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Mr Wilson Fox, in reporting to the Board of Trade on

attention. The system came into existence in isolated

cloth, leather, chemicals and optical instruments; large

(Caligula), then a popular favourite. Agrippa being one

system of notation, he published. Agricola was also the first

specimens), and ``An Ahom Cosmogony, with a translation and

and the adjoining county of Kincardine than anywhere else

down, although the mouth does not open until the close of this

it has been conjectured that they were akin to the Libyans

armadas, equipped by Iskandar Muda in 1615, gives an idea of

uninjured, except the cock, which had its right wing hurt in

to his bishopric at York in 679, and as the first to cease

made. Besides these, certain oleaginous plants, the

instructed in first aid and in the carrying the wounded on

able and wicked minister Yar Mahommed. The rest of the

survival from earlier systems. There are also possible

itself with a number of subjects left unsettled in the hurried

however, there is a considerable Christian population, whose

I. (Russian, 2nd ed. St Petersburg, 1885; German, Berlin,

Republique aux Pays-Bas (1872). Mme. d'Agoult died in Paris

Alcohols are classified on two distinct principles, one depending

Value of primitive art for aesthetics.

by whom farming was perhaps regarded as primarily a source

thirtyfold. In the northern parts of the empire very little

revised version of the Pleasures of Imagination, on which


till 1091, but during the short period of its existence was
character, uttering no word under the doom that had fallen upon

appended to the various biographical articles and to the

to the conclusion that in many cases the responsibility for the

guaranteed. Of the provisions of the treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle

and resistance to such an encroachment; between domination

strike the imagination of the world he took his army over

were universally kept. The treatise on husbandry of Walter of

or (5) has pawned, bartered or sold any prize won in athletic

its auspices we discover the rhetorician and the writer,

In 1799, when Holden's Triennial Directory of London,

and it has been suggested i that the Titans were no more

found. Rock-salt is obtained from the province of Tigre.

the palm for wealth and variety of civilized production still

of them has yielded the fine ivory carvings and the glazed

private recompense for instruction in the public schools

falls, and navigable only for a short distance above its

``aids,'' but left untouched its liability to tallage, a lower

so many consonants. The Phoenician alphabet possessed many

Amherst ("Rulers of India" series), 1894.

West Amana, South Amana, East Amana, Middle Amana, High

it may be regarded as certain that Aegina was the first state

germinate parthenogenetically. The asexual organs in the case

m. N. of Loanda. It forms a part of the province of Angola

Assyrian-Babylonian syllabaries, he suggests a possible Babylonian

The so-called Java sparrow (Munia orysivora), although

witnesses.1 In 1682 he was made lord chancellor of Scotland,

topics; and when one of the number had finished some literary
digestive tract now communicates with the surface by the anus.

land naturally falls into two divisions. The basins of the

closing decade of the 19th century that the explanation of

masses of soft, spongy tissue between the back of the nose

In the South African War the patriotism and liberality

strongly heated alumina. It forms a yellow fusible mass,

see of Aberdeen was first founded at Mortlach in Banffshire

Gando. But it was impossible to keep his intentions entirely

is absolutely responsible for the safe delivery of the goods

11.031 21.984

caseins, vitellines, nucleo-albumins of the cell-

abbot condescended to dine in the refectory, his chaplains waited

with a fury rare even in this war. On the 6th the Unionists,

body of cavalry, he was afterwards taken prisoner, along with

act valid, and on the 18th of November 1907 this decision

all three to four years old, and comprised four Shorthorns

a special study of objects of art which belong to our own

these documents is the liturgical inscription of Hadji-abad,

seq.); Sozialpolitischer Briefwechsel (1894); Statuts de

that of the ileum. On transverse section it is seen to be

oil-engine and the gas-engine is too formidable to leave to

. The Portuguese thought the division unfair to them, and

water supply is obtained from deep wells at San Leandro.

Cloth. Article 35 of Magna Carta re-enacted the Assize of

1903 522,546 354,241 ..

Albay, making its total population, on the basis of the 1903

agricultural machine- works, iron-founding and flax-spinning.

50 to 300 '' 147,870 28.43 150,050 29.33

diameter. At first it lies in the lower part of the neck,

point; on the other hand, in each of two planes lines O' and

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