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Alternate Scales for Turbulent

Boundary Layer on Transitional

Rough Walls: Universal Log Laws
The present work deals with four new alternate transitional surface roughness scales for
description of the turbulent boundary layer. The nondimensional roughness scale ␾ is
associated with the transitional roughness wall inner variable ␨ = Z+ / ␾, the roughness
friction Reynolds number R␾ = R␶ / ␾, and the roughness Reynolds number Re␾ = Re/ ␾.

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The two layer theory for turbulent boundary layers in the variables, mentioned above, is
Noor Afzal presented by method of matched asymptotic expansions for large Reynolds numbers. The
Department of Mechanical Engineering, matching in the overlap region is carried out by the Izakson–Millikan–Kolmogorov hy-
Aligarh University, pothesis, which gives the velocity profiles and skin friction universal log laws, explicitly
Aligarh 202002, India independent of surface roughness, having the same constants as the smooth wall case. In
e-mail: these alternate variables, just above the wall roughness level, the mean velocity and
Reynolds stresses are universal and do not depend on surface roughness. The extensive
experimental data provide very good support to our universal relations. There is no
universality of scalings in traditional variables and different expressions are needed for
inflectional type roughness, monotonic Colebrook–Moody roughness, k-type roughness,
d-type roughness, etc. In traditional variables, the velocity profile and skin friction pre-
dictions for the inflectional roughness, k-type roughness, and d-type roughness are sup-
ported well by the extensive experimental data. The pressure gradient effect from the
matching conditions in the overlap region leads to the universal composite laws, which
for weaker pressure gradients yields log laws and for strong adverse pressure gradients
provides the half-power laws for universal velocity profiles and in traditional variables
the additive terms in the two situations depend on the wall roughness.
关DOI: 10.1115/1.2844583兴

1 Introduction tion coefficient. The experiments for determination of the rough-

ness function ⌬U+ have been described in Flack et al. 关4兴 and
The rough wall flows are of great importance, but they are
Connelly et al. 关5兴. The roughness function ⌬U+ is a useful de-
much more poorly understood than flows over smooth walls. The
scriptor of the surface roughness effects on mean velocity distri-
technological importance of rough wall bounded turbulent flows is
bution in the inner region. It physically represents the roughness
well known. In many situations, a turbulent flow develops over
dominated shift in the velocity profile from the log law of a
surfaces that are hydrodynamically rough for some portion of
smooth wall. For ⌬U+ ⬎ 0, the shift is downward due to the in-
their length. The major impact of wall roughness is to perturb the
crease of the drag and for ⌬U+ ⬍ 0, the shift is upward due to the
wall layer, which, in general, leads to an increase in wall shear
reduction of the drag of the rough surface 共Abe et al. 关6兴兲. The
stress. The increase in wall shear stress is almost invariably ac-
roughness function ⌬U+, such as friction velocity u␶, is a charac-
companied by an increase in the wall heat and mass transfer rate.
teristic of the hydraulic wall roughness subjected to the oncoming
Millikan 关1兴 was first to propose the two layer asymptotic
fluid stream. The roughness function ⌬U+ data for various types
theory. For transitional rough and fully smooth pipes in the wall
of roughness may be found in Schlichting 关7兴, Ligrani and Moffat
region, he adopted the smooth wall variable Z+ and for fully rough
关8兴, Bandyopadhyay 关9兴, Raupach et al. 关10兴, Patel 关11兴, Piquet
pipes, he used the inner wall variable Z / h. Millikan proposed the
关12兴, Jimenez 关13兴, Leonardi et al. 关14兴, Afzal and Seena 关15兴,
log law, where the prefactor is the Karman constant 共a universal Djendi et al. 关16兴, Mochizuki et al. 关17兴, Afzal 关18兴, and Schultz
number兲 and the additive term depends on wall roughness and and Flack 关19兴.
represents a shift of the velocity profile in the overlap region. The normal coordinate is Z = y + ⑀r, where ⑀r is the origin of the
Furthermore, for fully rough walls, the additive intercept also has normal coordinate on the rough surface, caused by irregular pro-
a universal value that differs from the fully smooth wall value. trusions of the hydraulic roughness of height h. It is a particular
Clauser 关2兴 and Hama 关3兴 simplified the matter and represented level between the protrusion bases and heads, which automatically
the rough wall by defining a roughness function ⌬U+, as an addi- satisfies the constraints 0 ⬍ ⑀r ⬍ h and ⑀r = 0 for smooth surface.
tional term to smooth wall log law, that arises from the transitional Clauser 关2兴 proposed a method of determining the effective sur-
rough wall region as given below ⌬U+ = 共u / u␶兲S − 共u / u␶兲, where face roughness origin ⑀r and skin friction u␶. The methods used
suffix S refers to the fully smooth wall. The shift in the overlap for determination of the wall shear stress on the rough surfaces are
region remains the same as estimated at the edge of turbulent not ideal. The modified Clauser chart method assumes that the log
boundary layer 共y = ␦, u = Uc兲 as ⌬U+ = 共Uc / u␶兲S − 共Uc / u␶兲 law is valid for rough wall boundary layers and requires the solu-
S − 共2 / C f 兲 , where C f = 2␶w / ␳Uc is the local skin fric-
= 共2 / C f 兲1/2 tion of additional degrees of freedom 共the wall offset and the
1/2 2

roughness function ⌬U+兲. Krogstad et al. 关20兴 modified this pro-

cedure by including the wake region in the determination of the
Contributed by the Fluids Engineering Division of ASME for publication in the
JOURNAL OF FLUIDS ENGINEERING. Manuscript received March 30, 2007; final manu-
wall shear stress. Although this method allows for more points in
script received November 2, 2007; published online April 1, 2008. Assoc. Editor: the boundary layer to be used in determining the wall shear stress,
Philip M. Ligrani. it assumes both the existence of the log law and the functional

Journal of Fluids Engineering Copyright © 2008 by ASME APRIL 2008, Vol. 130 / 041202-1
form of the law of the wake for rough wall flows. The method also priate Reynolds shear stress, p⬘共x兲 = −␳UcdUc / dx is the stream-
simultaneously determines C f and ⌬U+. Acharya et al. 关21兴 ob- wise pressure gradient, Uc共x兲 is the velocity at the edge of the
served that simultaneous selection of these parameters can yield turbulent boundary layer of thickness ␦, ␯ is the molecular kine-
an improved statistical fit of the data but may, in some cases, give matic viscosity, and ␳ is the fluid density.
an increase error in C f . Using the total stress method on rough The present work defines the roughness velocity u␾ and rough-
wall boundary layers has its own shortcomings. This method re- ness coordinate y ␾, in terms of axial velocity u at normal distance
lies on a plateau in the Reynolds shear stress profile, which is y, as y ␾ = y / ␾ and u␾ = u / ␾, where ␾ is the nondimensional
often not clearly defined in the roughness sublayer, and has fairly roughness scale defined later, such that all mean relative motions
high measurement uncertainty in this region 共Schultz and Flack and energy-containing components of the turbulent motion do not
关19,22兴兲. depend on surface roughness. The appropriate inner variables are
The theories of the transitionally rough wall turbulent boundary
layer are based on the inner layer fully smooth wall variable Z+
Zu␶␾ Z+ Zu␶
= Zu␶ / ␯ or the fully rough wall variable Z / h 共Schlichting 关7兴, ␨= = , Z+ = , Z = y + ⑀r 共3兲
Raupach et al. 关10兴, Patel 关11兴, Piquet 关12兴, and Jimenez 关13兴兲. ␯ ␾ ␯

