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Table of Contents
1 Rules 4 Equipment
1.1 Introduction…..……..………………………..……05 4.1 Equipment…………….….…….…..……………….39
1.2 Rules.………………..…….……………..…….……06 4.2 Equipment Lists……………….……………………40
1.3 Adventure Example………….…………………….10
5 Crafting & Alchemy
2 Setting 5.1 Crafting…………..….….………..………………….45
2.1 Setting Overview…………….……………………..13 5.2 Alchemy……..……….….………………………….46
2.2 History……………………….……………………..14
2.3 Factions……………………….…………………….15 6 Magic
2.4 World Map…………………….………………..….16 6.1 Magic……………….…..………..………………….49
2.5 Regions……………………….…………………….18 6.2 Spells……………….……………………………….49
6.3 Scrolls……………..….……………………………..50
3 Heroes 6.4 Grimoires………….…….………………………….50
3.1 Heroes…………………….…….…………..………21 6.5 Spell Lists……………….…………….…………….51
3.2 Creating a Hero……………….……………………22
3.3 Skills………………..………….……………………23 7 The Gods
3.4 Advancement………………….……………………23 7.1 The Gods……..…………….……………………….58
3.5 Races…………….……………..……………………24 7.2 Religions……….…………….……………………..59
3.6 Classes………..………………….………………….28
3.7 Backgrounds………………………………………..36 Hall of Heroes……………….…...…….………..………60
Hero Character Sheet……………..….…………………62

Heroes of Adventure is a fantasy adventure game inspired by classic role-playing games from yesteryear.

What is familiar with classic fantasy games What may be different from classic fantasy games
• Characters (Heroes), Classes & Races • Skill dice replace ability scores
• Hit Points (Health) attribute • Critical successes & failures
• Levels, Experience & Character Advancement • Advantage and Disadvantage rolls
• ‘Roll a d20!’ • Equipment slots & wear
• ‘Roll for initiative!’ • Crafting & alchemy system
• Resource management • Reduced ‘power levels’
• A world of adventure to explore • Wounds system
• A bestiary of monsters to encounter • New magic system
• Random encounters • Favours system
• Morale rules • Religion System
• Random Treasure Tables • Character backgrounds and careers
• Adventure creation processes
• Collaborative world-building approach
• Random spark tables for world generation

Heroes of Adventure PLAYERS HANDBOOK


W W W. M I D J O U R N E Y. C O M


D A R R E N , J O N T Y, P A U L & P E T E R C R E AT E D U S I N G W O N D E R D R A F T
W W W. W O N D E R D R A F T . N E T

Chapter 1: Rules
1.1 Introduction Page 05
1.2 Rules Page 06
1.3 Adventure Example Page 10

An ancient elven tree-gate

1.1 Introduction
Introduction How to Play
The world is old, civilisation has risen and fallen in the past. Heroes of adventure is a role playing game where players
The land hides many memories and secrets of an ancient take on the role of heroes in a fantasy medieval setting
civilisation. Centuries have elapsed since the time of the who band together to undertake quests. A referee
great invasion and the fall of the Empire. Humanity was presents the world, the story and controls the inhabitants
over-run and civilisation regressed as territories were to the players.
abandoned and fell into ruin or were lost within the growing
creep of the primeval wilderness. The game is played with the referee presenting a scene;
the players then make a decision on their course of action
You are at the dawn of a new age of discovery as human- and the outcome of these actions are determined. Play
kind seeks to rise from this dark age and rebuild their then moves onto the next scene. The players actions and
kingdoms and reclaim lost territories. You are a hero, a rare choices will determine how the adventure plays out.
breed of person who travels through the perilous wilderness
between settlements in search of adventure. Heroes are The majority of the game is narrated by the referee with
travellers, mercenaries, explorers and treasure hunters the players discussing and agreeing their actions. When
surviving by taking on jobs that others refuse to do. the players attempt something risky, uncertain or when
the action is opposed then they may be asked to make a
About Heroes of Adventure check.
• Inspired by classic role-playing adventure games of
A check is made by rolling a d20 die to equal or exceed a
target number (target check) or beat a d20 die roll made
• This book (Players Handbook) and the accompanying
by an opponent (opposed check).
Referee’s Guide contains all the rules you need to play
the game
The game continues until the adventure is completed or
• Semi-compatible with other ‘osr’ (old school revival)
the players are defeated or retreat to survive another day.
type games.
The players can earn rewards for their heroes and may
earn experience points which allows them to raise their
Overview level, learn new skills and undertake more challenging
• Heroes of Adventure is an adventure game for 2+ adventures.
people, set in a fantasy medieval world
• The game is played as an interactive story The game is played in a world known as the Fallen Lands
• A referee acts as narrator of the story and adjudicates which starts as a blank canvas for the players and referee
the rules to develop collaboratively through gameplay and
• Players portray the role of a hero in the world, adventures.
undertaking quests for rewards
• Each session of play ranges from 2-4 hours and The outcome of each adventure should result in some
adventures may take multiple sessions to complete. meaningful change in the setting so the players actions
have consequences in the world.
What You Need to Play
• 2 or more people Playing a Hero
• Players Handbook (for the players) • Portray the role of your hero thinking and acting as
• A character sheet (for each player) your hero would, role-playing is optional
• Referee’s Guide (for the referee) • Play collaboratively with the group, team work is a
• A pre-prepared adventure (for the referee) key to success
• A free starter adventure Lair of the Mutant is available • Ask questions, discover information and use this
here knowledge to devise plans
mutant • The world is a dangerous place, consider risks and
• Dice (d4, d6, d8, d10, d12 & d20) consequences and aim to survive
• Paper, pencil, eraser. • Combat can be unpredictable and deadly, different
solutions exist
• Dice rolls are used to determine the outcome of
physical actions but do not solve investigation and
social interactions, use your judgement.


1.2 Rules
Core Rules Adventuring

When to Check? When attempting something risky/ Actions: Players take one action each turn. Scale of
uncertain or avoiding/opposing something. actions depends upon the phase of play.

Checks: Roll d20 to equal or exceed a target number Time: Exploration turns take 10 minutes and heroes
based on the Target Number Table (Page 7) or roll d20 can explore one room. Combat & Encounter turns
to beat an opponents d20 roll when the action is take a few moments and last 10 mins in total.
opposed. Failure may result in some consequence
such as setback, time or loss of resources. Movement: Players move from room to room when
exploring. During an encounter players can move can
Skills: If a relevant skill is used, add your skill die to one range band per turn.
the roll. Skill dice range from d4, d6, d8, d10, d12
(max. Heroes) or d20 (max. Monsters). Heroes have Distance: For encounters, range bands are used as per
specific skills but Monsters use a general skill die for the Range Band Table (Page 7).
all checks.
Critical Success or Failure: Rolling a natural 20 or Exploring: Managed through asking questions and
beating the target number by 10 or more is a critical describing the scene.
success and results in a more positive outcome.
Rolling a natural 1 or failing by 10 or more is a Traps & Hazards: Will generally be obvious and can
critical failure and results in a worse outcome. be overcome through player interaction. Checks may
be used to overcome or avoid physical affects.
Advantage (ADV) & Disadvantage (DIS): Awarded
at the referee’s discretion based on situational factors. Settlement Visits: Players can rest and re-equip
Roll the check twice taking the highest result between adventures. Detailed movement is not
(Advantage) or lowest result (Disadvantage). tracked and actions take a half day.

Reaction Rolls: Determines the outcome of random Wilderness Travel: Players can typically move 12
or uncertain events outside the players control. miles (2 hexes) per half day and progress is tracked on
Referee rolls a d20, consults the Reaction Table and the wilderness map
interprets the result according to the situation.
Social Interactions: Checks can be used to support
but not decide social interactions, dialogue between
players and referee are encouraged.

Chases: Tactics and skill checks can be used to

increase the range bands between groups. When a
side gets to ‘far’ distance away, they escape.

Knowledge Checks: Skill checks can be used to give

clues or allow questions, not solve the issue.

Rewards: Take the form of payment; equipment;

services, information or favours.

Experience Points: Awarded for completing

objectives. Points are totalled and divided between the
party after each session with half shares awarded to
NPCs or dead Heroes.


Random Encounters Target Number Table

Difficulty Target Number
When to Check? The referee makes a secret random Very easy 0 (no roll required)
encounter check at the end of each turn. No checks Easy 5
are made during an encounter or combat. Moderate 10
Challenging 15
How to Check? The target number to avoid an Difficult 20
encounter starts at 1 on a d20 and increases by 1 point Very Difficult 25
each turn and resets when an encounter occurs or the Almost Impossible 30
players reach a place of safety.

Opponent Reactions: The referee will determine the

Reaction Table
opponents reaction (or use the Reaction Table Page 7) d20 Outcome or Reaction
and determine if either side is surprised. 01 A terrible outcome, hostile
02-03 A very bad outcome, aggressive
04-07 A poor outcome, defensive
Equipment 08-13 An indifferent outcome, cautious
14-17 A good outcome, favourable
Weapons: Have a damage die rating (d4, d6 etc) 18-19 A very good outcome, friendly
which is deducted from targets health in combat.
20 An excellent outcome, helpful
Armour: Has a defence bonus (+1, +2 etc) which is
added to the defence score making someone harder to Experience Point Award Table
hit in combat.
Achievement XP
Shield: Has a defence bonus (+1, +2 etc) which is Complete a side-quest 5
added to the defence score making someone harder to Complete an adventure quest 20
hit in combat. A shield may also be sacrificed to Complete a campaign quest 50
negate all damage from one attack. Explored a point of interest 1
Explored an adventure site (per level) 3
Encumbrance: A hero can carry 12 items (+1 per
strength skill die) of equipment before they are Successful encounter (per group/level) 1
impaired (x2 as a maximum). Treasure item found 1

Equipment Damage: If a critical failure (natural 1)

occurs equipment is damaged and future rolls are Range Band Table
made at disadvantage. Another critical failure results d20 Range Band & Distance
in the item damaged beyond repair. Items with special 01 Close, melee (5ft)
properties lose a feature when damage. 02-03 Short (30ft)
Repair: Damaged items can be repaired at settlements 04-07 Medium (60ft)
for 25% of their cost. However, items with special 08-13 Long (120ft)
features which have been lost cannot be regained. 14-17 Far (240ft)
Usage: Some equipment has a usage score and may be 18-19 Distant (>240ft)
consumed immediately or depleted through use. 20 Escaped, evidence of opponent


Combat & Survival Magic

Initiative: Roll d20 + agility skill die for combatants Casting Spells: Select spell and roll d20 + magic skill
(or groups) and act from highest to lowest score. vs. target number or opponents roll to succeed.

Combat Actions: Combatants may take one action; Stress: Casting spells stresses the caster resulting in a
• Attack (move a range band to engage and attack) temporary loss of 1 health which can only be
• Press (no move, advantage on attacks made and recovered through overnight rest.
received until next turn)
• Parry (no move, disadvantage on attacks made Spell Charge: Spells can be charged by stressing
and received until next turn) yourself 2 or 3 health points to enhance the spell
• Combat manoeuvre (push, pull, trip, grapple, effect as per the Spell Effects Table (Page 8).
referee decides check and outcome)
• Fast Move (move two range bands) Critical Success or Failure: On a critical success the
• Use an item spell is automatically charged. On a critical failure roll
• Use an ability (cast a spell). on the Wild Magic Table (Page 9).

Attacking: Roll d20 + melee/ranged skill to equal or

exceed opponents defence score. On a success, deduct
Spell Effects Table
weapon damage from opponents health. Spell Charge Standard (1) Charged (2) Powered (3)
Range Med Long Far
Injury & Death: A person is impaired when reduced Affects 1 2 4
to a third of their health (see conditions) and dead
when reduced to zero health. Heroes and named Impact d6 d12 d20
NPCs may roll on the Wounds Table (Page 9) instead Area 20x20ft 40x40ft 80x80ft
of death.
Turns 2 4 8
Morale: Roll a d20 + NPC/Monster skill check versus
Time 10 min/ 1 hour 1 day
target of 10 to determine if opponent persists in Encounter
battle. Size Med Large Huge
Critical Success or Failure: On a critical success, Opponent 1-3 4-6 7+
damage is doubled. On a critical failure, weapon is Level

Health: A score representing the amount of physical

injury (or stress) someone can sustain before dying at

Rest & Recovery: Injuries can be healed using

bandages, medicines, potions or magic or overnight
rest (d4 or fortitude skill per night).

Conditions: Someone who is impaired acts at

disadvantage. Someone who is incapacitated is unable
to act. Recover through, time, rest, cure or a skill


Wounds Table
d20 Condition Outcome (Knocked out until the end of the encounter plus the following)
01 Mortal Wound You cling to life until the end of the encounter to whisper a last few words
02 Fractured Skull Lose 2 health and disadvantage on lore, senses or magic checks permanently
03 Lose Arm/Hand Lose 2 health and use 1 handed items only and disadvantage on combat permanently
04 Lose Foot/Leg Lose 2 health and disadvantage on agility and athletics and moves slowly permanently
05 Internal Injury Lose 2 health and disadvantage on any physical checks permanently
06 Lose an Eye Lose 1 health and disadvantage on senses and ranged combat permanently
07 Broken Ribs Lose 1 health and disadvantage on physical checks for the adventure permanently
08 Head Wound Lose 1 health forever. Disadvantage on lore, senses or magic checks for the adventure
09 Broken Arm/Hand Lose 1 health forever. Use 1 handed items, disadvantage combat for the adventure
10 Broken Foot/Leg Lose 1 health forever. Disadvantage on agility, athletics and move slowly for adventure
11 Punctured Lung Lose 1 health forever. Gasp and wheeze acting once every 2 turns for the adventure
12 Chest Wound Disadvantage on physical checks for the remainder of the adventure
13 Blow to the Head Disadvantage on lore, senses or magic checks for the adventure
14 Arm/Hand Injury Use 1 handed items only, disadvantage combat for the adventure
15 Leg/Foot Injury Disadvantage on agility, athletics and moves slowly for adventure
16 Bruised Ribs Gasp and wheeze acting once every 2 turns for the session
17 Winded Disadvantage on physical checks for the remainder of the session
18 Blurred Vision Disadvantage on lore, senses or magic checks for the session
19 Scarred Suffer a nasty scar (d20, 1-5 head, 6-10 chest, 11-15 L/R arm, 16-20 L/R leg)
20 Lucky Escape Injury not as bad as first thought. Unconscious until the end of the encounter

Wild Magic Table

d20 Outcome Effect
01 Summoning Random Chaos creature enters this plane of existence, targets the spell caster
02 Stressed Sees malevolent chaotic forces, spell casting at disadvantage for rest of the session
03 Shadow Form A shadowy mirror form with all powers of the caster appears and attacks the caster
04 Drained Wild magic drains d4 health, if health reduced to zero fall unconscious for d6 turns
05 Explosion D4 damage short range and pushed one range band. Fortitude check half damage
06 Age Roll d20; older odd number; younger even number by 5 years (x2, x4 long lived)
07 Lost Control Can’t handle the power, gain disadvantage on all spell checks for the encounter
08 Delayed Spell doesn’t work. Roll d20 each turn, spell activates on an odd number.
09 Teleported Caster is teleported to a random survivable place far (240ft) distance away
10 Rift Dimensional rip summons something from the random encounter table
11 Chaos Scream Everyone in short range makes a will 10 check or disadvantage on their next turn
12 Chaotic Force Everyone in short range makes a fortitude 10 check or disadvantage on next turn
13 Paralysis Caster paralysed, magic check vs target 10 at the start of each turn to snap out of it
14 Mutation Caster gains an ugly mutation which lasts for the remainder of the session
15 Loop Caster has to try and cast the same spell again the next round
16 Blight Any plant life around the caster withers and die
17 Visage Casters appearance alters in a strange way (players choice)
18 Volatile For the remainder of the session any spells cast will be at a random power level
19 Focus For the remainder of the session you have advantage on any magic checks
20 Power Surge Wild magic surge increases the power of the spell, charge the spell effect


1.3 Adventure Example

Weiland the Warrior Talia the Rogue
LVL 1 | HLT 11 | DEF 13 LVL 1 | HLT 9 | DEF 10
Skills: Strength d6, Will d4, Skills: Agility d6, Pilfering
Fortitude d4, Command d4, d4, Languages (Sign) d4,
Melee Combat d6, Wilderness Ranged Combat d4, Senses
Survival d4 d6, Melee Combat d4, Guile
Abilities: Second Wind, Shield d6
Expert Abilities: Dual Wielding, Lucky
Equipment: Leather (+2), Wooden Shield (+2), Equipment: Leather Armour (+2), Rapier d6,
Longsword (d8), Spear (d6), Raincape, 2x Bandages, Dagger d4, Gambling Dice, Lucky Charm, 100sp.
Potion of Healing, 100sp.

