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A collection of 60 homebrew projects for the Ark.

by the community

© 2020 Stefouch Gaming Lab


Gisle Kirkhaug Bjørn Ove Asprem
Roger Feed
Kjetil Hansen
Daarkh Stéphane Van Cauwenberghe


Stéphane Van Cauwenberghe (Dispensary project) Hard Hat from Pixabay

Many thanks to Jeremy Mettler, Joe Guilmette, Matt Kay, Dale Chenault, Narcomed and all my other
patrons and generous donators who are supporting these projects and are making them possible!

Please, don’t hesitate to share your feedback.

You can reach me under the following social platforms:
Reddit: u/Stefouch
Discord: Stefouch#5202 on the Year Zero Worlds server

Sebedius. A Discord bot with command utilities for several Year Zero games.

Find My Path. A web application for managing the map of the Zone.

© 2019 Cabinet Licensing LLC. MUTANT and related logos, characters, names, and distinctive likenesses thereof
are trademarks of Cabinet Licensing LLC unless otherwise noted. Used with permission under the Community Content
Agreement for Free League Workshop. All rights reserved.



PROJECTS IN SECTORS OUTSIDE OF THE ARK Example: An ark wants to build a road to a nearby
Some projects require the People to work outside water source, 3 sectors away. The road will pass
the sector the Ark is located. Often, the work is through two sectors contaminated by the Rot. The
also performed in sectors with Rot. Ark has 20 robots that help in the work.
Examples may be roads and bridges, but also For the first sector (1 sector away, +1 for Weak
Quarry if the Ark’s sector does not contain a Rot), the Ark rolls 2D6-6 and gets 4 (10-6). The
source of stone/rock. robots bring the total number to 2. Two member of
These projects are more dangerous. Not only the People succumb to the Rot.
because of the Rot, but because the workers will For the second sector (2 sectors away, +1 for
be away from the security of their Ark. Weak Rot), the Ark rolls 3D6-6. This time they only
get 1 (7−6). With the robot’s help, they avoid
1. Count the number of sectors away from the casualties.
Ark or another friendly settlement. The final stretch is in a Rot Oasis, but since
2. Add +1 if the sector contains Weak Rot. You they are 3 sectors away from the Ark, they roll
cannot build projects in sectors with Heavy 3D6−6 again. The roll comes up as 12. Deducting 6
Rot. For this purpose, a sector is considered and then 2 for the robots mean that 4 more of the
Heavy Rot even if a Stalker has found a safe People sacrifice themselves for the good of the Ark.
passage through it with the Rot Finder talent.
3. Consult the following table, and roll on this in
addition to the normal roll for the Session A good result with a Project spanning several
Body Count. sectors may lead to the Ark finishing one sector
4. If the Ark has robots or other inhabitants and starting on the next in the same session. If
immune to the Rot, deduct 1 from your roll this is the case, use the first sector as a basis for
per 10 inhabitants of such type. the Session Body Count. It pays to be efficient!


2 +2D6-6

3 +3D6-6

4 +4D6-6

5 +5D6-6

6 +5D6

(increase with D6 for every step forward)



PCs working on a project taking place outside the The number of required Work Points depend on
Ark in a sector contaminated by the Rot will suffer the number of PCs. This makes it a little bit
additional points of Rot. confusing because, in most playing groups, the
Each ☣ rolled inflicts one Rot Point to the number of PCs present at the session may vary.
player, even before pushing. A project started with three PCs, suddenly takes a
lot more time to complete when two players are
POPULATION SIZE missing at the next session.
If the population of the Ark is especially large or A variant rule is to simply agree on how many
small, building projects will be respectively PCs are to be counted towards the Work Points.
quicker or slower. You can choose either the average, the maximum
Multiply the number of required Work Points or the minimum, all depending on how quickly
by the modifier found in the table below. you want the PCs to complete the projects.


