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Egzamin pisemny – poziom rozszerzony ZESTAW 1

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Zadanie 1.   (3 pkt)
CD 01 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie trzy teksty. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią nagrania.
Zakreśl literę A, B albo C.
Tekst 1. Tekst 3.
1.1. The girl’s problem with revision is 1.3. The man is speaking at
A. she does other things instead of revising. A. an anniversary celebration.
B. she knows everything necessary already. B. a TV debate.
C. she can’t concentrate on what she’s doing. C. a public meeting.

Tekst 2.
1.2. The radio guest wants to
A. thank people for an award.
B. apologise for her failures.
C. outline her acting experience.

Zadanie 2.    (4 pkt)

CD 02 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie cztery wypowiedzi na temat dojeżdżania do szkoły pociągiem. Do każdej wypowiedzi
(2.1.–2.4.) dopasuj odpowiadające jej zdanie (A–E). Wpisz rozwiązania do tabeli. Uwaga: jedno zdanie zostało podane
dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej wypowiedzi.
This speaker says that
A. trains aren’t good value for money. 2.1.
B. passengers on trains are too noisy. 2.2.
C. he / she makes good use of his / her time on trains. 2.3.
D. trains are old-fashioned and uncomfortable.
E. train carriages are too crowded.

Zadanie 3.    (5 pkt)

CD 03 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie wywiad z kucharzem. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią
nagrania. Zakreśl literę A, B, C albo D.

3.1. Marcus first became interested in cooking 3.4. What does Marcus find difficult about running
A. because he often went to work with his parents and saw a restaurant?
what they did. A. Dealing with the money side of the business.
B. because it was expected of him by his family. B. Finding the right employees.
C. because he was paid to help at his parents’ restaurant. C. Not interfering too much.
D. because he was allowed to experiment with food. D. Attracting customers.
3.2. According to Marcus, his cookery lessons at school 3.5. In the interview, Marcus
A. were an alternative to learning about car and motorbike A. gives advice to upcoming chefs.
engines. B. describes his own development as a chef.
B. made him the target of jokes with some of his fellow C. publicises his new restaurant.
students. D. praises the benefits of qualifications.
C. impressed the girls who were also in his cookery classes.
D. were given by an excellent teacher who invented her
own recipes.
3.3. Why did Marcus not go to college?
A. He needed to learn more about British and French
cuisine first.
B. He thought he knew more than he did.
C. He wanted to learn things that college couldn’t
teach him.
D. He needed to learn how to use his time well.

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Egzamin pisemny – poziom rozszerzony ZESTAW 1


Zadanie 4.    (4 pkt)

Przeczytaj artykuł na temat serialu przyrodniczego. Do każdego pytania (4.1.–4.4.) dopasuj właściwą część tekstu (A–C).
Wpisz rozwiązania w odpowiednie kratki. Uwaga: jedna część tekstu pasuje do dwóch pytań.

In which paragraph does the writer mention

4.1. potentially dangerous situations for both animals and film crew?
4.2. the viewers’ concern for the animals in the programme?
4.3. the problems for an animal presented by other wildlife and humans?
4.4. the unfairness of an animal’s behaviour?

The new TV wildlife series, Hidden Kingdoms, takes us into the lives of some of the smallest creatures on Earth, and right down
to their level too. In the first episode clever techniques allow the cameramen to film the sengi in Africa and the grasshopper
mouse in North America from amazing angles so that we can actually see the world from their viewpoint – and a very
frightening world that is. By digging themselves into deep holes the camera crew give us a very unusual insight into the lives of
these small animals. We can feel the fear of the sengi as she flees from an approaching forest fire and hope desperately that the
grasshopper mouse will manage to avoid the claws of the eagle that pursues it.
The second episode is equally mesmerising. In the forests of Canada, a young chipmunk bravely tries to fill his underground
cave with acorns from the nearby oak trees to feed on throughout the hard winter. Little does he know that his stores are being
depleted by the criminal activity of another more experienced and lazier chipmunk. The clever underground photography
reveals to us how the older chipmunk stealthily enters the youngster’s cave to steal the acorns. The situation results in
a ferocious fight between the two chipmunks, which is magnificently captured on film in breathtaking slow motion. Happily,
the young chipmunk wins, reclaims his acorns and retires, well stocked for the winter.
Far away from the forests and open plains, the third episode takes us right into the centre of one of the busiest cities in the
world, Rio de Janeiro. Here we follow a tiny marmoset monkey who has become separated from her family and has to evade
hunting cats and heavy traffic screaming past her. The cameramen have their work cut out tracking and filming the monkeys
who spend a lot of their lives leaping along the high electricity cables that criss-cross the city roads. Unfortunately, not all
monkeys make these journeys safely, and getting the right angles is sometimes hazardous for the film crew as well. Fortunately
the episode ends with a happy reunion.

