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Units 1 and 2

5th Grade A
Miss Valentina Contavalli
Miss Valentina Mendoza
Thursday 12th, May 2022

Objective: To review units 1 and 2 of the Class Book.

Today we will:
❏ Review the content from pages: 10, 12, 20,
11, 21 and 24.
❏ Write a comic strip
Key vocabulary:
Outdoor Activities

Let’s review the vocabulary that we have learned so far.

Key vocabulary:
Outdoor Activities

Let’s review the vocabulary that we have learned so far.

Key vocabulary: Winter Activities

Let’s review the vocabulary that we have learned so far.

Key vocabulary: Science

Let’s review the vocabulary that we have learned so far.

Key vocabulary: Science

Measure the

Let’s review the vocabulary that we have learned so far.

Simple past

Used in situations or actions that

occurred in the past
Regular verbs
end with -ED in
Simple Tense.
Used when we want to express the
result of a condition
To enjoy/like + verb(ing)

Think about
things you
enjoy or like
Write your own comic strip and Remember to draw and
make sure to add the verbs: illustrate your ideas
enjoy, like, dislike, fancy, stop,
carry on, imagine and suggest.

These verbs are followed by

another verb in the ing form

I dislike eating I enjoy meditating.

Thank you for
your attention!

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