1–20 5

21–30 2.50

31–40 1.85

41–50 1.50

51–60 1.35

61–70 1.25

71–80 1.15

81–90 1.10

91–300 1

301–400 0.95

401–500 0.85

501–1000 0.70

1001–2000 0.60

2001–5000 0.50

5001+ 0.40



The Ark builds a bakery. The bakery produces
Grub in the form of breads, rolls, cakes,
K ADVANCED ARSENAL pastries, etc.
The People mass-produce semi-automatic DEV Requirement: Technology 10, Culture 10
firearms, like the Ancients. Other Requirements: Cropland, Mill
DEV Requirement: Technology 70, Warfare 50 Skills: Comprehend or Manipulate
Other Requirements: Mechanical Workshop (see Work Points: 1 × number of PCs
page 6), Metal Extraction (see page 7) DEV Bonus: Food Supply +D6
Skills: Comprehend or Shoot
Work Points: 3 × number of PCs K BATTERY FACTORY
DEV Bonus: Warfare +2D6 The People can now manufacture batteries for a
Special: Artifact weapons can now be purchased more stable power supply or to power vehicles or
at the Ark. Requires the Ark to possess at least gear.
one exemplar in the Dawn Vault. Artifact DEV Requirement: Technology 30
weapons are Assault Rifle, Crossbow, Flare Other Requirement: Foundry
Gun, Grenade, Hunting Rifle, Revolver, Semi- Skills: Comprehend or Endure
Automatic Pistol, Shotgun, Smoke Grenades Work Points: 2 × number of PCs
and Speargun. Prices are at the GMs DEV Bonus: Technology +2D6
discretion, but should be expensive. Special: Batteries (Artifact) can now be purchased
at the Ark. Price is at the GMs discretion.
The People build a tunnel into a bunker where K BRIDGE
ammunition, gunpowder and explosives are A Bridge is necessary when a Railroad, Road,
stored. Pipeline or Channel must cross a large terrain
DEV Requirement: Technology 35, Warfare 25 obstacle. This project can be undertaken many
Other Requirements: Foundry, Arsenal, times over – every sector to be crossed by a Bridge
Explosives Lab counts as a separate project.
Skills: Scout or Endure DEV Requirement: Technology 30, Warfare 20
Work Points: 1 × number of PCs Skills: Comprehend or Endure
DEV Bonus: Warfare +D6 Work Points: 3 × number of PCs per sector
DEV Bonus: Technology +D6 – but only when the
K ARMY SCHOOL Bridge is completed. The DEV bonus is for the
The officers of the Ark have military education. entire Bridge, not for every sector, and only
Militia and armies are led in an efficient, qualified once for the first completed Bridge.
and disciplined manner.
DEV Requirement: Warfare 30, Culture 30
Other Requirements: Militia, School
Skills: Comprehend or Manipulate
Work Points: 2 × number of PCs
DEV Bonus: Warfare +2D6


K BUNK BEDS Work Points: 2 × number of PCs

Stable beds are built and distributed among the DEV Bonus: —
People. A good night’s sleep always lifts the Special: Halves the Works Points required for
spirits! building Roads. Bridges can be built for 2×
DEV Requirement: Technology 10 number of PCs instead of 3×.
Other Requirement: Workshop
Skills: Endure or Manipulate K CHANNEL
Work Points: 2 × number of PCs The People dig a channel, connecting rivers or
DEV Bonus: — seas to each other and allowing for scrap ships
Special: Sleeping in the Ark heals 1 trauma of and other water-borne vehicles to more easily
another type in addition to Confusion (at PC’s travel throughout the zone. This project can be
choice). undertaken many times over – every sector to be
crossed by a Channel counts as a separate project.
K BURIAL SITE DEV Requirement: Technology 20
The Ark builds a place where its People can Skills: Comprehend or Know the Zone
remember the dead and seek comfort. A place to Work Points: 3 × number of PCs per sector
bury the dead is important for the soul of the DEV Bonus: —
people and helps avoid barbarism.
DEV Requirement: Culture 5 K CHURCH
Skills: Manipulate or Heal The People build a large house to worship their
Work Points: 2 × number of PCs religion. The place gathers and inspires the
DEV Bonus: Culture +D6 People.
Special: An hour-long visit completely heals all DEV Requirement: Culture 20, Technology 10
Doubt. Maximum one visit per session. Other Requirement: Glass Works (see page 6),
Quarry (see page 8)
K CANNED FOOD FACTORY Skills: Comprehend or Manipulate
The Ark can produce canned foods and conserve Work Points: 3 × number of PCs
grub. Eliminates rotten food in the Ark. DEV Bonus: Culture +D6, Warfare +D6
DEV Requirement: Technology 40, Special: Two hours spent in a Church heals 1
Food Supply 10 Doubt or Confusion. Maximum one visit per
Other Requirements: Foundry, Industry (see day.
Mutant: Elysium, page 253), Steam Engine (or
another energy source) K CITADEL
Skills: Comprehend or Endure A small, centrally placed fortification. If the Ark is
Work Points: 3 × number of PCs attacked and the walls break down, the People
DEV Bonus: Food supply +3D6 may fall back to the Citadel. This gives the Ark a
deep, defensive position and even a high spot
K CEMENT FACTORY from which to fire at the enemy.
The Ark can now produce cement and concrete. DEV Requirement: Warfare 10, Technology 10
Roads and constructions will become stronger and Other Requirement: Defenses
easier to build. Skills: Comprehend or Endure
DEV Requirement: Technology 25 Work Points: 2 × number of PCs
Other Requirement: Quarry (see page 8) DEV Bonus: Warfare +2D6
Skills: Endure or Know the Zone



