the vertical distance ‘h’ between the
fulcrum and the free surface were recorded as indicated on the scale. The procedure was repeated
increasing the weight on the arm in steps of 60 g up to fully submerged condition.


Dimensions of the Apparatus.
Arm radius = 200mm
Radius from the inner edge of the container (R1) = 100mm
Radius of the container (R2) = 200mm
Width of container = 75mm

Table 1 : Actual Experimental Results for partially submerged condition

Total load Height Theoretical Moment, MT Experimental Experimental

(g) (N) “h” P Yp Moment Moment, ME Error (%)
(m) (Nm) (Nm)

60 0.589 0.152 0.848 0.032 0.156 0.1178 -24.4

120 1.177 0.14 1.324 0.04 0.238 0.2354 -1.09
180 1.766 0.13 1.803 0.047 0.319 0.3532 10.72
240 2.354 0.11 2.979 0.06 0.506 0.4708 -6.96

Selecting 1st set of readings;

Force (F) = m × g = 0.589N
Pressure (P) = ½ρgb(R2-h)2 = 0.848 Nm-2
Yp = (2/3)(R2-h) = 0.032m
Theoretical moment (MT) = P × (Yp +h) = 0.156Nm
Experimental moment (ME) = F × d = 0.1178Nm-1
% Error = {[(ME - MT) / MT ]/ 100} = -24.4%

Table 2 : Actual Experimental Results for fully submerged condition

Total load Height Theoretical Moment, MT Experimental Experimental

(g) (N) “h” P Yp Moment Moment, ME Error (%)
(m) (Nm) (Nm)

300 2.943 0.1 3.689 0.067 0.616 0.589 -4.38

360 3.532 0.088 4.615 0.075 0.752 0.706 -6.12
420 4.120 0.078 5.475 0.081 0.870 0.824 -5.28
480 4.709 0.07 6.217 0.087 0.943 0.942 -0.11
540 5.297 0.06 7.210 0.093 1.103 1.059 -3.99

Selecting 1st set of readings;

Force (F) = m × g = 2.943N
Pressure (P) = ½ρgb(R2-h)2 = 3.689Nm-2
Yp = (2/3)(R2-h) = 0.067m
Theoretical moment (MT) = P × (Yp +h) = 0.067Nm
Experimental moment (ME) = F × d = 0.589Nm
% Error = {[(ME - MT) / MT ]/ 100} = -4.38%


Partially submerged condition

Fully submerged condition

In partially submerged condition,
Both experimental and theoretical moments are increasing linear with the load. Even though
experimental moment has a constant gradient, theoretical moment varies the rate of the rise.
However, the theoretical and experimental moments take the same value in several points.
In fully submerged condition,
At the beginning both theoretical moment and experimental moment parallelly increase
linearly with the load. Theoretical moment is a quite higher than the experimental moment.
But finally, the theoretical moment merged to the experimental variation.
The variation of the moments with the load is alike in both partially submerged condition and fully
submerged condition.
In most of the cases, theoretical results are higher than the experimental results. and the partially
submerged condition have a high variation in the experimental error. The test in fully submerged
condition is seemed to be more success as its experimental errors are below 10%.

In this experiment, the moment of the hydrostatic pressure force about the fulcrum for partially
submerged condition and fully submerged condition were determined and compared theoretically
and experimentally.
In conclusion, the total hydrostatic pressure equations were verified experimentally by finding the
force and its point of action which is acting on one side of a plane surface immersed in a liquid.