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There is no universality of scalings in traditional variables and
different expressions are needed for various types of roughness, as where u+ = u␾ / u␶␾ = u / u␶ and u␶␾ = u␶ / ␾. Here, ⑀r is the virtual
suggested, for example, with inflectional type roughness, mono- origin located below the top of the roughness element, u␶
tonic Colebrook 关23兴—Moody 关24兴 roughness, k-type/d-type = 共␶w / ␳兲1/2 is the friction velocity, and ␶w is the skin friction. The
roughness, etc., are predicted in present work. The alternative roughness friction Reynolds number R␾ and roughness Reynolds
scale is connected with traditional roughness function. This alter- number Re␾ are
nate scale provides the wall roughness effects in the new inner
wall length scale ␨ = Z+ / ␾, which has opened the avenues of new ␦u␶␾ R␶ ␦Uc␾ Re
parameters, such as roughness friction Reynolds number and R␾ = = , Re␾ = = 共4兲
␯ ␾ ␯ ␾
roughness Reynolds numbers. These new parameters provide uni-
versal velocity profile and universal friction factor relations that where R␶ = ␦u␶ / ␯ and Re= ␦Uc / ␯. The two Reynolds numbers are
are explicitly independent of wall roughness. It also helps to yield connected by the relation R␾ = Re␾共C f / 2兲1/2 and C f = 2共u␶ / Uc兲2,
the traditional relations and also provides insight into the rough- where C f is the skin friction coefficient. The transitional rough
ness scale ␾ formaulation for inflectionl type roughness as well as wall experimental data analyzed here show that the nondimen-
k-type and d-type roughness. On the other hand, the traditional sional roughness scale ␾ may be connected to traditional nondi-
study of rough wall is based on fully smooth wall inner scale Z+, mensional roughness function ⌬U+ by relation
where the effect of the wall roughness shows a shift of the veloc-
ity profile log law by an amount equal to the roughness function
over the fully smooth wall layer log law. ⌬U+ = ln ␾, ␾ = exp共k⌬U+兲 共5兲
The present work deals with an alternate new transitional sur- k
face roughness scale ␾ for a turbulent boundary layer, in terms of The traditional approach to turbulent shear flow of a rough wall
the transitional roughness inner variable ␨ = Z+ / ␾ and the rough- is based on the roughness function ⌬U+, which represents the shift
ness friction Reynolds number R␾, where the velocity and Rey- of the velocity profile on a rough wall over the smooth wall value
nolds stresses are explicity independent of transitional wall rough- 共based on fully smooth wall coordinate y +兲. In the present work,
ness. The two layer theory for a turbulent boundary layer based on effects on roughness are introduced by defining a nondimensional
new alternate variables has been presented at large Reynolds num- wall variable ␨ = Z+ / ␾, such that the theory is explicitly indepen-
bers by method on matched asymptotic expansions. In the overlap dent of transitional surface roughness. The velocity profile data in
region, the matching by the Izakson–Millikan–Kolmogorov hy- the alternate wall variable ␨ and the friction factor data in the
pothesis 关25兴 for velocity profiles and friction factor gives log alternate parameter Re␾ = Re/ ␾, the roughness Reynolds number,
laws that are universal explicitly independent of wall roughness, show universality, as the results do not explicitly depend on sur-
which implicitly involve nondimensional roughness scale ␾. The face transitional roughness. The nondimensional roughness scale
extensive experimental data provide good support to the universal ␾ for the inflectional type roughness is predicted here which turns
log laws for the velocity profile and the friction factor on transi- out to be a simple expression. It leads to an expression for the
tional rough wall boundary layers. The effects of the pressure frictional resistance 共in the case of inflectional rough surface
gradient on the matching conditions in the overlap region lead to boundary layer in the present work兲. The inflectional roughness in
the composite laws, described in Appendix A. For weaker pres- a fully developed turbulent pipe flow has been considered by
sure gradient, the matching provides the log laws and for strong Afzal and Seena 关16兴. The well known Moody diagram described
adverse pressure gradient the matching yields the half-power the frictional resistance for monotonic roughness by Colebrook
laws, where the additive constant in both situations in the inner 关23兴 and Moody 关24兴, where the present work deals with such a
layer depends on the wall roughness. diagram for the inflectional roughness 共Nikuradse 关25兴兲. The over-
all description of turbulent shear flow has been in terms of two
2 Analysis of Turbulent Boundary Layer separate length scales 共inner wall and outer nonlinear wake兲 at
The boundary layer equations for incompressible two- large Reynolds numbers. The appropriate parameter R␾ is the
dimensional mean turbulent flow subjected to pressure gradient, in roughness friction Reynolds number.
standard notation 共Schlichting 关7兴兲, are 2.1 Inner Wall Layer. The inner region scales 共␯ and u␶␾兲
⳵u ⳵v give the inner length scale ␯ / u␶␾ in the inner limit ␨ fixed for
+ =0 共1兲 R␾ → ⬁. The velocity and Reynolds stress in the inner variables
⳵x ⳵ y are
⳵u ⳵u 1 dp ⳵ 2u 1 ⳵ ␶
u +v =− +␯ 2 + 共2兲 Zu␶␾
⳵x ⳵y ␳ dx ⳵y ␳ ⳵y u = ␾2u␶␾ui共␨,R␾兲, ␶ = ␳␾2u␶␾
␶+共␨,R␾兲, ␨= 共6兲

The boundary conditions are y = 0, u = v = ␶ = 0, and y / ␦ → ⬁, u
→ Uc共x兲, ␶ → 0. Here u and v are the velocity components in x The momentum equation 共2兲 in the inner rough wall layer be-
streamwise and y the normal directions. ␶ = −␳具u⬘v⬘典 is the appro- comes

041202-2 / Vol. 130, APRIL 2008 Transactions of the ASME

⳵ui ␯ p⬘ turbulent shear flow without any closure, following Afzal and
+ ␶+ = 1 + K␾␨ + O共⑀R␾兲−1, K␾ = 共7兲 Narasimha 关26兴, by Izakson–Millikan–Kolmogorov 共IMK兲 hy-
⳵␨ ␾2␳u␾3
pothesis: Between the viscous and the energetic scales in any
where K␾ represents the nondimensional pressure gradient param- turbulent flow exists an overlap domain over which the solutions
eter characterizing the flow in the two corresponding limits must
match as the Reynolds number approaches infinity. The resem-
2.2 Outer Layer. The outer layer length scale ␦ and the outer blance of the IMK hypothesis to conventional matching associated
limit are Y = Z / ␦ fixed for R␾ → ⬁. The velocity and Reynolds with closed equations seems peculiar to turbulence theory. For
stress in the outer layer variables are sufficiently large Reynolds numbers, there exists an overlap do-
Y= ,