The People mark themselves to show that they The People build a convent to allow monks to
belong to the Ark. This can be face paint, tribal devote their lives to religion. The place inspires
tattoos, a specific hairstyle, piercings, armbands or and gathers the People. The convent is self-
other details. In this way, you can easily spot sufficient and brews a fantastic beer.
outsiders. DEV Requirement: Culture 20, Technology 10
DEV Requirement: None Other Requirement: Quarry (see page 8)
Skills: Fight or Manipulate Skills: Comprehend or Manipulate
Work Points: 2 × number of PCs Work Points: 3 × number of PCs
DEV Bonus: Warfare +D6, Culture +D6 DEV Bonus: Culture +D6, Food Supply +D6/+2D6*
Special: If the Ark has the Trade Station project,
K CLOCK TOWER the Food Supply DEV bonus is increased to
The People build a tall tower that chimes and 2D6 due to improved trade.
shows the time. Can also signal important events,
like ceremonies or an attack on the Ark. K DISPENSARY
DEV Requirement: Technology 25 The bonesaws of the Ark have learned how to
Other Requirement: Foundry fight diseases, as well as the use of medicinal
Skills: Comprehend or Move plants, and can perform simple medical aids.
Work Points: 2 × number of PCs DEV Requirement: Technology 35
DEV Bonus: Warfare +D6, Culture +D6 Other Requirements: Academy (see Mutant:
Elysium, page 253), Distillery
K CLOTHING FACTORY Skills: Comprehend or Heal
A factory which makes clothes and other gear Work Points: 2 × number of PCs
made of cloth, to the People. DEV Bonus: —
DEV Requirement: Technology 40 Special: Any rolls to ENDURE or HEAL a disease at
Other Requirement: Industry (see Mutant: the dispensary get a +2 modification. The
Elysium, page 253) Session Body Count is reduced by one.
Skills: Endure or Comprehend
Work Points: 1 × number of PCs K DRY DOCK
DEV Bonus: Culture +D6 The People build a dry dock so that they can work
Special: Special clothes become available more easily on boats without having to dive
at the Ark. underwater. The dry dock consists of a door that
K COLD STORAGE shuts out water, and simple mechanics to pump
A well-isolated box or storage facility that allows water out of the dry dock.
the People to store food cold and secure for a DEV Requirement: Technology 20
period of time. Other Requirement: Harbor
DEV Requirement: Technology 20 Skills: Comprehend or Endure
Other Requirement: Generator (artifact or Work Points: 3 × number of PCs
project) DEV Bonus: Technology +D6
Skills: Comprehend or Endure Special: Ships cost 1 × number of PCs less to build
Work Points: 2 × number of PCs (minimum 1 × number of PCs).
DEV Bonus: Food Supply +2D6