• Habib Ahmari and Shah Md Imran Kabir (2019). Experiment #1: Hydrostatic Pressure.
[online] Available at:
• Fuller, J., 2021. [online] Available at:
[Accessed 8 March 2021}

Continuous Assessment Cover Sheet
Faculty of Engineering

Module Details
Module Code CE2712 Module Title Fluid Mechanics 1
Program: SLIIT/Curtin/SHU/ Course: BSc/ BEng/
Stream: Civil/Electronics/Mechanical/

Assessment details

Title Flow measurement using Group assignment YES / NO

notches or thin plate weirs If yes, Group No.
Instructor Prof. Upaka Rathnayake Date of Performance
Due date Date submitted 21/05/2021

Student statement and signature

By this declaration, I/we confirm my/our understanding and acceptance that the work reported in this report is my/our own work. I/we also
understand the consequences of engaging in plagiarism or copying others work without proper citation. Any material used in this work
(whether from published sources, the internet or elsewhere) have been fully acknowledged and referenced and are without fabrication or
falsification of data.
[Copying or plagiarism will result in a “0” mark for the continuous assessment and “F” for the module after an investigation on academic

All academic misconduct is considered seriously and defined as dishonest and in direct opposition to the values of a learning community.
Misconduct may result in penalties from failure to exclusion from the campus.
Further help and guidance on how to avoid academic misconduct can be obtained from your academic advisor/tutor]

By this declaration, I/we confirm my understanding and acceptance that-

• I/we have adhered to relevant ethical guidelines and procedures in the completion of the assignment.
• I/we have not allowed another student to have access to or copy from this work.
• This work has not been submitted previously.
[The Institute may request an electronic copy of this work for submission to the Plagiarism detection facility (TURNITIN). You must make
sure that an electronic copy of your work is available in these circumstances]

Details of the student/s submitting the assignment Signature

ID Number Name (As per the institute records )

EN20417116 Athapattu A.D.N.U


Receiving Officer Specific comments about the work (including overall comments and guidelines
(seal, signature, date) for improvement)

Tutor: Signature: Date:

Marks: [ All marks are subject to external moderation and approval of board of

Flow measurement using notches or thin plate weirs

Weirs are typically installed in open channels such as streams to determine discharge (flow rate). The
basic principle is that discharge is directly related to the water depth above the crotch (bottom) of the
V; this distance is called head (H). The depth of flow over the notch is related to this discharge by a
formula which is based on the application of Bernoulli’s equation. The depth of flow over the notch
can be easily measured using a Hook Gauge it is possible to find the discharge.

To determine the coefficients of discharge (Cd) of a “V” notch weir

• Hydraulic bench
• Measuring cylinder

Figure 3

• Hook gauge
• Stopwatch

First, the bench supply pump was turned on, the supply valve was opened, and the test channel was
allowed to be filled with water up to the level of the crest of the notch. Then the valve was closed,
and the bench supply pump was turned off. Water was removed carefully from the channel until the
free surface was at exactly the same level as the crest and then the reading was taken using the hook
gauge. The collecting tank drain was checked whether it was open. Then, the bench supply pump was
turned on and the supply valve was opened until the water surface in the channel was about 20mm
below the top of the weir plate. A hook gauge measurement of the new water surface level was
taken, and it was used to calculate the height of the water surface above the crest. The notch
discharge to be measured first, the collecting tank drain valve was closed, and water was allowed to
accumulate in the tank. Then, as the surface in the sight glass passed the 0l mark, the stopwatch was
started. And timing was continued till the surface passed the 10l mark, and then the stopwatch was
stopped, and the time was noted. The collecting tank drain valve was opened to allow the water back
into the sump. Next, the flow was reduced partly by the supply valve was being closed. After the free
surface was allowed to be stabilized to its new level, the readings of discharge and head over the
crest for the new flow rate were taken. Five more sets of readings were taken for the flow being
progressively reduced until the under nappe starts to cling the front face of the weir plate.