X= 冕 L−1dx,

= ⑀2 共8兲
main where the inner and outer layer solutions must match. The
matching of inner and outer layer velocities in the overlap region,
for large Reynolds numbers, requires

⳵f ␾ui共X, ␨兲 = Uc+F0共X,Y兲 − F1共X,Y兲 共18兲

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u = UcF共X,Y兲, F= , ␶ = ␳u2␶ T共X,Y兲 共9兲
⳵Y where Uc+共R␾兲 = Uc / u␶ for ␨ → ⬁, Y → 0 for R␾ → ⬁. This is an
Here, ␦ is the outer boundary layer thickness and L is the scale of open functional equation connecting four unknown functions. The
flow variations in the x direction. Equations 共1兲 and 共2兲 in outer relation 共18兲 provides the matching functional equations, as we
layer become are dealing with open equations of mean turbulent shear flow
without any closure, by IMK hypothesis 共Afzal and Narasimha
1 关26兴兲. The resemblance of the IMK hypothesis to conventional
共1 − ␤兲T⬘ + f f ⬙ + ␤共1 − f ⬘2兲 + X共1 − ␤兲共f ⬙ f X − f ⬘ f X⬘ 兲 matching associated with closed equations seems peculiar to tur-

bulence theory. For sufficiently large Reynolds numbers, there
共1 − ␤兲 exists an overlap domain where the inner and outer layer solutions
=− f⵮ 共10兲
␹R␶ must match. For R␾ → ⬁, the function U+⬁ → ⬁ and the relations
共18兲 require that the inner velocity distribution ui共X , ␨兲 should be
subjected to the boundary conditions at the edge of the boundary
layer unbounded for large ␨. Note that this matching would be impos-
sible if ui共X , ␨兲 was bounded as ␨ → ⬁. The open functional equa-
f ⬘共X,⬁兲 = 1, T共X,⬁兲 = 0 共11兲 tion possesses a partial solution, and differentiating it with respect
The dash denotes differentiation with respect to the normal coor- to y, and using the relation 共18兲, we get
dinate Y and suffix X denotes the differentiation with respect to ⳵u+ ⳵F0 ⳵F1
coordinate X along the surface. The pressure gradient parameter ␤ ␨ = Uc+Y −Y 共19兲
and the boundary layer growth parameter ␹ are ⳵␨ ⳵Y ⳵Y

m as ␨ → ⬁ and Y → 0. For large Reynolds numbers R␾ → ⬁, the

␤= , 共12a兲 function U⬁+ → ⬁ and the matching of the leading order term in
1+m Eq. 共19兲 demands
␦ dUc ⳵F0
m= , 共12b兲 Y = o共⑀兲, Y→0 共20兲
Uc d␦ ⳵Y
where ⑀ = u␶ / Uc. Equation 共20兲 permits the simplest solution
␹= 共12c兲
␦ ⳵F0
= finite at Y = 0 共21兲
The outer asymptotic expansions are ⳵Y
f = f o共X,Y兲 + ⑀ f 1共X,Y兲 + o共⑀兲 共13兲 along with the wall slip velocity F0共X , 0兲 = bS, where constant bS
depends on pressure gradient. This implies that nonlinear outer
F = Fo共X,Y兲 + ⑀F1共X,Y兲 + o共⑀兲 共14兲 layer solution F0共X , Y兲 admits the similarity analysis, described in
Appendix B, and wall slip velocity US = bSUc is finite. Further-
T = To共X,Y兲 + ⑀T1共X,Y兲 + o共⑀兲 共15兲 more, Eq. 共21兲 permits other solutions also, which have not been
considered here. In view of these arguments, the matching rela-
The outer equation 共10兲 and boundary conditions 共11兲, in view of
tions 共18兲 and 共19兲 become
the asymptotic expansions 共13兲–共15兲, give the first and second
order outer layer equations, u+共X, ␨兲 = US+ − F1共X,Y兲 共22兲
共1 − ␤兲␹−1To⬘ + f o f o⬙ − ␤共1 − f o⬘2兲 + X共1 − ␤兲共f o⬙ f oX − f o⬘ f oX
⬘ 兲=0
⳵u+ ⳵F1
共16兲 ␨ =−Y 共23兲
⳵␨ ⳵Y
共1 − ␤兲␹−1T1⬘ + f o f 1⬙ − 2␤ f o⬘ f 1⬘ + f o⬙ f 1 where US+ = US / u␶ as ␨ → ⬁ and Y → 0 for R␾ → ⬁. The integra-
tion of relation 共23兲 gives the velocity profile log laws, in the
+ X共1 − ␤兲共f o⬙ f 1X − f 1⬘ f oX
⬘ + f 1⬙ f oX − f o⬘ f 1X
⬘ 兲=0 共17兲 overlap region of the inner and outer regions. In law of the rough
subjected to the boundary conditions f 0⬘共X , ⬁兲 − 1 = T0共X , ⬁兲 = 0 wall,
and f 1⬘共X , ⬁兲 = T1共X , ⬁兲 = 0. The lowest order, outer layer equation u 1
共16兲 corresponds to that of a nonlinear wake, which for a constant = ln ␨ + B 共24兲
eddy viscosity closure model of outer layer has been analyzed in u␶ k
Appendix B. These outer layer open equations have been inviscid, In outer local velocity defect law,
which fail to satisfy the no slip boundary condition. Consequently,
an inner wall layer containing the viscous term is needed. US − u 1
= − ln Y + DS 共25兲
u␶ k
2.3 Matching. These relations provide the matching func-
tional equations, as we are dealing with open equations of mean In skin friction log law,

Journal of Fluids Engineering APRIL 2008, Vol. 130 / 041202-3

US 1 Here, B and BT are intercepts of log laws in fully smooth wall and
= ln R␾ + B + DS 共26兲 transitional rough wall flows. The roughness function ⌬U+ and
u␶ k
roughness scale ␾ from above relations yield
The lowest order outer layer flow is governed by a nonlinear wake
equation 共16兲, which under the outer boundary condition and 1
⌬U+ = ln h+ + B − BT 共35兲
matching condition with inner layer has been in equilibrium as k
described Appendix B of present work and Afzal 关27,28兴. Further-
more, under constant eddy viscosity closure model, we get tradi- ␾ = exp共k⌬U+兲 = h+ exp关k共B − BT兲兴 共36兲
tional Falkner–Skan equation 共B1兲 subjected to the certain bound- For fully smooth hydraulic wall, h+ is sufficiently small 共say, less
ary conditions 共B2a , b , c兲 that provide a finite slip velocity US on than about 5 for sand roughness兲; the flow is hydraulically
the surface as a function of the pressure gradient. For a shallow smooth, where B = 5.5. For fully rough hydraulic wall, h+ suffi-
wake US = Uc, implying F0共Y兲 = 1, bS = 1, and DS = D and the com- ciently large 共say, more than about 70 for sand roughness兲; the
posite solution may be expressed as flow is fully rough where BF = 8.5.