Zadanie 5.    (4 pkt)

Przeczytaj tekst, z którego usunięto cztery zdania. Wpisz w luki 5.1.–5.4. litery, którymi oznaczono brakujące zdania
(A–E), tak aby otrzymać logiczny i spójny tekst. Uwaga: jedno zdanie zostało podane dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej luki.

Whether it’s the magical animation of films such as the Toy Story series or the amazing adventures of the Pirates of the Caribbean,
most of us have enjoyed the creativity of the Disney studios at some point in our lives. 5.1. _ It’s a truly fascinating story. I’m
talking about Saving Mr Banks, which is all about the making of one of Disney’s most popular and financially successful films,
Mary Poppins, released in 1964.
So why should Disney revisit a film that was made over fifty years ago and what makes it worth watching? The attraction of this
new film is the way it deals with a battle between two very talented, headstrong and controlling people: Walt Disney and the
eccentric writer P. L. Travers. After trying for twenty years, Walt Disney finally managed to buy the rights to make a film from
Travers’ series of children’s books. Surely, most writers would jump at the chance of having their characters immortalised in film
by the leading talent in the film making industry? Not P. L. Travers. 5.2. _ The clash of these two strong personalities makes
compulsive viewing.
Saving Mr Banks shows us how hard Travers fought to maintain the integrity of her books and to prevent Mary Poppins from
becoming overly sentimental. 5.3. _ However, she didn’t succeed. Disney initially gave Travers some say in how the script
developed but eventually, having run out of patience, he had to overrule her. The finished film, although excellent in its own
right, is definitely not what Travers envisaged. 5.4. _ Once again, it is a very good film and intriguing to watch, but much of
the darkness and complexity behind the two main characters is filtered out. It is after all – another Disney film. Or as Travers
would have put it – far too sentimental!
A. Neither would she appreciate this new film about her own story.
B. She resisted every stage of the process, from actually selling Disney the rights to make the film, to the first screening of the
finished film, which she hated with a passion.
C. In an unusual twist, Disney has recently released a film about the background to one of its own films.
D. His desire was primarily to entertain and give audiences pleasure, not to have them leaving the theatre concerned
and disquieted.
E. She wanted the film to retain some of the edginess and darkness that was in the original books.

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Egzamin pisemny – poziom rozszerzony ZESTAW 1
Zadanie 6.    (5 pkt)
Przeczytaj dwa teksty na temat walki z powodzią. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią tekstu.
Zakreśl literę A, B, C albo D.
Tekst 1.