Our heroes have taken a contract to investigate an Weiland: Looks like we scared something off. Why don’t
abandoned mine near the village of Gravestone. we use a few more of the torches from brackets below to
Referee: You venture further into the mine shaft. The cold better light the pit and scare whatever is below away. We
stone passage-way continues ahead, the only light is can also leave a torch burning in this area.
coming from Talia’s torch. Every ten feet or so you pass the Talia: How difficult is the climb, I have a 50ft rope. Can I
rotten remains of a wooden support beam and you attach it to the bracket on the wall?
carefully pick your way through some loose rock until the Referee: You can attach the rope to the brackets on the
passage opens up into a wide area, at the centre lies a deep wall and it extends to the bottom of the pit which you
pit. assess is about a 30ft drop. If you have the rope, no
Talia: How big is the room and the pit? athletics check is required and it will take a turn for you
Referee: Both the room and depth of the pit extend both to climb down. You’ve now spent a turn exploring
further than the range of your torchlight currently. this room.
Talia: I will carefully walk a circuit around the room and The referee waives the need for an athletics check as they
the pit looking for any other exits or anything of interest. I have a secure rope in place. As a turn has elapsed the referee
have my dagger drawn and torch in hand. makes a random encounter check. The target number to
avoid a check starts at 1 and goes up a point each turn. The
Weiland: I will follow sharing Talia’s torchlight and have referee rolls a d20 (4). Nothing occurs but the target number
my longsword and shield at the ready. rises to 2 after the next turn.
Referee: The room is circular in shape and surrounds a Weiland: I will throw down two more torches from the
deep pit approximately 30 feet in diameter. You notice brackets near the tunnel we saw that shape dart away from
there are various bony remains of animals scattered and then climb down. Talia, you keep an eye out and if you
around the floor and a small trail of dried blood leading to see anything shout and I will climb back up.
the edge of the pit.
Talia: I will light one more torch in this room and grab the
Talia: I’m going to listen and see if I hear anything down remaining two and leave them close to the edge of the pit
the pit. I have senses d4 skill. in case we need to use them.
The referee knows there’s something lurking in the pit and Referee: Weiland climbs down the floor of the pit to find
thinks there’s a moderate (target 10) chance of hearing this. various remains of animals at the bottom of the pit. The
He makes a secret roll on behalf of the player so as not to floor is marked with dried blood and you can see a tunnel
spoil the outcome and gets a 8 + 2 = 10, a success. the height and width of a man leading into darkness.
Referee: Talia, you edge cautiously towards the pit and Weiland: I pick up one of the torches on the ground and
listen. You can hear a quiet thumping and crunching throw it at the face of the tunnel to see if I can see
sound followed by another ‘whooshing’ sound from below. anything inside before drawing my sword and shield
Weiland: I’m going to grab a torch from one of the waiting for Talia to climb down (Talia nods agreement).
brackets, light it and drop it down the pit. What do I see? Referee: Ok, you are about ten feet away from the tunnel
Referee: The torch drops for a few seconds and lands with and the light from the torch shows the tunnel extends
a small thump on the ground, shadows flicker and you see further into darkness but there is no movement. Talia
the movement towards a tunnel at the base of the pit. climbs down as another turn elapses.

The referee makes another random encounter check. The

target number to avoid a check is now 2. The referee rolls a (Young) Wyvern Draconic, Monstrosity, Medium
d20 (1), an encounter! The referee could check the random LVL 1 | HLT 5 | DEF 10 | SKL d4 | APP 1 | TSR -
encounter table but it makes sense for the creature that fled Combat: Bite/Claws d4 & Stinger short, paralysis, d4
into the tunnel to make an appearance, we now enter an Abilities: Flight, Fast, Dark Vision, Reach, Paralysis
encounter phase. • A bipedal winged dragon like creature with two legs,
Referee: Weiland, as you warily watch the tunnel entrance wings that hunt in groups.
you hear some flapping and thumping sound as a creature • Capable of flight at great speed (3 range bands per
squeezes out from the tunnel. It is the size of a horse, with turn) their presence is heard with a thunderclap.
a long neck and reptilian head. As it emerges two large • Attacks twice in a round with a bite or claw and its
wings unfurl themselves as it cocks its head and snaps at stinging tail (short range) which paralyses the target.
you from a short distance. What do you do?
Weiland: I’ll stand my ground and see what it does. The referee rolls a d20 (17) + monster skill d4 (2) for a 19.
Talia: I am going to flank the creature and ready my Weiland’s defence is 15 so it’s a hit. The bite does d4 damage
daggers, one in each hand. I assume we can use the torches and the referee rolls a 4.
on the ground to see? (Referee nods agreement) Referee: The creature snaps at you and bites at your arm
The creature is a young wyvern and its reaction is uncertain. causing you 4 points of damage.
It’s protective of its environment and wary of someone The referee makes a second attack against Talia. He rolls a
intruding into its home. The referee decides to leave the next d20 to attack (11) + monster skill d4 (3) = 14. A hit which
step to chance and rolls on the reaction table. The referee causes d4 (1) point of damage. The stinger can also cause
rolls a 2 on the Reaction Table (a very bad outcome, some weak paralysis and Talia will need to beat the attack
aggressive) and decides the wyvern will attack Weiland. score with a fortitude skill check to negate this.
Referee: The creature snaps at you aggressively and Referee: The stinging tail circles and lashes at Talia but as
charges. We have now entered combat. No-one is you are struck by the stinger you feel a jolt and shock as
surprised and we will roll for initiative. pain floods your body.
The referee is using a modified (and much weaker) version The referee asks Talia to make a fortitude skill check against
of the Wyvern to reflect its youth and smaller size. The the attack number or she loses her next turn through
referee rolls a d20 (10) plus the monsters skill check d4 (3) temporary paralysis. Talia does not have any fortitude skill
for a total initiative of 13. training and rolls a straight d20 for a 7, a fail.
Talia is using a dagger (fast, advantage) and rolls d20 (3) + Referee: A jolt of energy courses through your body
agility (2) for a 5 and again for advantage rolling a d20 (14) temporarily incapacitating you for the next turn.
+ agility (3) for a 17. Talia takes the highest result of 17. Weiland: As the creature has engaged me I’m going to
Weiland uses a longsword (no modifier) and rolls a d20 (9). ‘press’ and fight aggressively with an all-out attack as I can
Referee: Talia reacts first, then the creature and then absorb one blow with my shield. I raise my sword and
Weiland each turn. Combat is fast and furious with each perform a horizontal sweeping attack aiming to sever its
turn taking a few moments so be ready to tell me your neck.
actions quickly. Talia? Weiland rolls a d20 (11) + melee skill d4 (1) = 12 and for
Talia: I’m going to throw my dagger at it. As I have flanked advantage rolls a d20 (17) + melee skill d4 (4) = 21.
the creature, does this help me strike it? The referee informs Weiland that he succeeds with a critical
The referee agrees to give advantage as a flanking bonus and hit on the highest roll as the creature has a defence score of
Talia rolls d20 (11) plus ranged skill (4) for a 15 and then 10 and chooses to reveal this now as the party has engaged
again for advantage and rolls a d20 (4) plus ranged skill (1) the creature. Weiland rolls d8 for damage from his
for a 5. She takes the highest result of 15. longsword and gets a 5 which is doubled to 10!
Referee: Your dagger flies true and sinks into the side of Referee: Weiland strikes true with a long sweeping blow
the beast, roll for damage. severing the neck of the creature, the head of the creature
Talia rolls d4 for damage and gets a 2. flies off and the body of the creature slumps to the ground,
dead. You catch your breath for a few moments as Talia
Referee: Some dark blood oozes from its scales and the recovers from her shock and are both somewhat startled as
creature roars in pain. The creature charges Weiland, the rope you had tied to the brackets at the top of pit room
extending its neck and snapping with its fangs. As it fully falls to the ground next to you, the end of the rope has
emerges from the tunnel you see the long tail of the been severed…
creature with a spike on the end which it swings at Talia.
Chapter 2: Setting
2.1 Setting Overview Page 13
2.2 History Page 14
2.3 Factions Page 15
2.4 World Map Page 16
2.5 Regions Page 18

Skenrith Keep, the last bastion of civilisation on the borderlands


2.1 Setting Overview

The Fallen Lands Languages
• The game is set in a fantasy medieval world, centred • The Common tongue is the most popular language
on one continent, the Fallen Lands spoken by humans in the Fallen Lands although some
• This setting is designed to provide enough information regional dialects do exist. Other languages include:
to ground your hero’s in the realm • Ancient, a hard to decipher set of runes from a distant
• However, as a group the players and referee may era. Ancient language checks are made at disadvantage
choose to ignore the setting and design one of their • Broken Tongue, a form of guttural barks and simple
own words, spoken in the Broken Lands
• World building is designed to be a collaborative • Dwarven, from the time of the Dwarves and spoken
experience between players and the referee where the by the Northmen
setting is developed through adventures and gameplay • Elven, from the time of the Elves and spoken by the
with the setting becoming your own unique version of Wildfolk and Wildlings
the world developing over time • Sign, a series of hand signals and body language used
• World Map (Page 16): This represents common know by traders of old, now adopted by thieves and rogues
regions within the Fallen Lands and will be populated • Sentric, language of the Empire and an older more
with specific places and locations over time. formal and archaic version of the common tongue.
• Print a copy of the World Map and add details as they Many old church texts are written in Sentric.
are discovered through play
• Setting Notes: This refers to additional information Religion
which is collated and assumed to be common • The Church of Suunos is the dominant religion in the
knowledge shared between the players and referee. Fallen Lands, popularised by the conquest of the
Sentran Empire in the past
Population • However, in borderland and rural areas many still
• Humans are the dominant race dwelling within the follow the old ways whose practices are maintained by
safe havens of steadings, villages, towns and the Druid Circle
strongholds under the control of self-appointed lords, • Other minor religions, cults and practices also exist.
nobles, war-chiefs or ruling councils
• The populated lands are surrounded by a vast expanse Magic
of wilderness with few people venturing from their • The knowledge and practice of magic is rare in the
place of birth Fallen Lands and those who publicly talk or practice
• Northmen (descendants of the Dwarves) have such arts are generally viewed with fear and suspicion.
migrated to their remote fortresses in the Northlands
• The Wildfolk (descendants of the Elves) migrated deep Discoveries
within the wilderness and shun contact with outsiders. • The referee may keep additional information and
notes hidden from the players so these can be
Geography discovered during the game
• The Fallen Lands is a small continent located in the • When new information is discovered then make a
northern hemisphere of the world. It has a temperate note of this on the World Map and/or Setting Notes so
climate experiencing warm summers and cold winters a live record of information is maintained
• The continent is comprised of several regional areas • Setting notes can be written on a piece of paper, keep
although the largely human population only occupy a information concise (i.e. record key information in
small fraction of the continents land mass bullet point format).
• Much of the borderland areas are harsh, wild,
overgrown and unexplored.

Currency & Trade

• Trade has predominantly taken place within local
regions through barter and exchange of goods
primarily due to the perils of wilderness travel
• However, in the last couple of decades further trade
and exploration has started to take place
• The common currency of the Fallen Lands is the silver
piece (sp); copper pieces are common (10cp = 1sp)
whilst gold pieces are uncommon (10sp = 1gp).


2.2 History
Unknown: Time of the

-20,000 NA: Fall of the Ancients

• Old megalithic structures and weird architectural -5,000 NA: Decline of the Elder Races
ruins tell the tale of an ancient civilisation
• Rare artifacts have been discovered which tells of a • Dwarven Lords once ruled from their
time of magic impenetrable mountain fortresses
• The secrets of the ancients are buried deep within • Elven clans once lived amongst the ancient earth
a mythic underworld where the normal laws of trees. Elven Gates through ancients trees roots
reality are warped or broken. acted as pathways through the vast wilderness,
their population dwindled as magic faded
• Human-kind was a young and fractured race.

-100 NA: Rise of the Empire

• A millennium ago the Sentran Empire arrived
450 NA: Fall of the Empire
from across the western sea
• The lands were conquered and a new age began • The northern expansion campaign (circa. 400 NA)
with the establishment of the City of Lanatus and opened up routes into the Broken Lands and
the start of a new age (0 NA) resulted in conflict from a vast army of men,
• Military conquest and expansion continued as beasts and mutants
many regions were assimilated within the empire’s • This inhuman army invaded the lands to the south
hold resulting in rebellion and conflict attacking, raiding and destroying settlements in a
• At the height of their power the Sentran Empire wave of conquest and terror
controlled most of the territories now known as • The Sentran Empire and its allies fought a long
the Fallen Lands and constructed Churches in and arduous war (circa 410 - 450 NA) and
every settlement in workship of Suunos, the Sun eventually defeated the army of darkness but at a
God. heavy cost
• The Empire collapsed, its resources depleted, the
human population was decimated and its power
base weakened.

500 NA: The Dark Ages

930 NA: Age of Exploration
• Humanity returned to a dark age period (500 –
• Humanity has recovered and started to expand
900 NA) as the surviving population retreated to
their territories, develop new trade routes and
safe regions abandoning settlements to the
explore the frontiers
encroaching wilderness
• The infrastructure and impact of the Sentran
• The descendants of the elder races of Dwarves and
Empire is prevalent with evidence of old roads,
Elves retreated to the edges of civilisation
structures and settlements
• The Sentran Empire was no more and the place
• Those who explore deeper into the wilderness or
became known as the Fallen Lands.
further underground can see evidence of
structures from times before the Empire
• The Northmen live in isolation within their
mountain forts with little outside contact.
• The Wildfolk became reclusive and have all but
disappeared from the lands. Few people have seen
an elf and their existence is considered a myth.

950 NA: Present Day

• Starting date for an adventure.


2.3 Factions
The Church (Major) Sentran Empire (Major)
Organisation Type: Established Religion, Political Organisation Type: Politcal, Military
Philosophy: Faith, Spread the word Philosophy: Superiority, Rebuild the glorious empire
Reputation: Well-Known Reputation: Feared

Goals: Goals:
• Popularise the worship of Sunnos • Build the Second Empire
• Establish a church in every settlement • Conquer all the regions

Resources: Resources:
• Acolytes, Missionaries, Priests & High Priests • Sentran Imperial Army
• Established Churches presence in key settlements • Technology & knowledge

Description: Description
• The Church is the most popular religion in the land • Covers the lands of people of New Sentra and it’s
worshipping the Sun-God Suunos, the protector power base at the City of Lanatus
• The Faith was popularised by the Sentran Empire who • They seek a return to the glory days of the First
once had a presence in every key settlement Empire
• Different factions exist within this church structure • Agents of Empire are said to have infiltrated many
such as the Whitecloaks, a militaristic order of towns, settlements and strongholds in the Fallen
templars and the Brotherhood, defenders of humanity Lands preparing for the return of the new empire.
against chaos and magic who live by the mantra “we
walk in the shadows, so others don’t have to” who have
a murky reputation.

The Order of Magi (Minor) Druid Circle (Minor)

Organisation Type: Magic Organisation Type: Old Religion
Philosophy: Protection against evil and chaos Philosophy: Neutral, Preserve the old ways
Reputation: Forgotten Reputation: Traditional

Goals: Goals:
• Defend humanity from supernatural threats • Preserve the old ways, the worship of Reeva
• Recruit members with the ‘gift’ • Unearth the ancient primal powers

Resources: Resources:
• Seven High Mages wandering the lands in secret • Druids, Wardens
• The Acropolis, home of the Magi in the Misty Isles • Good will of rural/borderland villages in Farlands

Description Description:
• Descendants of the seven ancient Magi who guided • Followers of the ‘old ways’ who recognise and respect
and protected humanity in ancient times nature and the elder powers of the land
• They form the only known cabal of sorcerers who live • Have a strong affinity with the Goddess Reeva
a reclusive life away from civilisation in the Mystic • Seek to unearth the powers of the primals and return
Isles. to more traditional ways
• Oppose the politics and rule of The Church.

2.4 World Map
distance: 1 hex = 24 mile

Northern Territories

New Sentra

Skard Territories

Broken Lands



Misty Isles

2.4 Regions
New Sentra Misty Isles
• Population: Human dominant • Population: Human dominant
• Settlement Types: Towns, Fortified Outposts, Villages • Settlement Types: Villages, Fishing Villages
• Religion: Church of Suunos • Religion: The Old Ways
• Factions: Church of Suunos, Sentran Imperial Army, • Factions: Order of Magi
Sentran Nobility
• An archipelago of hilly isles surrounded by a haunting
• A coastal region bordering the western sea, home to permanent mist, it is a place of mystery
the former Sentran Empire, a place of glory and • This is a place of solitude, the many isles hiding a
decadence network of caves, passages and secrets
• Lanatus, the city of whispers stands proudly atop a • The isles are protected by natural barriers of reefs and
large plateau. Once the heart of the old Empire rocks behind which sit large man-made coastal towers
• The surroundings lands are comprised of hills, valleys, overlooking the vast ocean expanse
plains and forests punctuated with strongholds and • The Misty Isles is sparsely populated, the human
towns crossing major trade routes population is considered reclusive by outsiders
• The ruling nobility proclaim their Sentran heritage • The land includes a number of islands guarded by
and dream of the days of the Empire forts and outposts, many small fishing villages and
• Disillusioned commoners work tirelessly, unhappy small trading posts exist on the coast
with the class divide • The people of the lands follow ancient traditions and
• The Church of Suunos is present in every settlement. respect the old ways.
‘The Faith’ is a powerful political influence in Sentran

Skard Territories Broken Lands

• Population: Human dominant • Population: Humanoid races
• Settlement Types: Fortified Settlements, Strongholds, • Settlement Types: Tribal Settlements, Nomadic
Villages groups
• Religion: Church of Suunos, The Old Ways • Religion: Cults, Minor Dieties
• Factions: Clan Families • Factions: Tribal factions, Nomadic groups

• An overgrown wilderness expanse hiding many • A vast area of steppe-lands breathing fire and smoke
isolated settlements controlled by territorial lords who which extends north to the icy mountains at the edge
maintain an uneasy alliance of the world
• The land ranges from the alpine mountainous areas to • Volcanic mountains spits ash and dust, clouding the
the north through to the hills, valleys forests and lands in darkness. Rugged terrain comprised of rocky
moorlands to the south steppes, foothills, plateaus and canyons with cursed
• The hills and mountains hide many old mines and megalithic structures jutting from the ground formed
cave complexes which venture below of obsidian rock
• Disused roads and overgrown paths lead east and • The land is home to many nomadic tribes and savage
north, abandoned from the days of the Empire humanoids who roam these harsh lands, only the
• Lowland area of marshes, wetlands and bogs to the strong survive. They converse in the ‘broken tongue’
south • Many dangerous monsters, mutants and twisted
• This region has a reputation for being a lawless place. creatures prowl these lands.


Northern Territories Wildlands

• Population: Human, Northmen • Population: Wildfolk
• Settlement Types: Strongholds, Undeground • Settlement Types: Forested Settlements
Settlements (Northmen), Fortified Settlements, • Religion: Elven Deities, Old Ways
Villages (Humans) • Factions: Wildfolk Tribes
• Religion: Dwarven Deities, Old Ways, Minor Dieties
• Factions: Northmen Clans • A vast remote area of forested lands to the far east
which marks the boundaries of the known world.
• An area of highlands, hills and mountains to the Home to the Wildfolk, descendants of the dying Elven
north. Home to the Northmen descendants of the race
Dwarven race • The land consists of dense impenetrable vegetation,
• Misty mountains and rugged lands dominate the trees and foliage creating a growing forest canopy.
landscape • Gigantic earth trees older than time lie buried within
• The climate here is cooler with cold winters although this wilderness, their roots stretching hundreds of
the hills, valleys and plains lead to warmer lands miles
further south • Enchanted forests haunted with deep earth magic
• Fortified outposts guard the hidden mountain passes attract fell beasts which stalk the lands
and trails. A vast network of underground caves, • The Wildfolk live in solitude residing deep within
dilapidated tunnels, canals and deep lakes offer their forests in tribal communities. They watch their
perilous exploration borders carefully and are wary of outsiders
• Great winged creatures are rumoured to circle the • Beyond the wildlands to the east lies the old world.
remote snow-covered mountain peaks.