A factory to produce new explosives for the A place where visitors to the Ark can sleep, eat,
People’s scrap cannons. Can also be used for drink or gossip.
projects and other purposes. DEV Requirement: Food Supply 20, Culture 10
DEV Requirement: Technology 40, Warfare 20 Other Requirement: Settlement or friendly
Other Requirements: Foundry, Industry (see relations with one or more settlements in the
Mutant: Elysium, page 253), Explosives Lab Zone.
Skills: Comprehend Skills: Sense Emotion or Endure
Work Points: 2 × number of PCs Work Points: 1 × number of PCs
DEV Bonus: Warfare +D6 DEV Bonus: Culture +D6
Special: Halves the price of explosives in the Ark.
When working on projects that involve K LIGHTHOUSE
digging, add a D6 (Gear Die). If the Explosives From here, enemies can be spotted from far away.
Factory is fired at or lit on fire, it may explode The lighthouse steers ships safely home, even in
and kills D6 workers. If it is close to people or bad weather or darkness.
other facilities and is ruined in an attack, 4D6 DEV Requirement: Technology 20
extra people die. Other Requirement: Harbor
Skills: Endure or Scout
K FISH FARMING Work Points: 2 × number of PCs
The People build enclosures or tanks in rivers or DEV Bonus: Warfare +D6, Culture +D6
on the sea, breeding fish and other aquatic
creatures as a food source. K MECHANICAL WORKSHOP
DEV Requirement: Technology 20 The Ark can manufacture fine mechanical gear
Other Requirement: Proximity to a natural water such as clocks and other small machine parts.
source DEV Requirement: Technology 30
Skills: Endure or Know the Zone Other Requirement: Foundry
Work Points: 3 × number of PCs Skills: Comprehend
DEV Bonus: Food Supply +3D6 Work Points: 2 × number of PCs
DEV Bonus: Culture +D6, Technology +D6
K GLASS WORKS Special: Artifacts such as Bicycle, Binoculars,
The People can manufacture items made of glass. Compass, Flashlight, Sunglasses, Cigarette
Glass for daily use, storage, windows and more Lighter and Nail Gun can now be purchased at
advanced uses like lenses for binoculars, the Ark. Requires the Ark to possess at least
magnifying glasses and microscopes. The Glass one exemplar in the Dawn Vault. Prices are at
Works can also make mirrors. the GM’s discretion, but should be expensive.
DEV Requirement: Technology 30
Other Requirements: Foundry, Workshop
Skills: Comprehend
Work Points: 2 × number of PCs
DEV Bonus: Culture +D6, Technology +D6



Merchants, sellers and others who sells goods or A periodical magazine containing news about
services organize themselves according to what small and big things in the community is started.
they provide. The guild makes sure that only DEV Requirement: Culture 30
serious providers exist in the market, prevents Other requirements: Ink & Paper, Printing Press
fraud and guarantees stability. Skills: Manipulate
DEV Requirement: Food Supply 20, Culture 30 Work Points: 1 × number of PCs
Other Requirements: Marketplace, Code of Law DEV Bonus: Culture +D6
(see Mutant: Elysium, page 252)
Skills: Sense Emotion or Manipulate K OBSERVATORY
Work Points: 2 × number of PCs On the highest points in the Ark (or sector),
DEV Bonus: Food Supply +D6, Culture +D6, binoculars and telescopes are built to watch the
Technology +D6 stars and the land beyond the horizon.
Special: The prices in the Ark increase by 25%. DEV Requirement: Food Supply 20, Culture 20,
Defect items can be exchanged if bought from Technology 20
a seller in the guild. It becomes illegal to offer Other Requirements: Glass Works (see page 6),
goods and services in exchange for bullets Workshop
without being a member of the guild. Skills: Comprehend or Endure
Work Points: 3 × number of PCs
KMETAL EXTRACTION DEV Bonus: Technology +D6, Culture +D6,
The People can extract metals out of ore. Warfare +D6
DEV Requirement: Technology 50
Other Requirements: Mine (see Mutant: K OPERA HOUSE
Mechatron, page 230), Workshop A large building where an ensemble plays musical
Skills: Comprehend theater. Music, song, props and costumes.
Work Points: 2 × number of PCs DEV Requirements: Culture 30
DEV Bonus: Technology +2D6 Other Requirement: Theater
Skills: Manipulate
K MOAT Work Points: 3 × number of PCs
A moat is a powerful defense measure. It controls DEV Bonus: Culture +3D6
all traffic through designated entry points, and
stops attackers at a perfect shooting range. The K PARK
ditch is filled with rainwater and shaped to hold A place reserved for relaxation and enjoyment.
the water. If it freezes, it needs to be cracked open Useless growths are planted there for visual
regularly to keep the effect. scenery. Maybe a statue or two as well?
DEV Requirement: Food Supply 20, Warfare 10 DEV Requirement: Culture 50
Skills: Fight or Force Skills: Endure or Manipulate
Work Points: 2 × number of PCs Work Points: 3 × number of PCs
DEV Bonus: Warfare +2D6 DEV Bonus: Culture +2D6
Special: Four hours of relaxation in the park heals
1 Doubt and 1 Confusion. Maximum one visit
per day.



