Effectiveness of Nonoperative Treatment of The Symptomatic Accessory Navicular in Pediatric Patients

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Malynda Wynn, MD1; Candice Brady, DO2; Kristin Cola, DO3; Jaime Rice-Denning, MD, MS4

ABSTRACT intervention, and 41% that experienced partial pain

Background: Initial management of symptom- relief and did not require surgical intervention,
atic accessory navicular in pediatric patients is and were recommended as needed (PRN) follow-
nonoperative. However, efficacy of nonoperative up based on clinical improvement. Of those that
treatment has not been studied or established. If achieved complete pain relief, the average length
nonoperative treatment is frequently unsuccessful of non-operative treatment was 8.0 months.
or does not give lasting pain relief, surgery could Conclusion: The results of this study can be
be offered as first line treatment. This study retro- used by clinicians to frame discussions surround-
spectively reviewed outcomes of pediatric patients ing treatment options for symptomatic accessory
treated nonoperatively for symptomatic accessory navicular bones with both patients and their fami-
naviculae in an effort to provide clinicians success lies.
rates for their discussion of treatment options with Level of Evidence: III
patients and their families. Keywords: accessory naviculae, nonoperative
Methods: A retrospective analysis of pediatric treatment, pediatric
patients diagnosed and treated nonoperatively for
a symptomatic accessory navicular bone at Cincin- INTRODUCTION
nati Children’s Hospital Medical Center between An accessory navicular is considered a normal
dates August 1st, 2006 and August 24th, 2016 anatomic variant. They are present in 4% to 21% of the
was performed. Outcome measures consisted of population.1,2 The accessory navicular was first described
complete pain relief, partial relief without operative by Bauhin in 1605.3 It has been known by several names
intervention, or need for operative intervention. including os tibiale, naviculare secundarium, pre-hallux,
Radiographic imaging for each patient was also and bifurcated hallux. Most are asymptomatic and inci-
used to identify the type of accessory navicular dentally noticed on a radiograph. However, occasionally
and presence of concurrent pes planus. an accessory navicular can present with clinically evident
Results: A total of 169 patients were included, symptoms, such as pain and tenderness. These symptoms
with 226 symptomatic accessory naviculae. Aver- typically present in the second decade of life which cor-
age age at diagnosis was 11.8 years, with majority relates with its ossification.3 The navicular is the last
females (78%). Type 2 accessory naviculae were of the tarsal bones to ossify with variable radiographic
most frequent (72.7%), with Type 1 and Type 3 in appearance between 2.7 to 4 years.4 The secondary ossi-
9.7% and 17.4%, respectively. Average number of fication center does not appear until 9 through 13 years of
nonoperative trials was 2.1, with 28% experienc- age, occurring two years earlier in females than males.3,5
ing complete pain relief, 30% requiring surgical When this ossification center fails to fuse to the primary
mass, it results in an accessory navicular which can cause
medial foot pain.
University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics, Department of Orthopaedics & The first proposed classification system for the acces-
Rehabilitation, Iowa City, IA USA
sory navicular was described by Dwight in 1907 and is
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery at Desert Orthopaedic Center,
Las Vegas, NV USA still used today with only slight modification. Dwight’s
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery at Western Reserve Hospital classification includes three categories of accessory na-
Cuyahoga Falls, OH USA vicular bones (Figure 1). In a Type 1 accessory navicular,
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital the ossicle is completely independent from the navicular
Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH USA as a sesamoid bone in the tibialis posterior tendon.3 It
Corresponding author: Malynda Wynn accounts for 30% of accessory navicular bones.3,5 The
Email: malynda-s-wynn@uiowa.edu
Type 2 accessory navicular is the most common at 60% of
Disclosures: The authors report no potential conflicts of interest
related to this study. accessory navicular bones, and is united to the navicular
Sources of Funding: No sources of funding declared. by a cartilaginous or fibrocartilaginous bridge.3,5 Lastly,

Volume 39   45
M. Wynn, C. Brady, K. Cola, J. Rice-Denning

Figure 1. Examples of type 1, 2, and 3 accessory naviculae labeled as A, B, and C, respectively. Identified in external rotation view and rep-
resented within circle. Figure 1. Examples of Type 1, 2, and 3 accessory naviculae labeled as A, B, and C, respectively.