The Mother of all storms

It had taken Gerry a long time to drop off to sleep that night. The strength of the wind, funnelling through the trees behind
the house with a deep throaty growl, was rising and it worried him. As a child he had enjoyed listening to the trees moaning in
the wind and imagined himself riding a horse fearlessly through the storm on some adventure or other. Now, as an adult, he
appreciated the threat they posed. One branch of one of those trees could crash through the roof and destroy his bedroom.
There was nothing in the least romantic about that picture.
It seemed he had only been asleep for a moment when he was suddenly wide awake again, his heart beating fast. The wind
wasn’t that loud but now heavy rain was lashing the windowpanes. What was it? Had he had another nightmare? The room
was fine, no tree branch pinning him to the bed! Then, just above the noise of the storm he heard it; a cry coming from outside.
It wasn’t the wind or an animal. It was a human cry, he was certain, and he flung on his dressing gown to go downstairs to
Fumbling in the dark, he found the light switch but there was no power. Blast, he thought. The storm must have brought down
the power lines. The skies were too overcast for moonlight too so he made his way down the stairs in complete darkness. He
heard it again. A slight cry, carried away on the wind. Who could be at his door in the middle of the night, in the middle of the
mother of all storms?
As he approached the door the cry became words that he could distinguish. ‘Gerry! Gerry! Hurry!’ it was a female voice, high
with urgency.
As he opened the heavy door, it was blown inward by the wind and nearly knocked him off his feet. A blast of rain drenched his
dressing gown. A woman stumbled into the hall and at that moment the moon appeared from behind the rainclouds. Gerry
recognised his neighbour, Karen from the house next door. Her face in the moonlight was streaked with rain and dirt. She was
panting as though she had just run a marathon.
‘Come in, come in. Sit down Karen. You look terrible’. Gerry tried to shut the front door again but Karen caught his arm.
‘There’s no time Gerry!’ she shouted. ‘You’ve got to get out. We all have. The river’s burst its banks. Look!’ and she pointed across
the garden.
Gerry stared at an amazing scene. The road was gone. The fields beyond the road were gone. The bottom of his garden
disappeared into water. He could just make out the tops of the hedges that lined his garden. Of his beautiful flowers there was
no sign at all. The water stretched as far as he could see and in the distance a few trees rose up dark and wet, their branches
tossing in the wind and casting crazy shadows on the water. It was as if he and Karen were on an island. A thought briefly
crossed his mind; it was like the Great Flood in the Bible. Then another thought hit him very hard. He turned to Karen.
‘You’re right’, he said. ‘But how?’

6.1. When he was a child the narrator

A. had a strong imagination and made up stories.
B. was frightened of the power of storms.
C. used to like riding in the wind.
D. complained when he couldn’t go out in a storm.
6.2. The narrator woke up because
A. he had a bad dream.
B. the storm became very noisy.
C. he heard an unusual noise.
D. a tree crashed into a power line.
6.3. What did Gerry’s neighbour want?
A. To shelter from the storm.
B. To alert Gerry to a danger.
C. To share an experience with him.
D. To ask for his help.

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Egzamin pisemny – poziom rozszerzony ZESTAW 1
Tekst 2.

Viewers were appalled last night by pictures taken after recent heavy rain and gales hit the Cornish coast. The seaside town
of Dawlish in Devon was left devastated by a combination of fierce winds and high tides. The power of the waves destroyed
part of the sea wall and exposed a section of the rail track behind it to the sea. The pictures show that the ground below the
track has collapsed and left it dangling in the air, still in one piece but buffeted by the gales. This line was built by the famous
engineer Isambard Kingdom Brunel in 1846. At the time concerns were reputedly voiced about the safety of a railway line
with such close proximity to the sea but the construction went ahead and it became an impressive example of the engineer’s
work. Such concerns have proved justifiable as the line has had to close several times over the years because of severe winter
weather breaching the sea wall, although none as dramatic as yesterday’s event. Rail engineers today have predicted that
repairs to the line will take a minimum of six weeks, although locals have said that, taking into consideration the amount of
damage caused by the storm, this is extremely optimistic. Gales are expected to continue to batter the south coast over the
next few weeks, further hindering any repair work, and there are worries that other sections of the sea wall may also suffer
from the power of the waves.

6.4. The text is an extract from

A. a rail engineer’s blog.
B. a TV programme review.
C. a newspaper article.
D. an essay on climate change.
6.5. Which of the following is stated in the text as a fact, not an opinion?
A. Building a railway line close to the sea was a risky option.
B. Bad weather has caused closures of the track before.
C. The railway line won’t reopen after repairs in six weeks.
D. The severe weather is not yet over for the south of England.