• Population: Human
• Settlement Types: Towns, Villages, Fortified
• Religion: Old Ways,
• Factions: Local Lords

• A remote region of borderland settlements and

• The lands are a mix of mountainous terrain, dense
forests and rivers bordering the northern and eastern
mountain ranges
• Tall forests, fast flowing rivers and snow capped
mountains lie to the north and east. A large network
of rivers lie to the south. Farming, hunting, foraging
and wood logging communities survive in this region
• Old trails and paths lead away from civilisation
towards the wilderness past megalithic structures and
pre-Empire ruins.

Chapter 3: Heroes
3.1 Heroes Page 21
3.2 Creating a Hero Page 22
3.3 Skills Page 23
3.4 Advancement Page 23
3.5 Races Page 24
3.6 Classes Page 28
3.7 Backgrounds Page 36

Heroes are travellers, mercenaries, explorers and treasure hunters


3.1 Heroes
Heroes Class
• A hero is the character you control in the game • Each class has a different career option which can
• A Character Record Sheet (Page 62) is used to record influences their skills, abilities and equipment
your hero’s attributes, skills, abilities and equipment. • The referee may limit magic using classes (i.e. Clerics,
• Heroes are considered a cut above a normal folk with Druids and Mages) to one of each type per group to
the potential to achieve great things. account for the rarity of magic in the setting.
• Barbarians are wild, uncompromising warriors
Hero Description fuelled by aggression
• Clerics are priests, witch-hunters, crusaders and
• A hero has a number of statistics known as attributes leaders blessed with holy powers of their deity
which is a measure of the hero’s capability in different • Druids are explorers, wardens of the wilderness and
areas keepers of the old ways
• Race describes the hero’s species, this determines their • Knights are champions, leaders and justice seekers.
starting attributes • Mages are scholars, explorers, historians and
• Class/Career describes the hero’s profession and practitioners of the magic arts
background, this influences their attributes, grants • Rangers are hunters, woodsman, scouts and
class abilities and determines their starting equipment wilderness survivalists
• Level (LVL) is a measure of the heroes experience • Rogues are thieves, adventurers and treasure-hunters
rated from 1 (start) to 10 (maximum). The higher the • Warriors are men-at-arms, mercenaries and sell-
level the more capable the hero swords who fight for coin.
• Health (HLT) is a score representing how much
physical injury or stress they can endure before
dying when this falls to zero
• Defence (DEF) is a score which reflects the
target number required to hit the hero in combat
and is dependent upon your race, armour worn
and level
• Piety (PTY) is a score representing favour within
your deity and is depleted when you call divine
favours. Not all characters will elect to follow a
God and gain piety points
• Skills describe the hero’s talent and training in
three areas; traits; physical and knowledge.
These are rated from 0 (untrained) to d4, d6, d8,
d10 and d12 (maximum). You add your skill die
to any check when using this particular skill
• Equipment; weapons, armour and equipment
carried by the hero
• Abilities are special feats heroes can perform and
is linked to their class.

• Humans are the dominant species although
other races can be unlocked during the game
• The referee may limit the number of non-human
heroes to 1 of each type per group to account for
their rarity
• Northmen are descendants of the dwarven race
who reside in their great mountain forts
• Wildfolk are descendants of the elven race who
now live in isolation in the wilderness
• Wildlings are rare off-spring of both human and
wildfolk with no natural home and often travel.


3.2 Creating a Hero

Hero Creation Hero Creation Example
• Print a Hero Character Sheet (Page 62) and follow the
next four steps to create your hero 1. Choose a Race: Human race is chosen which results in
1. Choose a Race (Section 3.5): Note down any starting the following starting attributes:
skills, abilities or equipment and choose their starting
age • Health: 5
2. Choose a Class & Career (Section 3.6): Note down • Defence: 8
any further adjustments to your attributes; skills; • Languages: Common
abilities and starting equipment • Skills: Pick 1 Trait, 1 Physical & 1 Knowledge
3. Generate Background (Section 3.7): Roll or choose • Starting Age: Between 20-40 years
entries on the background tables using these results to
The player chooses; Fortitude (trait); Melee Combat
build your hero’s backstory and describe their
(physical) and Wilderness Survival (knowledge) and is
appearance and personality
aged 30yrs.
4. 4. Name your Hero: Choose a name for your Hero
from the suggested ones available or use one of your
Rolls d6 (5) for upbringing and learned self defence which
own choosing.
grants the strength skill.
World Building 2. Choose a Class & Career: Warrior class is chosen and
• Players may be asked to give the names of settlements, the following adjustments are made:
contacts, factions or adversaries as part of the hero
creation process • Health: +6
• Make a note of this information on your World Map, • Skills: Melee Combat, Strength
Setting Notes or Hero Character Sheet. • Abilities: Second Wind
Veteran Heroes (Optional Rule) • Equipment: Leather Armour, Longsword, Shield,
• This option can be used at the referee’s discretion
when introducing a new hero into an experienced
party The Soldier career is selected and the following
• Create a new hero and raise their level to 2 or 3 and adjustments are made:
apply the level benefits
• The Hero will still start at 0 XP and so their next level • Skills: Will
progression will be slower • Abilities: Shield Expert
• For each level increase roll a d20 and age them 10 • Equipment: Spear, Raincape, Bandages
years on an odd number only
• For non-human races age them according to their life-
3. Generate Background: The following results are rolled:
span (20yrs for long-lived and 40yrs for very long
• (17) “I came from… a stronghold in the Farlands”
• (12) “I look… rugged”
• (8) “You notice my.. short beard”
• (13) “People think I am.. Loyal”
• (4) “My goal in life is to… destroy something”
• (14) “In the past.. I fought in a conflict”
• (9) “My secret is… I witnessed something”

The player decides that the hero was a former soldier who
once witnessed the destruction of a hamlet by some
fearsome beasts which they fought briefly. He has sworn to
destroy these creatures if he encounters them again.

4. Name your Hero. The player names the hero, Weiland

the Warrior.


3.3 Skills 3.4 Advancement

Skills Levels
• Skills describe your capability in different areas • Level is a measure of your hero’s power. Heroes start at
• Traits relate to your general physical and mental Level 1 and may rise to Level 10 maximum
talents and are used to resist or avoid an effect (i.e. • Non-Player Characters and Monsters also have levels
dodge, resist, endure etc) to represent their importance (NPCs) or potential
• Physical relate to physical technique you have been threat (Monsters).
trained in (i.e. combat, crafting etc)
• Knowledge relate to information skills you have Level Advancement
learned (i.e. arcane magic, lore) • Experience points (XP): Awarded for completing
• Skills are rated from 0 (untrained) to d4, d6, d8, d10 quests and challenges
and d12 (hero maximum) and added to a check • Levelling Up: When a hero earns sufficient experience
where relevant to improve your chance of success. points (see Level Advancement Table) they increase
• Skills marked with an asterisk (*) are made at their level. Non-humans gain experience more
disadvantage when wearing heavy armour. gradually over their longer lifetime
• Level Benefits: Increasing a level grants additional
Upgrading Skills benefits (see Level Benefits Table).
• When a skill is improved the skill die is increased
from 0, d4, d6, d8, d10 and d12 (hero maximum) Skill Advancement
• At creation, if the class, career or background • Learning: Heroes may only improves skills or spells
selections result in the skill being known more than they have attempted previously or have spent time
once then upgrade this to the next skill die level. training between adventures
• Each time a skill or spell is attempted, place a mark
Traits next to this skill or spell on your character sheet
Name Description • When you advance a level, you may choose to improve
any skill or spell which you have attempted since the
Agility* Acrobatics, stealth, reflexes checks
last level upgrade
Command Personality and leadership checks • If a Hero has not tried enough skills to spend their
Fortitude Resisting physical effects, resting level benefits, these may be saved and spent at the end
Senses Perception or search checks of the each adventure.
Strength Feats of might, carry +1 per skill die
Will Resisting a mental effect, test of will
Level Advancement Table
Level Title Human XP Non-Human XP
Physical 01 Novice 0 0
Name Description 02 Trained 10 20
Athletics* Running, climbing, swimming, jumping 03 Adept 30 60
Crafting Crafting, repairing, customising items 04 Veteran 60 120
Melee Combat Fighting in hand to hand combat 05 Skilled 100 200
Open Locks Picking a lock, specialist tools required 06 Professional 150 300
07 Expert 225 450
Pilfering* Pilfering or feats of manual dexterity
08 Champion 325 650
Ranged Combat Fighting with ranged/thrown weapon
09 Master 450 900
Traps Creating or disabling traps or devices
10 Legend 600 1200
Level Benefits Table
Name Description
Attribute Benefit
Alchemy Herb, medicine or alchemy checks
Health +2
Guile Gathering info or negotiating
Defence +1 (Levels 2,4,6,8,10 only)
Languages Read/speak, +1 language per skill die Skills Upgrade 1 trait skill
Lore General politics and history knowledge Upgrade 1 physical skill
Magic* Scroll use, spell-casting, magic resist Upgrade 1 knowledge skill
Religion Use of divine powers, religion Ability Learn 1 new class ability
Wilderness Survival, navigating or tracking Spells Gain proficiency with 2 spells


3.5 Races Humans

The most common and dominant of the humanoid races in the Fallen Lands

Human Attributes
• Health: 5
• Defence: 8
• Languages: Common
• Skills: Pick 1 Trait, 1 Physical & 1 Knowledge
• Abilities: None
• Starting Age: 20-40 years

Human Description
Humans are the most varied in terms of appearance and
personality and their population is the most widely
distributed across the Fallen Lands. All humans speak the
common tongue of the land.
Human demography is largely rural with people living in
the many isolated strongholds, towns, steadings, villages
and hamlets across the lands.
Travel has been historically limited between settlements
due to the many perils of wilderness travel but it is now
the start of a new age with settlements recently starting to
expand their territories, explore the borderlands for
resources and develop trade routes with other settlements.
As the most common of the humanoid races. There are
no restrictions on the number of human heroes in a

Human Equipment
Roll d6 to determine an unusual item you carry:
1. A pouch of elementium dust
2. A pouch of hercanium dust
3. A spyglass
4. A lucky charm (re-roll any die once, single use)
5. A magic lodestone
6. A potion of healing

Human Upbringing
Roll d6 to describe your upbringing:
1. As an craftsman’s apprentice, gain agility skill
2. Worked with people, gain command skill
3. Working the fields, gain fortitude skill
4. Living on the streets, gain senses skill
5. Training in self-defence, gain strength skill
6. Following some teachings, gain will skill


Descendants of the Dwarven race, dwell in the Northern Territories

Northmen Attributes
• Health: 10
• Defence: 8
• Languages: Common, Dwarven
• Skills: Crafting, Fortitude, Strength, Languages
(Common, Dwarven), Traps, Will
• Abilities: Dark Vision, Iron Skin, Long-Lived
• Starting Age: 40-80 years

Northmen Description
Northmen are shorter and stockier than humans with a
natural strength and toughness and a lifespan of up to 200
years. Northmen are hardy creatures with earth coloured
skin and dark coloured hair with males favouring beards
and facial hair. They also possess the dark vision ability.
Driven from their ancient homelands centuries ago, they
are predominantly found in remote fortified settlements in
the hills and mountains of the northern territories. They
are proud warriors, explorers, craftsman and builders who
live in clans which are comprised of many individual
families. Northmen have superior knowledge of alchemy,
mining, crafting and technology. Evidence of this
knowledge is seen through the use of munitions and tools
when mining, exploring and developing their
underground fortresses.
Northmen are uncommon and it is recommended that
only one northmen hero exists in a party at one time. Northmen Abilities
• Darkvision: The ability to see in the dark up to
Northmen Equipment medium range band (60ft)
Roll d6 to determine an unusual item you carry: • Iron Skin: Damage resistance, all injuries are reduced
1. Flask of Mountain Stout by 1 point
2. Dwarven Flares x5 • Long-Lived: Have a lifespan of up to 200 years (x2
3. Flask of Dwarven Fire human age).
4. Dwarven Explosive
5. Heavy Crossbow + Dwarven Incendiary Bolts x5
6. Hercanium Steel Dagger d6

Northmen Upbringing
Roll d6 to describe your upbringing:
1. Worked at the forge, gain crafting skill
2. An alchemists apprentice, gain alchemy skill
3. Patrolling the tunnels, gain melee combat skill
4. Exploring deep chasms, gain athletics skill
5. A diplomat or traveller, gain languages skill
6. Studied with the oathkeepers, gain lore skill


Descendants of the immortal elves, the eldest of the humanoid races

Wildfolk Attributes
• Health: 8
• Defence: 10
• Languages: Common, Elven
• Skills: Agile, Athletics, Languages (Common, Elven),
Magic, Ranged Combat, Senses, Wilderness Survival
• Abilities: Alertness, Meditative Trance, Very Long-
• Starting Age: 50-100 years

Wildfolk Description
Wildfolk are are a dying race due to low birth rates and
decreasing life-spans compared to their true elf ancestors.
They are slender graceful humanoids in appearance with
fair hair and pointed ears and have a life-span of up to 400
They are creatures of the wilderness and have a strong
affinity with magic and reside within tribal communities
deep within the wildlands, generally avoiding contact with
other races. They speak a derivation of the elven tongue
and are taught the common tongue of the land to enable
them to communicate with other races should the need
Wildfolk heroes are very long-lived; possess the meditate
ability and have keen senses.
Due to their rarity, it is recommended only one wildfolk
hero exists in a party at a time.

Wildfolk Equipment
Roll d6 to determine an unusual item you carry.
1. Elven Leven Bread (nourishing, lasts 4 days)
2. Pouch of Moondust (treat as invisible spell)
3. Pouch of Glitterdust (lights 30ft area for 1hr)
4. Selenite Crystal (advantage on meditative trance)
5. An elven cloak, advantage on stealth checks Wildfolk Abilities
6. An elven shortbow, d6 advantage on damage • Alertness: Advantage on senses checks
• Meditative Trance: Once per session may rest for 1
exploration turn (10 mins) and recover d4 health
Wildfolk Upbringing • Very Long-Lived: Have a lifespan of up to 400 years
Roll d6 to describe your upbringing: (x4 human age).
1. A woodcrafters apprentice, gain crafting skill
2. Traveller of the Fallen Lands, gain languages skill
3. Skilled archer, gain ranged combat skill
4. Deep forest ranger, gain wilderness skill
5. Apprentice to a spell-weaver, gain magic skill
6. Studied as a lore-keeper, gain lore skill


The off-spring of Humans and Wildfolk

Wildling Attributes
• Health: 5
• Defence: 9
• Languages: Common, Elven
• Skills: Agile, Athletics, Languages (Common, Elven),
Magic, Ranged Combat, Senses
• Abilities: Adaptable, Long-Lived
• Starting Age: 30-50 years

Wildling Description
Wildlings (also known as Half-Bloods or Half-Elves) come
from two different worlds but do not belong to either.
Wildlings share the physical characteristics of both human
and wildfolk parents although the dominance of traits can
vary and their heritage may not always be obvious.
They are generally found within wildfolk settlements,
generally born as the off-spring a human who has
wandered far from home and a curious wildfolk. Their
existence is tolerated but they have a tendency to travel
due to a general mistrust or lack of acceptance by the
wildfolk tribe members.
Wildlings are inquisitive and adaptable; at creation they
may learn a class ability from any class. They are also long-
lived, living for up to 200 years and speak both the
common and elven languages.
Due to their rarity, it is recommended that only one
Wildling hero exists in a party at a time.

Wildling Equipment
Roll d6 to determine an unusual item you carry.
1. Elven Leven Bread (nourishing, lasts 4 days)
2. Pouch of Moondust (treat as invisible spell)
3. Pouch of Glitterdust (lights 30ft area for 1hr)
4. Cold Iron dagger (d4 damage, x2 vs. magic/fey)
5. An elven cloak, advantage on stealth checks
6. Ironwood staff, d4 advantage on damage Wildling Abilities
• Adaptable: Select a class ability from any class of your
Wildling Upbringing choosing
Roll d6 to describe your upbringing: • Alertness: Advantage on senses checks
1. A dubious background, gain pilfer skill • Long-Lived: Have a lifespan of up to 200 years (x2
2. A traveller and entertainer, gain lore skill human age).
3. A trainee artisan, gain crafting skill
4. An acolyte, gain religion skill
5. A hunter or forager, gain wilderness survival skill
6. Studied with Wildfolk spell-weavers, gain magic skill


3.6 Classes Barbarian

Mighty warriors from beyond the borderlands who follow the old ways. Tough,
aggressive combatants often armed with great weapons adorned with strange totems
Choose a Career
Choose (or roll d4 for) a career from; Beast Master;
Berserker; Highlander or Outlander.

Beast Master
Description: Living outside of a settlement feeling a
greater empathy with nature bonding with the animals and
spirits of the land which have guided and protected you.
Attributes: (Skill) Animal Handling; (Ability) Animal
Companion; (Equipment) Net, Whip
Background: Mark your settlement on the world map.
Name a former battle companion you lost contact with.