Angle of notch = 300
Average Volume Flow rate Q Hook gauge reading
Time (s) collected (l/s) h1 h2 Head over H5/2
litres (l) the crest H

63 5 0.079 63 40 23 2536.995
23 5 0.217 63 33 30 4929.503
17 5 0.294 63 24 39 9498.642
14 5 0.357 63 16 47 15144.141
5 5 1 63 11 52 19498.821

Selecting 1st set of readings;

Volume = 0.005l
Time = 63s
Flow rate = 0.079ls-1
Head over the crest = 23mm


Q versus H5/2 for the “V” notch

Slope of the graph (s) = 15144.141−2536.995 = 2.205×10-5

8 𝜃
S = Cd 15 √2g tan2

S = 0.022m2s-1
θ = 300
Cd = 8 = 3.699×10-3

The composite discharge coefficient;

8 𝜃
CD = 15 Cd √2g tan2
= (15) × (3.699×10-3)×√(2×9.81) × (tan150)

= 2.341×10-3

• Alternative ways of measuring flow in a stream
The flow of fluid in open channels can be measured by using notches or thin plate weirs. So,
it is used primarily for the measurement of flow in streams.
And also, there are more alternative ways of measuring flow in a stream.
o Float method / Area-Velocity Method
Used to measure the flow rate of larger streams. It needs to multiply the cross-
sectional area of the stream by the velocity which is determined using a
floating object, to find the flow rate.
o Meters
The flow of the stream is directly measured by the instruments. Different
parameters are being used to calculate the flow rate by the instruments.
a. Pygmy meter
b. Vortex meter
c. Flow probe
d. Current meter
e. Pressure based meters
f. Optical flowmeters
o Tracer dilution method
By continuously applying a known volume of concentrated tracer to the flow
stream, the dilution of the evenly combined concentrate at any downstream
stage is determined using chemical analysis.
o Timed Gravimetric / Bucket and stopwatch method

The whole flow stream is collected in a jar for a predetermined amount of time
and the amount of water is being calculated.

• The necessity of measuring stream flow

o By measuring the flow of the stream, flood threats can be determined and it leads to
the protection of property and people.
o Stream flow information is required for water supply plans such as water withdrawals
for irrigation and industrial purposes.
o Hydropower production uses the flow rates of streams decide the quantity and timing
of releases.
o The decisions related to engineering designs such as reservoirs and bridges depend on
the measurements of the flow of the stream.
o The flow rate of a stream effects on water quality and ecosystems in it. So, it can be
used to determines the kinds of organisms that can live in the stream, and for the
management of the quality of water in the stream.

• Two main types of notch

V Rectangular
Advantages Disadvantages Advantages Disadvantages
More accurate
results can be Not suitable for High flow Not sensible for
taken even in a higher flow speeds. discharges can be low discharge
low discharge measured condition
Estimation is
simple, as the
flow can be
determined by
only one reading
Not necessary to

• Alternative shapes of notch

o Triangular notch

▪ Only one reading is required
▪ Formula is simple to be remembered
▪ Can measure wide range of flow rates accurately

o Stepped notch

o Trapezoidal notch

• The effect of clinging of the under nappe on the value of the performance of a notch
By constructing an ogee crest, a clinging nappe is formed. This,
o Increases discharge
o Reduces atmospheric pressure
o Decreases the chances of air cavitation occurring

I this experiment, the coefficient of discharge of a “V” notch weir was determined by taking the
relationship between the value of discharge and the value of head over the notch crest.

• Anon. (2010). Use a V Notch Weir to Measure Open Channel Flow Rate. [online] Available
• Openchannelflow. 2021. Advantages and disadvantages of v and rectangle shaped notch.
[ONLINE] Available at:
anddisadvantages-of-types-of-weirs. [Accessed 08 March 2021]
• Fluid Mechanics: Lesson 22. TYPES OF NOTCHES, RECTANGULAR AND
TRIANGULAR NOTCHES, RECTANGULAR WEIRS. [online] Available at: [Accessed 8 March

Continuous Assessment Cover Sheet
Faculty of Engineering

Module Details
Module Code CE2712 Module Title Fluid Mechanics 1
Program: SLIIT/Curtin/SHU/ Course: BSc/ BEng/
Stream: Civil/Electronics/Mechanical/

Assessment details

Title The stability of floating body Group assignment YES / NO

If yes, Group No.
Instructor Prof. Upaka Rathnayake Date of Performance
Due date Date submitted 21/05/2021

