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Atomic Structure and Bonding

1. What types of particles are found in the nucleus of an atom?

2. Fill in the blank spaces in the following table:

Element Atomic Atomic mass p E n
Nitrogen 14 7
Iron 26 56
Potassium 39 19
Oxygen 8 8
chromium 52 24

3. What is meant by electronic configuration?

4. A certain element has an atomic number of 12. Draw a diagram to show the electronic
configuration of this element.

5. How is a positive ion formed?

6. How is a negative ion formed?

7. Sodium has an atomic number of 11. What happens to the sodium atom to give it a stable
electronic configuration?
8. Calcium has an atomic number of 20.
a) How many electrons are in the calcium atom? __________________
b) How many electrons are in the calcium ion? ____________________

9. When lithium nitride is formed, how many electrons does nitrogen gain? _______
Explain carefully where these electrons come from. You may draw a diagram if
you wish.
Atomic number of lithium is 3.
Atomic number of nitrogen is 7.
1st 10 elements
Name: ________________________
Form: ________________________

1. Give the symbol and atomic number of boron. ______________________

2. Give the atomic number of helium

3. Give the name and atomic number of the element with the symbol C.

4. What element has atomic number 7? _____________________

5. Give the name and symbol of the 10th element. ______________________
6. Write the symbol for the element lithium. ______________________
7. Give the atomic number of fluorine.

1st 10 elements
Name: ________________________
Form: ________________________

1. Give the symbol and atomic number of boron. ______________________

2. Give the atomic number of helium

3. Give the name and atomic number of the element with the symbol C.

4. What element has atomic number 7? _____________________

5. Give the name and symbol of the 10th element. ______________________
6. Write the symbol for the element lithium. ______________________
7. Give the atomic number of fluorine.

2nd 10 elements
Name: ________________________
Form: ________________________

1. Give the symbol and atomic number of calcium. ______________________

2. Give the atomic number of sulphur.

3. Give the name and atomic number of the element with the symbol K.

4. What element has atomic number 14? _____________________

5. Give the name and symbol of the 13th element. ______________________
6. Write the symbol for the element sodium. ______________________
7. Give the atomic number of chlorine.

2nd 10 elements
Name: ________________________
Form: ________________________

1. Give the symbol and atomic number of calcium. ______________________

2. Give the atomic number of sulphur.

3. Give the name and atomic number of the element with the symbol K.

4. What element has atomic number 14? _____________________

5. Give the name and symbol of the 13th element. ______________________
6. Write the symbol for the element sodium. ______________________
7. Give the atomic number of chlorine.
Name: _________________________________
Form :_________________________________
Fill in the blank spaces in the passage below.
In ionic and covalent bonding, atoms try to achieve a ___________________________________.
In ionic bonding, this is done by _____________________________________________________.
In covalent bonding, this is done by __________________________________________________.
Draw diagrams to show the covalent bonding in H2, O2, HCl and N2

Balancing Equations
Name: ______________________

1. Mg + N2  Mg3N2

2. CO + O2  CO2

3. N2 + H 2  NH3

4. Al + O2  Al2O3

5. NaOH + H3PO4  Na3PO4 + H2O

6. MnO2 + HCl  MnCl2 + Cl2 + H2O

7. Cl2 + HBr  HCl + Br2

8. H2S + SO2  S + H2O

9. C2H4 + O2  CO2 + H2O

10. Fe2O3 + CO  Fe + CO2

Atomic structure; Electronic configuration
Name: ________________________________

The table below shows information about various elements:

Element Number of protons Number of neutrons
A 17 18
B 22 26
C 20 20
D 18 22
E 28 31

a) What is the atomic mass of element B?

b) What is the atomic number of element E?
c) Write the electronic configuration of element D.
d) Draw diagrams to show the electronic configuration of elements A and C.

Atomic structure; Electronic configuration
Name: ________________________________

The table below shows information about various elements:

Element Number of protons Number of neutrons
A 17 18
B 22 26
C 20 20
D 18 22
E 28 31

a) What is the atomic mass of element B?

b) What is the atomic number of element E?
c) Write the electronic configuration of element D.
d) Draw diagrams to show the electronic configuration of elements A and C.

Test: Acids and bases

Name: __________________________________
1. What is neutralization?

2. Universal Indicator is added to 4 substances. The results are given in the

table below:

A red
B orange
C green
D purple

(a) Which substance is a weak acid? __________

(b) Which substance is neutral? ______________

3. Fill in the blank spaces in the following equations:

a) copper + nitric acid

b) hydrochloric acid + sodium hydroxide

c) sulphuric acid + magnesium hydroxide

d) iron + hydrochloric acid

4. Give two uses of neutralization. Explain properly.


To introduce covalent bonding:

Mary has 4 counters . Susan, Jane, Ann and Lisa have one
counter each.
How can the counters be shared so that Mary has 8 available to
her and each of the others have 2 available to them?

Atoms try to achieve stable electronic configuration by losing, gaining or sharing

If an atom loses or gains electrons, it forms a new type of particle called an ion.

If it loses electrons, a positive ion is formed.

If it gains electrons, a negative ion is formed.

Bonding is the joining together of atoms or ions by strong forces of attraction.

There are two types of bonding - ionic bonding and covalent bonding.


1. Positive are formed as one element loses electrons.

2. Negative ions are formed as another element gains electrons. These electrons
are the same ones which were lost by the first element.
3. Positive ions and negative ions are drawn together by a strong force.
Example: sodium chloride

Name: _______________________

Fill in the blank spaces in the table below:

Element Atomic Atomic proton electrons neutrons

number mass s

Lead 82 125
potassium 39 19
Iron 56 26
Chlorine 17 35
Silver 108 47
Boron 5 6
chromium 24 28

Draw diagrams to show the electronic configuration of the following

atoms: magnesium, helium, calcium, nitrogen


Fill in the blank spaces:

In both ionic and covalent bonding, atoms try to achieve a _____________

electronic configuration. In ionic bonding, this is done by ___________________
electrons. In covalent bonding, this is done by _______________ electrons.

Draw diagrams to show the covalent bonding in

H2 O2 N2 HCl

Atomic numbers

H 1

O 8

N 7

Cl 17

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