the Type 3 accessory Identified in external

navicular, rotation
which view and
is only 10%represented
of within yellow
clinicians circle.rates for their discussion of treatment
accessory naviculae, occurs when the secondary ossifi- options with patients and their families.
cation center fuses during adolescence but leaves a very
prominent medial projection.3,5 Some authors argue that MATERIALS AND METHODS
the Type 3 accessory navicular may represent the final After obtaining IRB approval, all accessory naviculae
stages of the Type 2. Medial sided foot pain is almost diagnosed and treated by the senior author (J.R.D.) and
exclusively seen in the Type 2 accessory navicular.2 colleagues at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical
The initial management of a symptomatic accessory Center between August 1st, 2006 and August 24th, 2016
navicular in pediatric patients is nonoperative. The first were retrospectively reviewed. Medical records were used
line of treatment is shoe wear modification to wider, more to identify demographic information, type of accessory
comfortable shoes which alleviate the pressure on the me- navicular, duration, and total trials of nonoperative treat-
dial side of the foot.4 In addition, activity modification to ment, additional foot comorbidities, response to nonopera-
limit or stop any strenuous activities along with nonsteroi- tive management, and need for surgery if nonoperative
dal anti-inflammatories are common. Another conserva- management failed. To be included in this study, subjects
tive option is casting to assure compliance and prevent any were required to be under 18 years of age at presentation
repetitive microtrauma.4 When nonoperative treatments during the specified time frame, experienced medial
fail to mitigate symptoms, surgery is indicated. sided foot pain, had radiographic evidence of an accessory
While operative outcomes and efficacy has been ex- navicular, and underwent at least one course of nonop-
tensively studied in the accessory navicular, in contrast, erative treatment. Patients with a previously operated
the efficacy of nonoperative treatment for alleviating on accessory navicular or other diagnosed painful foot
pain or preventing surgery in the symptomatic accessory conditions were excluded. Outcome measures consisted of
navicular has not been established. If nonoperative treat- pain relief, no operative intervention, or need for operative
ment is frequently unsuccessful or does not give lasting intervention. Imaging for each patient was also reviewed
pain relief, then surgery could possibly be offered as a to determine type of accessory navicular and identify pres-
first line treatment. This study retrospectively reviewed ence of concurrent pes planus. Radiographic pes planus
the outcomes of pediatric patients treated nonoperatively was determined using both Meary’s angle (measuring
for symptomatic accessory naviculae which will provide greater than 10 degrees) and calcaneal pitch (measuring

46   The Iowa Orthopedic Journal

Effectiveness of Nonoperative Treatment of the Symptomatic Accessory Navicular in Pediatric Patients

Figure 2. Measurement of Meary’s (talar-1st metatarsal angle) and calcaneal pitch angles. A) Measurement of patient’s right foot without
Figure 2.normal
pes planus demonstrating Measurement
Meary’s of
calcaneal pitchst angles.
(talar-1 metatarsal angle) and calcaneal
B) Measurement pitchright
of patient’s angles.
with pes planus demonstrating
abnormal Meary’s and calcaneal pitch angles. Meary’s angle was measured between the long axis of the talus and first metatarsal on a weight-
bearing lateral view as shown. Calcaneal pitch angle was measured between plantar-most surface of calcaneus to inferior border of distal
articular surface and transverse of patient’s right foot without pes planus demonstrating normal Meary’s and

calcaneal pitch angles. B) Measurement of patient’s right foot with pes planus demonstrating
less than 15 degrees) (Figure 2). 2.1, with 28% experiencing complete pain relief, 30% re-
Descriptive abnormal
were and usedcalcaneal
to characterize
pitch angles.the quiring
Meary’s angle wasoperative intervention,
measured between the longand 41% that experienced
sample, including nonoperative treatment type, duration partial pain relief, did not require operative intervention,
of nonoperativeaxis of the talustreatment
treatment, and first metatarsal
response onand
a weight-bearing
need lateral
and wereview as shown. Calcaneal
recommended PRNpitch
follow-up based on clinical
for additional surgery. The response to treatment was improvement. Of those that achieved complete pain relief,
angle was measured between plantar-most surface of calcaneus to inferior border of distal
assessed by the patient’s ability to return to baseline or average length of nonoperative treatment was 8.0 months.
sporting activities at described in follow-up visits,
articular surface and transverse plane. depend- In contrast, of those patients who failed nonoperative
ing on activity level of patient. Treatment response was treatment and went on to receive operative intervention,
also judged by patient and families not seeking further the average length of nonoperative treatment prior to
treatment. A chi-squared test was used to analyze the receiving operative intervention was 11.7 months. A total
different conservative treatments and the outcomes of 47 (27.8%) patients underwent immobilization alone
achieved. The percentage of patients failing conservative as nonoperative treatment, 40 (23.6%) underwent shoe
management and requiring surgery was also calculated. inserts alone as treatment, and 82 (48.5%) underwent both
immobilization and shoe inserts as treatment (Table 1).
RESULTS Thirteen percent of patients received advanced imag-
A total of 169 patients with 226 symptomatic acces- ing (CT or MRI) during their initial work-up. Associated
sory naviculae were identified which met all inclusion pes planus was identified using radiographic measure-
criteria, and had complete medical records necessary for ments from available standing radiographs. There were
data analysis. Average age at diagnosis was 11.8 years, 18 patients (17.6%) which demonstrated pes planus using
with 78% females and 22% males. Fifty-three (32%) were Meary’s angle, while 22 patients (21.5%) demonstrated pes
left symptomatic accessory naviculae, 56 (33%) right, and planus using calcaneal pitch (Figure 2).
60 (36%) bilateral. Type 2 accessory naviculae were most
frequent (72.7%), with Type 1 and Type 3 accounting for DISCUSSION
9.7% and 17.4%, respectively (Figure 1). Fifty-six percent There is currently very little literature exploring
of the symptoms were chronic in nature, with 31% due to nonoperative treatment outcomes of symptomatic ac-
acute injury. Average number of nonoperative trials was cessory naviculae. Case reports make up the majority