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The law of rough wall 共31兲 and skin friction law 共32兲 may
u 1 ⌸ alternately be expressed in terms of meteorological variables as
= ln ␨ + B + W共Y兲 共27兲
u␶ k k given below:
u 1 Z ⌸
Uc − u 1 ⌸ = ln + W共Y兲 共37兲
= − ln Y + 关W共1兲 − W共Y兲兴 共28兲 u␶ k Z0 k
u␶ k k
Uc 1 Z0
= ln +D 共38兲
Uc 1
= ln R␾ + B + D 共29兲 u␶ k ␦
u␶ k Here, Z0+ is the roughness length, where effective wall may be
Here, D = W共1兲⌸ / k, ⌸ is the wake parameter, and W共Y兲 is the regarded displaced inward from actual wall by an amount Z0. It is
wake function of Coles 关29兴, defined by the relation 共28兲, sub- connected with roughness scale by the relation Z0+ = ␾ exp共−kB兲.
jected to the boundary conditions W共0兲 = 0 and W共1兲 = 1 or 2 as
desired. The skin friction relation 共29兲 may also be expressed as

冑 2 1
= ln Re␾
Cf k
冉 冑冊 Cf
+B+D 共30兲
4 Roughness Scale ␾ and Roughness Length Z0+
4.1 Monotonic Roughness. In commercial monotonic rough-
ness, Colebrook 关23兴 fortuitously proposed that roughness scale ␾
The effects of the pressure gradient on the matching conditions in is simply the sum of fully smooth wall ␾ = 1 and fully rough wall
the overlap region lead to universal composite laws, described in ␾ = ␹h+, where ␹ = exp关k共B − BF兲兴. Adopting B = 5 for fully smooth
the Appendix. For weaker pressure gradient, the matching pro- wall and BF = 8.5 for fully rough wall yields ␹ = 0.306. The com-
vides the relations 共A10兲 and 共A11兲, for strong adverse pressure posite function 关23兴 is ␾ = 1 + ␹h+.
gradient the matching yields the half-power laws for velocity pro-
file 共A12兲 and 共A13兲 in universal variables, and in traditional vari- 4.2 Inflectional Roughness. The inflectional roughness of
ables the intercepts in two situations depend on the wall rough- Nikuradse 关25兴 has been analyzed by Loselevich and Pilipenko
ness. 共see Cebeci 关30兴兲 to suggest the following correlation:
⌬U+ = 共B − 8.5 + k−1 ln h+兲sin关0.4258共ln h+ − 0.811兲兴 = ln ␾
3 Reduction to Traditional Picture With Shallow
Outer Wake Layer
for 2.25艋 h+ ⬍ 90 with B = 5.2 and k = 0.42.
The universal velocity profile 共27兲, with the help of expressions In the present work, the roughness scale ␾ for the inflectional
共5兲, is expressed in traditional smooth wall variable Z+ and rough- roughness of Nikuradse 关25兴 from modification of the Colebrook
ness function ⌬U+ as monotonic relation, by introducing an exponential function that
approaches unity for h+ → ⬁, is stated below:
u 1 ⌸
= ln Z+ + B − ⌬U+ + W共Y兲
u␶ k k
Likewise, the skin friction relation 共29兲 yields
冉 冊
␾ = 1 + ␹h+ exp −

Uc 1 ⌸
= ln R␶ + B − ⌬U+ + W共1兲
u␶ k k
⌬U+ =
冋 冉 冊册
ln 1 + ␹h+ exp −

The roughness length Z0+ is connected with the roughness scale

The velocity profile 共31兲 may also be expressed as by the relation
u 1 ⌸
= ln Z+ + Bt + W共Y兲,
u␶ k k
共33a兲 冋
Z0+ = 1 + ␹h+ exp − 冉 冊册j
exp共− kB兲 共42兲

The log law constants BT and Bt based on the roughness function

⌬U+ = B − Bt 共33b兲 共41兲 become
In terms of rough wall variables, the velocity profile 共33a兲 and
共33b兲 becomes BT = B −
冉 冊册
+ ␹ exp −

u 1 Z
u␶ k h

= ln + BT + W共Y兲,
Bt +
ln h+ = BT 共34兲
Bt = B −
冋 冉 冊册
ln 1 + ␹h+ exp −

041202-4 / Vol. 130, APRIL 2008 Transactions of the ASME

Fig. 1 The velocity distribution on k-type roughness from data of Kameda et al. †32‡ in semilog plots: „a… Inner smooth wall Downloaded from by Beihang University user on 09 December 2021
variables „u+ , Z+…. „b… Velocity profile shifted by the roughness function u+ + ⌬U+ against smooth wall variable Z+. „c… Our
universal variables for inner transitional rough wall „u+ , ␨…. „d… Alternate universal inner rough wall variables „u+ , Z / Z0…. „e…
Outer velocity defect variables „„Uc − u… / u␶ , Y….

respectively, and are the intercepts of the wall log laws for fully
smooth and fully rough walls. The velocity profile log law 共27兲
and the skin friction log law 共29兲 become
Uc 1
= ln R␶
u␶ k
再 冒冋 冉 冊册冎
1 + ␹h+ exp −


u 1
= ln Z+
u␶ k
再 冒冋 冉 冊册冎
1 + ␹h+ exp −

+ B + W共Y兲
共45兲 The skin friction log law 共46兲 may also be expressed as

Journal of Fluids Engineering APRIL 2008, Vol. 130 / 041202-5

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Fig. 2 The log law velocity distribution on d-type roughness from data of Osaka and Mochizuki †31‡ in semilog plots: „a…
Inner smooth wall variables „u+ , Z+…. „b… Velocity profile shifted by the roughness function u+ + ⌬U+ against smooth wall
variable Z+. „c… Our universal variables for inner transitional rough wall „u+ , ␨…. „d… Alternate universal inner rough wall
variables „u+ , Z / Z0…. „e… Outer velocity defect variables „„Uc − u… / u␶ , Y….

= − ln

exp关− k共B + D兲兴 + exp共− k共BF + D兲兴

冑 2

= − ln exp关− k共B + D兲兴

+ ␹ exp −

冉 冊冎册
j ␦
R␶ h

⫻exp −冉 冊册 j

The skin friction coefficient C f in terms of the friction Reynolds The relation 共48兲 in terms of the Reynolds number Re= Uc␦ / ␯
number R␶ = u␶␦ / ␯ becomes becomes

041202-6 / Vol. 130, APRIL 2008 Transactions of the ASME

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Fig. 3 The log law velocity distribution due to rod roughness data of Smalley et al. †34‡ in semilog plots: „a… Inner smooth
wall variables „u+ , Z+…. „b… Velocity profile shifted by the roughness function u+ + ⌬U+ against smooth wall variable Z+. „c… Our
universal variables for inner transitional rough wall „u+ , ␨…. „d… Alternate universal inner rough wall variables „u+ , Z / Z0…. „e…
Outer velocity defect variables „„Uc − u… / u␶ , Y….