A pipeline allows for the transfer of water from the Improves the hygiene of the Ark. The project
Ark to another settlement, or vice-versa. This grants healthy and happy citizens. The Public
project may be chosen several times. Each sector Baths gives good opportunities for conversation,
with a pipeline is counted as a separate project. conflict resolution, conspiracy and friendship!
DEV Requirement: Technology 20 DEV Requirement: Culture 30, Technology 10
Skills: Comprehend or Endure Other Requirement: Public Toilet (see below)
Work Points: 1 × number of PCs per sector – this Skills: Endure or Manipulate
cost is halved if the Pipeline is built next to a Work Points: 2 × number of PCs
Road, Railroad or Channel. DEV Bonus: Culture +D6
DEV Bonus: Food Supply +D6 – but only when the Special: One hour in the bath heals 1 Doubt or
pipeline is completed, and only for the Confusion per day.
connected settlement with the lowest Food
Supply DEV rating. The DEV bonus is for the K PUBLIC TOILET
entire Pipeline, not for every sector. Instead of doing number one and two in a corner
Special: Halves the cost of clean water. in the Ark (or just outside of it), the People build a
number of sanitary facilities for personal waste
K POWER LINES disposal. This improves the hygiene and general
The People draw long cables of metal wire. The smell of the Ark. The waste is used as fertilizer for
wires are created in the Foundry. Long rows of food production.
poles leads to settlements or allied Arks, allowing DEV Requirement: Culture 20, Technology 10
the People to share electricity in the Zone. This Skills: Endure or Manipulate
project can be undertaken many times over – Work Points: 2 × number of PCs
every sector to be traversed by a Power Lines DEV Bonus: Food Supply +D6, Culture +D6
counts as a separate project.
DEV Requirement: Technology 50 K QUARRY
Other Requirements: Foundry, Power Plant The People can extract rocks from a nearby
Skills: Comprehend or Know the Zone excavation site. This makes constructions, roads,
Work Points: 1 × number of PCs per sector – this defense, monuments, etc. easier to build and more
cost is halved if the sector includes a Road, robust.
Railroad, Bridge, Channel or Telegraph. DEV Requirement: Technology 5
Other Requirement: A source of stone/rock near
DEV Bonus: Technology +D6 – but only when the the Ark
Power Lines reach the other settlement, and Skills: Force or Fight
only once for this first time it’s connected to Work Points: 2 × number of PCs
another settlement. DEV Bonus: Warfare +D6, Culture +D6
Special: The connected settlement gets electricity
for running advanced artifacts, charging
robots, etc.


K RECYCLING PLANT Special: Choose between a land-based, water-

Nothing goes to waste. Everything is sorted and based or air-based Rot Breaker when starting
stored or recycled for later use. this project. The Rot Breaker cuts the time it
DEV Requirement: Technology 50, Culture 30 takes to explore a sector in the Zone by half.
Other Requirements: Foundry and Autocracy, How vehicles work is explained in Chapter 6
Collectivism or Free Enterprise of the Mutant: Year Zero core book. The Rot
Skills: Comprehend or Manipulate Breaker can be used to escape from threats
Work Points: 3 × number of PCs and to ram enemies.
DEV Bonus: Food Supply +D6, Technology +D6,
Culture +D6 Gear Bonus: +1

Passengers: 6 (one driver)

Fuel: 1 dose per Zone sector
One of the People’s settlements is designated to
Resilience: 3
research and experiment on dangerous subjects
which are too dangerous for the Ark. Armor Rating: 5