Volume 39   47
M. Wynn, C. Brady, K. Cola, J. Rice-Denning

Table 1. Type of Nonoperative Treatment and Associated Treatment Outcome

Type of Nonoperative Treatment Pain Relief No Operative Intervention£ Surgery
Immobilization +
19 (40%) 12 (26%) 16 (34%)
Shoe Inserts ++
7 (18%) 31 (78%) 2 (5%)
Immobilization+ & Shoe Inserts ++
25 (30%) 29 (35%) 28 (34%)
Total Patients 51 (30%) 72 (43%) 46 (27%)
No operative intervention patients underwent nonoperative treatment and did not receive surgery.
Immobilization defined as patient treated with CAM walker and/or cast.
Shoe inserts defined as patient treated with orthotics and/or cushion inserts.

of current insight, and among those athletes tend to be ness over the navicular bone only rather than along the
the focus over the general population.6,7 In a recent case length of the tibialis posterior tendon. Concomitant pes
report comparing two adolescent dancers, one treated planus was another contributing factor considered. There
A and the other treated nonoperatively,
B it was are several radiographic
C angles that have been described
found that nonoperative treatment of bracing, taping, and for determination of pes planus. The authors prefer to
foot orthotics provided substantial pain relief and return use both the Meary’s angle and calcaneal pitch angle to
to activities similar to the patient treated operatively.7 De- determine pes planus radiographically. A Meary’s angle
spite reported cases of nonoperative treatment outcomes, greater than 10 degrees (normal range of 0 to 10°) or
overall effectiveness of nonoperative treatment and spe- calcaneal pitch angle less than 15 degrees (normal range
cific effectiveness of various treatment modalities have of 15 to 30°) was considered diagnostic of pes planus.9-11
yet to be investigated. Our results provide further insight There were 17.6% of patients which demonstrated pes
into effectiveness of not only nonoperative treatment, but planus using Meary’s angle, while 21.5% demonstrated
also of specific treatment modalities. The results of our pes planus using calcaneal pitch. Previous studies have
study are meant to provide baseline data for surgeons to reported prevalence rates of pes planus in the pediatric
utilize when discussing treatment options with patients population ranging from 4 to 44%.12-14 Rates of pes planus
and families. from the current study support these findings, however
Recent literature has suggested that not all symptom- with the various methods practitioners use to diagnose pes
atic accessory naviculae respond similarly to nonoperative planus there is some variation between studies. Literature
treatment.7,8 A retrospective study by Jegal et al. found also suggests that an accessory navicular does not play a
that athletes with symptomatic accessory navicular pain role in the development of pes planus, and vice versa.15,16
have symptoms that are more refractory to conservative In addition, the degree of pes planus is not associated
treatment when compared to the general population.8 with severity of symptoms in patients with accessory
This raises the question of whether surgery could be naviculae.15,16
considered sooner in those patients whose symptoms It is also difficult to determine success of nonoperative
seem to arise as a direct result of athletic activity. In our treatment given pain thresholds vary so greatly between
study, it is hard to determine cause due to athletic activ- individuals. In our study, 28% of patients experienced
ity versus other trauma, as this is not a common question complete pain relief with nonoperative management while
asked during initial work-up that would ultimately alter 31% required operative intervention. The remaining 41%
treatment decisions. Further, patients that are active in of our patients initially underwent nonoperative treat-
competitive sports may have a lower threshold in which ment and on subsequent visits demonstrated partial pain
to opt for operative intervention. Based on our results, an relief and were recommended follow-up as needed based
average of 2.1 nonoperative trials were required spanning on clinical improvement. Effectiveness of non-operative
an average of 8.0 months, which could have a big impact treatment also likely varies based on factors such as base-
on return to sport for those involved in multiple competi- line activity level and age, and subgroup analyses would
tive athletic activities. be beneficial to determine more specific characteristics
It is often difficult to differentiate pain from symptom- of those that achieved complete pain relief with non-
atic accessory navicular from other etiologies, such as operative management. In addition, a more standardized
tibialis posterior tendonitis. This distinction can be made approach to assessing pain relief in children is warranted.
more challenging when patients have difficulty pinpoint- While patient reported outcome measures (PROs) have
ing where pain is emanating from. To mitigate this in our become standard of care in the adult population, in chil-
study, particular attention was paid to the physical exam dren there is limited evidence demonstrating the efficacy
with emphasis placed on the patient feeling point tender- of PROs in pediatric orthopedic practice.21

48   The Iowa Orthopedic Journal

Effectiveness of Nonoperative Treatment of the Symptomatic Accessory Navicular in Pediatric Patients

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planning. 10. Keats, T; Sistrom, C: Atlas of Radiologic Measure-
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explores the potential effectiveness of different nonop- 11. Vanderwilde, R; Staheli, L: Measurements on Ra-
erative treatments for symptomatic accessory naviculae. diographs of the Foot in Normal Infants and Children.
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Volume 39   49

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