冑 2 1

= − ln exp关− k共B + D兲兴
再冑 2 required j = 11 and for Colebrook monotonic roughness j = 0.

Cf k Re Cf 4.3 k-Type and d-Type Surface Roughness. The data of
+ ␹ exp −

冉 冑
2 ␦
Cf h
Osaka and Mochizuki 关31兴 for d-type roughness, Kameda et al.
关32兴 for k-type roughness, Antonia and Krogstad 关33兴 for rod
roughness, and Smalley et al. 关34兴 for rod roughness, as shown
For present predictions for inflectional roughness, fit to the data later, are predicted by the following simple relations:

Journal of Fluids Engineering APRIL 2008, Vol. 130 / 041202-7

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Fig. 4 The log law velocity distribution on 60- and 220-grid sand grain data of Schultz and Flack †36‡ and epoxy roughness
data of Schultz and Myers †35‡ in semilog plots: „a… Inner smooth wall variables „u+ , Z+…. „b… Velocity profile shifted by the
roughness function u+ + ⌬U+ against smooth wall variable Z+. „c… Our universal variables for inner transitional rough wall
„u+ , ␨…. „d… Alternate universal inner rough wall variables „u+ , Z / Z0…. „e… Outer velocity defect variables „„Uc − u… / u␶ , Y….

1 5 Results and Discussion

␾ = h +, ⌬U+ = ln h+ 共50兲
k The velocity profile 共27兲 and the skin friction 共29兲 are universal
for k-type and d-type roughness. The constants BT and Bt from log laws, valid for any kind of roughness. The inner and outer
relation 共49兲 yield layers in the overlap region give log laws, whose slope k and
additive terms B and D are universal numbers, independent of
1 surface roughness. The inner roughness variable ␨ and roughness
Bt = BT − ln h+, BT = B 共51兲
k friction Reynolds number R␾ implicitly depend on the surface
roughness scale ␾. The types of roughness commonly considered
The skin friction 共29兲 for k-type and d-type roughness becomes may be the sand grain roughness, the commercial technical rough-

冑 2 1
= ln
Cf k

+B+D 共52兲
ness, the k-type roughness, and the d-type roughness in the engi-
neering applications along with wide variety of the atmospheric

041202-8 / Vol. 130, APRIL 2008 Transactions of the ASME

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Fig. 5 The log law velocity distribution on uniform spheres and uniform spheres with grit data of Schultz and Flack †22‡ in
semilog plots: „a… Inner smooth wall variables „u+ , Z+…. „b… Velocity profile shifted by the roughness function u+ + ⌬U+ against
smooth wall variable Z+. „c… Our universal variables for inner transitional rough wall „u+ , ␨…. „d… Alternate universal inner
rough wall variables „u+ , Z / Z0…. „e… Outer velocity defect variables „„Uc − u… / u␶ , Y….

surfaces. The experimental data from various sources 共Osaka and the velocity profile data, shown in Fig. 1共c兲, are universal relation
Mochizuki 关31兴, Kameda et al. 关32兴, Antonia and Krogstad 关33兴, 共24兲, where all data collapse on this single line, irrespective of
Smalley et al. 关34兴, Schultz and Myers 关35兴, Schultz and Flack roughness scale h+ or ␦ / h. In the outer layer shallow defect vari-
关22,36兴, and Rahman and Webster 关37兴兲 for zero pressure gradient ables 共Ue+ − u+ , Y兲, the velocity profiles also collapse on line 共35兲,
have been considered. shown in Fig. 1共d兲, and do not depend on wall roughness. Present
The velocity profile from data of Kameda et al. 关32兴 for k-type work as well as that of Schultz and Flack 关19,22兴 and Connelly et
roughness are shown in Figs. 1共a兲–1共d兲. In traditional smooth wall al. 关5兴 support the Townsend 关38兴 similarity hypothesis in the
variables 共u+ , Z+兲, the velocity profile data are shown in Fig. 1共a兲, outer layer, which states that the turbulence outside of the rough-
which in the overlap region may be represented by lines that shift ness sublayer, a layer extending out approximately five roughness
their locations with change of roughness parameter h+ or ␦ / h. The heights from the wall, is independent of the surface condition at
velocity distribution shifted by roughness function u+ + ⌬U+ ver- sufficiently high Reynolds numbers. The velocity distribution data
sus, smooth wall variable Z+ is shown in Fig. 1共b兲 on log-log plot, of Osaka and Mochizuki 关31兴 for d-type roughness are shown in
which is the Clauser–Hama type similarity and does not depend Figs. 2共a兲–2共e兲, and the data of Smalley et al. 关34兴 in Figs.
on wall roughness. In the transitional rough wall variables 共u+ , ␨兲, 3共a兲–3共e兲. The velocity distribution data of Schultz and Myers

Journal of Fluids Engineering APRIL 2008, Vol. 130 / 041202-9

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Fig. 6 The log law velocity distribution on machine honed surface roughness data of Schultz and Flack †19‡ in semilog
plots: „a… Inner smooth wall variables „u+ , Z+…. „b… Velocity profile shifted by the roughness function u+ + ⌬U+ against smooth
wall variable Z+. „c… Our universal variables for inner transitional rough wall „u+ , ␨…. „d… Alternate universal inner rough wall
variables „u+ , Z / Z0…. „e… Outer velocity defect variables „„Uc − u… / u␶ , Y….

041202-10 / Vol. 130, APRIL 2008 Transactions of the ASME

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Fig. 7 The log law velocity distribution on river bed roughness from data of Rahman and Webster †37‡ in semilog plots: „a…
Inner smooth wall variables „u+ , Z+…. „b… Velocity profile shifted by the roughness function u+ + ⌬U+ against smooth wall
variable Z+. „c… Our universal variables for inner transitional rough wall „u+ , ␨…. „d… Alternate universal inner rough wall
variables „u+ , Z / Z0…. „e… Outer velocity defect variables „„Uc − u… / u␶ , Y….