Barbarian Attributes Description: A warrior amongst your people known for
your recklessness in battle when you release that burning
• Health: +8 rage and let the bloodlust wash over you in battle.
• Skills: Melee Combat, Strength
• Abilities: War Cry Attributes: (Skill) Fortitude; (Ability) Intimidate;
• Equipment: Hide Armour, Battle-Axe, 100sp (Equipment) Hand-Axe, Performance Drugs.
Background: Mark your settlement on the world map.
Barbarian Class Abilities Name a monster with whom you had a vicious encounter
with in the past.
Start with War Cry and one more ability based on your
career. A new ability is chosen at each new level.
• Animal Companion, gain an animal companion. It Description: A fierce warrior of your clan notorious for
can follow simple commands their fearsome appearance in battle, daubed with war-
• Charge, charge and attack an enemy from medium paint and boldly clothed in the colours of their clan.
range as an action (None or light armour only)
Attributes: (Skill) Fortitude; (Ability) Charge;
• Combat Reflexes, advantage on initiative checks
(Equipment) Greatsword, Warpaint.
• Dodge, use your next action to make an agility check
greater than the attackers roll to avoid a hit in combat. Background: Mark your settlement on the world map.
Half damage on a failure (None or light armour only) Name a warrior you defeated and whose sword you use.
• Great Cleave, you can attack all opponents close to
you as a single attack Outlander
• Fast Attack, you may attack twice as a single action.
Description: You served your tribe as a warrior and
• Intimidate, force a morale check against a medium or
hunter leading a primitive life. You have some marking or
smaller sized opponent once per session
item related to your tribe.
• Iron Skin, gain 1 point of damage resistance
• Mighty Blow, make a melee attack. On a hit damage Attributes: (Skill) Wilderness Survival; (Ability) Totem
roll is made at advantage Magic; (Equipment) Fishing Kit, Gold Nugget (50sp).
• Totem Magic, learn and use totem magic abilities. Background: Mark your settlement on the world map.
• Tough, advantage on fortitude checks Write down the name of an enemy tribe.
• War Cry, once per session make a war cry which gives
you advantage on your next two actions. Choose a Name
Sample names include; Kronan, Cullyn, Wulfram, Slayne,
Barrak, Sunya, Scathyk, Aewyn, Skelhag, Grunhild.


Divine-touched people in the service of their patreon. Clerics operate in many guises
such as priests, witch-hunters, monster-hunters, investigators, crusaders or prophets
Choose a Career
Choose (or roll d4 for) a career from; Faithless; Priest;
Witch Hunter or Zealot.

Description: You feel the calling of an elder power from
the time of the ancients. You have ventured out into the
world to seek your destiny.
Attributes: (Skill) Lore; (Ability) Rune Magic;
(Equipment) Amulet of Protection (ADV, 3 uses), Dagger.
Background: Name and describe the elder power that
calls you.

Cleric Attributes Description: You have chosen to step beyond the simple
monastic orders of the temple and venture forth into the
• Health: +4 Fallen Lands in service of your patreon.
• Skills: Religion, Magic
• Abilities: Arcane Magic Attributes: (Skill) Melee Combat; (Ability) Shield Expert;
• Equipment: Robes, Staff, Holy Symbol, 100sp (Equipment) Chainmail, Mace, Wooden Shield.
Background: Name your temple and location. Name a
Cleric Class Abilities fellow Priest who was once an acolyte with you.
Start with Arcane Magic and one more ability based on
your career. A new ability is chosen at each new level.
Witch Hunter
Description: Trained by an faction devoted to the
• Arcane magic, learn and use arcane magic spells protection of humanity through the hunting of evil,
• Bless, once per session bless an object or person chaotic or undead creatures and users of the dark arts.
which gives advantage on next use Attributes: (Skill) Melee Combat; (Ability) Turn Undead;
• Dark magic, learn and use dark magic spells (Equipment) Leather, Longsword, Crossbow, 20 Bolts.
• Exorcise, once per session you may use an arcane
Background: Name and describe your mentor who
magic check to remove a magical affect (i.e. curse).
trained you. Name and mark the location of your order.
• Form magic, learn and use form magic spells
• Light magic, learn and use light magic spells
• Matter magic, learn and use matter magic spells Zealot
• Rune magic, learn and use rune magic spells Description: Trained as an acolyte for a secretive religious
• Shadow magic, learn and use shadow magic spells order. You acted in service of your patreon performing a
• Shield Expert, gain an additional +1 defence when variety of roles as guide, missionary, spy and protector.
using a shield Attributes: (Skill) Command; (Ability) Dark Magic;
• Time magic, learn and use time magic spells (Equipment) Cloak, Dagger, 2x Gas Bombs.
• Turn Undead, make a will based combat attack on
all undead within medium range to force a morale Background: Mark your home settlement and name your
check once per session. mentor who trained and guided you.

Choose a Patreon Choose a Name

Clerics should select a patreon detailed in The Gods (Page Sample names include; Anistasa, Brigid, Domina, Helenya,
58) chapter. Melanna, Abaddon, Aleksander, Brennon, Elyas, Othar,
Tore, Chayla, Namsu.


Druids are an order of protectors who follow the old ways, commanding the ancient
powers of the land. Attuned to nature with an affinity to the Earth Goddess
Choose a Career
Choose (or roll d4 for) a career from; Guardian; Seeker;
Shaman or Warden.

Description: Trained in the druidic arts and keeper of the
old ways. A Guardians role is to protect the people of the
lands, their customs and history from great evil.
Attributes: (Skill) Religion; (Ability) Suggestion;
(Equipment) Holy Symbol, Paralysing Darts x5
Background: Name your mentor and mark the regional
area where your order operates.

Druid Attributes Description: A nomadic traveller who seeks knowledge of
the ancients. New regions provided opportunities for
• Health: +4 mysteries to be revealed and new insights to be gained.
• Skills: Lore; Magic
• Abilities: Arcane Magic Attributes: (Skill) Wilderness; (Ability) Ghost Walker;
• Equipment: Robes, Staff, 100sp (Equipment) Leather Armour, Shortsword, Lodestone
Background: Mark your home settlement and the location
Druid Class Abilities of a potential adventure site on the edge of civilisation.
Start with Arcane Magic and one more ability based on
your career. A new ability is chosen at each new level.
Description: Born with a strange talent and trained by the
• Air magic, learn and use air magic spells local wise-person. You served the settlement as counsellor,
• Animal magic, learn and use animal magic spells prophet, healer and custodian of cultural traditions.
• Arcane magic, learn and use arcane magic spells Attributes: (Skill) Will; (Ability) Animal Magic;
• Earth magic, learn and use earth magic spells (Equipment) Dagger, Dreamsleep Compound.
• Light magic, learn and use light magic spells
Background: Name your home settlement and the name
• Nature magic, learn and use light magic spells
of your mentor. Choose a religion to worship.
• Ghost walker, blend into the background and
disappear when not engaged in combat. Can use once
per session Warden
• Shape change, once per session transform into a small Description: You found a deeper spiritual connection
animal for 10 minutes/1 encounter with the forces of nature and served as hunter, guide and
• Suggestion, once per session on a successful magic vs protector of the frontier settlement.
will check, target follows a simple one word command
Attributes: (Skill) Wilderness Survival; (Ability) Totem
that does it no harm
Magic; (Equipment) Shortbow, Arrows x20, Dagger.
• Telepathy, once per session on a successful magic vs
will check, can read the mind of a person or monster Background: Mark the location of your home settlement.
• Totem magic, learn and use totem magic spells Name a rare version of a common animal which has acted
• Water magic, learn and use water magic spells. as your spirit guide in the past (i.e. White Stag).

Choose a Patreon Choose a Name

Druids should select a patreon detailed in The Gods (Page Sample names include; Herne, Finneas, Darnell, Arwen,
58) chapter. Ruerid, Murdaigan, Talisan, Isoldor, Aislin, Ellanon.


Armoured soldiers, masters of martial combat and champions of the people. Often
associated with religious organisations and live by the strength of their reputation
Choose a Career
Choose (or roll d4 for) a career from; Vassal Knight;
Fallen Knight; Crusader or Paladin.

Vassal Knight
Description: Served as a vassal knight in the service of
your lord/lady. You were trained in the art of combat and
answered the call of battle once summoned.
Attributes: (Skill Lore; (Ability) Mounted Combat;
(Equipment) Horse, Lance
Background: Name the person you once served and mark
their settlement location.

Fallen Knight
Knight Attributes Description: Formerly a sworn knight, through some
• Health: +6 misfortune you are without a master and now travel the
• Skills: Melee Combat; Command Fallen Lands looking for employment and adventure.
• Abilities: Shield Expert Attributes: (Skill) Guile; (Ability) Mounted Combat;
• Equipment: Longsword, Chainmail, Shield, 100sp (Equipment) Mule, Spear
Background: Name your former master, and their
Knight Class Abilities location. Decide why you no longer serve them.
Start with Shield Expert and one more ability based on
your career. A new ability is chosen at each new level. Crusader
Description: A soldier of God, you were trained to seek
• Corrupt, learn and use dark magic spells
out and defeat evil through skill of battle and arms.
• Fast Attack, two melee attacks as a single action
Nothing shall stand in the way of justice and vengeance.
• Indomitable Will, advantage on will checks
• Inspire, once per session, inspire companions who Attributes: (Skill) Religion; (Ability) Killing Blow
gain advantage on actions for 1 turn (Equipment) Horse, Lance
• Killing Blow, if your attack kills an enemy you may Background: Name your mentor who trained you and
automatically attack another within short range mark the location of your chapter house.
• Mighty Blow, damage at advantage on a hit
• Mounted Combat, advantage on hit and damage
rolls when riding a horse in battle
• Protect, as an action defend a person close to you Description: A trained warrior of law and order, the
for a turn. Attacks against them are at disadvantage holiest of knights. Your purpose is to protect the people of
• Rune Knowledge, learn and use rune magic the lands, righting wrongs and serving justice.
• Shield Expert, gain an additional +1 defence when Attributes: (Skill) Religion; (Ability) Inspire; (Equipment)
using a shield Cold Iron Dagger, Greatsword, Horse.
• Squire, gain a 1st level NPC follower. You may
Background: Name your chapter house and mark their
choose this ability more than once
location. Name a comrade who fought with you.
• Virtuous, learn and use light magic spells.

Code of Honour Choose a Name

Write one sentence to describe your chapters code of Sample names include; (Ser) Galard, Artur, Sigurd, Synan,
honour. Morshal, Lachlan, Jovanne, Ethenya, Mellayan, Nakanu,


Mages are scholars, explorers, investigators, historians, seekers of ancient knowledge and
practitioners of the sorcerous arts
Choose a Career
Choose (or roll d4 for) a career from; Magi; Sorcerer;
Warlock or Witch/Necromancer.

Description: The bloodline of the elders course through
your veins. You were taken from your family at a young
age to train as an initiate with a secret order.
Attributes: (Skill) Languages (Ancient); (Ability) Rune
Magic; (Equipment) Lodestone.
Background: Mark your settlement where you were taken
from and the name the order where you were an initiate.

Mage Attributes Description: Gifted as a child with a talent. Few realised
you had an aptitude for the arcane arts. Mentored by
• Health: +2 someone who recognised your potential but kept this
• Skills: Lore, Magic secret.
• Abilities: Arcane Magic
• Equipment: Robes, Dagger, 100sp Attributes: (Skill) Alchemy & Medicine; (Ability) Choose
one mage ability; (Equipment) Alchemy Kit
Mage Class Abilities Background: Name your home settlement and name your
mentor and add them as a contact.
Start with Arcane Magic and one more ability based on
your career. A new ability is chosen at each new level.
• Arcane magic, learn and use arcane magic spells Description: Trained as a soldier but discovered a latent
• Air magic, learn and use air magic spells talent for the arcane arts which you have kept hidden from
• Chaos magic, learn and use chaos magic spells others whilst you learn and develop these powers.
• Dark magic, learn and use dark magic spells Attributes: (Skill) Melee Combat; (Ability) Form Magic;
• Earth magic, learn and use earth magic spells (Equipment) Leather, Longsword, Hercanium Dust.
• Fire magic, learn and use fire magic spells
Background: Mark there you trained as a soldier and the
• Form magic, learn and use form magic spells
name of a friend who shares knowledge of your powers.
• Matter magic, learn and use matter magic spells
• Rune magic, learn and use rune magic spells
• Shadow magic, learn and use shadow magic spells Witch/Necromancer
• Time magic, learn and use time magic spells Description: You had a gift of occult practices from an
• Water magic, learn and use water magic spells. early age. You were mentored by a local witch-woman in
your settlement who taught you the dark arts.
Attributes: (Skill) Alchemy & Medicine; (Ability) Dark
Magic; (Equipment) Cold Iron Dagger, Vial of Poison.
Background: Mark your settlement and name your
mentor and describe one of their powers.

Choose a Name
Sample names include; Dedsinat, Merlin, Morvana,
Hemlock, Kellan, Rowenna, Sereci, Wyllow, Palatine.


Rangers are hunters, woodsman, scouts and provide expertise in wilderness
surroundings. They are lightly armoured and are highly skilled with ranged weapons
Choose a Career
Choose (or roll d4 for) a career from; Bounty Hunter;
Hunter; Pathfinder or Scout.

Bounty Hunter
Description: You specialise in the hunting and capture of
fugitives using your skills to pursue them through the
wilderness or within settlements.
Attributes: (Skill) Athletics; (Ability) Alertness;
(Equipment) Manacles, Chain, Gas Bombs x2
Background: Mark your home settlement and name a
fellow bounty hunter you have worked with in the past.

Ranger Attributes Description: A skilled hunter amongst your people whose
role was to protect the village against beasts of the
• Health: +6 wilderness both natural and mythic.
• Skills: Ranged Combat, Wilderness Survival
• Abilities: Woodcraft Attributes: (Skill) Agility; (Ability) Aimed Shot;
• Equipment: Leather Armour, Shortbow, Arrows x20, (Equipment) Armour Piercing Arrows x5
Dagger, 100sp Background: Mark your home settlement. Name a
monster you had a vicious encounter with in the past.
Ranger Class Abilities
Start with Woodcraft and one more ability based on your
career. A new ability is chosen at each new level. Description: You resided on the edge of civilisation and
built a reputation for ranging deep within the wilderness,
• Agile, advantage on agility checks exploring ancient trails beyond the realm of man.
• Aimed shot, spend a combat turn aiming, then Attributes: (Skill Melee Combat; (Ability) Dodge;
make a ranged attack at advantage, damage is (Equipment) Bedroll, Animal Trap, Wolfsbane, Travel
doubled Rations.
• Alertness, advantage on senses checks
Background: Mark the location of your settlement. Mark
• Animal Bond, advantage on animal handling
the starting point of an ancient trail you have discovered.
• Dodge, use your next action to make an agility check
greater than the attackers roll to avoid a hit in combat. Scout
Half damage on a failure (None or light armour only) Description: You were trained as a scout for a military
• Dual Wielding, make a bonus attack in combat faction specialising in ranging, reconnaissance, ambush
with a second light weapon in your other hand and skirmish based combat.
• Evasion, +1 to defence wearing light or no armour. Attributes: (Skill) Agility; (Ability) Skirmish;
• Quick Shot, two ranged attacks as a single action (Equipment) Spyglass; Smoke Bombs x2.
• Reaction Shot, bonus ranged attack before combat
starts unless you were surprised Background: Name the faction you fought with and name
• Skirmish, melee attack and move if not using heavy your former commander.
armour. Does not provoke opportunity attack
• Totem magic, learn and use totem magic abilities Choose a Name
• Woodcraft, advantage on wilderness survival Sample names include; Fenric, Crow, Falyn, Natalya, Erin,
checks. Jehnna, Kali, Darrow, Kerr, Rojan, Tomas, Quinn.


Rogues are adventurers, treasure-hunters, explorers and people of questionable
repute who rely on their specialist skills to support an adventuring party
Choose a Career
Choose (or roll d4 for) a career from; Bard; Delver; Knave
or Swashbuckler.

Description: You are a traveller, a story-teller, someone
who trades in words and knowledge and have an interest
in discovering knowledge, secrets, lore for re-telling or
Attributes: (Skill) Command; Guile (Ability) Silver
Tongue; (Equipment) Musical Instrument, Spell Scroll.
Background: Mark your settlement and two other
settlements you have visited.

Rogue Attributes Description: A treasure-seeker, historian or lore-master.
• Health: +4 You joined expeditions which visited ancient ruins and
• Skills: Agile, Languages (Sign), Pilfer, Senses sites seeking to discover the mysteries and legends of the
• Abilities: Lucky past.
• Equipment: Leather Armour, Dagger, 100sp Attributes: (Skill) Open Locks; Traps (Ability) Locksmith;
(Equipment) Lodestone, Specialist Tools.
Rogue Class Abilities Background: Mark the location of an adventure site which
Start with Lucky and one more ability based on your you have heard about but yet to explore.
career. A new ability is chosen at each new level.
• Agile, advantage on agility checks Description: You had a tough upbringing and did what
• Aimed shot, spend a combat turn aiming, then you needed to do to survive, moving from place to place
make a ranged attack at advantage, damage is when needed.
Attributes: (Skill) Pilfering; Open Locks(Ability) Dodge;
• Alertness, advantage on senses checks
(Equipment) Vial of Poison, Specialist Tools.
• Burglar, advantage on athletics checks
• Critical Strike, surprise melee attacks and damage Background: Mark a settlement you had trouble with the
rolls are both made at advantage law in the past. Name a contact who operates from here.
• Dodge, use your next action to make an agility check
greater than the attackers roll to avoid a hit in combat. Swashbuckler
Half damage on a failure (None or light armour only)
Description: You are a gambler, trickster, swordsman and
• Dual Wielding, make a bonus attack in combat
charlatan often moving from settlement to settlement in
with a second light weapon carried in your other
search of coin.
• Evade, disengage from combat without incurring an Attributes: (Skill) Melee Combat; Guile (Ability) Dual
opportunity attack Wielding; (Equipment) Rapier, Gambling Dice.
• Locksmith, advantage on any open locks checks Background: Mark two settlements; one you are on good
• Lucky, once per session gain a free re-roll terms and one you are on unfriendly terms.
• Silver Tongue, advantage on any guile checks
• Traps Expert, advantage on traps checks. Choose a Name
Sample names include; Matt, Coltan, Kamira, Finn, Keldar,
Kira, Ley, Jack, Harald, Fay, Oslow, Milarn.


Fighters, mercenaries, soldiers, sell-swords trained in the art of melee combat.
Warriors are the strong arm of the party specialising in combat
Choose a Career
Choose (or roll d4 for) a career from; Gladiator; Monster
Hunter; Folk Hero or Soldier/Mercenary.

Description: You were forced to survive in the fighting
pits of Sentra where you honed your skills as an armed
combatant and learned a number of fighting techniques.
Attributes: (Skill) Athletics; (Ability) Combat Reaction;
(Equipment) Spear, Net, Hercanium Dust.
Background: Name the settlement where you fought and
the name of a comrade who fought with you in the pits.