Student statement and signature

By this declaration, I/we confirm my/our understanding and acceptance that the work reported in this report is my/our own work. I/we also
understand the consequences of engaging in plagiarism or copying others work without proper citation. Any material used in this work
(whether from published sources, the internet or elsewhere) have been fully acknowledged and referenced and are without fabrication or
falsification of data.
[Copying or plagiarism will result in a “0” mark for the continuous assessment and “F” for the module after an investigation on academic

All academic misconduct is considered seriously and defined as dishonest and in direct opposition to the values of a learning community.
Misconduct may result in penalties from failure to exclusion from the campus.
Further help and guidance on how to avoid academic misconduct can be obtained from your academic advisor/tutor]

By this declaration, I/we confirm my understanding and acceptance that-

• I/we have adhered to relevant ethical guidelines and procedures in the completion of the assignment.
• I/we have not allowed another student to have access to or copy from this work.
• This work has not been submitted previously.
[The Institute may request an electronic copy of this work for submission to the Plagiarism detection facility (TURNITIN). You must make
sure that an electronic copy of your work is available in these circumstances]

Details of the student/s submitting the assignment Signature

ID Number Name (As per the institute records )

EN20417116 Athapattu A.D.N.U


Receiving Officer Specific comments about the work (including overall comments and guidelines
(seal, signature, date) for improvement)

Tutor: Signature: Date:

Marks: [ All marks are subject to external moderation and approval of board of

The stability of floating body

The stability of a floating body is determined by the distance of its metacenter to its center of gravity.
The experiment was conducted for different heights of the adjustable weight, and for each balance
state, the angle of inclination that changes due to the change of the balancing position has been
recorded and the stability of the pontoon thereby measured.

To experimentally verify the stability of floating body by the use of a TecQuipment Laboratory
1. Analytical determination of metacentric height (GM)
2. Finding the distance from the metacenter to the original point of Buoyancy in upright
position of the pontoon (MB0)

• Rectangular pontoon

Figure 4

• Steel ruler
• Weight balance

First, the weights of the various components of the floating assembly were noted and the length and
width of the pontoon were measured by steel rule. The stem was then fitted into its housing in the
pontoon and was rigidly fixed using the single clamp screw. Then the pontoon was hanged with
center of gravity cord and hook to determine the height of the center of gravity of the pontoon above
the base. The point of balance in the hanging position was marked and the height of that point and
the adjustable weight above the base were measured.
After that, the pontoon was allowed to float in water. Then the adjustable weight was moved from its
central position to both sides and the angles of tilt for each position were measured by the pendulum.


δx (m) Angle of tilt of the pontoon (δθ), (radians)
Left Right Mean Left Right Mean
0.0075 0.0075 0.0075 0.024 0.025 0.0245
0.015 0.015 0.015 0.046 0.043 0.0445
0.0225 0.0225 0.0225 0.075 0.067 0.071
0.03 0.03 0.03 0.092 0.091 0.0915
0.0375 0.0375 0.0375 0.116 0.113 0.1145

Total weight of the floating assembly W = 2.53kg
Adjustable weight ω = 0.39kg
Breadth of pontoon B = 200mm
Length of pontoon L = 360mm


The slope of the graph;

𝑑𝑥 0.0375−0.0075
= 0.1145−0.0245 = 0.333

The metacentric height;

𝜔 𝑑𝑥
𝐺𝑀 = 𝑊 𝑑𝜃
= 2.53 × 0.333

= 0.051mm

• Buoyancy
Buoyancy is the force which is exerted upward on an object that is partially or fully
submerged in a fluid. This causes the object to lift upward. The difference in pressure acting
on the top and the bottom of the object creates a net upward force on the object. This is equal
to the weight of the fluid displaced by the immersed body.

