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: 1st form Teacher : Mrs GHARBI Ines

Lesson 19 : A Friend I Could Never Forget

Objectives :

- enabling objectives :

The pupils will be able to :

*produce vocabulary related to friendship.

*write about a past experience related to the topic.

*predict content from the title.

*complete a gapped summary.

-terminal objective :

The pupils will be able to narrate past events.

Skills : -speaking.



Aids : handouts.

Functions : Narrating past events.

Procedures :

Speaking test : Role-play

Student A plays the role of a TV reporter. (He has ready questions).

Student B plays the role of a teenager whos is going to answer these questions.

-how do you benefit from the internet ?

-do you like chatting ?

-why do you chat ? to make new friends. (chat mates)

Warm-up : is chatting the only way to make new friends ?

No, we can make friends through sending letters. (pen-friend)

-how can you describe a good friend ? (to elicite vocabulary related to friendship)
Pre-reading : (handout)

-open your books on p 71 and read the title. What’s the text about ?

-write a few lines about a childhood friend that you couldn’t forget. ( write a few lines using the
simple past tense . eg : when I was a child, I had an intimate friend whose name is X. we loved each
other very much --------)

Do you want to know about the friends’story ?

While-reading :

-read the text . What is it about ?

-what’s the type of the text ? justify your answer.

-group-work : the class is divided into 6 groups and every 2 groups are assigned the same task. (there
are 3 tasks only). The tasks are organized in a way that forms a summary of the text. Groups
exchange information between them to ensure whole class interaction and understanding of the

Task 1 : focus on § 1 and 2 and answer the questions (handout)

Task 2 : focus on § 3 and 4 to complete the gapped summary.

Task 3 : focus on § 5 and 6 to correct the false statements.

Post-reading :

Write a short summary of the story with reliance on the above tasks.

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