Monster Hunter
Description: You specialised in the hunting of beasts and
Warrior Attributes creatures from the wilderness. You have a wide range of
• Health: +6 combat skills and techniques you can employ.
• Skills: Melee Combat, Strength Attributes: (Skill) Ranged Combat; (Ability) Precise
• Abilities: Second Wind Attack; (Equipment) Crossbow, Quarrels x20.
• Equipment: Leather Armour, Longsword, Shield,
100sp Background: Mark your home settlement and name a
monster which you fought in the past but did not defeat.
Warrior Class Abilities Folk Hero
Start with Second Wind and one more ability based on Description: You come from a humble background but
your career. A new ability is chosen at each new level. through some event in your past rose to prominence and
became known as a local champion or hero.
• Blind Fighting, ignores disadvantage on melee
Attributes: (Skill) Command; (Ability) Mighty Blow;
combat checks when fighting in the dark
(Equipment) Great Sword or Great Axe
• Combat Mastery, may split your melee skill check
over attack and damage (d8 = d4,d4) Background: Name the settlement you were a member of
• Combat Reaction, advantage on initiative checks and the event which gave rise to your local fame.
• Fast Attack, you may attack twice as a single action
• Great Cleave, you can attack all opponents engaged Soldier/Mercenary
with you as a single attack Description: You were either a trained soldier, a hired
• Lucky, once per session gain a free re-roll sellsword, or a former member of some military order or
• Master Craftsman, advantage on crafting checks war-band.
• Mighty Blow, make a melee attack. On a hit Attributes: (Skill) Will; (Ability) Shield Expert;
damage roll is made at advantage (Equipment) Spear; Raincape, Bandages.
• Precise Attack, feint one turn and then make a
melee attack at advantage on attack and damage Background: Name the group you were a member of and
• Second Wind, once per session rest for 1 turn the name of a fellow comrade.
outside of combat and recover d4 health
• Shield Expert, gain an additional +1 defence when Choose a Name
using a shield Sample names include; Alric, Brutus, Atilus, Ragnar, Voltar,
• Surge Attack, once per session attack at advantage Frida, Katya, Hannica, Kelwyn, Aleyna, Drex, Taerg, Timul,
and damage is doubled. Weiland, Cullyn, Col.


3.7 Background
• This section provides some optional tables to help you Appearance Table
create your hero’s background and describe their
d20 Background (“I look…”)
appearance and personality
• Background Tables: Roll or choose entries on each of 01 Young, Youth
the following tables; origin; appearance; feature; 02 Old, Ancient
personality; ambition; life event and secret to 03 Slender, Lean
generate some ideas for your heroes background, 04 Stout, Rotund
appearance and personality
05 Athletic, Muscular
• You do not need to use every result and can discard
ones you do not like or you may come up with your 06 Skinny, Scrawny
own descriptors if you have a particular concept or 07 Tall, Lanky
idea for your hero 08 Short, Tiny
• Create Backstory: Use this information to write a one 09 Large, Towering
sentence background story and one sentence
10 Strong, Brawny
description of your hero on your Hero Character Sheet
• World Building: Add any additional agreed 11 Scrawny, Gaunt
information to the World Map or Setting Notes. 12 Rugged, Weathered
13 Small, Skinny
14 Smooth, Soft-Skinned
15 Hard, Tough
16 Well Built, Stocky
17 Beautiful, Comely
18 Ugly, Scarred
19 Dirty, Unclean, Unwashed
20 Gaunt, Haggard

Origin Table Feature Table

d20 Background (“I came from…”) d20 Background (“You notice my…”)
01 Parts Unknown, no family 01 Hair style (long, flowing, braids, shiny, bald etc)
02 Broken Lands, a wanderer 02 Hair colour (bright, golden, silvery)
03 Wildlands, primitive settlement 03 Eyes (bright, Stormy, Piercing, Sparkle)
04 Wildlands, raised by Wildfolk 04 Nose (big, Small, Wide, Loing, Delicate)
05 Northern Territories, raised by Northmen 05 Mouth/Lips (full, fat, thin, pouty)
06 Northern Territories, rural community 06 Chin (double, pointy, sharp, dimpled)
07 New Sentra, oppressed background 07 Ears (big, small, pointed, floppy, large lobes)
08 New Sentra, rural community 08 Facial Hair (side burns, beard, moustache)
09 New Sentra, castle or town settlement 09 Skin Type (pockmarked, smooth, hairy)
10 New Sentra, noble upbringing 10 Skin Colour (pale, albino, golden)
11 Skard Territories, small remote settlement 11 Posture (upright, regal, slouched)
12 Skard Territories, rural community 12 Smell (perfumed, musty, sweaty, stinky)
13 Skard Territories, stronghold or town 13 Movement (slow, fast, ambles, skulks)
14 Skard Territories, privileged family or clan 14 Speech (gruff, chatty, talkative, breathy, deep)
15 Farland, small remote settlement 15 Intellect (alert, clever, quick-witted, dull)
16 Farland, rural community 16 Good clothing (fine, elegant, noble)
17 Farland, stronghold or town settlement 17 Poor clothing (filthy, dirty, patched, common)
18 Farland, privileged family or background 18 Jewelery or piercings
19 Misty Isles, rural community 19 Tattoo or war paint
20 Beyond the Seas, another culture 20 Birthmark or scar


Personality Table Life Event Table

d20 Background (“People think I am…”) d20 Background (“A long time ago…”)
01 Ambitious, Greedy 01 Refugee/exiled from somewhere
02 Cautious, Indecisive 02 You were an orphan/bastard
03 Bold, Adventurous 03 Settlement once raided by outlaws/monsters
04 Honest, Trusting 04 Involvement with crime in the past
05 Self-Serving, Deceitful 05 Badly wounded in the past
06 Practical, Pragmatic 06 Made an enemy/rival
07 Courteous, Polite 07 Suffered some personal loss or tragedy
08 Aggressive, Arrogant 08 Brought shame to your family
09 Humble, Quiet, Discreet 09 Brought up by an organisation (i.e. church)
10 Self-Important, Vain 10 Had a supernatural/spiritual experience
11 Gossip, Talkative 11 Had a mentor
12 Stoic, Unemotional 12 Have a loyal/friendly sibling
13 Loyal, Honourable 13 Witnessed an important event
14 Charming, Friendly 14 Fought in some conflict
15 Curious, Inquisitive 15 Made a loyal friend
16 Idealist, Enthusiastic 16 Fell in love, had a lover
17 Just, Righteous 17 Had some good fortune
18 Calm, Patient 18 Came from a noble/rich family
19 Brave, Courageous 19 Performed a heroic or noble deed
20 Worldly, Intelligent, Wise 20 Son/Daughter of a famous parent/lineage

Ambition Table Secret Table

d20 Background (“My goal in life is to…”) d20 Secret (“My secret is…”)
01 Seek forbidden knowledge 01 I have a bounty on my head
02 Become rich/famous 02 I have been exiled
03 Become a master 03 I am being hunted
04 Destroy (something) 04 I carry the bloodline of another species
05 Rule (something) 05 I have betrayed (someone)
06 Influence peoples beliefs 06 I am addicted to (something)
07 Fulfil your duty/serve a cause 07 I hate (something)
08 Fulfil my destiny/calling 08 I fear (something)
09 Retire from adventuring life 09 I have witnessed (something)
10 Emulate someone/something 10 I have no memory of my previous life
11 Escape the past/make up for something 11 I have an evil relative
12 Seek revenge on (something) 12 I was seduced by a power/entity
13 Searching for (something) 13 I was possessed by (something)
14 Tame the wilderness 14 I am a member of a questionable faction
15 Find the secrets of the Ancients 15 I betrayed (someone)
16 Establish new frontiers/trade 16 I am the descendant of (someone)
17 Defeat the source of Chaos 17 I have an illness
18 Find the Old World 18 I was involved in a major event
19 Unify the Kingdom of the Fallen Lands 19 I am seeking (something)
20 Create a new age of civilisation 20 I know a secret

Chapter 4: Equipment
4.1 Equipment Page 39
4.2 Equipment Lists Page 40

Settlements, a place to rest, re-equip and learn new rumours


4.1 Equipment
Overview Inventory
• Equipment covers the tools of the trade for an • A hero can carry 12 items (+1 per strength skill die)
adventurer and includes weapons, armour and in their inventory slots
equipment • When you carry more than this, you are impaired (act
• The selection and management of these resources is an at disadvantage). You may carry double this allowance
important element of the game as a maximum
• The silver piece is the default currency in the Fallen • 6 items are considered ready to use (including carried
Lands and all costs are listed in silver pieces items and any armour worn). Other items are in your
• Coins can be exchanged as follows; 1 gold piece pack and take a turn to ready for use
(uncommon) = 10 silver pieces (common) = 100 • Very small items (handful of coins, trinkets) are not
copper pieces (common). tracked. 500 coins equates to 1 item slot.
Weapons Usage & Wear
• Weapons have a damage die rating (d4, d6, d8 etc), • Some equipment may be consumed immediately
this is deducted from an opponents health in combat when used (i.e. potion or a scroll)
• Weapons may also have features which grant specific • Some equipment has a usage score which is depleted
benefits in certain situations through use (i.e. arrows, alchemy kit)
• In combat, weapons cause double damage on a • Weapons, armour or equipment are damaged on a
critical success and are damaged on a critical failure critical failure, with rolls made at disadvantage
• 50% of ranged weapon ammunition (arrows, bolts, • Items with special properties (i.e. magic items) lose a
darts) can be recovered and re-used after combat. special feature when damaged
• If a critical failure occurs on a damaged item, it is
Armour broken beyond repair
• Armour has a defence score (i.e. +1, +2) which is • Damaged items may be repaired at a settlement for
added to your defence score to make you harder to hit 25% of their cost to their starting maximum.
in combat
• Only one item of each armour type (body and shield)
can be used at the same time Wear Example
• Some creatures have tough natural skin which is
• Weiland the Warrior is fighting a small group of
represented by a damage resistance (DR) score which
Wretches armed with his longsword. He attacks but rolls
is deducted from any damage
a natural 1, a critical failure
• Armour and shields marked with the heavy feature
• Weiland longsword is damaged and damage rolls (d8)
causes agility, magic and athletic skills to be made at
will be made at disadvantage
disadvantage due to their bulk and weight
• During the next turn of combat he strikes a Wretch and
• Shields may be sacrificed to negate all damage on a
rolls d8 damage at disadvantage. He rolls a 4 and a 3
single attack.
and takes the lower of the results
Equipment • In the next turn of combat Weiland attacks with his
damaged longsword and rolls another natural 1. His
• Equipment may be needed to perform a skill check damaged longsword is now broken and unusable. Time
(i.e. lock picks, open locks) to use another weapon.
• Equipment can be used to give an advantage to a skill
check (i.e. rope, climb).


4.2 Equipment Lists

Melee Weapons Ranged Weapons
Battle Axe, d8, bleed, grip 100 Arbalest, d12, slow, range long 500
Club, d4, stun 20 Crossbow, d10, slow, range long 200
Cold Iron Dagger, d4, x2 vs. fey/undead 200 Darts, d4, range medium, conceal 20
Cudgel, spiked, d6, stun 50 Dagger, d4, range medium, conceal 25
Dagger, d4, fast, conceal 25 Hand Axe, d6, range medium 50
Garrotte, d4, conceal, auto 10 Hand Crossbow, d4, range medium 300
Great Axe, d10, 2h, cleave 300 Javelin, d6, range long 50
Great Club, d8, 2h, stun 100 Longbow, d8, range far 300
Great Sword, d10, 2h, cleave 300 Shortbow, d6, range long 75
Halberd, d8, reach 150 Silver Dagger, d4, range medium, conceal 200
Hand Axe, d6, bleed 50 Sling, d4, range medium 10
Improvised, d4 (1h), d6 (2h) N/A Spear, d6, range long 50
Lance, d8, mounted 100 Trident, d8, range medium 100
Lasso, d2, trap 25 Arrows (bows), 20 uses 10
Long Sword, d8, bleed, grip 100 Bolts (arbalest, crossbows), 20 uses 15
Mace, d6, stun 50
Morning Star, d6, stun 50 Armour
Net, no damage, 2h, trap 25 Padded Armour or Robes,+1 defence 50
Pick Axe, d6, bleed 50 Leather Armour, +2 defence 100
Quarterstaff, d4, 2h, stun 25 Studded Leather, +2 defence, durable 200
Rapier, d6, fast 50 Hide Armour, +2 defence 100
Scimitar, d8, bleed 50 Chain Shirt/Breastplate, +3 defence 300
Short Sword, d6, bleed 50 Scale Mail, heavy, durable, +3 defence 400
Silver Dagger, d4, fast, conceal 200 Chainmail, heavy, +4 defence 750
Spear, d6, reach, set 50 Splint Mail, heavy, durable, +4 defence 1000
Short Staff, d4, stun 25 Plate Mail, heavy, durable, +5 defence 3000
Trident, d8, reach 100 Buckler, +1 defence 50
Warhammer, d6, stun 50 Wooden Shield, +2 defence 100
Whip, d2, trap 30 Metal Shield, +2 defence, durable 200
Tower Shield, +2 defence, cover, durable, heavy 300

Weapons & Armour Features • Grip, use 2 handed, increase damage die by 1
• 2H, requires use of both hands. • Heavy, dis. agility, athletics and arcane checks
• Auto, auto damage until opponent breaks free • Mounted, double damage when mounted.
• Bash, if attack misses by 1, does half damage. • Range; short 30ft; med 60ft; long 120ft; far 240ft
• Bleed, advantage on damage on a natural 19. • Reach, can attack from second rank.
• Cleave, hit two opponents next to each other • Set, first strike when first engaged.
• Conceal, weapon can be hidden • Slow, takes an action to reload
• Cover, advantage against ranged attacks • Sneak, auto damage until opponent breaks free.
• Durable, not damaged on first equipment wear • Stun, act at disadvantage next turn.
• Fast, advantage on initiative check. • Trap, opposed check to break free.


Tools & Gear Tools & Gear

Alchemy Kit, 10 uses 100 Metal file 20
Air Bladder 20 Mirror 50
Ball of Twine, 200ft 2 Musical Instrument 50
Bandages, heals d4, 1 use 5 Nails 10
Bedroll 20 Oilskin Bag, waterproof 20
Bell, Small 20 Perfume, common 20
Bellows 20 Pick, small, d4 damage 10
Blanket 10 Quill & Ink 20
Block & Tackle 10 Repair Kit, 1 use 10
Book, Blank 200 Rope, 50ft 5
Bottle, Jar, Vial, empty 10 Rope, silk 50ft 5
Bucket 10 Sack 2
Caltrops 10 Saw 20
Cards 10 Sealing Wax 10
Chain, 10ft 10 Shovel 20
Chalk 2 Soap 1
Chisel 5 Spike, wooden, 5 uses 1
Climbing Boots, adv. climb checks 50 Spike, iron, 5 uses 10
Climbing Spikes, adv. climb checks 50 Sponge 2
Cooking Pots 20 Tar Pot 10
Crowbar 20 Tent, small 1-2 person 50
Dice 5 Tent, large 3-4 person, bulky 100
Drill 20 Thieves Tools 100
Face Paint/Makeup, 1 use 5 Trap, small animals 5
Fishing Equipment 10 Trap, bear, bulky 20
Glue 10 Whistle 5
Grappling Hook 20 Wolfsbane, 1 use 10
Grease 5 Wooden Pole, 10ft 10
Hammer, small d4 10 Marbles, small bag 10
Holy Water, heal 1 health, d6 vs. undead 50
Holy Symbol (Decorative) 20 Light Sources
Holy Symbol (Blessed) 100 Candles, 5 uses, 5ft area, 4 hrs 5
Horn 20 Large Candle, 10ft area, 10hrs 5
Hourglass 100 Hand Lantern, 10ft area, 4hrs 30
Incense 5 Lantern, 30ft area, 4 hrs 20
Insect Repellant, 1 use 5 Hooded Lantern, 30ft area, 4hrs 50
Ladder, wooden 10ft 20 Oils, x2 uses 10
Lock & Key, normal/strong 20/100 Tinder Box 10
Manacles 20 Torches, x2 uses, 30ft area, 1hr 2


Blackmarket Items Animals

Acid, d10, 1 use, burns through metal 50 Chicken 10
Arrow, armour piercing, d8, 5 uses 100 Cattle, Cow 200
Arrow, fire ignites, d8, 5 uses 200 Dog, Hunting 100
Arrow, smoke cover, 5 uses 200 Goat 30
Dreamsleep, sleep regain 1 health per d6 Hawk, Hunting 250
turns Ox, Oxen 300
Drugs, recreational, improve morale 25
Pig, Hog 50
Drugs, performance advantage 100
Sheep 40
Elementium Dust, for scroll creation 200
Elemental Stone, magic power, 20 uses 5,000 Clothing
Faerie Dust, illuminates area 50
Cloak 20
Gas Bomb, choking gas, fortitude save 100
Thick Cloak, cold resistance 50
Hercanium Dust, adv. damage encounter 100
Outfit, poor 10
Incense, sleep, will save 100
Outfit, standard 50
Magnet 100
Outfit, good 100
Magnifying Glass 250
Outfit, winter, cold resistance 100
Paralysing compound, fortitude save 100
Outfit, rich 500
Plague Doctors mask, breathe for 5 min 200
Rain Cape, waterproof 150
Poison, weak, impaired, fortitude save 100
Poison, strong, death, fortitude save 500 Dwarven Heritage Items
Potion, healing d6 150
Dwarven Hercanium Dagger, d4 adv. 500
Potion, vitality d6 150
Dwarven Fire, d10 damage, d4 turns 200
Magic Lodestone, attracted to magic 500
Dwarven Flares x5, 60ft light, 10 mins 100
Potion, cure disease 100
Dwarven Bomb, d20 blast, short range 150
Potion, cure poison 100
Dwarven Incendiary Bolt x5, d10 fire 150
Potion, sleep, fortitude save 100
Dwarven Shrapnel Bolt x5, d8, close 150
Pyrotechnic 50
Dwarven Mountain Stout, adv. 10 mins 20
Scroll parchment 50
Scroll tube 10
Smoke Bomb, smoke cover, large area 50
Spyglass 500