关35兴, and Schultz and Flack 关36兴 are shown in Figs. 4共a兲–4共e兲, the The data of the roughness function ⌬U+ with roughness vari-
data of Schultz and Flack 关22兴 in Figs. 5共a兲–5共e兲, the machine able h+ are shown in Fig. 8共a兲. The present prediction 共38兲 for
honed surface roughness data of Schultz and Flake 关19兴 in Figs. inflectional type roughness and Colebrook 关23兴 monotonic rough-
6共a兲–6共e兲, and data of Rahman and Webster 关37兴 in Figs. ness are also shown in the same figure for appreciation of com-
7共a兲–7共e兲. The velocity distribution data in Figs. 2–7 marked a are mercial technical roughness effects. The data marked Schultz &
in traditional smooth wall variables 共u+ , Z+兲, b are in Clauser– Flack 1, Schultz & Flack 2, and Schultz & Myers 关35兴 compare
Hama variables 共u+ + ⌬U+ , Z+兲, c are in transitional rough wall well with sand grain roughness prediction 共38兲. The data of Osaka
variables 共u+ , ␨兲, d are in alternate rough wall variables 共u+ , Z / Zo兲, and Mochizuki 关31兴 for d-type roughness, Kameda et al. 关32兴 for
and e are in traditional outer variables 共Ue+ − u+ , Y兲 and are analo- k-type roughness, and Smalley et al. 关34兴 may be described by the
gous to Figs. 1共a兲–1共e兲. No additional comment is needed. following simple predictions 共47兲–共49兲. The roughness potential ␾

Journal of Fluids Engineering APRIL 2008, Vol. 130 / 041202-11

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Fig. 9 The log law intercept BT and Bt for boundary layer data
for various values of h+ and ␦ / h. Prediction lines line marked S
are for sand grain roughness and marked C is for Colebrook
commercial roughness. Line marked KD is the prediction for
k-type and d-type roughnesses.

with roughness variable h+ data is shown in Fig. 8共b兲. The present

prediction 共41兲 for the inflectional roughness 共j = 11兲 and Cole-
brook monotonic roughness 共j = 0兲 are also shown in the same
figure. The data of Schultz and Flack 关22兴 marked as Schultz &
Flack 1 and Schultz and Flack 关36兴 marked as Schultz & Flack 2
and Schultz & Myers 关35兴 compare well with prediction 共48兲 for
inflectional type roughness. The data of Osaka and Mochizuki
关31兴 for k-type roughness, Kameda et al. 关32兴 for d-type rough-
ness, and Smalley et al. 关34兴 may be described by the following
simple predictions ␾ = h+. The surface roughness Zo / h with rough-
ness variable h+ data is shown in Fig. 8共c兲 along with our predic-
tion for inflectional type roughness and Colebrook 关23兴 monotonic
Fig. 8 Comparison of the roughness scales data with present The predicted relation 共43兲 for the additive constant BT for in-
predictions. „a… The roughness function ⌬U+ against wall flectional roughness, shown in Fig. 9共a兲, compares well with the
roughness parameter h+ for various values of ␦ / h. „b… Rough- data of Antonia and Krogstad 关30兴 for mesh type roughness,
ness scale ␾ against wall roughness parameter h+ for various
Schultz and Flack 关36兴 for sand paper roughness, Schultz and
values of ␦ / h. „c… Roughness scale Z0 / h against wall rough-
ness parameter h+ for various values of ␦ / h. The lines marked
Flack 关22兴 for uniform spheres and uniform spheres with grit type
S is the inflectional roughness „j = 11… and marked C is for Cole- roughness, and Schultz and Myers 关35兴 for epoxy wall roughness.
brook monotonic roughness „j = 0… from predictions Eq. „40… for Furthermore, the additive constant Bt shown in Fig. 9共b兲 also com-
roughness scale ␾, Eq. „41… for roughness function ⌬U+, and pares well with the prediction 共44兲 for inflectional roughness with
Eq. „42… for roughness length Z0+. Line marked KD is the pre- data of Schultz and Flack 关19,22,36兴. The predictions 共43兲 and
diction „51… for k-type and d-type roughnesses. 共44兲 for BT and Bt compare well with the data of Osaka and

041202-12 / Vol. 130, APRIL 2008 Transactions of the ASME

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Fig. 11 Comparison of the skin friction Cf versus traditional
Reynolds number Re prediction „55… for ␦ / h = 15, 30, 60, 120,
200, and 400 with experimental data for inflectional wall

冑C f = 1.76 ln冋 1
+ 0.306 exp −

冉 冊册
j ␦
R␶ h
+ 5.09 共55兲


冑C f = 1.76 ln
Re 冑C f
+ 0.216 exp

冉 −
1.414j ␦
Re 冑C f h
冊册 + 4.48

For the data of Antonia and Krogstad 关33兴 for mesh roughness,
Schultz and Flack 关19兴 for machine honed surface roughness,
Schultz and Meyers 关35兴 for epoxy roughness, Schultz and Flack
关36兴 for sand paper roughness, Schultz and Flack 关22兴 for uniform
sphere and uniform spheres with grit and Rahman and Webster
关37兴 for river bed roughness, the skin friction is shown in Fig. 11
Fig. 10 Comparison of universal skin friction Cf predictions against Re the Reynolds number. These data are compared with
and experimental data for turbulent flow boundary layer on the predictions 共53兲 and 共54兲 with j = 11 for the inflectional type
transitional rough walls. „a… Skin friction coefficient Cf against roughness of Nikuradse, for various values of roughness param-
roughness Reynolds number R␾ = R␶ / ␾ data and universal pre- eter ␦ / h = 15, 30, 60, 120, 200, and 400. For each value of ␦ / h,
diction „53…, 1 / 冑Cf = 1.76 ln R␾ + 5.09. „b… Skin friction coefficient the prediction represents a line that for large R␶ approaches to
Cf against roughness Reynolds number Re␾ = Re/ ␾ data and
fully rough wall limit and for small R␶ it merges with smooth wall
universal prediction „54…, 1 / 冑Cf = 1.76 ln„Re␾冑Cf… + 4.48. skin friction law. For the data of Osaka and Mochizuki 关31兴 for
k-type roughness, Kameda et al. 关32兴 for d-type roughness, Anto-
nia and Krogstad 关33兴 for rod roughness, Smalley et al. 关34兴 for
Mochizuki 关31兴 for d-type roughness, Kameda et al. 关32兴 for
rod roughness, and Leonardi et al. 关14兴, the skin friction is shown
k-type roughness, and Antonia and Krogstad 关33兴, Smalley et al.
in Fig. 12 against Re the Reynolds number. These data are com-
关34兴, and Leonardi et al. 关14兴 for rod roughness.
pared with the prediction 共58兲 for k-type and d-type roughness for
In fact, the friction factor predictions 共39兲 and 共40兲 are univer-
various values of roughness parameter ␦ / h = 20, 50, 100, 200, and
sal relations, explicitly independent of surface roughness. The
400 as well as smooth walls. For each value of the roughness
skin friction, in alternate variables 共C f , Re␾兲 shown in Fig. 10共a兲,
parameter ␦ / h, the prediction approaches to fully rough wall lim-
also collapses on a single universal line predicted by relation 共39兲.
iting value for R␶ and smooth wall skin friction law for small R␶.
Likewise, the friction factor in alternate transitional roughness
The prediction shown in Figs. 11 and 12 compares well with data
variables 共C f , Re␾兲 from roughness data is shown in Fig. 10共b兲,
for various values of the wall roughness parameter ␦ / h.
which collapses on a single line predicted by relation 共30兲. The
data for various types of roughness, in transitional wall roughness, 6 Conclusions
provide good support to universal skin friction, and the log laws
共29兲 or 共30兲 become The alternate new nondimensional roughness scale ␾, transi-
tional inner coordinate ␨ = Z+ / ␾, new parameters R␾ = R␶ / ␾, the
1 roughness friction Reynolds number, and Re␾ = Re/ ␾, the rough-
冑C f = 1.76 ln R␾ + 5.09 ness Reynolds number, have been proposed. Here, ␾
= k−1 ln ⌬U+ is roughness scale connected with traditional rough-
冑C f 兲 + 4.48 ness function ⌬U+.
冑C f = 1.76 ln共Re␾ The alternative scale is connected with traditional roughness
function, which provides the wall roughness effects in the new
The relations 共53兲 and 共54兲 demand 共B + D兲 / 冑2 = 5.09, which im- inner wall variable ␨ = Z+ / ␾, which has opened the avenues of
ply B = 5 and D = 2.2. The universal skin friction log laws 共53兲 and new parameters such as roughness friction Reynolds number and
共54兲 are expressed in terms of traditional Reynolds numbers as roughness Reynolds numbers. These new parameters provide uni-