• Metacenter
The point, the original centerline of symmetry of the floating body intersecting with the line
of action of the buoyant force acting in the floating body when in the body undergoes an
angular displacement.
When a floating body is given a small angular displacement, it begins to oscillate around the

• Metacentric height
The distance between the metacenter(M) and the center of gravity(G) of a floating body is the
metacentric height.
Metacentric height (GM) = BM – BG
BM = I/V
I = Moment of inertia of the sectional area of the floating body at the water
V = Volume of the body submerged in water
BG = Distance between the center of buoyancy (B) and the center of gravity (G)

• The conditions of equilibrium for a floating body with respect to the position of
1. Stable equilibrium :-
The metacenter is above the center of gravity
2. Neutral equilibrium :-
The metacenter coincides with the center of gravity
3. Unstable equilibrium :-
The metacenter is below the center of gravity

• The importance of the metacentric height in relation to the ships

A larger metacentric height implies greater initial resilience against overturning of a
ship. So, to have a greater initial stability against overturning, the metacentric height
of the ship has been increased.

Broad metacentric heights are associated with shorter lengths of roll, making travelers
nervous. As a result, for passenger ships, a relatively high but not overly high
metacentric height is considered desirable.
By understanding the metacentric height of the ship, the stability can be ensured.

In this experiment, the relationship between the angle of tilt in radians and the position of the
adjustable weight from the center in meters of a floating body were found to be a linear relationship,
and the metacentric height was calculated using its gradient.
In conclusion, the metacentric height was determined analytically and the distance from the
metacenter to the original point of buoyancy in upright position of the pontoon was calculated.

• Britannica. 2021. Science. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 08 March 2021]
• Jacques Mégel, a. K., 2009. Metacenter and ship stability. [Online]
Available at:

• Tatum, J., 2020. Floating Bodies. [Online]

Available at:

Continuous Assessment Cover Sheet
Faculty of Engineering

Module Details
Module Code CE2712 Module Title Fluid Mechanics 1
Program: SLIIT/Curtin/SHU/ Course: BSc/ BEng/
Stream: Civil/Electronics/Mechanical/

Assessment details

Title Osborne Reynolds experiment Group assignment YES / NO

If yes, Group No.
Instructor Prof. Upaka Rathnayake Date of Performance
Due date Date submitted 21/05/2021

Student statement and signature

By this declaration, I/we confirm my/our understanding and acceptance that the work reported in this report is my/our own work. I/we also
understand the consequences of engaging in plagiarism or copying others work without proper citation. Any material used in this work
(whether from published sources, the internet or elsewhere) have been fully acknowledged and referenced and are without fabrication or
falsification of data.
[Copying or plagiarism will result in a “0” mark for the continuous assessment and “F” for the module after an investigation on academic

All academic misconduct is considered seriously and defined as dishonest and in direct opposition to the values of a learning community.
Misconduct may result in penalties from failure to exclusion from the campus.
Further help and guidance on how to avoid academic misconduct can be obtained from your academic advisor/tutor]

By this declaration, I/we confirm my understanding and acceptance that-

• I/we have adhered to relevant ethical guidelines and procedures in the completion of the assignment.
• I/we have not allowed another student to have access to or copy from this work.
• This work has not been submitted previously.
[The Institute may request an electronic copy of this work for submission to the Plagiarism detection facility (TURNITIN). You must make
sure that an electronic copy of your work is available in these circumstances]

Details of the student/s submitting the assignment Signature

ID Number Name (As per the institute records )

EN20417116 Athapattu A.D.N.U


Receiving Officer Specific comments about the work (including overall comments and guidelines
(seal, signature, date) for improvement)

Tutor: Signature: Date:

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Osborne Reynolds experiment

By conducting several experiments to determine the laws of resistance in pipes to classify types of
flow, Osborne Reynold determined that the transition from laminar to turbulent flow occurs at a
definite value of the dimensionally property, called Reynolds number. A limiting value of Reynold’s
number has determined to quantitatively decide whether the flow is laminar or turbulent.