Transportation Property & Enterprises

Dog, Riding, 4 hexes 250 Home 1,000
Donkey, 4 hexes 100 Farm, Fishing 2,000
Horse, Draft, 4 hexes 200 Fishing 2,000
Horse, Riding, 8 hexes 300 Shop 2,500
Horse, War, 6 hexes 1,000 Trade 2,500
Mule, 4 hexes 100 Wood Resources 5,000
Pony, 6 hexes 300 Workshop, Craft 5,000
Carriage, 4 hexes 1,000 Stables 5,000
Cart*, 4 hexes 150 School, Study 5,000
Chariot, 6 hexes 500 Tavern 5,000
Wagon*, 4 hexes 350 Temple 5,000
Barge, 4 hexes 750 Trading Post 5,000
Raft, 2 hexes 200 Refuge 5,000
Rowboat, 4 hexes 1,000 Warehouse 5,000
Sloop, Riverboat, small, 12 hexes 10,000 Mine, Smelting 10,000
Ship, Coastal, medium, 12 hexes 20,000 Guild Hall 10,000
Galleon, Sea, large, 12 hexes 50,000 Estate 20,000
* Requires animal to haul Tower 20,000
Movement distance per day (1 hex = 6 miles) Dungeon 50,000
Costs include equipment (saddles, oars etc) Keep 50,000
Above costs are for Small sized properties & enterprises
Hirelings Medium (x2 cost); large (x4 cost) or huge size (x8 cost)
Labourer 5 Renovation costs are; 75% (ruins); 50% (structural
Torchbearer 5 damage)
and 25% (cosmetic damage).
Porter 5
Guide 5 Food & Lodging
Craftsman 10 Animal Feed, 2 days 2
Sell-Sword 10 Bed, per night 2
Specialist 20+ Drink 1
Wages per day, excludes sustenance costs. Meal 2
Multiply cost per day by NPC’s level for ’hero’ hirelings. Room, per night 5
Stabling, per night 2
Travel Rations, 2 days 5
Waterskin or Flask 5

Chapter 5: Crafting
5.1 Crafting Page 45
5.2 Alchemy Page 46

The practice of alchemy


5.1 Crafting
Crafting Equipment Crafting
• Crafting is the ability to create or customise weapons, • Access to a forge will be required to craft something
armour or equipment using crafting components 1. Choose Item: Select the item (weapon, armour or
• Crafting components have some special effect which equipment) to be modified and the components which
grants the item an additional benefit. will be applied to the item
2. Crafting Check: Make a crafting check against a target
of 10 to apply one component
Crafting Components • For each additional component used, increase the
• Components are generally found or scavenged during target by +5. Different components can be used to
adventures and are rarely traded create multiple effects
• They may be naturally occurring elements (such as • Success: On a success the item is created as expected.
rocks or metal ores); harvested from creatures (bone Apply the first component effect. Effects can be
or chitin) or may be elements which have fallen from stacked to create more powerful items
the skies (stones) • Flaw: On a failure the item is created as a success but
• A list of components and suggested effects are detailed is also flawed and suffers equipment wears on a
in the Crafting Component Table natural 1 or 2 when used
• The referee will have the final say over the allowable • Masterwork: On a critical success, apply an additional
component and item combination to ensure the bonus effect
crafting makes sense along with the specific • Mishap: On a critical failure a major mishap occurs
mechanical advantage of the suggested effect (i.e. and the item and all components are destroyed.
applying hercanium steel “upgrade use” to a weapon
may increase its attack or damage die but applied to
armour may increase its defence score). Item Wear
• When a crafted item is used and a critical failure
(natural 1) occurs then remove one of the items
Crafting Components Table
d20 Name/Description Effect 1 Effect 2 Effect 3
01 Hercanium steel, invincible steel Upgrade use Upgrade use Advantage use
02 Null Stone, smooth plain anti-magic stone Magic resistance Magic resistance Bane vs. Magic
03 Bright steel, lightweight and strong Lightweight, Fast Upgrade use Upgrade use
04 Elemental stone, magic stone of a fallen star Magic power Magic power Magic power
05 Moonstone, shimmering meteor stone Emits light Lightweight, Fast Upgrade use
06 Cold Iron, iron forged at lower temperatures Bane vs. Fey Bane vs Demons Bane vs Magic
07 Demon Steel, found in molten lava deposits Fire damage Fire resistance Upgrade use
08 Orichalcum, green hued coppery metal Resistant to magic Magic effect Upgrade use
09 Eldritch Steel, dark mottled swirling steel Magic effect Magic effect Upgrade use
10 Obsidian, dark volcanic glass, brittle Flawed Upgrade use Upgrade use
11 Solar steel, sun metal, light, glowing Lightweight, Fast Upgrade use Bane vs. Undead
12 Skeletal Bones, of an immortal creature Upgrade use Upgrade use Upgrade use
13 Chitin, exoskeleton/bones of some creature Upgrade defence Cumbersome Upgrade defence
14 Deep Rock, tough, malleable stone, heavy Cumbersome Advantage damage Upgrade use
15 Ragmar Ore, flammable rock and powder Explosive damage Upgrade use Upgrade range
16 Xyon Crystal, luminescent crystal Magic effect Magic power Upgrade use
17 Wytchleaf, tough, flexible, plant material Weightless Stealth Resistance
18 Feywood, durable and flexible wood Upgrade use Upgrade range Upgrade use
19 Dark Metal, dull metal from Shadowlands Non-reflective Bane vs. Living Ice damage
20 Heartstone, small red pulsing crystal stones Health effect Magic power Magic effect


5.2 Alchemy
Alchemy Alchemy Components
• Alchemy is the ability to create potions or other d20 Name/Description Element
alchemical concoctions using alchemy components
01 Snowleaf Air
• Potions are single use consumable items.
02 Nightshade Leaf, Devil Weed Death
03 Sour Berries Energy
Alchemy Components 04 Witchroot Essence
• Components contain an element which can be used to 05 Ash Root Fire
create a potion. They may be naturally occurring 06 Hazel Berries Form
elements found in the wilderness or harvested from
07 Everspring Waters Heart
• A list of components and elements are detailed in the 08 White Flower Leaf Life
Alchemy Components and Monster Components Table. 09 Ice Lichen Lightning
10 Mage Root Senses
11 Serpent Root Speed
Alchemy Creation
12 Lake Lillies Water, Essence
• Potions are created by mixing components which
13 Angel Spores Air, Energy
contain the required elements
• An alchemy kit is required and empty vial is required 14 Moonshadow fruit Death, Heart
to create a potion. Using a laboratory allows the check 15 Sun Blossom Senses, Form
to be made at advantage 16 Red Moss Fire, Energy
1. Choose Components: Select the components to be 17 Highland Dew Heart, Speed
used. A minimum of two components are required.
18 Winter Feverweeds Air, Lightning
2. Alchemy Check: Make an alchemy check against a
target of 10 to create a potion 19 Gloom Cap Form, Death
• For each additional component used, increase the 20 Holy Water Life, Water
target by +5. Multiple components may increase the
potions potency
• Success: On a success the potion is created as expected Monster Components
• Flaw: On a failure a weaker version of the potion is
d20 Name/Description Element
• Mastery: On a critical success, a more potent version 01 Whirlwind Dust, Harpy Feather Air
of the potion is created 02 Giant Scorpions Blood Death
• Mishap: On a critical failure a major mishap occurs 03 Bear Fur, Ogres Blood Energy
and all the components are destroyed 04 Giant Ants Gland, Fir Needler Essence
• Effect: The referee will have the final say over the
05 Phoenix Feather Fire
potions effect.
06 Gelatinous Mass, Sludge Beast Form
07 Clay Men remains Heart
Potion Creation Example 08 Griffon Feather,Golem remains Life
• Dedsinat the Mage (Alchemy d6) has two components; 09 Fiery Gunk remains Lightning
the rare White Flower leaf (life) and Holy Water (heart) 10 Dire Wolf Claw, Banshees Blood Senses
• He attempts to create a potion of healing and makes an
11 Feys Wings, Gt.Crocodile Scale Speed
alchemy check (d20 + d6 skill) against the target of 10
with a result of 7 12 Water Weird remains Water
• He fails. The referee determines a weaker healing potion 13 Tempests Feather Lightning, Air
is created which only heals d4 health. 14 Trolls Blood Heart, Energy
15 Basilisk Claws Lightning, Death
16 Fire Demons scales Fire, Senses
17 Ascendants Blood Life, Energy
18 Manticores Feathers Air, Energy
19 Wood Weird remains Form, Essence
20 Hydras Blood Speed, Death


Potions Table 1
d20 Name Elements Effect
01 Acid Fire + Lightning Burns through materials (equipment wear) and health (d6) each turn
02 Adhesive Lightning + Water Powerful glue, sticks objects together. Target 10 to break
03 Monster Bane Essence + Monster part Forces morale check on monster
04 Monster Scent Essence + Monster part Attracts monster to location if within far range
05 Courage Senses + Fire Advantage first action and to all will & morale checks for encounter
06 Cure Disease Life + Heart Cures disease
07 Cure Poison Life + Heart Cures poison
08 Dark Vision Senses + Air Gives 60ft of darkvision for encounter/exploration turn
09 Disease Death + Heart Fortitude 10 save or impaired and cannot recover health until cured
10 Drunkenness Senses + Fire Fortitude 10 save or impaired for rest of day, recovers over-night
11 Grease Speed + Water Makes small area slippery. Agility 10 checks to avoid falling/lose grip
12 Healing Life + Heart Recover d6 health loss through injury
13 Poison Death + Heart Fortitude 10 save or impaired, lose d4 health overnight each day
14 Sleeping Senses + Energy Target makes a will 10 save or sleeps for d6 hours
15 Smoke Air + Water Creates a billowing cloud of smoke
16 Solvent Water + Fire Dissolves adhesive and weakens hard materials
17 Speed Speed + Air Gain a free action each combat turn for an encounter
18 Strength Fire + Energy Advantage to strength and combat checks for encounter
19 Vitality Life + Senses Recovery d6 health loss through stress
20 Water Breathing Water + Form Can breathe underwater for exploration or encounter turn

Potions Table 2
d20 Name Elements Effect
01 Ageing Death x2 + Energy Age d10 human years or equivalent permanently
02 Charm Essence + Senses Will 10 save or be attracted to next person they see
03 Clairvoyance Senses + Essence Sense events in a general direction far (240ft) distance away
04 Climbing Speed + Air Advantage on climb checks for encounter/exploration turn
05 Fire Breath Fire + Form Ranged fire breath attack at short range in an arc causing d12 dam
06 Flight Air + Form Can levitate, fly or water walk for for encounter/exploration turn
07 Freezing Air + Lightning Fortitude 10 or victim/object frozen for d6 hours, keeps vitals stable
08 Fury Fire + Heart Gain temporary d10 health and adv. on melee combat for encounter
09 Ghost Form Air + Form Move through objects for encounter or until they interact w/person
10 Growth Energy + Heart Target grows to giant size. Advantage on strength based actions
11 Invincibility Energy + Heart Game temporary damage resistance of +3 for encounter
12 Invisibility Air+ Form Target is invisible for encounter or until they interact with person
13 Paralysis Energy + Death Fortitude 15 or paralysed for encounter
14 Petrification Lightning + Form Turns stone to flesh or flesh to stone permanently
15 Polymorph Form + Monster part Turn into medium sized or smaller creature for the encounter
16 Prophecy Senses + Essence Gains visions of the future. Referee will provide clues on a subject
17 Resistance Heart + Effect (i.e. fire) Resistance to effect (i.e. fire) giving advantage on saves for encounter
18 Sharpness Speed + Lightning Apply to weapon, advantage on damage for encounter
19 Shrink Energy + Heart Target shrinks to tiny size. Advantage on agility based actions
20 Youth Life x2 + Energy De-age d10 human years or equivalent permanently

Chapter 6: Magic
6.1 Magic Page 49
6.2 Spells Page 49
6.3 Scrolls Page 50
6.4 Grimoires Page 50
6.5 Spell Lists Page 51

Magic is a dangerous nebulous force


6.1 Magic 6.2 Spells

Overview Learning Spells
• Magic is a dangerous nebulous force that exists • Spell casting is the ability to harness magic from
everywhere and is aspected to different domains from different domains to create an effect
where magic is drawn • When a new magic domain is acquired (i.e. a class
• These domains are aspected to; arcane; air; chaos; ability) you have access to all spells from that domain
darkness; earth; fire; form; light; matter; nature; • You may choose two spells in which you are proficient
shadow; time and water from that domain, other spells are cast at disadvantage
• Few people in the Fallen Lands have the ability to use • Two new spell proficiencies are gained each level in
magic, these people are treated with fear and addition to any two proficiencies from a new domain.
Casting Spells
1. Choose Spell: Select the spell to be cast. You may only
Types of Magic cast spells from a magic domain you have studied and
• Spells are powers harnessed from the different must have one hand free to perform the intricate spell
domains to create an effect gestures
• Scrolls are single use spells inscribed on a scroll which 2. 2. Stress: Spell casters stress their bodies when a spell
is consumed after use is cast this results in a temporary loss of 1 health
• Totems are created from an animal parts and used to which can only be recovered through rest (i.e. not
harness the primal power of animals, they are healing)
consumed after use 3. 3. Magic Check: A Magic skill check is required to
• Runes are ancient symbols of power inscribed upon cast a spell. This may be against a target number or
an object or person to create an effect opposed (see spell description)
• Elemental Stones are a source of magic power in 4. 4. Apply Effect: Apply the spell effects as per the spell
crystal form description if successfully cast
• Artifacts are enchanted items from a previous era and 5. 5. Critical Success/Failure: A critical success charges
include weapons, armour, objects and equipment. the spell and a critical failure results in a roll on the
Wild Magic Table (Page 9)
• Heavy Armour: Wearing heavy armour causes the
Using Magic spell to be cast at disadvantage.
• Only those trained in magic arts (i.e. those classes
with magic class abilities) can cast spells
• However, anyone else can attempt to use scrolls, Charging Spells
totems, runes and artifacts • Spells effects can be enhanced by expending 2
• Medicines and potions are created through alchemy is (Charged) or 3 (Powered) health points and increases
considered a form of science (see Crafting & Alchemy) the spell effect as per the Spell Effects Table.
• The referee should encourage creative and inventive
use of the spells in a situation and not feel completely
constrained by the mechanics of the spell description Miracles
• The referee is welcome to create new or amend • Miracles are greater magic powers, only accessible by
existing domains of magic or individual spells. masters of spell domains
• When you are proficient in every spell in a chosen
Spell Effects Table spell domain you automatically gain access to the
Stress Normal (1) Charged (2) Powered (3) miracle
• Using a miracle requires a significant summoning of
Range Med Long Far
power and costs a permanent reduction of 2 health.
Affects 1 2 4
Impact d6 d12 d20 1 Spell Name 2 Spell Effects
Area 20x20ft 40x40ft 80x80ft
Read Magic (Range Medium | Affects 1 item)
Time 10 min/ 1 hour 1 day
Encounter Identifies a spell written in a grimoire or spell scroll.
Size Med Large Huge Arcane magic 10 check to succeed.

Up to 3 Up to 6 Up to 10
3 Spell Description 4 Spell Check


6.3 Scrolls 6.4 Grimoires

Scrolls Grimoires
• Scrolls are single use spells which can be read by • Grimoires are spell-books from the age of the
anyone using the magic skill ancients, they are a source of power themselves and
• A read magic spell is required to identify unknown have a limited number of uses (2d20)
scrolls unless someone wishes to read the scroll and • A read magic spell is required to identify unknown
cast the spell blindly. spells within the grimoire beforehand unless someone
wishes to cast the spell blindly
Using Scrolls • Spells cast from grimoires can be charged or powered
• Reading a scroll does not stress the caster but the if the caster wishes to stress themselves
scroll is consumed after use • The creation of a grimoire is beyond the knowledge
• Make a magic skill check as per the spell casting rules. and understanding of current users of magic.
• Scrolls may be charged by stressing the casters health
any additional points. Using Grimoires
• A grimoire is a source of power itself which is depleted
Creating Scrolls through use
• Scrolls can only be inscribed with spells the creator is • Casting spells from a grimoire does not stress the
proficient in caster unless charged or powered
• This takes 1 day and requires 1x elementium dust and • Make a magic skill check as per the spell casting rules
1x parchment • When a grimoire is exhausted, no further spells may
• A magic check versus target 10 is required to succeed be cast from it.
and requires 1 health stress
• A failure results in a cursed scroll. The scroll works but
also requires a roll on the wild magic table
• A critical success charges the spell and a critical failure
results in no scroll and all components destroyed.

Spell Casting example Referee: The Beastman rolls a (d20 + d6 monster skill) for
Dedsinat the Adept Mage (Level 3, Health 11) is exploring a 12 and the Minotaur rolls (d20 + d8 monster skill) for a
an ancient tomb when he is confronted by a primitive 14. Wisps of shadow leap from from your hands and snake
Beastman (Level 3, Health 12) and a fearsome Minotaur and twist their way towards the creatures grabbing and
(Level 4, Health 30). Dedsinat wins initiative and can act holding them. They are both held but can try and break
first in this encounter. free by beating your 17 score on their turn.
Dedsinat: I’m going to cast the Deathgrip spell from my Dedsinat: Great, it might buy me some time to escape.
Dark Magic domain which I am proficient in. Referee: The Beastman attempts to break free and rolls a
Referee: Both monsters are within medium range of the (d20 + d6 monster skill) for a 19! A success, the Beastman
spell. Which one are you casting the spell against? breaks free and closes the distance towards you from
medium to short range as its action. He will be able to
Dedsinat: I can cast a standard spell against the Beastman engage you next turn if you stay where you are.
(Level 3) only but if I charge the spell (cost of 2 health) I
can cast this against both monsters. I’m going the charge The Minotaur tries to break free and rolls a (d20 + d8
the spell (deducts 2 health) and summon the shadowy monster check) for a 13. He fails and is still held by the
wisps of dark magic to grip and hold these foul beasts. power of your magic. The creature snorts and stamps its
feet as it angrily stares towards you. That’s the end of the
Referee: Ok, roll your arcane magic check and I will roll turn, what would you like to do now.
an opposed monster skill check for each one individually
as there are two different monsters. Dedsinat: I’m going to use my action to retreat away from
the Beastman.
Dedsinat: (Rolls a d20 + d8 arcane magic) I get a 13 + 4 =
17 in total.