Journal of Fluids Engineering APRIL 2008, Vol. 130 / 041202-13

in the overlap region 共described in Appendix A兲 lead to the com-
posite laws. For weaker pressure gradient, the matching yields the
relations 共A10兲 and 共A11兲 and for strong adverse pressure gradient
the matching yields the half-power laws for velocity profile 共A12兲
and 共A13兲, whose intercept in inner layer depends on transitional
wall roughness.

N.A. is thankful to the All India Council of Technical Educa-
tion, New Delhi for the support of this work.

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Appendix A: Pressure Gradient Effects From Matching
in the Overlap Region for a Transitional Rough Surface
The matching of velocity u and Reynolds shear stress ␶ demand
ui,o = uo,i and ␶i,o = ␶o,i, where suffix 共i , o兲 means the outer limit of
Fig. 12 Comparison of the skin friction Cf versus traditional inner solution and suffix 共o , i兲 means the inner limit of outer so-
Reynolds number Re with prediction „52… for ␦ / h = 20, 60, 100,
125, 200, and 400 with experimental data for k-type and d-type
lution. The matching of the nondimensional mixing length param-
wall roughnesses eter

versal velocity profile and universal friction factor relations that

冉冑 冊 冉冑 冊
y ⳵u
␶ ⳵y i,o
y ⳵u
␶ ⳵y o,i

are explicitly independent of wall roughness. It also helps to yield is also of significance. The inner limit 共␨ fixed, R␾ → ⬁兲 of outer
the traditional relations and also provides insight into the rough- expansions is the outer limit 共Y fixed, R␾ → ⬁兲 of inner expansion.
ness scale ␾ formulation for inflectionl type roughness as well as The matching condition 共A1兲, expressed in terms of outer and
k-type and d-type roughness. On the other hand, the traditional inner expansions, yield
study of rough wall is based on fully smooth wall inner scale Z+,
where effect of the wall roughness shows a shift of the velocity ␨ ⳵u+ Y ⳵F0 Y ⳵F1
= ⑀−1 共A2兲
profile log law by an amount equal to roughness function over the 冑␶+ ⳵␨ 冑T ⳵Y − 冑T ⳵Y
fully smooth wall layer log law.
In the alternate rough wall variables, the velocity profile u+ as ␨ → ⬁ and Y → 0 for R␾ → ⬁ and the perturbation parameter is
versus inner transitional roughness variable ␨ = Z+ / ␾, the skin fric- ⑀ = u␶ / Uc. The matching of the inner equation 共3兲 for Reynolds
tion C f versus inner transitional roughness Reynolds number shear stress ␶+ at large ␨ with the outer equation 共15兲 for Reynolds
Re␾= Re/ ␾ are universal, explicitly independent of wall rough- shear stress T yields
ness but implicitly involving the roughness scale ␾. The extensive
experimental data for transitional wall roughness provide very ␶ + = 1 + K ␾␨ 共A3a兲
good support to present theory of universal velocity profile in the
inner layer and the skin friction. The outer velocity profiles 共28兲 T = 1 + ␭Y 共A3b兲
are also universal, which supports Townsend’s similarity hypoth- Based on relations 共A2兲 and 共A3a , b兲, the nondimensional match-
esis. ing condition yields
The present deals with transitional inner wall variable ␨
= Z+ / ␾, for a given roughness level ␾, leading to universal laws, ␨ ⳵u+ Y ⳵Fo Y ⳵F1
= ⑀−1 共A4兲
explicity independent of transitional wall roughness. On the other 冑1 + K␾␨ ⳵␨ 冑1 + ␭Y ⳵Y − 冑1 + ␭Y ⳵Y
hand, traditional rough wall theories are based either on fully
smooth inner layer variable Z+ = Zu␶ / ␯ or fully rough wall inner As R␾ → ⬁, ⑀ → 0, the matching of leading order term demands
variable Z / h and the results depend on type of roughness function
⌬U+ or roughness scale ␾. Y ⳵F0
→0 as Y → 0 共A5兲
The roughness scale ␾ prediction of inflectional roughness 冑1 + ␭Y ⳵Y
compares well with the data of Schultz and Flack 关22,36兴. The
data of Osaka and Mochizuki 关31兴 for d-type roughness, Kameda and the next order terms become
et al. 关32兴 for k-type roughness, and Antonia and Krogstad 关33兴
␨ ⳵u+ Y ⳵F1
and Smalley et al. 关34兴 for rod roughness compare well with the =− 共A6兲
k-type and d-type roughness prediction ␾ = h+. The traditional log 冑1 + K ␾ ␨ ⳵␨ 冑1 + ␭Y ⳵Y
laws intercept BT and Bt for the appropriate roughness scale also Integration of each side of Eq. 共A6兲 leads to matching conditions
compare well with the corresponding data. for tangential velocity as

冋 册
There is no universality of scalings in traditional variables and
different expressions are needed for various types of roughness, as 冑1 + K␾␨ + 1
+ 冑1 + K␾␨ − 1 + B
u A
suggested, for example, with inflectional type roughness, mono- = ln ␨ + A − ln
tonic Colebrook–Moody roughness, k-type/d-type roughness, etc. u␶ 2 2
are predicted. In traditional variables, the skin frictions are pre- 共A7兲

冋 册
dicted for inflectional roughness and k-type/d-type roughness. The
experimental data provide good support to the predictions of the 冑1 + ␭Y + 1
+ 冑1 + ␭Y − 1 + DS
US − u A
skin friction in terms of traditional log law for inflectional rough- = − ln Y − A − ln
ness as well as k-type and d-type roughness. u␶ 2 2
The effects of the pressure gradient on the matching conditions 共A8兲