• To observe the characteristics of the flow of a fluid in a pipe, this may be laminar, transitional
or turbulent flow and to determine the conditions under which these types of flow occur.
• To calculate and identify Reynolds number (Re) for the laminar, transitional and turbulent

• Hydraulic bench
• Osborne Reynolds Demonstration Apparatus
• Stopwatch
• Dye
• Thermometer
• Measuring cylinder

Firstly, the apparatus was set up and the diameter of the pipe and the room temperature were
measured. After the aluminum reservoir was filled with dye, the metering tap and drain cock were
closed. The pump of the hydraulic bench was switched on and then the control valve above the pump
was opened carefully and the tap was adjusted to produce a constant water level in the reservoir.
After the test pipe section was allowed to be completely filled, the drain valve was opened slightly to
produce a low rate of flow into the test pipe section. The dye was allowed to flow from the nozzle at
the entrance of the channel until a colored stream was visible along the test pipe section, by opening
the metering tap. Then the water flow was adjusted until a laminar flow pattern which is a straight
thin line or streamline of dye was able to be seen along the whole test pipe section. The time for the
10 liters volume of colored wastewater that flows down at the outlet pipe was collected in seconds.
Another five readings were taken with increasing rate of flow till the dye stream in the test pipe
section breaks up and gets diffused in water, by opening the drain valve. Finally all the apparatus
was cleaned.



Run No Volume Time Flow rate Velocity Reynolds Type of

V (m3) T (s) Q (m3s-1) V (ms-1) Number flow

1 0.0004 95 4.211 × 10-6 0.054 673 Laminar

2 0.0004 14 28.571 × 10-6 0.364 4539 Turbulent
3 0.0004 12 33.333 × 10-6 0.425 5299 Turbulent
4 0.0004 7 57.143 × 10-6 0.728 9077 Turbulent
5 0.0004 5 80 × 10-6 1.019 12706 Turbulent
6 0.0004 4 100 × 10-6 1.274 15885 Turbulent

Inside diameter of pipe section (d) = 0.01m

Density of water (ρ) = 1000kgm-3
Average room temperature (θ) = 300
Kinematic viscosity of water at room temperature (υ) = 0.802m2s-1

Selecting 1st set of readings;
Volume = 0.0004m3
Time = 95s
Flow rate = 4.211 × 10-6m3s-1
𝑑2 0.012
Cross sectional area (𝐴) = 𝜋 4 = 𝜋 = 7.854×10-5m2

Velocity = 0.054ms-1
𝑉𝑑 400×0.01
Re = = = 673
𝜐 0.802

Laminar flow - The flow of fluid in parallel layers with no disruption between the layers. It is
continuous at a constant velocity with no variations.
• The blood flowing inside the body
• Flow of syrup or honey
• Flow of microfluidics
• Flow of Nano fluids
• Flow of hydraulics
• Insect flight (biomimetic)

Turbulent flow – The flow of fluid which undergoes irregular fluctuations or mixing the layers. It’s
speed at a point is continuously changing in both direction and magnitude.
• Flow of rivers
• Flow of wind
• Oil transport in pipeline
• Lava flow
• Smoke
• Fully open tap flow
• Flow from fan or A/C
• Flow behind vehicles

Reynold number (RE) is the ratio of inertia force to the viscous force where viscous force is shear
stress multiplied area and inertia force is mass multiplied acceleration. This is the value of the
dimensionally property where the transition from laminar to turbulent flow occurs.
Laminar :- Re < 2300
Transition :- 2300 < Re < 4000
Turbulent :- Re > 4000

Reynold number is being used,
o To estimate flow patterns in fluids
o To calculate the friction factor in equations of fluid mechanics
o To modeling the movement of organisms when they are swimming in water.
o To investigate the aerodynamic properties of different surfaces for the air

In this practical, the flow pattern of the fluid in a pipe was observed as the flow changes from
laminar to transition and turbulent, and the Reynolds number was calculated for different flow rates.

• The Engineering Concepts. 2021. Laminar flow vs turbulent flow. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 08
March 2021]
• Science Struck. 2021. Application of Reynolds Number. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 10
March 2021].
• Augustyn, A., 2021. turbulent flow | Definition, Characteristics, & Facts. [online]
Encyclopedia Britannica. Available at:


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