6.5 Spell Lists

Arcane Magic Spells
The gateway to all magic domains. An arcane magic check vs. target 10 is required to succeed.
Read Magic (Range Medium | Affects 1 item)
Identifies a spell written in a grimoire or spell scroll
Detect Magic (Range Medium | Affects 1 item)
Identifies the source (location), nature (domain) or power (potency) of magic
Activate Magic (Range Medium | Affects 1 item)
Activates a magical item or effect. Opposed check may be required to succeed
Dispel Magic (Range Medium | Affects 1 item)
Dispels a magical item or effect. Opposed check may be required to succeed

Rune Magic Totem Magic

Ancient symbols of power. Rune magic must be inscribed Primitive animal magic power that harnesses the life-force
upon an object or person to cast the spell, this can be done on an animal. Creating a totem requires a part harvested
with a temporary (chalk, warpaint) marker and an arcane from the animal in question and an arcane magic vs. target
magic vs. target 10 to succeed and 1 health. If this is 10 to succeed and 1 health stress.
permanently inscribed the effect lasts for the session.
Air (Range Close | Affects 1 | Time Encounter) Bear (Range Close | Affects 1 | Time Encounter)
Advantage to athletic, moving and reduces impact on falls Strength, advantage on strength and damage checks
Chaos (Range Close | Affects 1 | Time Encounter) Boar (Range Close | Affects 1 | Time Encounter)
Disguised as another rune. Roll on wild magic table if used Courage, advantage on morale checks
Courage (Range Close | Affects 1 | Time Encounter) Crocodile (Range Close | Affects 1 | Time Encounter)
Target has advantage on will or morale checks Guile, advantage on guile or lore checks
Endurance (Range Close | Affects 1 | Time Encounter) Deer (Range Close | Affects 1 | Time Encounter)
Target has advantage on fortitude checks Travel, increases wilderness movement speed for the day
Fire (Range Close | Affects 1 | Time Encounter) Eagle (Range Close | Affects 1 | Time Encounter)
Object ignites when it strikes something causing d6 damage Focus, advantage on next three checks when first used
Fortune (Range Close | Affects 1 | Time Encounter) Fox (Range Close | Affects 1 | Time Encounter)
Re-roll any check when object used Evasion, advantage on agility checks
Ice (Range Close | Affects 1 | Time Encounter) Hawk (Range Close | Affects 1 | Time Encounter)
Object freezes. Fortitude 10 check or miss a turn Senses, advantage on senses checks, ignores surprise
Light (Range Close | Affects 1 | Time Encounter) Horse (Range Close | Affects 1 | Time Encounter)
Creates 30ft of light Endurance, advantage on fortitude checks
Might (Range Close | Affects 1 | Time Encounter) Hound (Range Close | Affects 1 | Time Encounter)
Upgrade melee attack by one skill die for the encounter Tracking, advantage on wilderness survival checks
Protection (Range Close | Affects 1 | Time Encounter) Monkey (Range Close | Affects 1 | Time Encounter)
Re-roll any one check against a magically created affect Athletics, advantage on athletics checks
Shielding (Range Close | Affects 1 | Time Encounter) Owl (Range Close | Affects 1 | Time Encounter)
Target increases armour save by one skill die Vision, gives dark vision
Speech (Range Close | Affects 1 | Time Encounter) Panther (Range Close | Affects 1 | Time Encounter)
Advantage on guile, command or NPC reaction checks Speed, gain a free action each combat turn
Speed (Range Close | Affects 1 | Time Encounter) Snake (Range Close | Affects 1 | Time Encounter)
Target gains additional action per turn Health, advantage on any poison, disease or heal checks
Thought (Range Close | Affects 1 | Time Encounter) Tiger (Range Close | Affects 1 | Time Encounter)
Target gains advantage on lore or language checks Combat, advantage on melee combat checks
Water (Range Close | Affects 1 | Time Encounter) Wolf (Range Close | Affects 1 | Time Encounter)
Swim twice movement speed and breathe underwater Instincts, re-roll any one check


Air Magic Spells Elemental domain of air, wind and weather

Arrow (Range Medium | Impact d6)
A gust of wind empowers a ranged attack. Make an Magic vs. agility check, a success grants an extra d6 damage
Fly (Range Medium | Affects 1 | Size Medium | Time Encounter)
Target can fly for the duration of the encounter. Make an Magic check vs target 10 to succeed
Fog (Range Medium | Area 20x20ft | Time Encounter)
An un-natural fog obscures peoples vision, all actions at disadvantage. Magic check vs target 10 to succeed
Freeze (Range Medium | Affects 1 | Level 3 | Time Encounter)
Freezes a person (vs. fortitude) or inanimate object (target 10). Target can try to break free each round
Ice Slip (Range Medium |Area 20x20ft |Time Encounter)
Creates a layer of ice. Magic vs Agility check to avoid falling over and missing a turn
Lightning (Range Medium | Impact d6 | Affects 1)
Summons a bolt of lightning. Magic check vs agility to dodge or suffer d6 damage. Treat as magic attack
Shield of Wind (Range Medium | Affects 1 | Time Encounter)
Creates a wind vortex around target, disadvantage on all ranged attacks against. Magic check 10 to succeed
Storm (Range Medium | Area 20x20ft | Time Encounter)
Creates a thunderous storm. Magic vs fortitude check or suffer disadvantage on magic, mind, senses checks
Weather (Range Medium | Area 20x20ft | Time Encounter)
Creates a weather condition of the casters choosing. Magic check 10 to succeed
Wind Blast (Range Medium | Affects 1| Size Medium)
A blast of wind pushes a person (vs. fortitude) or inanimate object (target 10) back one range band
(Miracle) Tornado (Costs permanent deduction of 2 health)
Creates a violent rotating column of air capable of damaging a settlement, destroying buildings and structures

Chaos Magic Spells Dangerous wild magic linked to rifts between realities, mutations and warping.
Blackfire (Range Medium | Affects 1 | Impact d6)
A swirling black fire engulfs a victim. Make an Magic vs. Agility check to injure the opponent, treat as magic attack
Blood (Range Medium | Affects 1 | Size Medium | Level 3 | | Impact d6 | Time Encounter)
Target infused with bubbling chaotic blood, when injured adjacent people suffer d6 damage. Magic vs Fortitude to cast
Corruption (Range Medium | Area 20x20ft | Time Encounter)
Creates a cloud of pestilence. Magic vs. Fortitude or be diseased and impaired
Drain (Range Medium | Affects 1 | Level 3 | Impact d6)
Touch a victim to drain d6 health of their health and add to the casters. Magic vs fortitude to succeed
Lure (Range Medium |Affects 1 | Size Medium |Time Encounter)
Bewitches a target to do their bidding (danger excluded). Magic vs. will to succeed, target can resist each turn
Mask (Range Medium | Affects 1 | Time Encounter)
Target changes form by way of an illusion into something they have seen. Magic vs. will to succeed
Portal (Range Medium | Affects 1 )
Target slips between dimensions and appears 2 range bands away. Magic vs target 10 (self) or agility (resisted)
Summon (Range Medium | Affects 1 | Level 3| Time Encounter)
Summons 1 randomly determined level 2-3 creature of chaos which attacks nearest person. Magic vs target 10 succeed
Transference (Range Medium | Affects 1 )
Caster transfers a magic power/ability between two inanimate objects. Magic vs target 10 to succeed
Vortex (Range Medium | Affects 1| Size Medium | Levels 3 | Impact d6 )
Caster drags victim 1 range band towards selected point causing d6 damage. Magic vs strength to succeed
(Miracle) Convoke (Costs permanent deduction of 2 health)
Summons Level 10 creature of chaos to fulfil a stated purpose upon which it is released onto the mortal plane until destroyed


Dark Magic Spells The Shadowlands and the realm of the dead.
Animate (Range Medium | Affects 1 | Size Medium | Time Encounter)
Animates a corpse or skeleton which acts under casters command. Magic 10 check to succeed
Absorb (Affects 1 | Size Medium | Level 3)
Drain an ability of an opponent through touch on a successful Magic vs. will check
Darkness (Range Medium | Area 20x20 | Time Encounter )
Creates a cloud of unnatural darkness (actions disadvantage) on a successful Magic 10 check
Darkvision (Range Medium | Affects 1 | Time Encounter)
Grants ability to see in the dark up to 60ft on a successful Magic 10 check
Deathgrip (Range Medium |Affects 1 | Size Medium |Level 3 | Time Encounter)
Wisps of shadow grip an opponent and holds them. Magic vs strength check to succeed. Target can resist each turn
Death Knell (Range Medium | Area 20x20 | Size Medium | Level 3)
Creates a thunderous sonic discharge. Magic vs. fortitude or causes disadvantage to magic, mind, senses checks
Fear (Range Medium | Affects 1 | Size Medium | Level 3 | Time Encounter)
Creates a supernatural fear causing them to act at disadvantage against the caster. Magic vs. will to succeed. Can resist
Life Drain (Affects 1 | Size Medium | Level 3)
Touch a victim to age them 5 years (or equivalent) and add years to the casters. Magic vs fortitude to succeed
Speak with Dead (Range Medium | Affects 1 | Time Encounter)
Caster may ask one question (affects = no. of questions) of a skeleton or corpse. Magic 10 check to succeed
Withering Blow (Affects 1| Size Medium | Level 3 | Impact d6 )
Make a magic attack against an opponent to cause damage and impaired through disease. Magic vs agility to succeed
(Miracle) Nightfall (Costs permanent deduction of 2 health)
Shrouds an area the size of a settlement into a permanent state of darkness which cannot be dispelled

Earth Magic Spells Elemental power of the land, and linked to the Fey Wild realm.
Gravity (Range Medium | Affects 1 | Size Medium | Level 3 )
Cast a force of gravity on a target so actions and move disadvantaged. Magic vs Strength check. Target can resist each turn
Grow (Range Medium | Affects 1 | Size Medium | Level 3 | Time Encounter)
Enlarges a person, animal, plant or object one size up. Magic check of 10 or vs. Magic if opposed
Pollen (Range Medium |Area 20x20ft | Time Encounter)
Creates a cloud of pollen. Magic vs fortitude check or suffer disadvantage on magic, mind, senses checks by sneezing
Shrink (Range Medium | Affects 1 | Size Medium | Level 3 | Time Encounter)
Shrinks a person, animal, plant or object one size down. Magic check of 10 or vs. magic if opposed
Speak with Plants (Range Medium | Affects 1 | Time Encounter)
Caster may ask one question (affects = no. of questions) of a plant. Magic 10 check to succeed
Tangle (Range Medium | Area 20x20ft | Size Medium | Level 3)
Vines grasp opponents. Magic vs Strength/Agility check to free themselves or held. Vines have 5 health
Tremor (Range Medium | Area 20x20ft | Size Medium | Level 3 | Impact d6)
Creates a powerful tremor throwing targets into the air. Magic vs Agility check to succeed
Tunnel (Range Medium | Area 20x20ft )
A tunnel or hole is created where there was earth on an Magic 10 check. Tunnel can be any variation of 20x20ft size
Wall (Range Medium | Area 20x20ft )
An earth wall is created on a Magic 10 check. Wall can be any variation of 20x20ft size. Wall has 20 health
Wood Skin (Range Medium | Affects 1 | Time Encounter)
Increases armour save by one skill die (1 affect). Magic 10 check to succeed
(Miracle) Earthquake (Costs permanent deduction of 2 health)
Creates an intense seismic disturbance which affects an entire settlement, destroys buildings and creates cracks and fissures


Fire Magic Spells The fiery planes of hell and elemental power of fire, rage and destruction
Bolt of Fire (Range Medium | Affects 1 | Damage d6)
Creates a ball of flame to injure a target. Make a Magic vs. Agility check to succeed, treat as magic attack
Bind Demon (Range Medium | Affects 1 | Size Medium | Levels 3 | Time Encounter)
Force your will upon a demon, it will follow your simple commands that do not put it in peril. Magic 10 check to succeed
Blast (Range Medium | Area 20x20ft| Size Medium | Levels 3 | Impact d6)
Summons a destructive blast of fire that shakes and injures anyone in its area. Magic vs. agility to succeed
Flame Blade (Range Medium |Affects 1 | Time Encounter)
Creates a magical fire on a melee or ranged weapon which adds d4 fire damage to the weapon. Magic 10 check to succeed
Heat (Range Medium |Affects 1 | Time Encounter )
Heats an inanimate object making it hard to touch, combustible items start to burn (d4 fire). Magic 10 check to succeed
Hell Fire (Range Medium | Area 20x20ft | Impact d6)
Summons a storm of flaming rocks injury those within. Magic vs. agility to succeed
Protection from Fire (Range Medium | Affects 1 | Time Encounter)
Grants protection from fire. All fire based attacks against the target are at disadvantage. Magic check 10 to succeed
Ring of Fire (Range Medium | Area 20x20ft | Impact d6)
Creates a ring of fire around the caster. Anyone entering the ring takes d6 damage. Magic check 10 to succeed
Summon Elemental (Range Medium | Affects 1 | Size Medium | Time Encounter)
Summons a fire spirit that acts at the casters will on an Magic 10 check (Fire Spirit; Health 5; Damage d4)
Swarm of Fire (Range Medium | Area 20x20ft | Impact d6 | Time Encounter)
A swarm of fire flies (HLT 10) causes d6 damage to anyone in the moveable area. Magic vs agility check to succeed
(Miracle) Enthral Demon (Costs permanent deduction of 2 health)
Summons Level 10 creature of chaos to fulfil a stated purpose upon which it is released onto the mortal plane until destroyed

Form Magic Spells The power of form, inner power and transcendence
Astral Form (Range Medium | Affects 1 | Time Encounter | Levels 2-3 | Size Medium)
Turns target into an astral form. Magic check 10 or vs. Magic to succeed. Target can resist each round
Dexterity (Range Medium | Affects 1 | Time Encounter)
Target gains advantage on agility and ranged combat checks for the encounter. Magic check 10 to succeed
Fortitude (Range Medium | Affects 1 | Time Encounter)
Target gains advantage on fortitude and armour save checks for the encounter. Magic check 10 to succeed
Intellect (Range Medium | Affects 1 | Time Encounter)
Target gains advantage on mind, magic or lore checks for the encounter. Magic check 10 to succeed
Regenerate (Range Medium | Affects 1 | Time Encounter)
Target possesses superhuman healing and regenerates 1 health per combat turn. Magic check 10 to succeed
Senses (Range Medium | Affects 1 | Time Encounter)
Target gains advantage to senses and search checks. Magic check 10 to succeed
Shape Change (Range Medium | Affects 1 | Time Encounter | Size Medium | Level 3)
Target shape-changes into a creature of the same or one size smaller. Magic 10 to succeed or arcane magic if opposed
Speed (Range Medium | Affects 1 | Time Encounter)
Target can take two actions per combat turn. Magic check 10 to succeed
Summon Elemental (Range Medium | Affects 1 | Size Medium | Time Encounter)
Summons a fire spirit that acts at the casters will on a Magic 10 check (Fire Spirit; Health 5; Damage d4)
Steel Skin (Range Medium | Affects 1 | Time Encounter)
Increases armour save by one skill die (1 affect). Magic 10 check to succeed
(Miracle) Alter Form (Costs permanent deduction of 2 health)
You may permanently alter your form to another creature of a similar size


Light Magic Spells The power of the sun, light and life and realm of the Celestials
Bane (Range Medium | Affects 1 | Time Encounter | Level 3 | Size Medium)
A supernatural fear causes target to act at disadvantage against the caster. Magic vs. Will check to succeed. Can resist each turn
Bless Weapon (Range Medium | Affects 1 | Time Encounter)
Blesses a weapon with a holy power to give it advantage in combat. Magic check 10 to succeed
Bolt of Light (Range Medium | Affects 1 | Impact d6)
Casts a bolt of holy light. Magic vs Agility check to succeed. Undead and Chaos creatures suffer double damage
Command (Range Medium | Affects 1 | Time Encounter | Level 3 | Size Medium)
Commands a target to do their bidding (danger excluded). Magic vs. will to succeed, target can resist each turn
Courage (Range Medium | Affects 1 | Time Encounter)
Inspires a companion giving them advantage to actions. Magic 10 check to succeed
Cure (Range Medium | Affects 1 | Time Encounter | Level 3 |Size Medium)
Cures the target of a poison or disease. Magic 10 check to succeed
Heal (Range Medium | Affects 1 | Impact d6)
Heals the target of wounds. Magic 10 check to succeed
Holy Strike (Affects 1 | Impact d6)
Make a melee based attack to cause an extra d6 damage (x2 to Undead, Chaos). Magic vs. Agility to succeed
Shield of Light (Range Medium | Affects 1 | Time Encounter)
Creates a shield of light causing all ranged attacks to be at disadvantage. Magic 10 check to succeed
Turn Undead (Range Medium | Affects 1 | Time Encounter | Size Medium | Levels 3)
Undead flee from caster. Magic vs will check to succeed
(Miracle) Resurrect (Costs permanent deduction of 2 health)
Bring a dead creature back to life

Matter Magic Spells The power of transmutation and force

Absorb (Range Medium | Affects 1 | Impact d6)
Absorbs the energy of the next physical attack and adds this as a bonus to next attack. Magic 10 check to succeed
Animate (Range Medium | Affects 1 | Size Medium | Time Encounter)
Animates an object which acts under the casters command. Magic 10 check to succeed
Cage (Range Medium | Affects 1 | Size Medium | Levels 3 | Time Encounter)
A wall of force (Health 10) imprisons a target. Magic vs Strength check to succeed
Crush (Range Medium | Affects 1 | Time Encounter | Level 3 | Size Medium)
Target crushed by a force of gravity. Magic vs Fortitude to resist or lose a turn
Force (Range Medium | Affects 1 | Time Encounter | Level 3 | Size Medium | Impact d6)
Magical force moves a medium sized object one range band. Magic vs Strength to resist
Hard Light (Range Medium | Affects 1 | Impact d6)
Creates a beam of a magical hard light at an opponent. Magic vs Agility to injure the opponent
Leap (Range Medium | Affects 1 range band | Size Medium)
Target can leap or jump a range band (30ft) in distance. Magic check 10 to succeed
Merge (Range Medium | Affects 1 object| Size Medium)
Cast moves one inanimate object and merges with another. Magic check 10 to succeed
Shatter (Range Medium | Affects 1 object | Impact d6)
Caster shatters an inanimate object to make it broken. Magic check 10 to succeed
Shield of Force (Range Medium | Affects 1 | Time Encounter)
Creates a shield of light causing all ranged attacks to be at disadvantage. Magic 10 check to succeed
(Miracle) Greater Telekinesis (Costs permanent deduction of 2 health)
Caster can lift and move an object the size of a settlement a short distance