DEV Requirement: Technology 70 Rot Protection: 15

Other Requirements: Academy (see Mutant:
Elysium, page 253), Settlement KROT STUDIES
Skills: Comprehend or Know the Zone The Ark initiates a great project to study the Rot.
Work Points: 2 × number of PCs DEV Requirement: Technology 50
DEV Bonus: Technology +3D6 Other Requirement: Academy (see Mutant:
Special: The Session Body Count for the Elysium, page 253)
settlement is increased by +D6. Skills: Comprehend or Know the Zone
Work Points: 2 × number of PCs
K ROT BREAKER DEV Bonus: Food Supply +D6, Warfare +D6
An armored vehicle specially constructed to
defend against the Rot, equipped with filter, K SAIL LOFT
rubber gasket and metal plates. A few mutants are sewing large patchwork sails
DEV Requirement: Technology 50 from ancient pieces of cloth. The sails are far
Other Requirements: Rot Studies (see below), larger than a single Gearhead could make.
Workshop, Steam Engine, and one of the DEV Requirement: Technology 15
following — Skills: Force or Comprehend
 Land-based vehicle: None Work points: 2 × number of PCs
 Waterborne vehicle: Harbor DEV Bonus: Technology +D6, Warfare +D6
 Airborne vehicle: Airship Special: These sails can be used on scrap sloops.
(see Mutant: Elysium, page 253)
Skills: Comprehend or Know the Zone
Work Points: 3 × number of PCs
DEV Bonus: —



The Ark extracts salt from the ocean. This sea salt The Ark builds a tank. This is a highly insane
is used to salt the grub, so that it can be preserved construction that may destroy itself and its crew if
for a longer time. anything goes wrong. The big cannon is mounted
DEV Requirement: Food Supply 10, on the front, and is pushed back into the vehicle
Technology 15 by the recoil. The cannon is loaded inside of the
Other Requirement: The Ark must be near tank, and the projectile is pushed out with a steam
the sea piston. The machine is quite heavy and slow, and
Skills: Comprehend or Endure moves at normal walking speed.
Work Points: 2 × number of PCs DEV Requirement: Technology 50
DEV Bonus: Food supply +2D6 Other Requirements: Foundry, Explosives Lab,
Steam Engine
K SAWMILL Skills: Comprehend or Force
The Sawmill provides planks and boards of all Work Points: 3 × number of PCs
sizes, lengths and shapes. This makes everything DEV Bonus: Warfare +3D6
easier to build.
DEV Requirement: Food Supply 10, Gear Bonus: +1
Technology 10 Passengers: 5 (all are crew members)
Other Requirement: One of the following —
Fuel: 2 doses per Zone sector
Water Wheel or Windmill or Steam Engine
Resilience: 2
Skills: Comprehend or Force
Work Points: 1 × number of PCs Armor Rating: 15

DEV Bonus: Technology +D6 Armaments: Scrap Cannon (Gear Bonus +1, Weapon
Damage 4, LONG range)

K SCRAP SLOOP Special: If the Scrap Cannon’s attack fails, roll a D6. On a 1,
the Scrap Tank explodes with a Blast Power of 3D6.The damage
This mid-sized scrap boat must be built as a is dealt to the tank itself, everyone inside it, and everyone up to
project by all the People together. Scrap sloops are NEAR range of the tank.

often used for exploring, fishing or – when

necessary – fight at sea. They can carry around 15 K SHOOTING RANGE
passengers and can be propelled by sail, steam To practice, the militia or army constructs a
engine, oars, or a motor from the Old Age. shooting range outside the Ark.
DEV Requirement: Technology 20 DEV Requirement: Warfare 30
Other requirement: Harbor Other Requirements: Militia or Army, and
Skills: Force or Comprehend Explosives Lab
Work Points: 2 × number of PCs Skills: Endure or Shoot
DEV Bonus: Food supply +D6, Warfare +D6 Work Points: 2 × number of PCs
Special: This project can be undertaken many DEV Bonus: Warfare +2D6
times over – but the DEV bonuses are only
granted once for the first completed Scrap