Zadanie 7.    (4 pkt)

Przeczytaj tekst. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, tak aby otrzymać logiczny i gramatycznie poprawny tekst.
Zakreśl literę A, B, C albo D.
On Sunday 8th February at the Sochi Winter Olympics, slopestyle snowboarder Jenny Jones 7.1. _ history when she won
the UK’s first ever medal on snow. Jenny, a thirty three year old veteran of the sport claimed the bronze medal behind the US
and Finland. This is the first time the event 7.2. _ included at the Winter Olympics and it gave Jenny, who has won many
international competitions, the chance to bring a medal home for the UK. Jenny started her sporting career in athletics but
discovered her 7.3. _ for winter events when she was offered free skiing lessons at an indoor slope in Bristol. Although
she doesn’t do it any longer, Jenny 7.4. _ to have a strange superstition. She always took an old teabag with her when she
competed! This apparently dates back to a time when she had a job in a ski resort and teabags were difficult to find.
7.1. A. did B. made C. changed D. found
7.2. A. was B. was being C. has been D. is
7.3. A. ability B. talent C. aim D. skill
7.4. A. would have B. could have C. had D. used

Zadanie 8.    (4 pkt)

Przeczytaj tekst. Uzupełnij każdą lukę (8.1.–8.4.) jednym wyrazem, tak aby powstał spójny i logiczny tekst. Wymagana
jest pełna poprawność gramatyczna i ortograficzna wypisywanych wyrazów.
New ways of persuading us how and where to spend our money are 8.1. __ developed all the time. From clever
TV adverts with memorable jingles to personalised appeals that target our own interests when we’re online, companies are
8.2. __ use of the latest technology to get their message across. A new form of advertising involves a phone app
that allows special offers and information to appear on our phones as we walk round a store or shopping centre. As we pass
the clothes shop we are told that there is 10% 8.3. __ a wide range of T-shirts and jeans. And after a long afternoon
shopping could you ignore a message 8.4. __: ‘Feeling thirsty and hungry? Our café on Level 2 is now open and
serving freshly made cakes’? I don’t think I could!

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Egzamin pisemny – poziom rozszerzony ZESTAW 1
Zadanie 9.    (4 pkt)
Uzupełnij zdania 9.1.–9.4., wykorzystując podane w nawiasach wyrazy w odpowiedniej formie. Nie należy zmieniać
kolejności podanych wyrazów, trzeba natomiast – jeżeli jest to konieczne – dodać inne wyrazy, tak aby otrzymać
logiczne i gramatycznie poprawne zdania. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność ortograficzna wpisywanych fragmentów.
Uwaga: w każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie pięć wyrazów, wliczając w to wyrazy już podane.
9.1. If Rita had told me the correct time (I / not / arrive) ____ so early last night.
9.2. The new laws aimed at reducing internet crime (discuss) ____ government at the moment.
9.3. (I / finish / write) ____ the report by the end of this afternoon.
9.4. I must go to see the doctor. (I / cough) ____ for several days now.

Wypowiedź pisemna

Zadanie 10.    (13 pkt)

Wypowiedz się na jeden z poniższych tematów. Wypowiedź powinna zawierać od 200 do 250 słów i spełniać wszystkie
wymogi typowe dla formy wskazanej w poleceniu. Zaznacz temat, który wybrałeś/wybrałaś, zakreślając jego numer.
1. Coraz więcej osób kontaktuje się ze znajomymi głównie za pomocą serwisów społecznościowych i rezygnuje ze spotkań
towarzyskich. Napisz rozprawkę, w której wyrazisz swoje zdanie na temat tego zjawiska, uwzględniając zarówno argumenty
dotyczące kwestii praktycznych, jak i charakteru relacji rozwijanych na dwa wymienione sposoby.
2. W Twoim regionie planowana jest budowa nowego odcinka autostrady na terenie, na którym żyje wiele gatunków roślin
i zwierząt. Niedawno uczestniczyłeś/uczestniczyłaś w spotkaniu, na którym przedstawiono mieszkańcom plan budowy tego
odcinka. Napisz artykuł na szkolną stronę internetową, w którym zrelacjonujesz przebieg spotkania, a także przedstawisz
swoje zdanie na temat planów budowy autostrady w tym miejscu.

razem: / 50

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