Nature Magic Spells The power of living plants and beings, linked to the lands of the Fey Wild
Animal Form (Range Medium | Affects 1 | Time Encounter | Level 3 | Size Medium)
Target changes into an animal of the same or one size smaller. Magic 10 to succeed or vs Magic if opposed
Animate Plant (Range Medium | Affects 1 | Time Encounter)
Animates a plant which acts under the casters command. Magic 10 check to succeed
Forest Lights (Range Medium | Area 20x20ft | Size Medium | Level 3 | Time Encounter)
Summons small faerie lights which transfix the target. Magic vs Will check or be transfixed that turn
Force (Range Medium | Affects 1 | Time Encounter | Level 3 | Size Medium | Impact d6)
Magical force moves a medium sized object one range band. Magic vs Strength to resist
Healing Berries (Impact d6 berries)
Creates d6 berries which heal 1 health each, must be consumed within the hour. Magic 10 check to succeed
Insect Plague (Range Medium | Area 20x20ft | Size Medium | Level 3 | Time Encounter)
Plague of insects swarm an area. Magic vs Fortitude check or actions taken at disadvantage. Swarm (Health 10)
Sight (Affects 1 | Time Encounter)
Caster can temporarily see through the eyes of a nearby animal (within distant range). Magic 10 check to succeed
Speak with Animals (Range Medium | Affects 1 question | Time Encounter)
Caster speaks with a plant and can act 1 key question. Magic check 10 to succeed
Summon Animal (Range Medium | Affects 1 | Size Medium | Level 3 | Time Encounter)
Caster can sense and summon an animal to their location to follow simple commands. Magic 10 check to succeed
Transport (Range Medium Target | Affects 1 Person)
Target teleports up to distant range through magic connecting plants. Magic 10 or arcane magic (if opposed)
(Miracle) Monument (Costs permanent deduction of 2 health)
Creates or grows a plant or rock based object the size of a settlement to the casters desired form or shape

Shadow Magic Spells Shadow, trickery, illusion, mystery

Duplicate (Range Medium | Affects 1 | Time Encounter)
Create a mirror image which mimics you, melee actions at advantage. Magic 10 to succeed or arcane magic if opposed
Hypnosis (Range Medium | Affects 1 | Time Encounter | Size Medium | Level 3)
Hypnotic gaze which causes target to be transfixed. Magic vs Will to resist. May resist each turn
Illusion (Range Medium | Affects 1 illusion | Time Encounter | Size Medium)
Creates an illusion into something they have seen. Magic vs. Will to succeed
Invisibility (Range Medium | Affects 1 | Time Encounter)
Target becomes invisible. Spell ends when target engages someone. Magic 10 check to succeed
Psionic Blast (Range Medium | Affects 1 | Damage d6)
Powerful mental blast against target, no armour save allowed. Magic vs. Will check to succeed
Share (Range Medium | Affects 1 | Time Encounter)
Caster shares some skill or ability with another. Magic 10 check to succeed
Speak with Animals (Range Medium | Affects 1 question | Time Encounter)
Caster speaks with a plant and can ask 1 key question. Magic check 10 to succeed
Sleep (Range Medium | Affects 1 | Size Medium | Level 3 | Time Encounter)
Cast sleep on sentient beings for d20 combat turns. Magic 10 vs will to succeed
Suggestion (Range Medium | Affects 1 | Size Medium | Level 3 | Time Encounter)
Plants a suggestion to follow a simple no risk order. Magic vs will check to succeed
Telepathy (Affects 1 | Time Encounter)
Caster can communicate telepathically with another person, distant range band away. Magic 10 check to succeed
(Miracle) Permanent Illusion (Costs permanent deduction of 2 health)
Target can transform between two figures (real and illusory) at will


Time Magic Spells Power over history and time

Flashback (Range Medium | Affects 1)
Caster did something in the past to give an advantage in current situation. Magic 10 check to succeed
Forget (Range Medium | Affects 1 | Time Encounter | Size Medium | Level 3)
Target forgets the circumstances of their last encounter. Magic vs will check to resist
Forward Time (Range Medium | Affects 1 | Time Encounter)
Speeds up the passage of time, target gains an extra action each turn. Arcane magic 10 check to succeed
History (Range Medium | Affects 1 clue)
Caster gets a glimpse of a targets history in a vision. Arcane magic 10 to succeed
Object (Range Medium | Affects 1 item)
Ages/de-ages an inanimate object (i.e. rusts a weapon). Arcane magic vs. will check to succeed
Omen (Range Medium | Affects 1 clue | Time Encounter)
Target sees into the future naming a subject which they gain an advantage if encountered. Arcane magic 10 check to succeed
Reverse Time (Range Medium | Affects 1 turn | Time Encounter)
Rewinds time disregarding all actions performed and against them. Arcane magic check 10 or arcane check if opposed
Slow (Range Medium | Affects 1 | Size Medium | Level 3 | Time Encounter)
Slows the passage of time around 1 person who acts once every 2 turns. Arcane magic vs arcane magic to succeed
Stop Time (Range Medium | Affects 20x20ft | Size Medium | Level 3 | Time Encounter)
Stops time within affected area so only target can act. Arcane magic 10 or arcane magic if opposed to succeed
Witness the Past (Range Medium| Time Day)
Target can witness events at the location within the last day. Arcane magic 10 to succeed. Charging allows to view further back
(Miracle) Time Travel (Costs permanent deduction of 2 health)
Can send one person back or forward in time up to 100 years, there may be consequences

Water Magic Spells Elemental powers of the seas, oceans and realm of the Under-Seas.
Breathe (Range Medium | Affects 1 | Time Encounter)
Target may breathe underwater. Magic 10 check to succeed
Cloud Fog (Range Medium | Affects 20x20ft | Time Encounter)
Creates a fog cloud which obscures visions, actions at disadvantage. Magic 10 check to succeed
Control Water (Range Medium | Area 20x20ft | Time Encounter)
Control a body of water and bend it to your will (i.e. stop, flow, clear a path). Magic 10 check to succeed
Create Water (Range Medium | Affects 1 flask)
Creates a flask size body of water. Magic 10 check to succeed
Healing Waters (Range Medium | Affects 1 | Impact d6)
Turns a small water source into healing waters which can be used to heal d6. Magic 10 check to succeed
Purify (Range Medium | Area 20x20ft)
Purifies a nearby water source until this is used. Magic 10 check to succeed
Transmutation (Range Medium | Affects 1| Time Encounter)
Target merges with a water element. Impact and fire attacks at disadvantage, move fast in water. Magic 10 check
Water Wall (Range Medium | Area 20x20ft | Time Encounter)
Creates a powerful wall of water to slow/stop opponents (Health 20, Armour Save d2). Magic 10 check to succeed
Water Walk (Range Medium | Affects 1| Time Encounter)
Target may walk on water. Magic 10 check to succeed
Wave (Range Medium| Affects 1 | Size Medium | Impact d6)
Creates a wave pushing back a human sized object a range band (d6 if impact). Magic vs strength check to succeed
(Miracle) Tidal Wave (Costs permanent deduction of 2 health)
Creates a tidal wave from a nearby body of water which causes destruction across a settlement sized area

Chapter 7: The Gods
7.1 The Gods Page 58
7.2 Religions Page 59

7.1 The Gods

Overview Using Divine Favours
• Religion has a significant cultural and political impact • One favour may be used per session and requires a
in the world successful religion skill check against the favours
• However, no-one has witnessed the existence of the target number to succeed
Gods and they move and act in mysterious ways • A success results in your prayers being answered and
• Common religions of the Fallen Lands are described the favour works. Your prayers are not answered on a
below although feel free to invent other religions failure
which may represent the many forgotten Gods, Deities • A critical success results in a dramatic success
and Elder Powers from a bygone age. (increased the benefit/effect). You anger your God on
a critical failure and lose all piety points
Religion • Feel free to alter or change ‘the ways’ of each religion
• All heroes may choose to follow a religion, however to fit the theme of your game.
this is mandatory for Clerics and Druids
• Performing actions which are true to the ways of your
God will earn piety points which can be traded for
divine favours from their deity
• Piety points are capped at the heroes level in number.


7.2 Religions
The Faith The Old Ways
Suunos the Sun-God, Protector of human-kind Reeva, Mother Earth, Power, Nature
The Ways The Ways
• Pray to Suunos at the start or end of a session (1) • Pay respect to a druidic shrine (1)
• Pay homage to a shrine or church of Suunos (1) • Do not disturb the lair/territory of natural beasts (1)
• Defend the innocent from harm (2) • Protect creatures from the power of nature (2)
• Consecrate a place of evil (3) • Re-discover the hidden ways of travel (3)
• Single handedly defeat a creature who is undead or • Find one of the primeval world trees (3)
born from chaos (3) • Re-discover the ancient Dragons (5)
• Establish a church of Suunos (5)
Divine Favours
Divine Favours • Animal Friendship; religion 10 check to befriend an
• Bless; target 10 check to bless a person giving them animal in short range (1)
advantage on a check during this session (1) • Entangle; religion 10 check to summon vines which
• Turn Undead; religion vs. undead monster check entangle a single opponent (DEF 10, HLT 2) (1)
within medium range to force a morale check (1) • Hidden Move; religion 10 check to move a range band
• Healing; religion 10 check to heal d4 health points (1) away from an opponent and disappear (1)
• Favour; religion 10 check to grant a single re-roll • Influence; make an opposed religion vs will check to
during this session to someone (1) influence an opponent to your viewpoint (1)
• Courage; religion 10 check to grant all allies within • Shape-Change; religion target 10 check to shape-
short range advantage on their next check (2) change into the form of an animal for encounter (2)
• Cure Ailment; religion 10 check to cure disease or • Portent; religion 10 check to gain three re-rolls or
poison (3). advantage checks for an encounter later in the session.
Player narrates the warning based on referee hints (3)

The Moon Sect The Death Cult

Morraine the Mysterious, Discovery, Magic, Shadows Kadmos, God of Death, Lord of Darkness, Shadowlands

The Ways The Ways

• Explore an ancient ruin, dungeon or structure (1) • Proudly display a symbol of the God of Death (1)
• Create uncertainty, doubt or chaos amongst a • Pay homage to a shrine of the God of Death (1)
settlement (1) • Single-handedly take the life of a living creature (2)
• Discover or defeat a new monster (2) • Recruit a follower into the service of your God (3)
• Discover an item with magic properties (3) • Ally with the undead (3)
• Find a rift or portal to another dimension (3) • Visit the shadowlands (5)
• Explore the mythic underworld (5)
Divine Favours
Divine Favours • Fear; opposed religion vs. will skill check. Failure
• Light; religion 10 check to create a 30ft light source on means they act at disadvantage against you (1)
an object for an hour (1) • Blight; religion 10 check to cause an area of vegetation
• Darkness; religion 10 check to create a 30ft area of in short range to wither and die (1)
darkness for an hour (1) • Plague; religion 10 check to summon a plague of
• Detect Magic; religion 10 check to detect magic at insects to distract something or someone (1)
short range (1) • Dread; religion 10 check to cast. All opponents within
• Identify Magic; religion 10 check to identify a magic short range must make a will save or suffer
object (1). disadvantage on their next actions. (1)
• Hidden Lore; make a target 10 check to identify some • Death Touch; religion attack check to drain d4 health
information about a creature, object or location (2) which is temporarily added to your health for the
• Chaos; religion 10 check to create a volatile surge in remainder of the encounter (2)
magic in the far range area. Anyone spell casting must • Summon Undead; religion 10 check to summon an
roll on the wild magic table on a failure (3) undead creature to obey your simple commands (3)



LVL 1 | HLT 9 | DEF 10 LVL 1 | HLT 11 | DEF 13 LVL 1 | HLT 16 | DEF 12
Skills: Agility d6, Pilfering d4, Skills: Strength d6, Will d4, Fortitude Skills: Crafting d4, Fortitude d4,
Languages (Sign) d4, Ranged Combat d4, Command d4, Melee Combat d6, Strength d6, Languages d4 (Common,
d4, Senses d6, Melee Combat d4, Wilderness Survival d4 Dwarven), Traps d4, Will d4, Athletics
Guile d6 Abilities: Second Wind, Shield Expert d4, Ranged Combat d4, Melee d6
Abilities: Dual Wielding, Lucky Equipment: Leather (+2), Wooden Abilities: Darkvision, Iron Skin, Long-
Equipment: Leather Armour (+2), Shield (+2), Longsword (d8), Spear Lived, Second Wind, Precise Attack
Rapier d6, Dagger d4, Gambling Dice, (d6), Raincape, 2x Bandages, Potion of Equipment: Leather (+2), Wooden
Lucky Charm, 100sp. Healing, 100sp. Shield (+2), Longsword d8, Crossbow
d10, Bolts x20, Dwarven Fire, 100sp


LVL 1 | HLT 13 | DEF 10 LVL 1 | HLT 9 | DEF 10 LVL 1 | HLT 9 | DEF 10
Skills: Melee d6, Strength d6, Skills: Religion d4, Magic d6, Melee Skills: Lore d4, Arcane Magic d4,
Fortitude d6, Wilderness Survival d4, Combat d6, Strength d4, Will d4 Wilderness Survival d4, Senses d4,
Will d4 Abilities: Arcane Magic, Turn Undead Melee Combat d4, Guile d6
Abilities: War Cry, Charge Equipment: Holy Symbol, Longsword Abilities: Arcane Magic, Ghost Walker
Equipment: Hide Armour (+2), d8, Staff d4, Leather Armour (+2), Equipment: Leather Armour (+2),
Greatsword (d10), Battle-Axe (d8), Crossbow d10, 20 bolts, Lucky Charm, Shortsword (d6), Staff (d4), Lucky
War Paint, 100sp, Hercanium dust. Robes (carried). Charm, Lodestone, Robes (carried)



LVL 1 | HLT 14 | DEF 10 (DR1) LVL 1 | HLT 14 | DEF 11 LVL 1 | HLT 9 | DEF 10
Skills: Crafting d4, Fortitude d4, Skills: Agile d6, Athletics d4, Skills: Agile d4, Athletics d4,
Guile d4, Languages d6 (Common, Languages d4 (Common, Elven), Languages d4 (Common, Elven), Lore
Dwarven, Sign), Open Locks d4, Magic d4, Melee Combat d4, Ranged d4 Magic d6, Ranged Combat d4,
Pilfer d4, Senses d4, Strength d4, Combat d6, Senses d4, Wilderness d6 Senses d4, Wilderness Survival d4, Will
Traps d6, Will d4 Abilities: Alertness, Meditative d4
Abilities: Dark Vision, Iron Skin, Trance, Very Long-Lived, Dodge Abilities: Adaptable (Time Magic),
Long-Lived, Lucky, Locksmith Equipment: Elven Shortbow (d6, Arcane Magic, Totem Magic, Long
Equipment: Hercanium Steel Dagger Adv), Leather Armour (+2), Arrows Lived
d6, Leather (+2), Dagger d4, x20, Shortbow, Dagger, Bedroll, Equipment: Ironwood Staff (d4, Adv),
Lodestone, Specialist Tools, 100sp Animal Trap, Wolfsbane, Travel Shortbow, Arrows x20, Dagger d4,
Rations,100sp. Robes (+1), Staff, 100sp


LVL 1 | HLT 11 | DEF 14 LVL 1 | HLT 7 | DEF 9 LVL 1 | HLT 9 | DEF 10
Skills: Command d4, Melee Combat Skills: Alchemy d4, Command d6, Skills: Ranged Combat d4, Wilderness
d6, Lore d4, Religion d4, Strength d4, Lore d4, Magic d6 Survival d6, Athletics d4, Agility d4,
Wilderness d4 Abilities: Arcane Magic, Light Magic Senses d4
Abilities: Shield Expert, Killing Blow Equipment: Robes (+1), Alchemy Kit, Abilities: Woodcraft, Aimed Shot
Equipment: Chainmail Armour (+3), Dagger (d4), 100sp, Potion of Healing Equipment: Leather Armour (+2),
Wooden Shield (+2), Longsword (d8), Shortbow (d6), Arrows (20), Dagger
Horse, Lance, Hercanium Dust. (d4), 5x Armour Piercing Arrows (d8),
Lucky Charm, 100sp.

HEROES of ADVENTURE Character Record Sheet
Player Name
Character Name
max max max

Health Defence Piety

r ace+class+ r ace+armour+ level char acter sketch or symbol
level bonus level bonus

Traits skill die used Physical skill die used Knowledge skill die used

Strength Athletics* Alchemy & Medicine

Senses Crafting Guile
Will Melee Combat Languages
Agility* Open Locks Lore
Fortitude Pilfering* Magic*
Command Ranged Combat Religion
Traps Wilderness Survival
*checks at disadvantage when wearing heav y armour

Inventory Abilities
1. Left 1.
2. Worn 2.
3. Right 3.
4. Ready 4.
5. Ready 5.
6. Ready 6.
7. Pack 7.
8. Pack 8.
9. Pack 9.
10. Pack 10.
11. Pack
12. Pack Background/Description
13. Str d4
14. Str d6
15. Str d8
16. Str d10
17. Str d12

The world is old, civilisation has risen and fallen in the past. It has been nearly five centuries
since the invasion of the army of darkness, the fall of the first empire and near destruction of
civilisation. Since that time, human-kind retreated to places of safety abandoning territories
and settlements which fell into ruin and were lost within the growing creep of the wilderness.

Human-kind endured and survived and now seeks to rebuild and grow, re-claim lost
territories and expand their influence. However, the world is a dangerous place, fearsome
beasts still roam and hunt in the wildlands, the forces of chaos still exist and human-kind can
be its own worst enemy with conflict and dispute occurring as often as trade and negotiation
between territories.

You play the role of a hero who lives in this new time of discovery and exploration looking to
make your way in the world. You may adventure for profit, knowledge or power; seek to
establish new territories; discover the secrets of the pre-empire world or protect humanity by
finding and defeating of the forces of chaos.

The Players Handbook provides the rules and information for players to create their own
heroes and play the game of Heroes of Adventure.


H T T P S : / / N A M E L E S S - D E S I G N E R . I T C H . I O / H E RO E S - O F - A DV E N T U R E


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