Dry conservation of plant- and corn-based grub. The Ark develops some sort of team sport. It is up
This is a dry storage facility where vermin cannot to the players to decide what game the People
reach. Food can be preserved here in case of design and how it is played. The sport shouldn’t
sieges or in case of periods when there is less grub require too advanced technical gear, but may
to be had. include balls, clubs or other gear that the People
DEV Requirement: Food Supply 40, Culture 20 can find in the Zone or construct themselves
Other Requirement: Cropland (based on the current Technology level).
Skills: Comprehend or Endure DEV Requirement: Culture 15
Work Points: 2 × numbers of PCs Skills: Endure or Force
DEV Bonus: Warfare +D6, Food Supply +D6 Work Points: 2 × number of PCs
DEV Bonus: Culture +D6
K SLAVE/GRUNT HUNTERS Special: Watching or playing the sport for a
The Ark sends out a Zone Expedition, but this one couple of hours heals all Doubt. This project
is looking for slaves/grunts. This is quite risky. can be undertaken many times over – but the
DEV Requirement: None DEV bonus is granted only once for the first
Skills: None completed Sport project.
Work Points: None
Special: If the PCs join the expedition, they must A steam driven motorcycle that can carry two
attack a settlement in the Zone. If not, the people through the Zone.
rules are the same as the rules for Zone DEV Requirement: Technology 30
Expeditions (see Mutant: Year Zero, page 124). Skills: Comprehend
If successful, the Ark’s population is increased Work Points: 1 × number of PCs
by 2D6 slaves/grunts. DEV Bonus: —
Special: A steam bike can carry two people and
K SMITHY halves the time it takes to explore the Zone.
The Ark can smith simple weapons, gear and
jewelry of metal scrap. Gear Bonus: +2
DEV Requirement: Technology 5 Passengers: 2 (one driver)
Skills: Comprehend or Force
Fuel: 1 dose per Zone sector
Work Points: 3 × number of PCs
Resilience: 1
DEV Bonus: Warfare +D6, Culture +D6,
Technology +D6 Armor Rating: 1

Special: Halves the price of close combat

weapons made of metal. Scrap armor can now K STREET LIGHTS
be purchased at the Ark. The streets and alleys of the community is lit up at
nights by oil or gas driven lamps.
DEV Requirement: Technology 30
Other requirement: Workshop
Skills: Comprehend or Jury-rig
Work Points: 2 × number of PCs
DEV Bonus: Warfare +D6, Food +D6


The People draw long metal wires created in the The workers organize themselves to protect their
Foundry, and connect them to other settlements in interests. The union is opposed to the Bosses, and
the Zone. This makes it easier to send messages, gives more power to the People.
warnings and keep in touch. This project can be DEV Requirements: Culture 30
undertaken many times over – every sector to be Other Requirement: Free Enterprise
crossed by a Telegraph counts as a separate Skills: Manipulate or Fight
project. Work Points: 2 × number of PCs
DEV Requirement: Technology 20 DEV Bonus: Food Supply + D6, Culture +D6
Other Requirements: Heliograph, Foundry, Special: Halves the income from Racketeering.
Work Points: 1 × number of PCs per sector – the This is a large and intricate machine using pipes,
cost is halved if the sector includes a Road, tanks, heat and cold to separate Rot from water,
Railroad, Bridge, Channel or Power Lines. leaving it pure. This system allows the Ark to
DEV Bonus: Technology +D6 – but only when the purify Rot water in a large scale. The amount of
Telegraph is connected to another settlement. pure water depends on the water source.
The DEV bonus is for the entire project, not DEV Requirement: Technology 40
for every sector, and only once for the first Other Requirement: Foundry
completed Telegraph. Skills: Comprehend
Work Points: 3 × number of RPs
K TERROR TROOPERS DEV Bonus: Food Supply +3D6
The Ark trains a group of people or slaves as Special: Halves the price of clean water.
warriors fighting to the death. They are used as
cannon fodder with the sole purpose of killing as K WATER RESERVOIR
many enemies as possible before dying. The People collect Rot-free water in a huge
DEV Requirement: Warfare 20 reservoir, and can use it as an energy source.
Other Requirement: Autocracy or Slave Market DEV Requirement: Technology 20
Skills: Manipulate or Fight Other Requirement: Water Purification System
Work Points: 2 × number of PCs or access to a Rot-free water source
DEV Bonus: Warfare +2D6 Skills: Comprehend or Endure
DEV Malus: Culture –D6 Work Points: 2 × number of PCs
Special: The troop consists of 10 members. They DEV Bonus: Technology +D6
are immune to Confusion and Doubt. The
nature of the troop depends on the weapons K ZOO
available at the Ark, and can be anything from An exhibit of bitterbeasts and other animals from
assassins using scrap knifes to suicide the Zone. Here, the People can go to learn about
bombers. Any Ark with Terror Troopers is the life outside of the Ark.
hated and feared by other settlements. When DEV Requirement: Food Supply 30, Culture 35
all the members of the troop are killed, the Skills: Endure or Know the Zone
Warfare bonus is lost. Work Points: 2 × number of PCs
DEV Bonus: Culture +D6
Special: A couple of hours in the Zoo heals all
Doubt. Only one visit per session.


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