041202-14 / Vol. 130, APRIL 2008 Transactions of the ASME

= ln R␾ + B + DS
u␶ 2
共A9兲 C p = 共⌳R p兲1/2 冋 冉
共⌳R p兲3/2

+ A共ln 2 − 1兲 + B 册 共A22兲

Here, b = US / U⬁ = F0共x , 0兲 is the slip velocity at the wall and

A = 2 / k. For a fully smooth wall, the relation 共A7兲 was first pro-
posed by Townsend 关38兴 and Afzal 关27兴.
C p = 共⌳R p兲1/2 冋 A
ln共⌳R p兲3/2 + A共ln 2 − 1兲 + B − ⌬U+ 册
For weak pressure gradients K␾ → 0 and ␭ → 0, the relations 共A23兲
共A7兲 and 共A8兲 may be expanded in the powers of ␨ and Y, respec-
tively, where the effect of pressure gradient appears as algebraic The outer layer does not depend on wall roughness and supports
terms as given below: the Townsend 关38兴 hypothesis. The turbulent boundary layer on a
fully smooth surface 共␾ = 1, ⌬U+ = 0兲 with negligible wall shear
u 1 1 stress, in the neighborhood of separation, was considered by
k = ln ␨ + kB + K␾␨ − K␾2 ␨2 + ¯ 共A10兲 Stratford 关39兴 and outer layer self-preserving nonlinear outer flow
u␶ 2 16
by Townsend 关40兴. Furthermore, using dimensional arguments for

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US − u 1 1 large adverse pressure gradient, the half-power law for velocity
k = − ln Y + kDS − ␭Y + ␭2Y 2 + ¯ 共A11兲 distribution was proposed by Stratford 关39兴, and the self-
u␶ 2 16 preserving nonlinear outer flow was patched with by Townsend
For strong adverse pressure gradients K␾ → ⬁ and ␭ → ⬁, the re- 关40兴, which was later matched asymptotically by Afzal 关41兴 in the
lations 共A7兲 and 共A8兲 may be expressed as half-power laws terminology of the method of matched asymptotic expansions.

冋 册
The shallow outer wake layer 共US ⬅ Uc兲 under very strong adverse
= A冑K␾␨ + C +
u A 1 pressure gradient was adopted by Kader and Yaglom 关42兴 to get
− 共K␾␨兲−1/2 + 共K␾␨兲−3/2 + ¯
u␶ 2 12 the half-power law for the outer velocity profile, which is not
共A12兲 valid in the neighborhood of the separation domain 共Afzal
关41,43兴兲. From turbulent boundary layer experimental data, the
US − u
= − A冑␭Y + E +

共␭Y兲−1/2 − 共␭Y兲−3/2 + ¯
册 half-power law constants A versus ⌳, C p versus ⌳R p, and E p
versus ⌳ on a fully smooth surface 共␾ = 1, ⌬U+ = 0兲 are also shown
in Afzal 关43兴, under strong adverse pressure gradient with negli-
共A13兲 gible wall shear stress, in the neighborhood of separation. It is
shown that the data power law slope A versus ⌳ data would not be
A inconsistent with A = 2 / k, where k = 0.4 is the universal value of
C=− ln K␾ + A共ln 2 − 1兲 + B 共A14兲 the Karman constant.

E= ln ␭ + A共− ln 2 + 1兲 + DS 共A15兲
2 Appendix B: Nonlinear Outer Wake Layer With Eddy
The inner half-power laws 共A12兲 and 共A13兲 may also be ex- Viscosity Model
pressed as The present work dealt with the open equations of turbulent
= A 冑y p + C p +
冋 1
− ⌳ R p共y p兲−1/2 + 共⌳R p兲2共y p兲−3/2 + ¯
册 motion, up to a point beyond which it is not possible to proceed
any further without a closure hypothesis. Consequently, in outer
layer the Clauser’s constant eddy viscosity model has been
共A16兲 adopted for lowest order outer Eq. 共16兲 subjected to the boundary
conditions f ⬘0共X , ⬁兲 − 1 = T0共X , ⬁兲 = 0 and the matching conditions

C p = 共⌳R p兲1/2 − 冋 A
ln K␾ + A共ln 2 − 1兲 + B 册 共A17兲
␶ → ␶w demanding T0共X , 0兲 = 1. The eddy viscosity hypothesis ␶
= ␯␶⳵u / ⳵y in outer layer where ␣c = ␯␶ / Ue␦* being Clauser con-
stant, ␦ = ␣ca1共x − xo兲 and 共1 + m兲a1 = ␦* / ␦ and the outer layer has
US − u
= − A冑Y + E p +

⌳Y −1/2 − ⌳2Y −3/2 + ¯
册 been in equilibrium, f 0共X , Y兲 = f共Y兲 subjected to the power law
velocity Ue ⬀ ␦m at the edge of the boundary layer, give

共A18兲 f ⵮ + f f ⬙ + ␤共1 − f ⬘2兲 = 0 共B1兲

E p = ⌳1/2 −冋 A
ln ⌳ + A共− ln 2 + 1兲 + DS 册 共A19兲
f共0兲 = 0, 共B2a兲

2 ⬁
Based on pressure scales, the inner variable is y p = yu p / ␯, inner f ⬙共0兲 共1 − f ⬘兲dY = , 共B2b兲
velocity scale is u p = 共␯ p⬘ / ␳兲1/3, the outer velocity scale is u␦ o
= 共␦ p⬘ / ␳兲1/2 and the nondimensional parameters are ⌳ = ␶w / 共␦ p⬘兲
and R p = u p␦ / ␯. For a transitional rough surface, near separation, f ⬘共⬁兲 = 1 共B2c兲
the inner half-power law 共A16兲 becomes The Falkner–Skan equation 共B1兲 with the pressure gradient pa-
rameter ␤ = m / 共1 + m兲 is subjected to the boundary conditions of
= A 冑y p + C p
共A20兲 prescribed wall shear stress 共B2b兲. The solution to these equations
predict the outer slip velocity f ⬘共0兲 = bS as a function of the pa-
The outer half-power law 共A18兲 becomes rameter ⑀2 / ␣c. For ⑀ → 0, the wake- and jetlike solutions are de-
scribed in Afzal 关27,28,41兴. The zero slip velocity 共f ⬘共0兲 = bS = 0兲
= − A冑Y + E p
US − u
共A21兲 with f ⬙共0兲 = 0 implies a point of vanishing skin friction and the
u␦ solution of the Falkner–Skan equations 共B1兲 and 共B2兲 predicts ␤
The additive constant C p in the inner layer half-power law 共A20兲 = −0.198838 and m = −0.0.165858. Furthermore, the outer flow is
depends on wall roughness potential ␾ or the roughness function a shallow wake 共US = Uc兲, and the lowest order outer solution
⌬U+ as becomes f ⬘共Y兲 = 1 and bS = 1.

Journal of Fluids Engineering APRIL 2008, Vol. 130 / 041202-15

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041202-16 / Vol. 130, APRIL 2008 Transactions of the ASME

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